Fuck. The divas division will always be shit. I guess she's back for some Total Divas money?
I can see it now: The Red Queen Eva Marie versus Kelly "Barbara Blank" Kelly for the total diva's championship at Wrestlemania.
You have a sick sense of humor. Stop scaring people. I wish Kelly Kelly all the luck in her singing career.
Enigma is a way more helpful member of the community than Bionic.
There's only one singer worth talking about
I really wish any of those companies were actual competition for wwe.
I'm so damn pumped for April 7th now. I cannot wait to see what Double J has in store for us wrestling fans. I feel an energy about what Jeff's doing and it feels good. The man brought us TNA in 2002, a true alternative to WWE after the death of WCW in 2001. That brief era with no national alternative was a dark time as a wrestling fan and I'll be forever grateful to the Jarrett family for bringing us TNA to fill the void. Say what you will about TNA present-day but *I* needed TNA after losing WCW in 2001. I can't wait to see what's going on now.
Could we really have 4 national wrestling companies to watch on TV in 2014!? TNA, ROH, JARRETT, and WWE?
Bryan should be the new EDGE
lol, the JARRETT world championship beltPlease let the company seriously be called Jarrett
I can't wait for his romance angle with Vickie.
Can I ask something?
I've been out of wrestling for over a year and only came back around the time WWE Network was announced. I knew somewhat about Ryback being this Goldberg type character who was going through wrestlers left and right with a "feed me more!" catchphrase.
Now he's jobbing to "Los Matadors" on Superstars.
Question is, who the fuck did this guy piss off to sink so far down?! I mean, he at the bottom of the barrel right now, but has a body not unlike Brock Lesnar. You gotta REALLY fuck up to be buried that badly with that kind of physique.
He might look built, but he can't work at all ,and he's weak as fuck.
Question is, who the fuck did this guy piss off to sink so far down?! I mean, he at the bottom of the barrel right now, but has a body not unlike Brock Lesnar. You gotta REALLY fuck up to be buried that badly with that kind of physique.
And there was a period where TNA was legitimately entertaining with all the indy guys and X Division folks they had signed.
I'm so damn pumped for April 7th now. I cannot wait to see what Double J has in store for us wrestling fans. I feel an energy about what Jeff's doing and it feels good. The man brought us TNA in 2002, a true alternative to WWE after the death of WCW in 2001. That brief era with no national alternative was a dark time as a wrestling fan and I'll be forever grateful to the Jarrett family for bringing us TNA to fill the void. Say what you will about TNA present-day but *I* needed TNA after losing WCW in 2001. I can't wait to see what's going on now.
Could we really have 4 national wrestling companies to watch on TV in 2014!? TNA, ROH, JARRETT, and WWE?
Can I ask something?
I've been out of wrestling for over a year and only came back around the time WWE Network was announced. I knew somewhat about Ryback being this Goldberg type character who was going through wrestlers left and right with a "feed me more!" catchphrase.
Now he's jobbing to "Los Matadors" on Superstars.
Question is, who the fuck did this guy piss off to sink so far down?! I mean, he at the bottom of the barrel right now, but has a body not unlike Brock Lesnar. You gotta REALLY fuck up to be buried that badly with that kind of physique.
Or it's because these people aren't themselves anymore after they get the push. Austin was always himself and Rock was always himself until his recent return. And overexposure and a lack of growth will cause the crowd to turn on anyone, and Austin and Rock both dealt with that at various times, too.Yes, the backlash is beginning. Oh yes. I remember when everybody was happy that Cena was "finally getting a push" as well. I look forward to people in five years chanting Bryan sucks as he does his Yes chant move.
Time is a flat circle, after all.
Or it's because these people aren't themselves anymore after they get the push. Austin was always himself and Rock was always himself until his recent return. And overexposure and a lack of growth will cause the crowd to turn on anyone, and Austin and Rock both dealt with that at various times, too.
Man this is worse than the TNA thing.Rock was the same as he was in 2013 as he was in 2003.
Man this is worse than the TNA thing.
