This is easily going to be better than last year's Mania
And this year is easily the Mania with the most honest to god long term builds in ages...
This is easily going to be better than last year's Mania
And this year is easily the Mania with the most honest to god long term builds in ages...
It's an Undertaker feud...of course it's going to be shit if the person is not full-time. At least Taker showed up for this match...unlike his match with Bray. Still don't even know why Vince pulled him into that feud with Shane. You should be accustomed to shitty Taker build ups by now. Also, you know you care.
This is easily going to be better than last year's Mania
And this year is easily the Mania with the most honest to god long term builds in ages...
It just feels like yesterday he was having a hot feud with Punk, HHH, and HBK. At least those guys pulled their weight around.
But I cant understand why Roman is fighting, and it's like they were too scared to do a proper confrontation.
This feels like when a co-worker comes to you and says "oh btw, we're still on for lunch with Dave" as opposed to some school yard fight where youre reminded "Hey you little shit! We're going to FIGHT after school today, tell the whole school!"
And no, I do not care at all. I dont care about Roman getting a massive negative reaction and Vince going "Wow! They are reacting!"
And I sure as hell dont care about Taker. As much as I dislike Roman, not even he deserves to lose to a bag of dust and bones.
I cant believe after hyping up Taker's perfect end multiple times with Lesnar, HHH, and HBK, they are going out with this lame ass match up.
It just feels like yesterday he was having a hot feud with Punk, HHH, and HBK. At least those guys pulled their weight around.
But I cant understand why Roman is fighting, and it's like they were too scared to do a proper confrontation.
This feels like when a co-worker comes to you and says "oh btw, we're still on for lunch with Dave" as opposed to some school yard fight where youre reminded "Hey you little shit! We're going to FIGHT after school today, tell the whole school!"
And no, I do not care at all. I dont care about Roman getting a massive negative reaction and Vince going "Wow! They are reacting!"
And I sure as hell dont care about Taker. As much as I dislike Roman, not even he deserves to lose to a bag of dust and bones.
I cant believe after hyping up Taker's perfect end multiple times with Lesnar, HHH, and HBK, they are going out with this lame ass match up.
Will he talk about Klondike Bill tho?
It just feels like yesterday he was having a hot feud with Punk, HHH, and HBK. At least those guys pulled their weight around.
But I cant understand why Roman is fighting, and it's like they were too scared to do a proper confrontation.
This feels like when a co-worker comes to you and says "oh btw, we're still on for lunch with Dave" as opposed to some school yard fight where youre reminded "Hey you little shit! We're going to FIGHT after school today, tell the whole school!"
And no, I do not care at all. I dont care about Roman getting a massive negative reaction and Vince going "Wow! They are reacting!"
And I sure as hell dont care about Taker. As much as I dislike Roman, not even he deserves to lose to a bag of dust and bones.
I cant believe after hyping up Taker's perfect end multiple times with Lesnar, HHH, and HBK, they are going out with this lame ass match up.
Serious question: who cares if they are long term builds if they're still sucky?
Shut up slap dickWill he talk about Klondike Bill tho?
To be perfectly fair, all those guys could do promos about the streak without the Undertaker being around.
Reigns legitimately hasn't said anything at all during this entire feud aside from tonight. Where he at least is just trying to claim that it's his time.
Um...before that happened, he called out Undertaker and HBK came out.
What did he even say in that promo?
Freddie wasn't bad but I'll tell you, he had an interview with gq where he talked about the product and this bitch said that 50-50 didn't matter. I was like..... Come on, you've been around the bs so long that they've fucked you over.Listening to Review-A-Wai.
Apparently Freddie Prinze Jr. was the main creative guy behind Jeff Hardy's title chase and win on SD. He also was a big proponent of the guys cutting promos to the camera and not looking away from it.
What did he even say in that promo?
He said he was going to retire Taker.What did he even say in that promo?
I mean that's subjective (I've liked like 80% of the builds) but some folks are arguing like there's been no build at all.
And if you think all the builds suck then why watch?
I mean if you hate their long term booking, you've been knowing it was going to suck for you for ages...
Like seriously why watch?
I know what I'm playing in bed tonight
Did I imagine it, or did Cass throw shade at Bill Demott during that Night After Wrestlemania special?
Y'all...Undertaker said "ultimate thrill ride" lol
Is an F5 an easier bump than a german suplex?Goldberg isn't going to be taking 6 F5s.
That one just caught me off guard. I think Bayley said WrestleMania 9 times in a minute in her promo.I'm pretty sure everyone said it at least once tonight
That's dope. That's dope as hell.Listening to Review-A-Wai.
Apparently Freddie Prinze Jr. was the main creative guy behind Jeff Hardy's title chase and win on SD. He also was a big proponent of the guys cutting promos to the camera and not looking away from it.
Y'all...Undertaker said "ultimate thrill ride" lol
Fuck that owl.
I don't think I will.
Some of these dudes will need to be carried out there, fuck.
This is easily going to be better than last year's Mania
And this year is easily the Mania with the most honest to god long term builds in ages...
FilthI know what I'm playing in bed tonight
With my weiner!
This is true. It does get tiresome after a while even in the OT.Logical decision
The over the top chicken littling over every little thing every week around here gets tiresome sometimes...
3 matches had legit long term builds
4 if you want to count goldberg/brock, which barely counts since they're part timers
I guess that is more than the last couple of years... but that ain't saying much lol.
the raw women's match could have been but they decided to fuck it all up by ending charlotte's streak and having bayley win the title on a nothing raw... ugh.
Broken HardysWait, what's the anthem owl trademark thing referring to?
Come on sonFilth
Broken Hardys