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March Wrasslin' |OT| The NXT Era Has ArRIVED

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If Punk really is gone, he should stay gone for at least a year. Give it time for people to forget him and return renewed, refreshed and ready to job.
Yeah, I personally would be far more excited to see Punk elsewhere than I would to see him back in WWE - as has been pointed out, there's a lot of great talent in WWE currently and, as Punk hasn't been used particularly well anyways, his absence isn't much of a detriment to the product and allows more time for others to shine.

Also, I want to see Punk vs Nakamura.

Incidentally, who's watching the NJPW 42nd Anniversary Show on Thursday? Okada vs Ibushi, Nakamura & Ishii vs Tanahashi & Naito and Anderson & Gallows vs Goto & Shibata should prove to be well worth the asking price.


Love Ziggs but he's a strange case. Some crowds give him a white hot reception, while others respond to him he's X-pac giving Chris Masters a spoonge bath.

I wonder how they'll use him at Mania.


more accurate.

ziggler will job so hard to del rio next week.
Most assuredly.
And then Del Rio will get made to look like a fool the next week.
And then Ziggles the next week.
And then Del Rio the next week.
And then they'll tag and beat up on Sandow and The Miz because why the hell not?

Nobody should waste their breath talking about any of these guys or their matches. Better off using that $120 you're paying the WWE annually to leer over Steph's jugs in sheer black tops.

Most people would consider it a waste of money to pay for porn. But you'll pay $120 to leer over a fully clothed married woman (who, admittedly, looks great for 37). And that's still more worthwhile than talking about any of the men I rhymed off above who are simply spinning their wheels for a 6-figure pay day.

Does any other city get as much recognition during the show? GOAT
Toronto gets a televised WWE event once every 2 to 3 years so they don't count.
RAW was great. I think WWE did a great job handling that crowd.

They knew they would be pissed because Punk didnt run in at the end even if Bryan came out winning that fight and they covered that by using it as heat against burying Bryan.

I do hope Bryan goes over at WM but I still dont see it. Thats not how Triple H plays

Does any other city get as much recognition during the show? GOAT

New York?

Also is it me ore has it been AGES since a TV MSG event? I think the last of Survivor Series when Punk beat Del Rio and that Rock/Cena tag match


After letting Raw sink in, it was a 7/10 show at best for me.

- WWE was legitimately scared about the crowd hijacking the show. That's why hour one was loaded with PPV quality stuff in order to pacify the crowd. Not to mention literally turning "hijack Raw" into part of the show. The crowd had to have been a little exhausted after the first hour, because hour 2 deserved to be completely dumped on.

- Everybody last night was saying that HHH/Steph carried their promo with Bryan last night. No, they really didn't in my opinion. What made that promo was the crowd's nuclear heat at those two. HHH and Steph more or less just kept saying the same thing over and over in slightly varied ways the entire promo and pretty much kept driving in circles. Bryan was the only person in the ring actually contributing to the promo.

- That last hour was a mess. I don't know if they were holding out on Punk being a last minute arrival or something but it felt like everything got rewritten or something went wrong. Russev with 4 minutes of airtime left? Letting Orton do his full Undertaker-long entrance with 2 minutes until over run? That short Bryan/Batista match was a mess too. Holy crap, Bryan had to work so slowly just to not gas out Batista.

- The night as a whole could have been legendary tier, instead it feels more like wasted potential tier. That Bryan/Hunter segment at the start of hour 3 should have ended with Bryan attacking Hunter a la Austin stunning McMahon. The slow burn time for Bryan's build up is over and it's time to push that into the red hot level, and WWE is not going to get a hotter crowd than this before WrestleMania. They also had not one but two chances to have Cesaro get a proper face turn and dump the dead weight holding him back, and passed both times. The Cena/Wyatt segment (specifically, Cena's portion) was a waste of air time too since all he really said was a repeat of stuff he's said the last two weeks.

- Sad that Punk isn't coming back, and last night verified that he won't be back for Mania.
HHH and Steph more or less just kept saying the same thing over and over in slightly varied ways the entire promo and pretty much kept driving in circles. Bryan was the only person in the ring actually contributing to the promo.

One of the big problems with this storyline is that there's too much talking and not enough really being said. I mentally switch off every time there's a Bryan/Authority in-ring microphone confrontation, as it really feels like they're just treading water until Mania. Even Bryan is suffering from it, as he only has one talking point.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
After letting Raw sink in, it was a 7/10 show at best for me.

- WWE was legitimately scared about the crowd hijacking the show. That's why hour one was loaded with PPV quality stuff in order to pacify the crowd. Not to mention literally turning "hijack Raw" into part of the show. The crowd had to have been a little exhausted after the first hour, because hour 2 deserved to be completely dumped on.

