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March Wrasslin' |OT2| The Road To Raw After Wrestlemania XXX has begun....

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
All in all, I thought Jingle All The Way was an ok movie. Certainly not deserving of the hate it gets. It has some honestly funny moments in it, and Arnold comes off as intentionally funny. Not unintentionally. The only thing I didn't like was that they couldn't really decide on a bad guy for the movie.

New girl-who-doesnt-have-drawn-on-eyebrows-age


He should at least have 'Yes' on the list so he can point to it and go "HAHAHA I DID THIS BOW BEFORE ME" like only someone like that can.

MC Safety

Yeah, good luck rallying 80,000 people to chant what you want.

You know, paying XX dollars to attend a wrestling show and then feeling the need to express your displeasure at the product by chanting all night seems like a stupid thing to do.

We never did speak of the biggest victims of Punk's walking out... who will hire Living Color for concerts again?

State fairs are a washed-up band's ticket to 20 years of coasting.


You know, paying XX dollars to attend a wrestling show and then feeling the need to express your displeasure at the product by chanting all night seems like a stupid thing to do.

It's harder to say that about WM than a random Raw since tickets go on sale much earlier. Either way, at least this years card looks better than the last couple of years. Main event looked like shit, but HHH or (likely)Bryan will make it interesting.


We should put "legit shook" on a piece of paper to get the entire wrestlemania crowd chanting for it.

Speaking of marks, Summer Rae is getting so much mean, nasty, gendered insults on her Instagram. :(


"Fandango Song" made me laugh way too hard as well. Are we totally sure this is real?

Also there's "yeah" and "yes" on there, but I guess the "yeah" goes in tandem with the "boo" which I assume has to do with the punch sequences.


"Fandango Song" made me laugh way too hard as well. Are we totally sure this is real?

Also there's "yeah" and "yes" on there, but I guess the "yeah" goes in tandem with the "boo" which I assume has to do with the punch sequences.

I didn't see yes. Probably showed how much attention I paid to the list.


Oh god. Let me tell you how many times I tried to watch this through. Started it 8 times. It just sapped me of my will to watch wrestling. Like, it’s not even amazingly bad like IWA:MS shows are, they’re just slow, plodding and half-assed.


Shows starts off Gorilla Monsoon introducing JR in a toga. You can tell he knows he’s gonna get put up with lots of shit. For all the shit WM9 gets, I really like the stage setup. The introduction of Julius Ceasar and Cleopatra riding an elephant while JR gives us historical facts is the weirdest thing ever. Macho Man arrives in style on a sedan followed by Heenan on a camel. JR talks about vestal virgins for some reason. I hate this already. The fact that Heenan on a camel is the only thing that gets put on WWE DVDs tell you how awful this event is.


Shawn is accompanied by Luna Vachon making her debut her. Sherri follows Tatanka to even the odds. Sherri looks pretty great and is probably the best thing out of this Wrestlemania. I really think Tatanka is awful. Shawn has to do everything. He’s bumping all over the place. Only thing outside of Sherri that keeps this match interesting. Story of the match is that Tatanka targets Michaels’ injured shoulder, despite it not being a source of Michaels’ offense. The match slows down to a crawl when ever Tatanka is in control since it’s all working the shoulder. Micheals with a sick bump into the ring post shoulder first. Tatanka boring time. Sweet Superkick to counter a top rope chop. Chops in some variations are 75% of Tatanka’s offense. Sweet clothesline off the apron by Michaels. Match just plods along until the finishing stretch after Michaels takes a dive to outside, hits the ring steps and decides fuck this, and grabs the ref for the DQ to keep his title. Lame booking to keep Tatanka undefeated for no reason. Luna attacks Sherri after the match. Meh match.

