for those who never seen it or never heard of it, here it is. Canseco is one of the top baseball players of all time who pretty much called everyone out on being on steroids. that's all i know about him.
Hong Man Choi is a legit, mobile giant. 7'2, 350lb and agile enough to have a kickboxing and MMA career. huge dude, Canseco is a big guy and look how small he is next to him.
bell rings and shit, Jose actually hits a big right hand on the giant who probably tought it was a mosquito bite.
Jose is... doing well actually. doing side kicks and front kicks with the occasional looping right hand. but the he gets short jabbed and, if you look closely, you can pin point exactly the moment where Jose thinks to himself "what the fuck am i doing here?".
oh boy, look at that. Jose got "injured" while running away from Choi. how... convenient.
Jose then "falls" to the ground and gets punched till he finally taps to strikes. winner is Hong Man Choi. man oh man, Jose got some large monetary compensation for this and it only lasted till he actually got hit and said "fuck it". i love how his "injury" came from just running around, not actually getting hit, haha. coming soon, Minoru Suzuki goodness.