i dont know. never saw it with Depp! i was going to visit my grandma in Florida earlier this year but VID stopped that from happening. no that we would have gone to Disneyland... but maybe!
i do have the vinyl record, which is really dope. the first side is a narrated trip through the 60's og ride. side two is a guy singing old tyme pirate shanties. i went during the second time i visited Disneyland, probably 30 years ago.
the original pirates ride was the best. back when Disney used to do more traditional/folk oriented IPs. that's what i fell in love with as a kid: Aladdin, Cindarella, Snow White, Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, all these were based on really old stories that were more folkloric in nature. everything they make now super corporate, either based a modern IP or a remake of their own property. imo
Pirates is actually still one of the last remaining vestiges of original fantasy programming from the big D. based not on a comic or book or movie but a general folkloric idea.
on vacation recently i watched through the first 3 movies again with the family, and they really hold up. Depp of course the centerpiece and star of the show, but it was a good series in itself, with many good character actors, lots to appreciate when he wasn't onscreen. the leads were great young action heroes in the classic Hollywood vein. i also like the dynamic of the two down-on-their-luck pirate friends, one with a glass eye that is always comedically falling out or being stolen by a monkey, it was kind of C-3PO/R2 style friendship, but with pirates. the villains were always unique and very well done and even iconic in a classic fantasy way -- Geoffery Rush's rotting Ghost Pirate Barbosa being the closest thing to a live action LeChuck we will ever see, and the strange Lovercraftian creatures of Davy Jones' crew from the 2nd were particularly memorable.
MVP of the whole series i would say isn't even Depp himself but character actor Kevin McNally, who puts in a lot of time pulling a lot of dramatic/expositional weight. some of the movies even end on a close of up of this guy saying an awesome piratey thing. dude is highly underrated and i hope he shows up in any future movies they do.
it is a series that celebrates the classic serialized fantasy that Indiana Jones and Star Wars always hearkened back to, but it is original and unique to Disney, so i think there is a lot of magic still in there to mine, if they do it smartly.
Pirates is almost the last of Disney's wholly original classic b-movie pulp fantasy franchises.