That Royce Gracie he'll never go anywhere with that look.
That Royce Gracie he'll never go anywhere with look.
YES and NO your avs if you wanna make this little wager! Bryan doesn't get his moment this year!
What is on the line Sunny?
Big Show's coming back on Friday. Didn't really know he was gone.
If Bryan wins and you have YES!, the loser has to wear a Bryan av for a week. If Haitch wins, loser has a Haitch av for a week. Low impact stuff. One week ain't shit! This ain't no Archie Apocalypse.
May I suggest we do #YES and #NO instead?
Big Show started sucking when he stopped doing his chokeslam, that was about the only redeeming part about him.Vince still wants people to love him like Andre
I'm honestly surprised Big Show isn't getting that much "go away" heat at all. Nobody seems interested in him at all anymore and he pretty much kills the momentum of any story he's thrown into these days.
So YES or NO, HHH puts over D. Bry?
And loser changes AV? Correct.
So that means I can't lose either way right?
I think you have to stick with your original plan of the STFU thing.So YES or NO, HHH puts over D. Bry?
And loser changes AV? Correct.
So that means I can't lose either way right?
YES, HHH will put over Daniel Bryanat Extreme Rules.
I think you have to stick with your original plan of the STFU thing.
He's not believable.
Neither is an Irish whip. If you're looking for believability in wrestling, you're being silly.
He should try to follow a Kurt Angle career path. Although he isn't as good a speaker as Angle is from what I've seen, Angle had a good ability to shift from comedy and serious roles and I think Bryan can pull that off.It's tough being a legit baby face.
D.Bry had so much to work with as Heel and Comedy Side kick. So obviously he has some range, but lets face it, he can't go all Stone Cold. It's not believable at all.
It has to be more HBK/Hitman style. I'll show you who the best wrestler is!
Punk cheated. All he did was shoot all the time and try to be all Deadpool.
Yeah I like Punk, and sometimes his shoots were simply hinted wink* wink*, but that's not D. Bry's style.
It's tough being a legit baby face.
D.Bry had so much to work with as Heel and Comedy Side kick. So obviously he has some range, but lets face it, he can't go all Stone Cold. It's not believable at all.
It has to be more HBK/Hitman style. I'll show you who the best wrestler is!
Punk cheated. All he did was shoot all the time and try to be all Deadpool.
Yeah I like Punk, and sometimes his shoots were simply hinted wink* wink*, but that's not D. Bry's style.
No, I completely disagree and I call that as being a bullshit comparison. There's nothing wrong with wanting something to look believable. That's not being silly.
Oh shit, you went #no! :O
I'm actually convinced Bryan isn't really over as much as he is and the crowd just like chanting Yes and his name.
Haha, wow, they actually went with that ending. Way to send the crowd home happy.
I'm actually convinced Bryan isn't really over as much as he is and the crowd just like chanting Yes and his name.
I believe in my super heroes!
So wait.
#YES = Bryan goes over HHH
#NO = HHH buries Bryan?
Penalty is you lose your avatar for what, a month?
Like Drax the Destroyer!
So wait.
#YES = Bryan goes over HHH
#NO = HHH buries Bryan?
Penalty is you lose your avatar for what, a month?
That was some Meta/Ironic shit by Batista last night, shitting on super heroes but playing one.
No way it's a coincidence. He knows what's up.
Week. Makes it barely any risk which is why I've added the TNA stipulation to my contract for this match.
Week. And correct.
I don't like risking my simple but beautiful RoboCop avatar. But what the hell. Someone hook me up with an updated avatar.
As much as I do like Bryan, sans homeless look, I had to go on the #NO train, I just don't see him getting his moment this year.
Like Drax the Destroyer!
It's not so much "does Bryan get a Wrestlemania moment of glory" as it is "Will Hunter sacrifice going over at Mania again"
Answer is no, he won't.
I laughed. It's great. Dave's coming back to what everyone fell in love with him for, but now all of a sudden everyone is fixated on how he performs in a match, even though that's never been his strongest suit.
But... He knows what's best for business.
Just realised I also called the event after Mania Backlash... Whoops, EXTREME RULEZ I meanz.