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Marine Le Pen loses EU parliament immunity

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Reuters said:
European Union lawmakers lifted the EU parliamentary immunity of French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen on Thursday for tweeting pictures of Islamic State violence.

Le Pen, who leads her National Front party in the European legislature, is under investigation in France for posting three graphic images of IS executions on Twitter in December 2015, including the beheading of American journalist James Foley.

The vote on Thursday by a large show of hands in the plenary of the EU Parliament confirmed a preliminary decision taken on Tuesday by the legal affairs committee of the EU legislature.

Le Pen's immunity shields her from prosecution. By lifting it, the Parliament allowed legal action against her. The offence being considered is "publishing violent images," which under certain circumstances can carry a penalty of three years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros ($78,930.00).

Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-election-lepen-eu-idUSKBN1691A0

Good that the EU is moving against her.

Lift my immunity if old.
just so i understand, you're not allowed to post violent images on twitter.....and going against that means the EU can prosectute? isn't that completely against freedom of speech?


It is always wonderful how the undemocratic European Union is always one of the few places these assholes get elected.


"Parliamentary Immunity"

"It's just been revoked."



Gun Animal


? Is this a joke?

Nobody supports ISIS. We also don't support using them as an excuse to spread bigotry against immigrants.

They're being used as an excuse to support bigotry against ISIS. There may or may not be some overlap between the two groups.


just so i understand, you're not allowed to post violent images on twitter.....and going against that means the EU can prosectute? isn't that completely against freedom of speech?

France. She was being protected against prosecution by her role as European Union parliament member, but they have lifted it so she can be sued in France. As for freedom of speech:

The free communication of thoughts and of opinions is one of the most precious rights of man: any citizen thus may speak, write, print freely, save [if it is necessary] to respond to the abuse of this liberty, in the cases determined by the law.


Alright gonna need a Robocop gif here. Replace prime directive with EU parliamentary immunity and we might get to something.


There are limitations and exceptions the to freedom of expression.

This one seems a bit random though, she would argue that she is just showing the world as it is. Would have she been punished had she published photos of bodies from concentration camps?

She is a disgusting human being, and using tragedies to push her racist agenda is despicable, but I fear this specific instance will play completely in her favour. She will scream at a conspiracy against the true patriots her party represents.

On the other hand, her diplomatic immunity revocation means she can be ordered to a judge, something she said wouldn't obey previously.
Is her immunity being lifted only for this specific case (the hateful cartoons), or generally? She's also trying to avoid a fake jobs litigation right now.


The issue doesnt seem to be bigotry or hate speech. It's simply that you're not allowed to spread violent images like that.


This one seems a bit random though, she would argue that she is just showing the world as it is. Would have she been punished had she published photos of bodies from concentration camps?
Yes. She would have been grounded by her daddy because the Holocaust was only a footnote in history according to him.

Gun Animal

The issue doesnt seem to be bigotry or hate speech. It's simply that you're not allowed to spread violent images like that.

*someone commits a crime*
*someone else records them commiting a crime and posts it on the internet*
*a third someone retweets that person*

who in this chain deserves to be punished?


So is she being punished for spreading documentation of ISIS violence or is she being punished for being a nationalist? Which is it?

The offence being considered is "publishing violent images," which under certain circumstances can carry a penalty of three years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros ($78,930.00).

It's right there; I guess in this case it fit one of those circumstances. It's not that hard to link her anti-immigrants speech to those images (as in "see? Muslims are bad!").
So is she being punished for spreading documentation of ISIS violence or is she being punished for being a nationalist? Which is it?
Spreading graphic material is against the law.

The law wasn't invented for Le Pen, it was there before.

Furthermore, she stole EU money, so fuck her anyway.


So is she being punished for spreading documentation of ISIS violence or is she being punished for being a nationalist? Which is it?

Quoting cap: son just don't

Don't think she's a martyr, she's just dumb and failed to realize she broke the law by retweeting ISIS propaganda, if you fail to get that then you are truly lost and they can lie you all they want


So is she being punished for spreading documentation of ISIS violence or is she being punished for being a nationalist? Which is it?

Neither. She's being punished by spreading violent disturbing images. Same as showing breats in public is illegal in Utah for example. Just that french find blood and guts disturbing, while boobs disturb mormons. But the idea is the same.
wtf is bigotry against immigrants? Is "immigrant" a dogwhistle or something?

keep feigning ignorance you francophobe.

not sure if serious or just moronic. or if i'm missing a joke.

in the UK at least it's been pretty common that if you post beheading or ISIS/Al Qaeda material etc online they will try to prosecute you. I assume that's more of a general EU thing as well.

Arguing that this would be a breach of freedom of speech would be like saying that neo nazi guy shouldn't have got punched despite his platform existing purely to spread hate...also I'll assume you've never seen a beheading because I saw one years ago and it's not something anyone should ever have to see and it shouldn't be something we publicize.


Not to forget, she had already lost a chunk of her paycheck because of her involvement in the recent-ish EU fund misappropriation case. Also, she had already lost immunity once before in 2013-2015 for her Muslim-Nazi comparisons (she was acquitted though, IIRC).

So, for us it's a day of celebration, for her, it's merely Thursday.
Why do you support ISIS?
If anything, she's shown how much of an ally they are to her by publicizing their appalling images.
Doing so was an utter moral failure for a politician as:
- she showed obvious disregard for the law of the land by publishing graphic and violent content. As an elected official, she should be exemplary.
- she showed a lack of basic human dignity by not caring at all for the victims and their families. This is absolutely antithetical to our Western values.
- she helped propagate ISIS propaganda and in the end served them.

If she can't abide by our laws and values, I suggest she looks for another country or continent.

Gun Animal

Neither. She's being punished by spreading violent disturbing images. Same as showing breats in public is illegal in Utah for example.

If the EU had revoked her parliamentary priviledges for showing her breasts in Utah I would be equally disturbed, if not more so!

If anything, she's shown how much of an ally they are to her by publicizing their appalling images.
Doing so was an utter moral failure for a politician as:
- she showed obvious disregard for the law of the land by publishing graphic and violent content. As an elected official, she should be exemplary.
- she showed a lack of basic human dignity by not caring at all for the victims and their families. This is absolutely antithetical to our Western values.
- she helped propagate ISIS propaganda and in the end served them.

If she can't abide by our laws and values, I suggest she looks for another country or continent.

I agree, her views and actions are antithetical to Western (Enlightenment/Liberal) values, which have failed spectacularly.


LaPen is garbage but that's a shitty reason and terrible law.

Looks like they're just trying to find something.


Spreading graphic material is against the law.

French law specifically, I take it? Does this not apply to news organizations then?

A bit of clarification: The "no showing graphic images" rule is one for members of the European parliament, it's not French laws about hate speech. French judges were trying to indict her because of some illegal shit she did but couldn't touch her because of her immunity, and the European parliament decided to revoke her immunity because of her tweeting.

French laws about hate speech have nothing to do with it, it's a law by MEPs, for MEPs. An ordinary citizen can tweet beheadings freely.

Thanks for that, sounds much more reasonable.
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