- Everybody last night was saying that HHH/Steph carried their promo with Bryan last night. No, they really didn't in my opinion. What made that promo was the crowd's nuclear heat at those two. HHH and Steph more or less just kept saying the same thing over and over in slightly varied ways the entire promo and pretty much kept driving in circles. Bryan was the only person in the ring actually contributing to the promo.

- That last hour was a mess. I don't know if they were holding out on Punk being a last minute arrival or something but it felt like everything got rewritten or something went wrong. Russev with 4 minutes of airtime left? Letting Orton do his full Undertaker-long entrance with 2 minutes until over run? That short Bryan/Batista match was a mess too. Holy crap, Bryan had to work so slowly just to not gas out Batista.

- The night as a whole could have been legendary tier, instead it feels more like wasted potential tier. That Bryan/Hunter segment at the start of hour 3 should have ended with Bryan attacking Hunter a la Austin stunning McMahon. The slow burn time for Bryan's build up is over and it's time to push that into the red hot level, and WWE is not going to get a hotter crowd than this before WrestleMania. They also had not one but two chances to have Cesaro get a proper face turn and dump the dead weight holding him back, and passed both times. The Cena/Wyatt segment (specifically, Cena's portion) was a waste of air time too since all he really said was a repeat of stuff he's said the last two weeks.

- Sad that Punk isn't coming back, and last night verified that he won't be back for Mania.

Not sure how a RAW with an hour worth of programming that was superior to most of their PPV output lately is a negative thing or a 7/10 RAW.

Wish they were scared more often. That first hour was really amazing. Show tapered off a bit but was still really enjoyable.


One of the big problems with this storyline is that there's too much talking and not enough really being said. I mentally switch off every time there's a Bryan/Authority in-ring microphone confrontation, as it really feels like they're just treading water until Mania. Even Bryan is suffering from it, as he only has one talking point.

They could honestly cut to a still image of Steps rack and appease the same amount of people.


I don't know guys. Six months of

"These people support me!"

"You're a B+ player!"


has been really compelling.


One of the big problems with this storyline is that there's too much talking and not enough really being said. I mentally switch off every time there's a Bryan/Authority in-ring microphone confrontation, as it really feels like they're just treading water until Mania. Even Bryan is suffering from it, as he only has one talking point.

I feel like they're waiting on Punk to decide if he wants a spot at Mania, because they need to go ahead and announce the match so they can start with that interaction and advance the story.

I feel like last night was pretty much giving Bryan his match though, and next week will confirm it.


I got bored, and decided to draw Bats with a zimmer frame, in prep for Mania:


I'm truly bored at work


good post

Last night's show convinced me that my money is better spent elsewhere than the WWE Network.

Bryan laying out HHH would have been great, but this company is not going to give people what they want.

It's amazing how they can do what they want without repercussions. People will continue to pour money into that company. WWE needs competition but there's no other entity that can compete. It's a shame, because the first hour was amazing.


One of the big problems with this storyline is that there's too much talking and not enough really being said. I mentally switch off every time there's a Bryan/Authority in-ring microphone confrontation, as it really feels like they're just treading water until Mania. Even Bryan is suffering from it, as he only has one talking point.

I'm worried HHH is going to revert to 20 minute promo Attitude Era HHH.

I was kind of hoping Bryan was going to turn the "B+ Player" thing against Hunter and point out that HHH was always the B+ guy in comparison to Austin, Rock, HBK, and Taker. And even Vince out heeled him.

Not sure how a RAW with an hour worth of programming that was superior to most of their PPV output lately is a negative thing or a 7/10 RAW.

Wish they were scared more often. That first hour was really amazing. Show tapered off a bit but was still really enjoyable.

It wasn't meant to be a negative, but yeah it kind of looks like I made it sound that way.

It's amazing how they can do what they want without repercussions.

WCW going under was the worst thing that ever happened to WWE.


LOL at myself for believing in Observer.

WWE was definitely generous in not straight up burying him. Vince still wants to do dat business.
Oh. Can we talk about how bad Batista looked in that match against Bryan? Because Jesus fucking Christ!

The match wasnt event 10 minutes and he was dead by the end of it. It was also the slowest match I have seen in months with basic wrestling 101 headlocks and Monster Guys pushes smaller guy spots. It also doesnt help he was in the ring with maybe the best person he could possibly be in the ring with to make him look good and the match still stank.


Oh. Can we talk about how bad Batista looked in that match against Bryan? Because Jesus fucking Christ!

The match wasnt event 10 minutes and he was dead by the end of it. It was also the slowest match I have seen in months with basic wrestling 101 headlocks and Monster Guys pushes smaller guy spots. It also doesnt help he was in the ring with maybe the best person he could possibly be in the ring with to make him look good and the match still stank.

Yeah. If even Bryan can't make Batista look good, that's a pretty bad sign. Bryan was going at maybe 50% and Batista was still totally gassed out. I can't believe how comically out of wrestling shape Batista is.


