bean breath
The Miz > Hogan + HHH + HBK + Stone Cold + Cena
Surprised Heyman didn't mention him. Miz must be fuming in the back. He should drop a deuce in his suitcase.
The Miz > Hogan + HHH + HBK + Stone Cold + Cena
They don't have to be people who would be guaranteed to win. The different members of the Shield, Bray Wyatt, Sheamus, Punk would have been on the list had he not left, Cesaro, Cena in their inevitable rematch, etc.
I mean, what the fuck are you going to do otherwise? Keep the belt on Orton who has done NOTHING with it? Give it to Batista who would do even less, because at least Orton can wrestle?
Imagine Cena doing this promo:
"Why are you pretending to be dead LOL???"
I'd actually enjoy that
Batista gets that belt, does the media circuit. Orton can't do anything with it because he's holding it for Batista. I strongly feel Bryan as a champion has nothing much to offer. The argument of "Oh well he hasn't had a chance with it" is a valid argument, but I don't see people behind him like I do when he's chasing it.
The media circuit excuse is just silly. That's what Batista does for a month, in August. What does he DO with the title? Who does HE face?
Since apparently Bryan has no opponents as champion, Batista must have plenty?
So much character development on this entertaining night!
Old dude seems more pre-occupied with checking his text messages than following the script.
Batista gets that belt, does the media circuit. Orton can't do anything with it because he's holding it for Batista. I strongly feel Bryan as a champion has nothing much to offer. The argument of "Oh well he hasn't had a chance with it" is a valid argument, but I don't see people behind him like I do when he's chasing it.
The best would be Cena proving Taker isn't a phenom by bringing up pictures on the titantron of him at home with michelle and his old white goatee and hat.
It would be better than their "Taker wrestles ___________ at WM" storyline that they're pushing now.The best would be Cena proving Taker isn't a phenom by bringing up pictures on the titantron of him at home with michelle and his old white goatee and hat.
Lot of stories going on so far:
Cena and Bray hate each other.
HHH hates Daniel Bryan.
NOA hate The Usos.
Real Americans hate each other.
Brock is afraid of Undertaker.
Top notch storytelling at its finest.
But you can't do the chase forever. At some point you have to pull the trigger or you end up with Tommy Dreamer 2K14.
Why are you so passionate about this? Batista has a ton of things he can do. Revenge angle with Cena for how he went out, any program with Bryan, rematch program with Orton - that's six months, easy, if you want it. I don't see Batista having the belt much longer than that.
It's nothing to do with passion. I've seen this "if Bryan wins the title he has to lose it immediately because he has nothing he can do with it" sentiment repeated in various places, and I'm struggling to understand it. It seems like an easy reign to book, to me.
Nobody else is worth sniffing that belt. Or you might get another one of those shit PPVs with a shit competitor, like the time Cena faced R-Truth in the main event.
Did Taker's promo makes sense? I'm trying to understand it
Something about death isn't as bad as fear and unknown fear is worse than death fear.
Look at that goof. Who does he think he is, Heisenberg?
More like Breaking BORED.
His eyes roll back in his head because he's boring himself to death.
It would be better than their "Taker wrestles ___________ at WM" storyline that they're pushing now.
Gee Vince, I wonder why?
How I would book a Bryan post-Mania title reign: Make him look like a total badass the day after Mania, then you can do your schtick of laying him out whatever. Make every singles titles match involving Bryan for the title. Have Bryan be the guy to have the most title defenses than anyone in the company in the last 20 years. Make him be Bret Hart and fight EVERYONE. Make him fight Fandango for the title, Ryback for the title, Ziggler for the title, Heath Slater for the title - but make them your TV matches. Make them 5-10 minute matches so Bryan won't die in the ring
Your Orton's, Batista's, Punk's, Cena's - Have them be PPVs money matches and make him drop it to Dave at Summerslam, and the IWC thirst could be quenched for a little bit.
But make him FIGHT.
I've received a communiqué from our exiled Carnby to Avengers23:
I guess I should be asking why you hate Batista so much. A man who did it all, went out on a high note, came back because he loves this business - why hate?
Gee Vince, I wonder why?
How I would book a Bryan post-Mania title reign: Make him look like a total badass the day after Mania, then you can do your schtick of laying him out whatever. Make every singles titles match involving Bryan for the title. Have Bryan be the guy to have the most title defenses than anyone in the company in the last 20 years. Make him be Bret Hart and fight EVERYONE. Make him fight Fandango for the title, Ryback for the title, Ziggler for the title, Heath Slater for the title - but make them your TV matches. Make them 5-10 minute matches so Bryan won't die in the ring
Your Orton's, Batista's,Cena's - Have them be PPVs money matches and make him drop it to Dave at Summerslam, and the IWC thirst could be quenched for a little bit.
But make him FIGHT.
Why would you give a bunch of comedy gimmick and mid-card wrestlers World Title shots though??
This crowd is awful.
I still think Bryan should spend 3 months with the Wyatts. Everyone else probably agrees too.
That...sounds really fun. Just a huge wall of opponents every single time he ever appears as the Authority tries to chip away at him. Drown him in bodies.
It'd be nice if we had a TV Title again.
Why would you give a bunch of comedy gimmick and mid-card wrestlers World Title shots though??
That booking works with IC or US Title but not WHC
After what Punk's like when Randy had his two strikes. No chance I let him near the title for a long time. Shame on him.
What did Punk do?
It really bothers me that WWE still uses a promo picture of Daniel from around WM last year as the go to picture for match up screens and even on the website. How hard is it to get a new picture of him with his longer hair/beard and a Yes Movement shirt?
What shitend neck of the woods are they in tonoght? I want to know, as I will always endeavor to avoid it for my entire life.
It really bothers me that WWE still uses a promo picture of Daniel from around WM last year as the go to picture for match up screens and even on the website. How hard is it to get a new picture of him with his longer hair/beard and a Yes Movement shirt?
The story would be the Authority just throwing everything they have at the dude.
It's not like they need to worry aboutPPV buyssubscriptions for another 6 months
What did Punk do?
Thursday is the day we all need to wait for. Impact is our only hope, bro!
So what's the card looking like? Four hours, and it's a marquee WM so they'll want it "all out".
Orton vs Batista (vs Bryan) for the WWE title
Lesnar vs Undertaker
Cena vs Bray
HHH vs Bryan
Something with the Shield
30 Man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
These seem set in stone. Also something with the Tag titles, and something with the Divas title are possible but not certain. The IC title isn't up, as Big E is in the battle royal, and the US title might be in the Shield angle.
So what's the card looking like? Four hours, and it's a marquee WM so they'll want it "all out".
Orton vs Batista (vs Bryan) for the WWE title
Lesnar vs Undertaker
Cena vs Bray
HHH vs Bryan
Something with the Shield
30 Man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
These seem set in stone. Also something with the Tag titles, and something with the Divas title are possible but not certain. The IC title isn't up, as Big E is in the battle royal, and the US title might be in the Shield angle.
Someone watched Lockdown >_>Muscle buster?
Man I NEED more Thursday in my life. I need iMPACT in my freakin veins right now.