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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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No One Remembers
Stro was talking about Scott Hall being a good wrestler but hardly having any memorable matches(aside from the ladder match, I assume), and I realized Mr. Perfect was the exact same way.

Even his good matches were just good. Nothing great or really memorable. And unlike Razor, Perfect did have some world class rivals, but the Bret and Flair matches were both really unmemorable.

They were sadly guys that had a lot of the traits of having "IT" but weren't the complete package.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
No shit? That's fantastic. He's still making new vids, that shit is OLD.
Dude got married to a beauty and I'm sitting here prowling OKCupid for a lovely lady or gentleman and we are missing like 8 reviews still.

woe is me
Wrestlemania XXX |OT| WM sucks just like our community due to not following up on promised reviews and running away from bets

That video had such a weird creepy vibe to it.

I need bigger traps, I have good shoulders but my traps look small and almost out of place!

Yeah, there is only so much you can do. To get the real high traps, it is mostly genetic. I work hard but I feel like I gotta be doing something wrong. Depressing
Stro was talking about Scott Hall being a good wrestler but hardly having any memorable matches(aside from the ladder match, I assume), and I realized Mr. Perfect was the exact same way.

Even his good matches were just good. Nothing great or really memorable. And unlike Razor, Perfect did have some world class rivals, but the Bret and Flair matches were both really unmemorable.

Hennig had great near 5 star matches with Bockwinkel when he was a face during the early and mid 80's during his AWA days.


This Nattie/Summer stuff is so terrible!

"The fact that you don't know our problem!
What is our problem?"

I don't know what the problem is either!

At least I got it with Brie!
The Bellas suspect John Cena is cheating but come to find out he was just planning a surprise birthday party for Nikki all along.

Next time on Total Divas.


I'm watching the Legends Roundtable about Outdoor Venues. They show footage of a behind the scenes WM9 video package, and during the package they cut to Bret Hart looking at the WM9 setup and then randomly says "Where's all the girls? There's suppose to be girls here."

That's our Bret.


Man, by this time next week we'll all still be in shock after Big Show knocks out everyone in the triple threat, climbs to the top rope, and screams "no more!" to end the show.


Only one signing is not sold out...

VIP Signing Schedule
Thursday, April 3
6 p.m. – Randy Orton – SOLD OUT
8 p.m. – Bret Hart – SOLD OUT

Saturday, April 5
Session 1:
10 a.m. – Daniel Bryan – SOLD OUT

Session 2:
1 p.m. – Big Show – SOLD OUT

Session 3:
6 p.m. – Ric Flair – SOLD OUT
8 p.m. – Sheamus – SOLD OUT

Sunday, April 6
8 a.m. – Bruno Sammartino – SOLD OUT
10 a.m. – Rey Mysterio – SOLD OUT
12 p.m. – Shawn Michaels – SOLD OUT

Premium VIP Signing Schedule
Friday, April 4
6 p.m. – John Cena – SOLD OUT
8 p.m. – Batista – SOLD OUT

Saturday, April 5
8 a.m. – Hulk Hogan
3 p.m. – The Undertaker – SOLD OUT


The final part of my WrestleMania X-Seven review. GIFs will hopefully appear within the week before Mania, but the text is up!

Part 1:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=106279094&postcount=6818
Part 2:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=106279439&postcount=6820

Part 3 of 3

We return with a package explaining the build for our next match, Chyna vs Ivory. Dear God... Like the rest of WrassleGAF, I respect the hell out of good female wrestlers. And you know what? I'm glad they had a storyline feud here. It's just too bad that the match quality is garbage. Thankfully, it's short and ends quickly. Nothing of value is missed if you decided to take a piss break. This is why we can't have nice things outside of NXT in the WWE... 1 star.

A little promo plays leading into the next match were Vince tells Trish to sedate Linda, then tells the interviewer that you'll get shocking tonight. Once we go through the well edited recap video for the feud and we're off! *Gotta love the full arena in this clip. This storyline feud is hard for me to gauge. On one hand it's Shock-TV at it sleaziest, but on the other it's insanely effective at making you despise Vince for what he's putting his family through. The only downside is that Shane's “purchase” of WCW ended up going nowhere, so that's a bit disappointing. Also disappointing is that Shane doesn't have his music yet... Oh well, time for the match!

Let's get the obvious out of the way, it's a Vince match, so we can't expect this street fight to actually be any good from a wrestling standpoint. Instead, we have Vince getting the hell beat out of him by Shane and some solid storytelling from all involved. Mick as the ref is great, and Trish's turn to ensure that Vince gets what he deserves makes for a great match. Oh, and this happened.

Suffice to say, this is a great ending to a solid story, and thank God they put in that build promo, because without it, this would have been terrible. We need more matches with this level of storytelling again, just without the family politics. 3 stars.

We're at the 2nd hour's big match, and what a match it is! The legendary WrestleMania X-7 Tag Team Championship Ladder match, featuring Edge & Christian, the Dudleys, and the Hardy bros from when Matt wasn't fat and getting high for Jeff meant a ladder, not a joint. Seriously, you can actually understand Jeff in the promo for once!

Hardy jokes aside, the tag team division was clearly strong, and these guys were hungry. Some highlights:


And my favorite part of the match:


Eat that Jeff!

The match ends with interference from Rhyno, who helps Christian get the belt, making the new tag champs. I'm not really all that enthralled with the ending of the match, but the rest of it is textbook TLC, and is still awesome all these years later.