I'm right there with you, and I think all of us remember being really down on his repetitiveness and going-through-the-motions moments. But #Rock2013 is not at all the same as the Corporate/People's Champion. Daniel Bryan right now is not the same as Fave Five D-Bry. He's out there cutting pandering Cena promos, and his words are management's. The "WTF" and "NO" reaction of the Chicago crowd to his insistence that he get a match with Trips shows that his character's motivation isn't authentic anymore.He was. Go back and watch some actual Smackdown or RAW's. Not the ones included on numerous DVD's or highlight packages, but just random Rock interviews. If you just read the words on the page, they aren't that great. In fact, if Cena said a lot of them, they'd be rightly torn as bullshit. But, the Rock is so damn charismatic, he could pull it off.
The truth is, WWE writing, especially comedic stuff, has always averaged out at below average, because ya' know, wrestling. The Rock had lots of great weeks, but there were a lot of weeks where he just went catchphrase catchphrase city wrestler lalalalalalala catchprase is cookin and that was it.
Ryback is not fit to shine Goldberg's boots.
shame cause his bully stuff was hilarious.
maybe one day he can end somebody's career with a reckless move , then he will be appreciated
Seriously though. I was actually starting to look forward to Batista/Orton.Goddamnit WWE, don't turn the tables on me and give me that perfect WrestleMania moment now.
I have just gotten used to this endless feeling of dissapointment from WWE events.
No way they're taking the title off of AJ before Naomi comes back, sadly she'll lose it AT mania
She doesn't get a match at Mania lol.
Amazing way to spite Punk too, give Bryan his spot at Mania against HHH, give Bryan the main event as well and make sure his girlfriend is buried and nowhere near TV or WrestleMania for all of March and April while Eva-Marie, Nikki Bella, Cameron and Natalya have a fatal Total Divas four-way for the belt at Mania.
They dragged this storyline out way too long. It either needed a break from the Randy/Bryan main events for a few months OR they needed to pull the trigger at Rumble and do Bryan/Cena II at Mania. This just became an endless case of blueballs for the fans.Goddamnit WWE, don't turn the tables on me and give me that perfect WrestleMania moment now.
I have just gotten used to this endless feeling of dissapointment from WWE events.
UK on DST yet Boot?
Nope, not until March 30th.
catching up on this thread and this got me for some reasonthis is why superman works alone
i love when stro has to review michael hayes
Lex Luger vs Michael Hayes NWA US Championship
FUCK FUCK FUCK. Michael Hayes is the kind of guy who would say his sister has great tits. The kind of guy who would take the batteries out of your remotes and not tell you. The kind of guy who trims his beard in your sink and doesn't clean up. The kind of guy who uses your coffee mug as a dip cup. The kind of guy who would piss on your floor. The kind of guy who would steal pain meds from his grandparents. The kind of guy who borrows your car and wrecks it and doesn't tell you. The kind of guy who rubs cum on your dog. The kind of guy who jerks off in a bush. The kind of guy who says "gash" and "wound". The kind of dude that makes fun of Mexicans who don't speak English. In Mexico. The kind of guy who would borrow your shorts and go commando. The kind of guy who tells you he can change your tire, makes you wait an hour and and then tells you the rim was damaged and he couldn't do it. The kind of guy who still uses the term "Japs". The kind of guy who still uses the term "Chinaman". The kind of guy who offers booze to recovering alcoholics and calls them pussies if they don't drink. The kind of guy who would give coke to an 8 year old. The kind of guy who would make a big scene at Terry Gordy's funeral because he was jealous. The kind of guy who has been so racist for so long that he thinks he has legitimate n word privileges. The kind of guy who still parties with high schoolers. The kind of guy who borrows your phone to call sex lines. The kind of guy who would order porn on your credit card. The kind of guy who would eat all your god damn frosted mini wheats. The kind of guy who steals the DDT, does it shitty, and wins the match with outside interference from Terry Gordy after saying he'd do it on his own. New champion. BULLSHIT.
this is wwf alrightWRESTLEMANIA 8
Tatanka vs "The Model" Rick Martel
Tatanka has a bunch of indians at ringside for some reason. Match was nothing, Tatanka wins with a cross body