Steiners vs The Headshrinkers

We get a prematch promo in the back with the Steiners and Scott has yet to become the master of the mic we all love. The match starts off with Fatu and Scott and some nice double leg takedowns and just some power shots before Scott delivers a great clothesline. After some brawling, the Steiners end up on the top rope and nail dual clotheslines. Steiners in control until Fatu counters into a stun gun and Samu pulled down the rope so Scott takes a nasty dive to the outside. Kind of a crazy spot. Afa nails Scott with the poles they carried in and the camera almost misses it. CZW production values! Next 7 or so minutes is Scott being the babyface peril. Fatu has a sweet superkick. Scott makes the hot tag after a missed serial killer producer dive. Hot tag offense is stopped by Rick foolishly smashing the headshrinkers against each other showing off that he’s clearly as smart as he looks. Headshrinkers set up for a tower of doom spot that Rick reverses into a power slam. Scott tags in after the Headshrinkers send Rick out. Sweet belly to belly on fatu before he nails an awful looking Frankensteiner on Samu for the win. Clearly the best match on the card. If this match was on a Raw, we would all love it for being a real good tag match.



We get a recap of the Doink vs Crush feud with a look at the fake arm attack. It’s hilarious. Crush has a gut. Some great reaction shots in the crowd.


Doink the Clown vs Crush

Crush’s ring gear is god-tier awful. There’s a sign asking who’s a pineapple head now. I don’t understand. Doink’s music is god-tier. Crush attacks Doink on the outside and just abuses the poor clown for the next 5 minutes. Doink gets back in it by dropping Crush on the ropes. Sweet stalling piledriver by Doink. That was unexpected. After Crush gets his foot up to stop a dive, he takes control of the match. Crush does that head squeeze thing and it leads to a ref bump. Crush reapplies the squeeze and a second doink appears with the fake arm and smacks Crush. The two Doinks try a mirror routine and botch it. Doink gets the pin. A second ref comes out to tell the other ref what happened (why this happens in this match and not in the Yokozuna/Hart match to try to reverse that one is beyond me). Nothing match

Also, fuck Todd Pettengill and his stupid getup for this event.

Razor Ramon vs Bob Backlund

This crowd loves Razor. Gives no shit for Bob Backlund and his no music entrance. Crowd comes alive with a chant for Razor. Match starts with Backlund just outwrestling Razor. Razor outpowers Backlund but Backlund counters with wrestling. Razor looks hilarious taking a hiptoss. Backlund just keeps outwrestling Razor until Razor sneaks in a small package to outwrestle the wrestler. Really, a nothing match.

Mega-Maniacs vs Money Inc

Hogan’s entrance has a weird VHS skip on the network, kinda funny. Fuck Brutus Beefcake and his stupid mask. Money Inc tries to sneak attack but it goes wrong. They do some spots revolved around Beefcake’s stupid mask. Fuck Beefcake. Fuck Jimmy Hart too. Not sure who I hate more. Hogan with his dick heel offense. Money Inc decide to hightail it. Earl Hebner suddenly decides he has a ton of power and threatens to strip them of the titles and give them to the Mega-Maniacs. This Wrestlemania is so weird in terms of ref actions. Where was that in the first match of the night? Money Inc with the heel beatdown. Dibiase puts the Million Dollar Dream on Hogan and Hogan sells it like a regular sleeper. Brutus applies his shitty sleeper and Dibiase is in a coma in like 2 seconds. Fuck Brutus. Double knockout. Fuck this shit. Hot tag offense from Brutus til he gets drilled by IRS sweet gold briefcase. They take off his shitty mask. Another ref bump. Hogan attacks Money Inc with the masks. Jimmy Hart thinks by switching his jacket around he can be a ref and counts to 3. Mega Maniacs start celebrating for some reason. How stupid can they be? Another ref comes out to DQ Hogan for using the mask. Seriously, where was the ref during the main event? Mega-Maniacs continue to be the heels in the match by threatening the ref for DQing them. Seriously, fuck this. Then they open IRS briefcase and start tossing ones into the audience. Cheapskates.