We're winding down with X-7, but we've still got two great matches left and one that has no business being on a WrestleMania card. I'm of course taking about Taker vs. Triple H I, because the Gimmick Battle Royale is a ton of fun! Lots of great old faces show up, including the one and only Gobbbeldy gooker's first appearance since it was hatched! The Iron Shiek ends up getting the win, but not without being put in a lot of pain by Sgt. Slaugher, who needs some payback for being eliminated. Once again, it's not a great match, but it's a whole lot of fun. 2 ½ stars, but not one to be missed.

It's time for the live music performance, and this year, Triple H gets the honor of having Lemmy butcher the lyrics to his own song as he comes out to face The Undertaker in his hometown of Houston, TX! I like Motorhead, so I enjoyed this part.

One of the highlights of a Taker match is how over-the-top his entrance is for the year. Unfortunately, this is X-7 and the year is 2001, so we're stuck with Biker taker and Limp Bizkit. Kind of underwhelming, but then again, so is this match.

I know a lot of people gave these guys a load of crap for their last two matches, but they look like God's gift to wrestling compared to this abysmal match. There is no energy, no excitement, no reason to be invested. I'm not used to saying that about either of these men, but it's sadly the case here. None of the spots are memorable, and there really doesn't seem to be a solid story behind this one. Maybe I'm wrong though. WWE, get the RAWs on there.

Towards the end of the match, both guys leave the ring and wail on each other, leading to Taker absolutely dominating Lord Haitch. Taker gets him into the ring, hits the Tombstone, gets the pin but the ref is down. Trips nearly gets Taker, but alas, it's not enough. Trips eats the last ride and Taker gets the pin, culminating in...

No sound. Taker's ending is muted on the network, and I'm not too fond of that. It's obviously a song licensing issue, but it doesn't change the fact that the crowd's energy made a big difference for the match. It's the only reason it wasn't unwatchable. What a let down. Of these two, I expected more 2 stars.

*EDIT: Since the original writing of this review, the WWE has corrected the audio issue, restoring the commentary and leaving the post match music low. That being said, the match still sucks. Thanks for fixing it, though.

We've finally arrived to the big moment... The Rock vs Stone Cold for the WWE Heavyweight Championship belt. First we get another solid recap package. The Rock comes down to the ring with what is, in my personal opinion, the best version of his theme. I just love his audio samples. Austin, on the other hand, comes out to Disturbed. Kinda a buzzkill to be perfectly honest, as I've never enjoyed this version of the theme.

This match is solid, and the crowd is hot. The Rock is in his element, and Austin is feeding off of his home state's crowd. Unlike with the Taker match, these two have spots that have energy. When they go out into the crowd, it feels natural. These two are really viscious, and it's clear that Austin is going heel tonight. When the two of them are in the ring at the climax of the match with their crimson masks, the crowd goes ballistic. I can't stress enough just how intense the match feels. Even the reversal-fest at the end of the match feels justified. It also helps that Stone Cold's cracking out some of his Ringmaster moves.

That being said, the end of the match is the black spot on an otherwise fantastic main event supported by solid storytelling. Turning Austin in Houston was the stupidest thing they could have done. While I personally have no issues with Stone Cold's heel run, this was not the place to do it. Literally anywhere else and this would have been just fine, but Texas refused to turn their back on their man. As far as the crowd is concerned, Vince just turned face. It's really too bad, because this should have been a 4 ½ star match. Because the ending undermines the storytelling, the strongest part of the match, I have no choice but to give it 4 stars.

Overall, I get the appeal and the passion for Wrestling that WrestleMania X-Seven brings out of people. The big matches are generally solid, and the show really does highlight how good the storytelling of the Attitude Era was. The show also has some of the better ringwork from the time. But at same time, the majority of the undercard lacked solid in-ring ability. There are 4 really solid matches that were given adequate time, the rest all feel either tacked on or just too long for the quality of wrestling given. If anything, this show parades the Attitude Era's weaknesses more than it's strengths and show why it needed to go. WrestleMania X-Seven is the perfect way to send the Attitude Era into the sunset, and while it doesn't live up to the hype in my eyes, is still a must-see and an excellent show.

Overall Score: 8/10


Dude got married to a beauty and I'm sitting here prowling OKCupid for a lovely lady or gentleman and we are missing like 8 reviews still.

woe is me

Tinder > OKCupid. I know your post doesn't warrant my rant below, but I'll do it anyway.

I been noticing that what looks like OKC greatest asset, the match system with the questions, is actually very detrimental. Knowing too much about someone without even talking to them is never good. It's always out of context. It makes you think worse of people you might like because this one opinion is different and it makes you try to make things work with people you don't have chemistry because your political views are so alike.

Tinder just resurrected my sex life post-breakup in such a big way. The only information you both have is "do you both think each other is reasonably attractive?" and then you get to know each other, and you find out you disagree about stuff, but that's not so bad, it's so much more organic and nice.

It is reasonably to want to know if someone is homophobic or racist or share your views on enviroment, capitalism, how to raise children, favorite tv shows, and on and on before knowing if you'll type "Hi." to them; but the approach of typing "Hi." first and then finding out stuff through good old incessant texting is way better.

Tinder has the Sblargh official "I can brag on NeoGAF I am having sex again" award.
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