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Mario Kart 8 DLC |OT2| You Got Boost Power!

Azure J

No one playing? :(

Also, I totally forgot about something when I posted all of my replays earlier:

Sunshine Airport: I now believe that Kartma™ is one of the realest things in the universe after watching this replay (and playing this race).
So yeah, right now I prefer bikes overall for 200cc. The only tracks where I currently feel severely handicapped for using a bike over my usual kart combo are Yoshi Circuit, Baby Park, and Dragon Driftway. And Dragon Driftway's largely just because I keep on going for that shortcut I'm really bad at, otherwise it's fine really. Baby Park is also a fucking luckfest. Yoshi Circuit... I don't really gotta brake at all with a kart on that track but on a bike it's a fucking brakefest.

Every other track I can think of ranges from "Roughly the same on bike and kart" to "Easier on a bike". NBC and Cheese Land, for example, are slightly worse for me on a bike but not significantly so.
For RR8 I mostly just use my kart strategy. Like with a kart, as long as I'm not being dumb with shrooms my only real issue would be suicidal nobs who try to take the turns tightly at high speeds and take me with them.
The new rainbow road track on 200cc was a nightmare. Even when I use brakes, I still fall off. It's also a bad idea to use your star on a upcoming turn.
The only tracks that are really killing me on 200CC are New Bowser City and Baby Park. I think I really just need more practice though, I haven't even done their GPs offline yet.
Both bikes and karts have to slow down notably on "that one section" on NBC. If you can get the rest down without braking much, if at all, then it's pretty manageable as long as no suicidal idiots take you out with them.


Both bikes and karts have to slow down notably on "that one section" on NBC. If you can get the rest down without braking much, if at all, then it's pretty manageable as long as no suicidal idiots take you out with them.

Funny thing about that, holding triple mushrooms during that section of NBC will always screw people over. Learned that the hard way...
The trick to not falling off is to slam on the brakes as you enter the second and third turns (and tapping during the first to get a good exit angle helps a lot). You want to slam as you enter because you won't have to slow down nearly as much compared to braking on reaction.
Funny thing about that, holding triple mushrooms during that section of NBC will always screw people over. Learned that the hard way...
Seeing someone's rotating shrooms there always makes me panic. lol

Azure J

So yeah, right now I prefer bikes overall for 200cc. The only tracks where I currently feel severely handicapped for using a bike over my usual kart combo are Yoshi Circuit, Baby Park, and Dragon Driftway. And Dragon Driftway's largely just because I keep on going for that shortcut I'm really bad at, otherwise it's fine really. Baby Park is also a fucking luckfest. Yoshi Circuit... I don't really gotta brake at all with a kart on that track but on a bike it's a fucking brakefest.

Every other track I can think of ranges from "Roughly the same on bike and kart" to "Easier on a bike". NBC and Cheese Land, for example, are slightly worse for me on a bike but not significantly so.

Yoshi's Circuit went from being one of the most fun/cusp of god tier tracks to just OK overnight with the 200cc update. There's something about the stage as a bike user that makes me feel like I really should get it already, but in race, I'm still having horribad lines (don't even ask me how I get into the tunnel or get out of it and do the path along side Yoshi's back on the map) or when new tactics emerge on the fly (jumping over the water on the very first hard left turn after the item blocks when running max speed) I can't recreate them well. :(

I'd also like to add Neo Bowser (no surprises there) and Grumble Volcano to that list btw. The former is getting closer and closer to being understood, but the latter actually makes me wonder what is going on 9 out of 10 times we race there.

I'm surprised. No trouble with rainbow road 8?

The generous amount of space you get to work with on the first turn and lanes itself are a godsend. That said, it's still a pain in the ass if there are more than 3 people around or if anyone gets spiral items that aren't shells (shells reset your position so for that much I'm thankful lol).

Funny thing about that, holding triple mushrooms during that section of NBC will always screw people over. Learned that the hard way...

Still not as bad as seeing leftover mushrooms on the course post lightning or seeing people actively line the area with banana peels. The former is a cruel trick from a higher being, the latter is just malice of the highest order.
I've gotten a bit better at actually using orange miniturbos there, but yeah, the latter parts of that stage demand that you keep those to a minimum.


Yeah I do not go into an orange boost when going into the curve on the far right.


200cc has completely got me back into Mario Kart. I love the added dynamic of breaking during a drift. And the speed in general once you get the hang of it is very rewarding.

Azure J

Total tangent but it just came to mind:

What does everyone think the most underrated courses pre and post DLC are with 200cc? I feel like Super Bell Subway is actually really really cool but doesn't get talked up enough. It's doing what vanilla Toad's Turnpike should have (closer quarters, moving hazards to keep track of, fast pace/moderate track length) from the jump.

On that note, I feel like Toad's Turnpike actually got a bit more fun because of 200cc despite being the butt of thousands of jokes already. Something about the speed actually requiring people to be omn their toes versus other players and traffic + the speed boost making laps faster allows for more experimenting.
Azure: For the spine you go to the left and do a right drift down the hill. You know the red/white border things? They will cause you to "jump" over some of the grass, simplifying the whole matter into a simple right turn, releasing the MT, and then just driving straight until the sharp left turn. To enter/exit the cave you just brake into it.
I think Yoshi's Circuit is easier on 200cc with a bike than with a kart..

That track can be done without braking on a kart.

You have to brake like everywhere with a bike.

So no.

Yeah I do not go into an orange boost when going into the curve on the far right.

It's much faster to go with the orange. However, you want to hold down B throughout the entire duration of the boost, until about a split-second after it ends. If you do it right with the right line you'll hug the turn very tightly at a very nice speed, even after the boost has run out. Then you quickly finish up the turn, release an orange, and go on your way. This applies to both karts and bikes by the way; spent some time earlier getting consistent at this on both vehicles.


Always loved super bell subway. As for tacks 200cc greatly improved...

RR64>Toad's turnpike>Ice ice outpost>Dry Dry Desert>water park>moo moo meadows>dolphin shoals>...Basically, 200cc made tracks that are mostly straight paths much more enjoyable.

Oh and Sherbet land is severely underrated. :p
The only thing I hate about Animal Crossing track for 200cc is the ramps. When I drift on the ramp, I ram at the side of the track. Even in RR Snes, when I do that, I fall off from the track.


The only thing I hate about Animal Crossing track for 200cc is the ramps. When I drift on the ramp, I ram at the side of the track. Even in RR Snes, when I do that, I fall off from the track.

No biggie. Everyone more or less agrees(I think) that spring is definitely the worst season. The ramps are more or less hazards in 200cc


Moo Moo Meadows is still a disgrace and always will be.
I only tolerate that track because I love the sunrise theme and the magnificent music it has.
No biggie. Everyone more or less agrees(I think) that spring is definitely the worst season. The ramps are more or less hazards in 200cc
Once you memorize the possible ramp locations it's pretty easy.

It's Winter that makes me want to murder somebody, not spring.


Once you memorize the possible ramp locations it's pretty easy.

It's Winter that makes me want to murder somebody, not spring.

Shark plz. Winter is the best season easily. I'm a sucker for Christmas themed/night tracks <3
Moonview highway is an exception tho. Screw that horrid track.
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