Luger vs Mr. Perfect

Goddamn at the women who come out with Luger. Like, damn. Seriously. Mr. Perfect gets a huge pop. This match could have been something, but isince this is WM9, it’s all terrible. Luckily it’s short. Henning had some loud ass chops on Luger. Really, the match is super short and all about teasing the forearm and the knockout. Match ends with the two fighting over a backslide and Luger winning and the ref missing that Hennings feet were on the rope and no ref comes out to fix this grave mistake because fuck consistency. Forget 3-month rule, it was 3 minute rule for this Wrestlemania. After the match, Luger hits the forearm and Henning chases after he recovers, only to get attacked by Shawn Michaels. So we get denied the good stuff



Giant Gonzalez vs Undertaker

We all know this match. It has a vulture, truly terrible ring gear and just a shitshow all around. Seriously, who decided that Gonzalez’s costume needed an asscrack? Also, the vultures feet are tied together and it tries to fly away to freedom but it can’t because fuck animals apparently. SO yeah, the match is shit and so is the finish. UT won by DQ, which is the only non-clean win on his winning streak. So clearly Giant Gonzales is UT’s greatest opponent. Take that L Triple H. I need this question answered, how did Harvey Whippleman manage to have a job for so long? It makes no sense. Almost as much sense as this match going 7:30 and the post-match segment going for seemingly just as long. The yoyo choke segment is legit hilarious though. So is Gonzales’ selling. This match took 5 tries to get through. It’s really as bad as they say.



Mean Gene interviews Hogan. Why? Because he’s a selfish dick and a racist. Throws out the term jap with no hint of remorse. So fuck Hogan.

Another Todd Pettengill segment. Fuck that guy.

Yokozuna vs Bret Hart

Hart starts with a flurry of offense and then it goes downill after. I really like Yokozuna’s leg drop. Looks so much better than Hogan’s. Bret with a foot up in the corner to make a comeback, but Yokozuna ends that with a superkick! Yokozuna has to be the biggest dude ever to do a superkick. Another splash attempt is countered and Hart with the bulldog and elbow drop. Hart with the punches in the corner, but Yokozuna drags him away but Hart rips off the turnbuckle and Yokozuna eventually goes into it. Hart applies the sharpshooter but Fuji throws the salt into Harts eyes and Hebner’s head. Seriously, the ref sees Hart covering his eyes and just stares like an idiot. Yokozuna wins and is the new champ. Hogan comes out to be a selfish dick

Hogan vs Yokozuna

Hogan is a dick. Just remember folks, no matter what happens at WMXXX, be glad it isn’t the ending to WM9. Fuck Hogan.



Fuck, I thought WM IX had HBK V Rick Martel for some reason and I always thought that was the one redeeming match.

Fuck. Now I hate it even more.

EDIT: That was Summerslam '92. Confusing my outdoor PPVs.


So not worth it
Okay, if I may...

1. So people that watch E! and watch Total Divas don't watch Raw.
2. People that watch wrestling and watch Total Divas watch both.
3. Total Divas makes all these women look like terrible, petty and shallow people.
4. Total Divas are then portrayed as faces on wrestling TV, to promote Total Divas.
5. Crowd boos them.
6. WWE goes huh, why don't you like these people?



It may be prejudice, but I think that the É! audience think just like the divas, meaning they think that Brie should defend her poor irrational man from the single uncommitted seductress who talked with him for less than a minute, and so on.
I think the gamble is to sacrifice the divas division because people boo them, but that doesn't make or break the show for anybody, and maybe, just maybe, someone who watches the reality show turns in to raw and, to them, they aren't evil.

So they lose nothing and might win something.


So not worth it
But what they should do is portray the Total Divas as heels and the rest of the roster as faces, then you can maybe win on both fronts instead of sacrificing one end.

Just seems like bad business to me, if you don't care about the main roster use of the women, then just put them on Superstars for the action shots to montage in Total Divas.


But then the reality show fan turn on the TV and what is that nice girl who got slapped at her own house being portrayed as someone who cheats to win?


Is there some sort of backstory to this? Why did they shit on Bret so hard?

From Wrestleview

Why did Hulk Hogan win the WWF title at Wrestlemania 9 when he wasn't even scheduled to be in the title match?
When Hulk Hogan left the WWF in 1992 business started declining and by 1993 the WWF desperately wanted Hogan back. So Hogan agreed to return but demanded a lot more say in his storylines. Vince McMahon reluctantly agreed and Hogan returned a few weeks later.

