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Mario Power Tennis Review Thread


So far:

Planet GameCube : 9.5
Gamerz-Edge: 8.9
EGM: 9, 7.5, 8
GameDaily: 4/5 (thanks to Drakken)
IGN: 8.5

Comments from Steve Schardein:

Steve said:
I was pleasantly surprised at this newest installment in the Mario sports series, and so were my friends, as I systematically beat them all down until they cried uncontrollably. However, we tried beating the highest difficulties for so long that we ended up feeling like we were terrible at the game (which I assure you is not the case). This game is hard on the higher difficulties, folks, I can promise you that much.
Nice to see the difficulty is there.



Very glad to hear about the difficulty, in the original i'd have fun just BARELY beating my opponents on Max because I gave them a few free points here and there. I can't wait to get my ass kicked. One concern I have though is hope it doesn't feel too "arcadey" and stays true to the Mario Tennis 64 mechanics.


IGN's is up -- 8.5:

Matt said:
Mario Power Tennis is a solid update to a great Nintendo 64 game. The fundamental play mechanics are more or less the same, which is in my book just fine given that I liked them to begin with. The selection of playable characters and courts -- both immediately available and ready to be unlocked -- is likewise impressive. Meanwhile, the overall presentation, graphics and audio are all very well done, for the most part. In short, the core is still intact, and it still works.

That said, some of the additions are a mixed bag. The new power moves, while cinematic and certainly pretty, can jar the flow of matches and make it difficult to continually follow the ball. And the new Gimmick Courts, sometimes filled with flashing lights and other obstructing obstacles, share exactly the same problem.

Still, this is a fun game, and especially so if you have two or three friends to play with. If that's the case, don't hesitate to pick it up. It'll keep you busy well through the holidays.
Ah, I see SantaCruZer beat me to it.


Someone at EGM gave it a 7.5?! TIME TO SEND HATEMAIL! It'll screw up the gamerankings average!



AniHawk said:
Someone at EGM gave it a 7.5?! TIME TO SEND HATEMAIL! It'll screw up the gamerankings total!


I posted in the other thread about this. I don't care about the score, 'cause frankly, I don't much care about the game, but the 7.5 review is awful. Easily one of the worst I've ever read in a professional publication, print or online. Embarassing.

Deku Tree

Nintendo releases graphical update sequel: IGN calls it out for being more of the same.
Nintendo releases sequel with significant gameplay additions: IGN calls it a gimmick.

Can't wait to play MPT myself.
Society said:
I hope this 'review thread' 'trend' does not catch on. Just goto gamerankings.
iawtp. hated the halo2 thing too but halo2 has like 40% of all threads on the frontpage in GAF at the moment so its kind of understandable
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