I actually thought Batista looked better. I know that's not saying much but really he did. Gotta keep working though, not much time left.


Oh. Can we talk about how bad Batista looked in that match against Bryan? Because Jesus fucking Christ!

The match wasnt event 10 minutes and he was dead by the end of it. It was also the slowest match I have seen in months with basic wrestling 101 headlocks and Monster Guys pushes smaller guy spots. It also doesnt help he was in the ring with maybe the best person he could possibly be in the ring with to make him look good and the match still stank.
You could put Big Dave in the ring against The Great Khali and you would have a hard time telling which guy was slower, couldn't move and gassed.


A part of me wonders if Batista thought he could just walk off the Guardian's set and instantly be able to go back into wrestling. I mean... that's probably what Rock did, but I think it's safe to say that Rock was in better shape than Batista was.


Bad News Barrett ✔ @WadeBarrett

Would've loved to make an appearance on #Raw in Chicago tonight, but after racking my brain all day I just couldn't think of any bad news.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Batista looked great last night. No sign of being gassed like you saw at EC. You guys are so desperate to be mad you're making it cloud your judgment. He's getting his sea legs back. He's fine.

Last night's show convinced me that my money is better spent elsewhere than the WWE Network.

Bryan laying out HHH would have been great, but this company is not going to give people what they want.

It's amazing how they can do what they want without repercussions. People will continue to pour money into that company. WWE needs competition but there's no other entity that can compete. It's a shame, because the first hour was amazing.

Weird. WWE Network has the content you DO want, yet you think it's better spent elsewhere.


Bad News Barrett ✔ @WadeBarrett

Would've loved to make an appearance on #Raw in Chicago tonight, but after racking my brain all day I just couldn't think of any bad news.

Not sure if this is supposed to be a jab at Punk or if he's being facetious, but I laughed either way.


A part of me wonders if Batista thought he could just walk off the Guardian's set and instantly be able to go back into wrestling.

I'm sure he works out but nothing compares to being in in-ring shape. I remember when HHH came back from his first quad tear he was HUGE. I'm sure he was working out a lot but was slow as fuck in the ring.

Weird thing is Batista is trimmer now, so you think it be easier. Like I said, he has to keep getting more matches.


LOL at WWE for thinking Batista can keep up with a guy like Bryan after he's been gone for so long. Orton will be a better match for him as he's not as fast paced as Bryan can be.


LOL at WWE for thinking Batista can keep up with a guy like Bryan after he's been gone for so long. Orton will be a better match for him as he's not as fast paced as Bryan can be.

I was surprised this match was actually booked and happened. But fuck it, if he wants to get better he has to get these matches in.
Batista looked worse than ever last night. Half the match he was bent over for air.

When he got thrown out of the ring I thought he might pass out he look so winded. Then he botched that spot because he was so out of breathe. Not sure how they can keep him in the main event.


Paul Heyman should have ended his "pipe bomb" with "and that man is Bad News Barrett" for absolutely no reason at all. That would've been fun.


I didn't even think of that. Orton is the master of the rest hold. He's the perfect opponent for Big Dave!

Wrestlemania Main Event Booking 101:

Headlocks -> Mat Wrestling -> High Impact Spot -> Repeat, amp up intensity on high impact spots, mix in reversals and book a finish

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So many people upset they think Dave can't work. You should be more concerned with Taker.


I was surprised this match was actually booked and happened. But fuck it, if he wants to get better he has to get these matches in.

Is he actually going to get better though? He's 45 at the end of the day and he looked worse than ever last night, how much is going to change in 3 weeks?


- Everybody last night was saying that HHH/Steph carried their promo with Bryan last night. No, they really didn't in my opinion. What made that promo was the crowd's nuclear heat at those two. HHH and Steph more or less just kept saying the same thing over and over in slightly varied ways the entire promo and pretty much kept driving in circles. Bryan was the only person in the ring actually contributing to the promo.

Heat doesn't magically appear. Who's making the crowd mad?

Props to Steph for kicking D. Bry while he was down. That was a nice touch.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You guys are so mad at Dave for shitting on Bryan, that you'll make up anything to try to discredit the man. Batista is HOLLYWOOD CALIBER. You can't fuck with that, and you can bet Bryan will never be in a movie looking like he does, unless they do a live-action David the Gnome remake.


Heat doesn't magically appear. Who's making the crowd mad?

Props to Steph for kicking D. Bry while he was down. That was a nice touch.


That was more heat for the Punk situation than anything. Remember those CM Punk chants drowning out HHH's music?


So many people upset they think Dave can't work. You should be more concerned with Taker.

Unlike Dave Taker can actually wrestle though, has a lot of experience and despite multiple surgeries, is likely in better ring shape.

When you look like absolute shit in the ring with Bryan something's very, very wrong.
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