Payback for shell ram...Wow, everyone wiped their hands on me as they went past me near the finish line
ok how the fuck did you win that, Exen?
come on.
then I'm having massive lag, I saw you getting hit by that.No. I didn't get hit with your horn, if that's what you're wondering. Just started up and got a boost and you were behind me on my screen.
When I rejoin it puts me in lobby all alone
When I rejoin it puts me in lobby all alone
Clearly this game is just not going to let me win.
Well, it did give you 3 reds in second.
I just took my Wii U to a mates house tonight for a Mario Kart night. The 3 guys there didn't own a Wii U and two didn't even know it existed but I am pretty sure Mario Kart 8 along with Nintendoland left a good first impression. The biggest downer was that I was just too good at MK8 for them, only losing once the whole night!
Are you guys still playing?
Yeah Roo. Join us
Sweet.Four in frantic.
Should have let them win a bit more.
Lol, both Chaos and Finalow with Bullets at the end. Poor Lightchris XD
lmao that ending, poor Roo.
Exen how did you catch up, was I lagging again