So many people upset they think Dave can't work. You should be more concerned with Taker.
Except Taker's come back from year long breaks for the last 5 years and proved he can still wrestle each time.
So many people upset they think Dave can't work. You should be more concerned with Taker.
You guys are so mad at Dave for shitting on Bryan, that you'll make up anything to try to discredit the man. Batista is HOLLYWOOD CALIBER. You can't fuck with that, and you can bet Bryan will never be in a movie looking like he does, unless they do a live-action David the Gnome remake.
You guys are so mad at Dave for shitting on Bryan, that you'll make up anything to try to discredit the man. Batista is HOLLYWOOD CALIBER. You can't fuck with that, and you can bet Bryan will never be in a movie looking like he does, unless they do a live-action David the Gnome remake.
So many people upset they think Dave can't work. You should be more concerned with Taker.
That was more heat for the Punk situation than anything. Remember those CM Punk chants drowning out HHH's music?
Undertaker has had the best match of the night for the last five years. Why would I be concerned?
Whatever. Cm Punk leaving is also HHH's fault as we all know.
If I remember right it's also widely reported that Vince wants Punk back and HHH wants him gone. Again, its pretty obvious where that heat came from.
Yeah from HHH. The most hated guy in the biz. Keep feeding him.
edit: Oh shit it's March!
Because his opponent accidentally injured a fan by casually tossing a TV monitor. Dude doesn't know his own strength sometimes.Undertaker has had the best match of the night for the last five years. Why would I be concerned?
Bryan's beard and hair look fucking stupid at this point. Why do the guys with the redneck cult gimmick look more well groomed than you? It's OK to trim your hair and beard. You can keep the same look without looking like a hobo.Goddamn I love Dave's physique. Would it kill Bryan to get on his regimen? Bryan has bulked up but he still looks weird, still has flappy parts. Not just talking about his hair.
Unless management wants him looking like that, but I can't figure out why. There's ways to have an iconic beard without looking as trashy - look at Rowan, he has a superior beard even though it's ginger. It's significant. Same with Harper. Both beat Bryan at the beard game so he should probably bow out. Change it to a goatee.
There wasn't any fan injury. The monitor flew near the audience but didn't actually hit anyone.
I thought Brock hurt like 40 people.
There wasn't any fan injury. The monitor flew near the audience but didn't actually hit anyone.
No injury but apparently it did land in the audience, buddy of mine went to the show and said a ton of crew members hurried their asses up to get it back because it did go into the crowd.
No injury but apparently it did land in the audience, buddy of mine went to the show and said a ton of crew members hurried their asses up to get it back because it did go into the crowd.
Bryan's beard and hair look fucking stupid at this point. Why do the guys with the redneck cult gimmick look more well groomed than you? It's OK to trim your hair and beard. You can keep the same look without looking like a hobo.
It's 2014. My phone has like a 5 inch 1080p screen and it easily fits in my pocket. Why do they still need monitors that big?
Goddamn I love Dave's physique. Would it kill Bryan to get on his regimen? Bryan has bulked up but he still looks weird, still has flappy parts. Not just talking about his hair.
Unless management wants him looking like that, but I can't figure out why. There's ways to have an iconic beard without looking as trashy - look at Rowan, he has a superior beard even though it's ginger. It's significant. Same with Harper. Both beat Bryan at the beard game so he should probably bow out. Change it to a goatee.
All hyperbole and his opponents carried him.
slight exaggeration
I tell you, Triple H is doing god's work putting over Bryan. I can't think of many other recent main event talents allowed to look how he looks. He pretty much looks completely incompatible with any kind of media tour. Whether that's the plan or what, who knows.
And I'm up for another avatar bet with the masses.
Will HHH put Bryan over at Mania?
a big YES or NO on your avatar to vote, loser has to wear an av of the person who ruined it (HHH or Bryan) for a week after Mania!
Anyone feel like doing this? I'll lead off on this communal bet. NO! NO! NO! Triple H isn't going to give Bryan that SPOTLIGHT.
So are you saying it took six people to take down WWE Network's MLB livestream?
Where is my Fandango Tyler Breeze tag team anyways.Disagree.
Goddamn I love Dave's physique. Would it kill Bryan to get on his regimen?
Where is my Fandango Tyler Breeze tag team anyways.
I don't understand why people get so hard for the big muscle types. Give me an average person with awesome moves over a huge meat head any day.
If a professional wrestler can't look like someone who don't give a shit about his looks, then we are all doomed.
I don't understand why people get so hard for the big muscle types. Give me an average person with awesome moves over a huge meat head any day.
Not to be a dick but by that logic, current Batista isn't really believable either.He's not believable.
"why can't we have both?"
Not to be a dick but by that logic, current Batista isn't really believable either.
It's really awesome that the Titan Tron video for him is the live feed from his phone's camera. I can confirm that it is not a pre-recorded video.
Big Show's coming back on Friday. Didn't really know he was gone.