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Mario Declares the World is Flat (Paper Mario 2)


Still Tagged Accordingly

Mario Declares the World is Flat, Decides on a Move to the Flattest City

To commemorate Columbus Day, video game icon Mario™ has taken a contrarian position by declaring that the world is flat. As a result, Mario has stated his intention to relocate to the country's flattest metropolitan area, Houston. Though Mario readily admits that he is going against hundreds of years of scientific fact, he says all the evidence for the Earth's flatness is found in his new adventure game, Paper Mario™: The Thousand-Year Door.

The game, launching today exclusively for Nintendo GameCube™, showcases the ability of Mario and his friends to manipulate their flat, 2-D bodies in dynamic ways. Mario can roll himself into a tube and bounce, slip sideways through narrow passages or fold himself into a paper airplane and soar away. The comical role-playing game sets him on a search for Princess Peach and treasure.


The American Indian Student Union has an Anti-Columbus Day activity for today. Saw a flyer over at my work -- crazy, and yet understandable I suppose, stuff.


Oh no I don`t think this game has a chance. It is not a FPS adventure game with amazing 3D graphics, it is doomed to poor sales. Oh no, what shall we do? *sarcasm end*

That was just a joke to some people in another threat. But this game is amazing, I have played a lot of it, and it kickes royal ass. It is a must play.


Go Chris!




Let me guess, Mario takes an opinion an gets attacked cause Nintendo doesn''t go online...

The way I see it, his position makes sense, I mean when I look at the ground I see a flat surface, not curved at all...


Tag of Excellence
efralope said:
Let me guess, Mario takes an opinion an gets attacked cause Nintendo doesn''t go online...

The way I see it, his position makes sense, I mean when I look at the ground I see a flat surface, not curved at all...


They should have a Leif Eriksson day and a "first Asian to cross the ice and become and Indian"-day as well. Politically correct for all...
No, he did work for what was becoming Spain. Actually, he worked for a recently combined Castilla (Castile) and Leon. He had worked for Portugal, but the king of Portugal rejected his voyage plans.

Fernando and Isabel (usually referred to as Ferdinand and Isabella in English) were the rulers of Castilla and Leon who united the two with their marriage. The other parts of Spain were united later, but these two were the first.

Columbus was from Genoa originally.
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