I've been thinkin on this and it's probably because he's EAT SLEEP GIF REPEAT.
I forgot to mention, I dug the fuck out of your review. Great job and mine will look like extra shit having to follow you on the card.
I've been thinkin on this and it's probably because he's EAT SLEEP GIF REPEAT.
Wrestlemania 12 report is written, just gotta to gif it all. There's no booze left in my house and I'll have to wait until tonight to gif and edit it so expect it sometime around whenever. I dunno how Stro does this 100 times per week.
I've been thinkin on this and it's probably because he's EAT SLEEP GIF REPEAT.
Because despite what it seems, I actually enjoy watching pro wrasslin.
What's stro gonna do when he runs out of non TNA things to review? Will he review every TNA episode in history, or commit suicide?
What's stro gonna do when he runs out of non TNA things to review? Will he review every TNA episode in history, or commit suicide?
He'll do reviews of Sunny's old shows.
Also, PBR is fucking terrible but you'll learn more about that in my Mania review because I'm the worst.
all this talk makes me wanna do it. stro, for a 2 hour show, how long do you usually take? i got one in mind.
I play the drinking game of "Make a drink and drink it and then make another and drink that. And then maybe drink another depending on what time it is and how I feel".
Probably 2 1/2 hours unless there were a ton of gifs or it was so bad I needed to take multiple breaks.
cool. i'll take some days off after the final Suzuki match and review the NJPW vs UWFi card from 1995, with the Keiji Mutoh vs Nobuhiko Takada main event.
Considering you do 30 gifs for a 6 minute match, it might take you 3 days.
i'll try to keep it at 4 gifs maximum per bout, maybe as low as 3. i dunno.
it depends you know, i might share the abridged version here and the full version on Legit Shook.
i mean, a 16 minute match between Muto and Takada? i'm getting at least 10 gifs from that.
That's were you go wrong. Pick and choose what really needs to be giffed. Does two guys staring at each other really need to be giffed? Does a move that is done in every match really need to be giffed? Big spots, particularly hard shots or bumps, or good reaction shots are all you need.
You forgot Super Bryan
I forgot to mention, I dug the fuck out of your review. Great job and mine will look like extra shit having to follow you on the card.
Tag Team Match
Koji Kanemoto & Shinjiro Otani vs. Tokimitsu Ishizawa & Yuji Nagata
Eight Man Tag Team Match
Heisei Ishingun (Akira Nogami, Kuniaki Kobayashi, Shiro Koshinaka & Tatsutoshi Goto) vs. Osamu Nishimura, Riki Choshu, Satoshi Kojima & Takashi Iizuka
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match
Jushin Thunder Liger (c) vs. The Great Sasuke
Singles Match
Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Randy Savage
Singles Match
Lex Luger vs. Masahiro Chono
Six Man Tag Team Match
Power Warrior & The Road Warriors (Animal Warrior & Hawk Warrior) vs. Scott Norton & The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner)
Singles Match
Jinsei Shinzaki vs. The Great Muta
Singles Match
Genichiro Tenryu vs. Tatsumi Fujinami
IWGP Heavyweight Title Match
Nobuhiko Takada (c) vs. Shinya Hashimoto
Tag Team Match
Hiromitsu Kanehara & Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Tokimitsu Ishizawa & Yuji Nagata
Singles Match
Kenichi Yamamoto vs. Shinjiro Otani
Singles Match
Takashi Iizuka vs. Yoshihiro Takayama
Singles Match
Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Naoki Sano
Singles Match
Riki Choshu vs. Yoji Anjo
Singles Match
Kensuke Sasaki vs. Masahito Kakihara
Singles Match
Shinya Hashimoto vs. Tatsuo Nakano
IWGP Heavyweight Title Match
Keiji Muto (c) vs. Nobuhiko Takada
Not buying that for a second. They can push Orton all they want but he will never be a star or important. Reigns can't work even though he is the only member of the shield to pay their dues. Sheamus needs a manager, not the Andre the Giant Trophy he is about to win, brother. Daniel Bryan doesn't even have a brawlin' buddy.From the newest edition of the Observer -
"In order, the people the company projects to be its five biggest stars going forward after WrestleMania are, Cena, Bryan, Orton, Sheamus, and Reigns. The Sheamus one surprises me a little, although HHH has been high on him for some time, and he was at one point being groomed as the No. 2 guy behind Cena. He never reached that level. The long delay in Orton's heel turn came because they were waiting for Sheamus with a bigger push to be more over than Orton with a lesser push on the Smackdown tour house shows. Eventually Punk turned instead and then Sheamus fell backwards and then got hurt. Also surprising is Batista is not on the list. This is a projection based on where they expect people to be several months down the line as opposed to where they are today and obviously when they get there things will have changed many times, but this is an internal list that was just made."
I get it, but we wouldn't want to shit up Bionic Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm's browser.
Not buying that for a second. They can push Orton all they want but he will never be a star or important. Reigns can't work even though he is the only member of the shield to pay their dues. Sheamus needs a manager, not the Andre the Giant Trophy he is about to win, brother. Daniel Bryan doesn't even have a brawlin' buddy.
I'm black but I hate Kofi.Spindashing is all that's left.
I'm black but I hate Kofi.
A lot
A whole fucking lot.
I'm black but I hate Kofi.
A lot
A whole fucking lot.
bad kofi dream?I'm black but I hate Kofi.
A lot
A whole fucking lot.
bad kofi dream?[/IG][/QUOTE]
I'm breaking kayfabe and shooting here, brother.
That jiff is just nasty, I got no response to that.
I'm breaking kayfabe and shooting here, brother.
That jiff is just nasty, I got no response to that.
You just know that one of these weeks Cena is going to come out and destroy every bit of kayfabe on Bray Wyatt that he did with Del Rio.
Luckily Bray's backstory covers the existence of Husky Harris perfectly, so he can remedy that afterwards. But still, you know it'll happen.
It has happened. And it involved Hornswoggle.bad kofi dream?
Thank you, WWE, for allowing me to be able to watch sweaty men in tights rolling on the ground while I wash my balls.
Random fave five time!
5. Awkward.
4. Moone Boy
3. Pramface
2. Community
1. Brooklyn Nine-Nine