He tells people he's humble--proceeds to tweet the shit out of the piece of crap he took six months to make (seriously) with his daddy's money. Claims "I just put it out there and organically see how it does, to foster discussion" and promotes it heavily with his dad's money. Decides "how will this get people to pay attention? Hmm... Let's make GIRLS star in it! Wrestling fans aren't used to those!"
Dude is a turd. Moreso than WWE says Bryan is.
There's another way of reacting to things than deriding the circumstances of their production. 'Took six months to make, with his dad's money, he's got the gall to promote it' are all irrelevant to whether the video is actually any good or not.
Also, the thing about using girls to play the wrestlers is probably the only stand out thing about the video, and whether you are deeply insulted that you were successfully played by that, or whether you think it's a fun inversion which makes it more entertaining to watch, it's definitely not the dumbest thing he could have done. Can you imagine the likes of Patton Oswalt, Seth Green or whatever male nerd comedians/actors he could rustle up playing those roles? Would've been much worse.
I don't know anything about Max Landis except what was in that 20 odd minute video. It was a well produced, entertaining half hour show. Who cares about all this under the hood based hatred.
I'm just throwing that out there. Every time I make a wrestling related post I remember towards the end that this wrestling fanhood of mine is just a compulsive behaviour I'm using to fill in some holes that were left when I excised a few real addictions last year, and within a few months I'm gonna wake up and probably not waste much time on it again.
But in the meantime, Wrestling Isn't Wrestling is fine.