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Mario Bros. pins-anyone else got some of these?



I dug a few of my own out from the closets and found a handful including mario on a motorcycle, a hammer brother, a paratroopa, Peach (somewhere else in the house, I don't have it on me), Luigi, mario with no hat and a hammer, and Mario pointing. Are they worth anything, and how many are there in total?


Tag of Excellence
I have ~10 (of the group you mentioned) well protected in storage. I also have a few that are pretty recent. I don't know why but I like collecting video game related pins. I don't have a great collection but they hand them out at E3 and for promotions that it just ballooned into a collection.


I got one that I can recall...

Mario wearing racing glasses in a race car. Beats me if I can find it too...
I've got one of these. I'm not positive which character it's supposed to be, though. It seems like an oldschool Luigi, because his proportions are just like Mario but for the white overalls and green shirt. The problem is, the pose looks to be a mirror of the Super Mario Bros. 2 box art, except he's holding a mushroom. And Super Mario Bros. 2 is the game where Luigi cemented his taller look.


M3wThr33 said:
I have about 7 or 8 in a collector's set of sorts. My girlfriend and I wore a pair to our senior prom.
Cool girlfriend!

Haven't seen pens like these before. Guess I missed them back in the day.
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