Renee Young seems to be a master at faking enthusiasm.
There are people who still think Punk leaving wasn't an angle? Even after tonight? Wow.
Hey DM, the bucks are ran like DCX is the gm.
He...looked better back then :x
I didn't watch tonight but Phil Brooks has a press photo now he's gonna be gone from wrestling for a while.
He's gonna get that Wrestlemania main event even if he has to make shitty movies to do it.
I didn't watch tonight but Phil Brooks has a press photo now he's gonna be gone from wrestling for a while.
He's gonna get that Wrestlemania main event even if he has to make shitty movies to do it.
Wasted away again in Margaritaville
Am I the only who thinks Del Rio vs Ziggler could be a match that has the potential to be AMAZING? Those two guys are good enough workers to, hate to say it, steal the show?
Could it be possible to steal the show if given 10 minutes?
Am I the only who thinks Del Rio vs Ziggler could be a match that has the potential to be AMAZING? Those two guys are good enough workers to, hate to say it, steal the show?
Could it be possible to steal the show if given 10 minutes?
Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat NWA Championship
Why is this half way through the show? Ricky comes out with his family and Richie riding a pony. Pat O'Connor, Terry Funk, and Lou Thesz are the judges. I'm not sure how the judges work. It hasn't really been explained, but I assume it would be they would pick the winner in the event of a draw. O'Connor looks like George Steinbrenner. The pace starts hot and heavy with some slaps being traded at the end of it. Chops are traded and this shit is getting heated. A back drop and Flair rolls to the floor. Steamer works the shit out of Flair's arm. Deep arm drag. Flair just can't get loose until he gets a cheap break in the corner. Throwing elbows. Part of me really can't believe that Vince didn't run with Steamboat. Not only was he incredible and could work with everyone, but he was a beautiful man with an outstanding build, especially in 1985-1987. Dude had one of the best bodies in wrestling history and still was in amazing shape up until the day he retired. Ric is again knocked to the floor. Tommy Young won't allow Steamer to do a dive. Steamboat goes back to the arm. Setting up for the double chickenwing, no doubt. Big hip toss from Flair changes the momentum. He misses an elbow and gets taken back down with an arm drag. More cheap shots from Flair. For the first 15 minutes, Steamboat has won the judges' votes. Steamboats chops look like they really fucking hurt. So much velocity on them. Flair Flip into a tree of Keanu. Steamboat is sent out to the floor. He's then knocked into the floor and Flair elbows him right in the Adam's apple. Working off the Savage/Steamboat angle. This just fires him up and he chases Flair all around ringside and back into the ring. Another Flair Flip, this time ended with a giant chop. Back to the arm work. Steamboat misses a cross body and goes over the top rope. He's brought back in the hard way. Knee drop. This match is very start-stop, but in the best way possible. They rev the crowd up, then slow it back down, then get them crazy, slow them back down. It's really well done in a way that isn't wearing the fans out, but making them more excited each time it revs up. Great butterfly suplex from Flair. Hot shot. Back to the floor. Flair hits a suplex on on the concrete. Steamboat reverses the suplex back in and nearly wins with a roll up. They both go crashing over the top. Flair climbs up top and obviously gets thrown off. Superplex from Steamboat. Double chickenwing! Flair was too close to the ropes. Flying chop. Steamboat goes up again and gets knocked off, bouncing off the ropes, the apron, and the floor. He appears to have injured his knee. Flair goes right after it. Figure four. Rope break. Steamboat fights back and hits an enziguri. Flair rolls through a body champion! Ric Flair is 6 times the man! This was totally dope. Better than their first match, which was pretty damn good. Flair and Steamboat embrace after the match, which appears to be a face turn for Ric. JR gets into the ring to talk with Ric. Ric immediately puts Ricky Steamboat over as being the best champion he's ever faced. Terry Funk jumps in the ring to be the first to congratulate Ric. He also says that if the match had gone an hour, he would have voted for Flair. He's also going to be the first one to challenge Flair. Flair doesn't think Terry deserves it since he hasn't been an active competitor. He's not a top 10 contender. Terry does not appreciate this at all. Terry says he was just kidding. They shake hands and Terry decks him. SWERVE! Piledriver on a Japanese table! Since the table didn't break, he threw it on Ric and then smashed him with a chair. By god, would somebody stop this? This is ridiculous! Somebody get some help out here!
Goddam. I want to throw AJ on a bed like that.
Renee Young is down with the Black Community.
Watched this for the first time off my Ric Flair DVD last week. Very good match, but is it really considered the greatest ever? I'm probably missing something (grew up with the attitude era, maybe I'm just used to a different style of wrasslin), but I wouldn't consider this a GOAT match upon first viewing. why exactly is this match in particular so universally acclaimed?
I think I need to watch it again.
Ooooooh child, things are gonna get easierImpact is only 3 days away.
Get away from her brah.
Holy shit look at the bags under Bryan's eyes,poor guy must be exhausted
I think I hate Daniel Bryan now.
Oh, so they're going to bury Bryan by overdoing the Yes shit and teaming him with the Big Show until we're sick of it.
I'm gonna say something I've never said, but I can't wait for Randy Orton.
I'm not sure about the hate either. The visual of them in the ring with Daniel Bryan, plus all of the fans in the crowd going crazy chanting yes/no was amazing. Looked like something out of ECW.
WrassleGAF hates Daniel Bryan now?
So what happened on Raw tonight?
Wait til the Cesaro hate starts in a couple of months.The company is now behind him, like we originally wanted.
So yes.
Daniel Bryan and his army of hippies hijacked Raw. for real this time. HHH and Steph got pissed, HHH accepted the match at WM and if D. Brine beats him, he'll be added to the WWE Title match.. It was fun.
Daz about it.
It's like one of the monkeys in Creative woke up and realized "HOLY CRAP, WE NEVER PROPERLY DID THE CM PUNK VOICE OF THE VOICELESS REVOLUTION GIMMICK" and decided to give it to Daniel Bryan.
I'm not mad at this. The show was boring as hell before this segment, and I wasn't sure if the WWE realized WM is around the corner.
HHH accepted the match at WM and if D. Brine beats him, he'll be added to the WWE Title match.
It's going to be amazing when Triple H wins and the WrestleMania 30 crowd just dies.
Let's watch the racist comments.
Looking forward to the reaction when Batista rolls him up in a schoolboy for the 1-2-3.
Orton winning would be the ultimate troll. Batista would make a good heel champion.
If they go for Christian/Sheamus at WM instead of Sheamus/Cesaro, someone needs to get fired.
Welcome to Team Despair!God, I want this so bad.
Trips is not going to put Bryan over. He'll win thanks to interference from Korporate Kane, will take Bryan's spot in the triple threat match and will then win the titles.
Mark my words.