So how long will Michael Cole be out to sell death from that F5?
He'll be back next week with a neck brace.
It was fantastic booking all night.It was smart that his first impression to a worldwide audience was with Cesaro who knows how to make a small guy look amazing, that spot on his shoulders was great.
I also like that we didn't see the best of either Kalisto and Neville in terms of spots other than the Red Arrow. Like my favourite Kalisto spot is when he stops himself on his hands and Neville has a shit load in reserve.
Hiring Jimmy Jacobs to write for the main shows has also changed my tune a bit. I'm not familiar with his work at all, but just hiring someone with an actual wrestling background for that position makes me happy as the TV backgrounds haven't really worked out.
Sometime spectacle is better than goos wrestling, I mean that sting match might be in my top 5 matches of all time
All my hype.
All my hype.
GODDAMN! Hoping Ricochet's Lucha Underground commitments don't get in the way of this, wouldn't be the first time he's had to cancel on RevPro. Going to be an amazing match to watch from ringside,though!
Now, all we need is Ishii vs Mastiff.
Surely Ricochet is being considered for NXT, right?
He'd be the perfect replacement for Neville.
Damn, don't say that. Take it the card subject to change clause would stop me getting a refund and I would literally be going for this match.
If you're Ricochet, you're probably the most indemand indie wrestler in the world right now. You have these options
Keep working Lucha Underground as Prince Puma
Every indie in the world will book you
Go to AAA as Prince Puma
Go to NJPW under contract as Ricochet and be handed the Jr title
Keep working Dragon Gate
Work for DDT
Like I don't know what that dude can't do.
Lucha would be mad not to do everything they can to keep him.
I'm happy to see Kalisto on the main roster, but he should be given a solo run in short order.
The tag division is balls.
Watching RAW now, pretty excellent first hour. Kalisto with a great debut. Looked awesome there. Real smart to put him against Cesaro too who can support his fancy moves.
Xavier Woods starting the thumping and getting "New Day Sucks" chants, such a tragic thing to see. He should probably stop the thumping.
Omg Brock Lesnar. Omg.
Well that was a 10/10 first hour of great television.
They fucked up not signing him. Now if they want to sign him, they're gonna have to offer him a lot more.
I'm happy to see Kalisto on the main roster, but he should be given a solo run in short order.
All my hype.
If you're Ricochet, you're probably the most indemand indie wrestler in the world right now. You have these options
• Keep working Lucha Underground as Prince Puma
• Every indie in the world will book you
• Go to AAA as Prince Puma
• Go to NJPW under contract as Ricochet and be handed the Jr title
• Keep working Dragon Gate
• Work for DDT
Like I don't know what that dude can't do.
They were really asking for the hijacking
I really dislike this thought process.
Which is? You tell the crowd in a promo they're the best crowd of the year. You know they hate Roman Reigns, and the same old Kane/Big Show, you know the Post-Mania RAW usually has some kind of a big angle or match to finish, and you give them a generic Smackdown tag match with zero angles to it? What were they expecting to happen?
They even made it out to be a mystery of who would be the third partner for the faces, and then it turns out to just be Reigns. Of course that crowd are going to reject it.
Which is? You tell the crowd in a promo they're the best crowd of the year. You know they hate Roman Reigns, and the same old Kane/Big Show, you know the Post-Mania RAW usually has some kind of a big angle or match to finish, and you give them a generic Smackdown tag match with zero angles to it? What were they expecting to happen?
They even made it out to be a mystery of who would be the third partner for the faces, and then it turns out to just be Reigns. Of course that crowd are going to reject it.
But they didn't "buy a ticket to ruin the show". The crowd loved most of the show. They only buried the main event, which really sucked and had no appeal to that crowd.
Which accomplishes nothing, and is why the idea of "they deserved to be hijacked" is silly.
They paid money to be entertained, nothing wrong with creating your own entertainment when the show isn't providing. The losers that were chanting things I won't quote during the women's match can stick it, however.
Which accomplishes nothing, and is why the idea of "they deserved to be hijacked" is silly.
I agree with the last sentence, which means I can't agree with the first one. They paid money to go to a live version of something they've probably watched on TV before and been disappointed in. Whether they get entertainment from that is debatable, heh.
It accomplished the goal of not being bored during a boring main event. That was the whole reason for stuff like the Wave. The main event presented to them was not entertaining, so they made their own entertainment.
I agree with the last sentence, which means I can't agree with the first one. They paid money to go to a live version of something they've probably watched on TV before and been disappointed in. Whether they get entertainment from that is debatable, heh.
Best entrance?
Best entrance.
This is getting further and further away from being about hijacking. I'll just say ok.
How is it debatable? They were not entertained and had to create their own enjoynment.
Those guys there couldn't just fast forward that match either. WWE was dumb for puting that fucking main-event on and they deserved the hijack. They aren't the poor victims in all of this. They are a multi-dollar company that is selling a product and if the product is bad people have the right to do whatever they want to show their displeasure at it.
Like... stop supporting it, maybe?
Like... stop supporting it, maybe?
If you go see a movie and see it turn for the worse, you leave. Why continue watching it?
Do you think they bought those tickets thinking they were going to see that main-event?
The Raws after Mania for the past 3 years have been full of great moments. Those tickets are bought in advance and they were hoping, like everyone always is, for a great show.
You are acting like people knew it was going to be crap and they paid anyway. They didn't. They hoped and wanted a great show.
But I mean, you don't even watch the product and come here to argue about it so you really aren't much better if you want to go that way.
I was there. It was "suck." And all of those misogynistic chants by the man children really brought the energy of the rest of the crowd down. The stinker of a main event didn't help.
Except I'm pretty sure they were chanting "You fuck Cena", not "You suck Cena". People don't usually use "suck" that way.
From the sound of the report, they got a decent show aside from the main event. Anyone who bought a ticket expecting 3 hours+ of exactly everything they would love, hasn't been following things very long.
As far as I go, I don't watch the show because I don't care for the bloated approach. If there's an interesting match or segment, I'll look it up on their site. If the show underwent a format change, I'd likely watch regularly. But I know that the company isn't worrying about catering to my specific wants, see.
What was the point of that chant? "You suck Cena!"
We know, they're in a relationship. It's not exactly hidden.
It's one thing to see a good show and there's a lame Adam Rose vs Darren Young match or something in the second hour. It's another for the supposed biggest RAW of the year to have this kind of tone deaf lameduck main event.
Previous Post-Mania RAWs have had things like Brock Lesnar returning to the WWE after 8 years, for instance. The fans thought they would get a big match or angle to end the show.