At Wrestlemania 9 Hogan was scheduled to tag with Brutus Beefcake against Tag champions Money Inc. Hogan thought he was too big of a star to be a tag champion and wanted the world title instead. So Hogan and Vince McMahon came up with the plan that Hogan and Brutus would be disqualified in their match and then later in the card Yokozuna would be Bret Hart for the World title. Hogan would then come out and challenge Yokozuna and beat him in under 2 minutes to become the new champion.

McMahon then planned that Hogan and Bret Hart would eventually fight in a big match at Summerslam 1993 in which Hogan would drop the title to Hart. Hogan didn't want to drop the title in a clean victory to another face and wanted to lose the title to the heel Yokozuna at King of the Ring 1993. Hogan also didn't want Yokozuna to get a clean victory over him so he came up with the idea that a cameraman would climb on the ring apron and his camera would explode in Hogan's face and Yokozuna would then pin Hogan. After the match Hogan was rarely seen or talked about on WWF television again.

Tl;dr: Hogan didn't want to pass the torch. In some people's eyes, it took Hart a year to get over that.


Great WM9 review. I'm ashamed to admit it but something about the Beefcake face angle really freaked me out when I was 11, I genuinely believed that Dibiase was out to smash the guy's skull in and kill him. Also his selling of the initial attack on superstars (or whatever) made my sister cry. The Pow household was full of marks in the 90s.
Got mah New Japan shirts;


The Bullet Club one is awesome, love the design on the arm and the NJPW logo on the back (see my avatar).

Gonna finish off the WM28 review shortly, fucking Taker/H's.
How much did this cost you in American dollars?

Too much.

¥3,000 for the t-shirts ~ $30
¥3,500 for commission & delivery ~ $34

However, after I placed the order with the selling service company, I noticed that puro yottsume is offering to do the same thing for western puro fans, commission free - so it'd be worth contacting him if you're interested; https://twitter.com/puro_yottsume

Shipping would've only been $20 on it's own and that was EMS 3-5 day, rather than the cheaper options that take a few weeks.


They were sadly guys that had a lot of the traits of having "IT" but weren't the complete package.
Neither guy had the opportunity much as a main eventer. Each probably should have had a run, even for Perfect as a transitional guy in between the likes of Warrior, Hogan, and Savage. He was supposedly schedule to win the 1990 Royal Rumble but it got changed at the last minute and Hogan won. For fuck's sake, Undertaker who did nothing but chokeholds got something. Perfect had everything you'd look for and would've been a great watch with Heenan at his side.

Both his matches with Bret were memorable to me and were some of the best contests you'd hear about from any SummerSlam or King of the Ring shows.
We've finally arrived to the big moment... The Rock vs Stone Cold for the WWE Heavyweight Championship belt. First we get another solid recap package. The Rock comes down to the ring with what is, in my personal opinion, the best version of his theme. I just love his audio samples. Austin, on the other hand, comes out to Disturbed. Kinda a buzzkill to be perfectly honest, as I've never enjoyed this version of the theme.

This match is solid, and the crowd is hot. The Rock is in his element, and Austin is feeding off of his home state's crowd. Unlike with the Taker match, these two have spots that have energy. When they go out into the crowd, it feels natural. These two are really viscious, and it's clear that Austin is going heel tonight. When the two of them are in the ring at the climax of the match with their crimson masks, the crowd goes ballistic. I can't stress enough just how intense the match feels. Even the reversal-fest at the end of the match feels justified. It also helps that Stone Cold's cracking out some of his Ringmaster moves.

That being said, the end of the match is the black spot on an otherwise fantastic main event supported by solid storytelling. Turning Austin in Houston was the stupidest thing they could have done. While I personally have no issues with Stone Cold's heel run, this was not the place to do it. Literally anywhere else and this would have been just fine, but Texas refused to turn their back on their man. As far as the crowd is concerned, Vince just turned face. It's really too bad, because this should have been a 4 ½ star match. Because the ending undermines the storytelling, the strongest part of the match, I have no choice but to give it 4 stars.

