Oooh. Is there surprise return specifically referring to the WWE? I could have sworn they've been doing RoH stuff lately?
Sorry for all the questions. I've kinda fallen behind.
Their contract in ROH ends April 1st.
Oooh. Is there surprise return specifically referring to the WWE? I could have sworn they've been doing RoH stuff lately?
Sorry for all the questions. I've kinda fallen behind.
Impact/TNA is suing the Hardys for using the BROKEN characters that they are trying to trademark.Oooh. Is there surprise return specifically referring to the WWE? I could have sworn they've been doing RoH stuff lately?
Sorry for all the questions. I've kinda fallen behind.
Oooh. Is there surprise return specifically referring to the WWE? I could have sworn they've been doing RoH stuff lately?
Sorry for all the questions. I've kinda fallen behind. Is there surprise return specifically referring to the WWE? I could have sworn they've been doing RoH stuff lately?
Sorry for all the questions. I've kinda fallen behind.
I heard Roman dropped a great promo true?
-Levesque is tasked with manufacturing an organic brand, which is an enormous undertaking. Take the Roman Reigns conundrum as an example: The handsome, muscular, 6'4" Samoan is vociferously booed by WWE audiences, and there are constant demands from the fans to turn Reigns into a villain. Levesque has a different understanding of the situation.
People can look at Roman Reigns and say, The failed attempt that is Roman Reigns, but Roman Reigns sells tickets, said Levesque. Roman Reigns gets one of the loudest reactions every night, whether that reaction is a boo or whether that reaction is a cheer. The fans who say, I dont understand why they dont turn Roman Reigns heel! Isnt he already?
If you believe what you believe, and youre saying, How can they not turn him heel? There is 70 percent of the crowd booing him out of the building! If thats your belief, then isnt he already the biggest heel we have? If 70 percent of that crowd is booing him, then hes a heel. Were just presenting him to you in a different way that makes you hate him.
lol noI heard Roman dropped a great promo true?
Mr. Rrcman, I've heard you've been smoking crack!I heard Roman dropped a great promo true?
I heard Roman dropped a great promo true?
Asshole jackass Roman Reigns is a great Roman Reigns... It was a good promo yeah.
lol no
Mr. Rrcman, I've heard you've been smoking crack!
Xbox One interface is fucking atrocious. Jesus Christ! Where the fuck is anything?!
You know what I'm be positive and go with excelsiorlef
Do you purposely do this?
B+ Player said:”People can look at Roman Reigns and say, ‘The failed attempt that is Roman Reigns,' but Roman Reigns sells tickets," said Levesque. ”Roman Reigns gets one of the loudest reactions every night, whether that reaction is a boo or whether that reaction is a cheer. The fans who say, ‘I don't understand why they don't turn Roman Reigns heel!' Isn't he already?
Jesus Christ, Hunter... You're friends with X-Pac, surely you should know what's good heat and what isn't.
Also, didn't Meltz say RR is regularly beaten on merch sales and has been an underwhelming draw on occasions?
Also, I like the idea that people should just be happy with Reigns because "in WWE canon he's a face but outside he's not *wink wink*"
Jesus Christ, Hunter... You're friends with X-Pac, surely you should know what's good heat and what isn't.
Also, didn't Meltz say RR is regularly beaten on merch sales and has been an underwhelming draw on occasions?
Also, I like the idea that people should just be happy with Reigns because "in WWE canon he's a face but outside he's not" *wink wink*
So we getting Cena v Roman at next year's Mania?
You just know it's heading that way but question is when.
Reigns vs. Lesnar II next year, Cena vs. Reigns the year after that.
I think he's #2 behind Cena... but yeah his shows aren't a super draw but who else do they have to fill that spot...
This is the Cena conundrum part 2 only worse because Reigns ain't Cena
If Finn and Seth stay injury free for the foreseeable future (lol) I can see them taking the #2/#3 spots or (#1/#2 if Cena keeps disappearing [marriage, family, Hollywood, etc.]) but ya know...According to Meltzer, he isn't a draw for house shows, but he also doesn't hurt house shows. The only draw is Cena.
As far as merch sales, he's consistently #2 or #3, with bursts for various people (New Day, etc.) when they have new product.
Also, until they stop filling up domes, it's not bad heat.
If Finn and Seth stay injury free for the foreseeable future (lol) I can see them taking the #2/#3 spots or (#1/#2 if Cena keeps disappearing [marriage, family, Hollywood, etc.]) but ya know...
Like, it seems she's a face in the company in everything but her booking.
I understand that Vince would LOVE to have another monster heel, especially one in the Women's Division, but Nia isn't it.
What's Bull Nakano up to these days?![]()
Paige posted her response to everything on Twitter an hour ago. Thankfully very definitely from her future husband's. Glad to see her aiming to do some good.
Paige posted her response to everything on Twitter an hour ago. Thankfully very definitely from her future husband's. Glad to see her aiming to do some good.
GoodPaige posted her response to everything on Twitter an hour ago. Thankfully very definitely from her future husband's. Glad to see her aiming to do some good.
Ehhhhh Rollins is arguable even less likeable and a worse talker than Reigns overall... he just got the benefit of not being the one who "fucked over" Daniel Bryan in the eyes of the fanbase. Rollins is always gonna be stuck in that second tier babyface...
Balor who the fuck knows... I think it is way too early to say that.
I disagree with the first part 100%. Other then "DA DEMON KING" stuff, I never rolled my eyes during one of Seth's promos. And he might not work as a white bread babyface, but I can totally see a cocky face persona working. Also saying he just got the benefit of not being the one who screwed Bryan is is putting aside how he carried tje company while still green for one year even while being booked like shit.
Rollins is one hell of a performer.
He is but so is Reigns bluntly...
Roman is good, sure, and an argument can be made in his favor against Rollins for in ring stuff depending on what kind of wrestling you like, now suggesting he's a better promo or more charismatic... I just don't see it. Also, just in case scripted promos and booking are brought up, Rollins was screwed in that department as well just as bad.
Paige posted her response to everything on Twitter an hour ago. Thankfully very definitely from her future husband's. Glad to see her aiming to do some good.