Agreed. Though I like him as an interviewer and think he would be a great wrestling broadcaster.
Shitty day today. My cat (or former cat) who stayed with my ex-girlfriend after we split up just went missing.
Raw really needs to make me happy tonight, damn it!
Alright then, what about most underrated wrestlers? Terry Taylor comes to mind. Also, Akira Taue is super overlooked, considering the role he had in 90's All Japan. In more recent years, Tomoaki Honma. Coming from an indie/deathmatch background and having alleged yakuza connections have kept him from achieving any major success, even though the fans connect with him well.
Oh, and Mr. Wrestling II. Just because I never see people talking about Mr. Wrestling II and he was freaking awesome.
I forgot I wanted to mention this but Colt Cabana is a complete meat head. I was really taken aback at just how dumb this guy is.
Granted, I'm not expecting a professional wrestler to be a Rhodes Scholar (HEEYYOO) but the last two episodes I listened to (Sonjay Dutt, EC3) just really drove the point home. Dutt and EC3 are pretty bright guys which just made Cabana come off even more brain dead.
His episode with Dutt about his trip to India is just cringe-worthy. Here's a guy who is well-traveled, grew up in a major metropolitan area, and got into college (did Cabana finish?) which would presume one to think he's cracked open a book or two and maybe written a few pages in his life. Yet you listen to him and he sounds like the most backward-ass, imbred, mentally challenged imbecile. I can't remember any specifics because it was a while ago but man, am I alone here?
It lead me to question how a complete moron like him mustered the brain power to not only have the idea for the podcast but even the technical ability to produce it. I'm convinced that there's someone else pulling the strings.
Alright then, what about most underrated wrestlers?
All lists are pretty silly in the end. Might as well get's out to laugh at.These overrated lists are weird because the majority of the guys listed aren't even really considered great wrestlers. Sgt. Slaughter is overrated? By who?
DX as a whole in that time were huge. Chyna was getting much of a reaction as the guys. And the Outlaws were probably the most over after Rock and Austin.Dx HHH as a face was popular. As much as Y2J if not more? Absolutely.
Shit. Bryan is in another tag match with Show.
Shit. Bryan is in another tag match with Show.
I actually saw someone say Jumbo was the most overrated wrestler ever on another board. Tried to formulate a reply, but gave up in the end because I just couldn't comprehend how anyone could come to that conclusion.
I actually saw someone say Jumbo was the most overrated wrestler ever on another board. Tried to formulate a reply, but gave up in the end because I just couldn't comprehend how anyone could come to that conclusion.
Tag teaming? Joke post? If you want to throw in gimmick matches, you can look at his cage match with Owen Hart at SummerSlam '94 if you want. Table matches weren't a big deal then, nor were hardcore matches at the time. Hell in a Cell didn't arrive in late '97. And, for a good reason, ladder matches weren't overdone or used for people not necessarily required for it (hello, Kevin Nash vs. Triple H in 2011).
People seem to knock Bret for his promo ability when in fact it really was just hidden by the fact WWE, in general, lacks interesting or entertaining faces for the most part. For a generic cookie cutter, he did his job and did it really well. A much bigger star than what HBK ever was in the 90's. Look at Shawn's work promo-wise as a babyface. What did he do? His best work was as a classic dickhead heel. Only guys off hand who did great work as a babyface as well as heel was The Rock, Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, and Kurt Angle. May add Eddie Guerrero but that wasn't a lengthy time for him, unfortunately. Small list.
Who cares, the arena will be full.God raw is going to suck tonight. Christian vs sheamus part a million and cena starts his complete burial of the Wyatt family.
Did a website just recently post this? This prank is old, but it seems like a lot of people are just hearing about it.
As much work was done with the Hart Foundation, I could not tell give you a match to put on a best of DVD for Bret that was a tag match. I've seen the whole catalog from that era (at least the TV stuff) and I just genuinely could not do it.
I do see your point about gimmick matches not really being the biggest thing in WWE at the time, but it still seems like Bret wrestled a lot of wonderful vanilla matches and didn't exactly break the mold ala Shawn Micheals.
I mean, Bret Hart could barely spit out a sentence. It's not just that he wasn't cutting good promos, he could not talk. This is something even he admits to. He basically bellowed poorly constructed sentences into a mic his entire career.
I'm not asking for him to be The Rock, but at least a couple grades better than Sid Eudy.
Shitty day today. My cat (or former cat) who stayed with my ex-girlfriend after we split up just went missing.
Raw really needs to make me happy tonight, damn it!
That ending of NCIS was crazy. Talking about torture