Overall, I get the appeal and the passion for Wrestling that WrestleMania X-Seven brings out of people. The big matches are generally solid, and the show really does highlight how good the storytelling of the Attitude Era was. The show also has some of the better ringwork from the time. But at same time, the majority of the undercard lacked solid in-ring ability. There are 4 really solid matches that were given adequate time, the rest all feel either tacked on or just too long for the quality of wrestling given. If anything, this show parades the Attitude Era's weaknesses more than it's strengths and show why it needed to go. WrestleMania X-Seven is the perfect way to send the Attitude Era into the sunset, and while it doesn't live up to the hype in my eyes, is still a must-see and an excellent show.

Overall Score: 8/10

I actually disliked X-7, i found the matches to be too predictable.

The main event was especially predictable from the get go - Austin was acting the heel like his 96/97 persona.
Lol, I love how much woooo hates on Okada, despite the fact that none of those fucks ever pay for any of the iPPVs...well, at least one of them does, who then streams it for the rest.

Incidentally, I had thought Okada would be dropping the title soon, but he is scheduled to defend the IWGP title against the winner of Steen vs Elgin, which will take him up to at least May 17th as Champion. Assuming he doesn't defend the belt on the Taiwan double shot and doesn't drop it at Dontaku, that'll be his 10th defence. One more and he'll equal Tanahashi's record 11 defences, so I'm guessing he drops the title at the Yokohama Arena show - can't see him equalling Tana's record just yet.

BHZ Mayor

The Rock comes down to the ring with what is, in my personal opinion, the best version of his theme. I just love his audio samples.

I was always partial to the previous version of that theme. It kinda feels like the "official" version of his theme. He even came out at the HoF to that version. I'm also kind of partial to the 98-99 theme as well.

Hell, let's make it a topic. Favorite version of the Rock's theme? Go.


Reposting since this got buried
as badly as Bryan will be.

When the Wrestlemania OT goes up, are we linking the reviews to the forum posts or off site? Are we still linking the reviews right?

I went back and redid all my gifs for my review (WM 13), cutting the total size in half. I want to go back and replace the old gifs but the thread is locked. Should I get a mod to edit, repost it here or something else?

As a demonstration:





I would say we're probably going to post the link off Legit Shook. It would be easier than finding all the various parts of the review posts and linking those.

Next year, if we do this it will be more organized.


Tinder > OKCupid. I know your post doesn't warrant my rant below, but I'll do it anyway.

I been noticing that what looks like OKC greatest asset, the match system with the questions, is actually very detrimental. Knowing too much about someone without even talking to them is never good. It's always out of context. It makes you think worse of people you might like because this one opinion is different and it makes you try to make things work with people you don't have chemistry because your political views are so alike.

Tinder just resurrected my sex life post-breakup in such a big way. The only information you both have is "do you both think each other is reasonably attractive?" and then you get to know each other, and you find out you disagree about stuff, but that's not so bad, it's so much more organic and nice.

It is reasonably to want to know if someone is homophobic or racist or share your views on enviroment, capitalism, how to raise children, favorite tv shows, and on and on before knowing if you'll type "Hi." to them; but the approach of typing "Hi." first and then finding out stuff through good old incessant texting is way better.

Tinder has the Sblargh official "I can brag on NeoGAF I am having sex again" award.

I've had more hooks ups from OKCupid than even meetings from Tinder. Tinder has nothing in my area. The closest dames are 30 miles away. OKCupid has milfs 6 minutes aways.

Great review, but this gif man, this gif is the best.

I guess everyone missed that I did that gif from a Raw review as well. Scooped. :(
So I found some super cheap shitty wrestlemania seats. I figured I should go since I live here.

I haven't watched wrestling since around 2000, probably. I have no idea what to expect. I can't believe some of these guys are still around though.


So not worth it

There is also a rumor going around AJ got engaged to Punk, from a post I made on F4W boards:

So, there's some rumors going around stemming from two people on Twitter claiming AJ and Punk got engaged last week.

Punk was in Tampa and a fan ran into the pair of them at the airport yesterday, he did post pictures of the pair of them there:

Might need to scroll down a bit here and there, guy posts a lot.

Then there's a separate source that claimed the same on the 28th: https://twitter.com/anthonytaylor_

It's baseless Twitter rumors, but two Tampa-based sources so there you go.


Man, I come in after a nice 3 day weekend and see people shitting on the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.
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