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Mark Zuckerberg Says He's No Longer An Atheist, Believes "Religion Is Very Important"

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It is also behind the start of organized human civilization. Everything we do and how we live is governed by religion. Even if you do away with organized religion, humanity invents new things everyday. Where do you think the concept of not stealing came from? The majority of the world's charities are run by religious groups etc.

These seem like extraordinary claims that would be nice to be backed by evidence.
I'm more boggled by the commenter than Zuckerberg's response, never understood that particular impulse. In any case, kudos to him for actually responding and putting himself out there.

You didn't know? Only a member of a denominational group can give positive wishes to that group's celebrations. Similarly non-Americans are forbidden from wishing Americans a happy 4th of July, and only citizens of Great Britain can wish another a good 5th of November.


It is also behind the start of organized human civilization. Everything we do and how we live is governed by religion. Even if you do away with organized religion, humanity invents new things everyday. Where do you think the concept of not stealing came from? The majority of the world's charities are run by religious groups etc.
Code of Hammurabi probably


Zuckerberg is a lean D guy who spent six months refusing to discipline Peter Thiel and allowing anti-Hillary conspiracies to trend. He has no idea what he even wants to be politically, but he wants to be political for some reason. Zuckerberg has set himself up to be hated by both liberals and conservatives and to be a lesser version of Michael Bloomberg.

So...like Trump?

None of this really matters. As long as he "appears confident" (even if the shit he says is total gibberish or nonsense), as long as he is constantly in touch with his devout followers with every Facebook post that comes to his head, as long as he is a big name, as long as he lists himself as either a democrat or republican (whichever base will vote for him anyway regardless but GO TEAM PARTY!), he will have a chance.

The only disadvantage he really has at the moment is that he looks and acts like a "nerd". Casual voters will look at that as weak or any other negative cogitations that associate with that.

This is the current state of the country right now....fuck....
Two words: Donald Trump.

Okay, so, Donald Trump won the primary off his Republican instincts alone. No one other than someone who understood the Deplorables would have called for a Muslim ban and that alone probably won him the primary. He won the general from partisanship and EMAILS.

Zuckerberg is a Democrat who will be forever blamed by Democrats for getting Trump elected president. That shows no political instincts whatsoever because the Facebook fake news problem was an entirely self-inflicted wound.


Guy is just playing to his new market. You don't become an atheist and then back slide unless you want to appease someone
All kinds of stuff happens to people during their life that make them challenge their views and beliefs. I'm not saying Zuckerberg had any kind of "awakening" but you're making a huge generalisation.
"They're rapists" is probably the greatest demonstration of Donald Trump's political instincts possible. It was an impossibly horrible statement that no politician would have said (partially because it's false and absurdly racist) that appealed to the exact voters Trump needed.

Trump has a deep understanding of half of the Republican base and that is how he is president now.

Zuckerberg is a dummy who will have to always respond to his primary opponents being able to say "you got Donald Trump elected president." Spoilers, all Democrats hate Donald Trump.


All kinds of stuff happens to people during their life that make them challenge their views and believes. I'm not saying Zuckerberg had any kind of "awakening" but you're making a huge generalisation.

If his atheism was pretty much just being 3edgy then I could see it, but "awakening" events are one of those things atheists make fun of people for having
Well most religious texts were written hundreds to thousands of years before modern times, so they might be a bit outdated. Hell seeing how much science has changed in the past 200 years brings to light how vastly the perspective of the world can change over centuries...
This is the first I've heard of an Atheist turning religious. Doesn't make much sense, but then again being filthy rich all of a sudden does weird things to peoples minds.
It can happen, some people are atheist just by default of not growing up in a religious family or for rebellious reasons and not fully investigating it? Even I could see someone who has researched it going religious because they might feel it fulfills their life or something.


"They're rapists" is probably the greatest demonstration of Donald Trump's political instincts possible. It was an impossibly horrible statement that no politician would have said (partially because it's false and absurdly racist) that appealed to the exact voters Trump needed.

Trump has a deep understanding of half of the Republican base and that is how he is president now.

Zuckerberg is a dummy who will have to always respond to his primary opponents being able to say "you got Donald Trump elected president." Spoilers, all Democrats hate Donald Trump.

He also gave Chris Christie and his goons hundreds of millions of dollars for "schools" that was a horrible flop


This is the first I've heard of an Atheist turning religious. Doesn't make much sense, but then again being filthy rich all of a sudden does weird things to peoples minds.

Hip Hop

This is the first I've heard of an Atheist turning religious. Doesn't make much sense, but then again being filthy rich all of a sudden does weird things to peoples minds.


Everyone is an atheist (When they know the concepts at least) until they turn religious, and that's a lot of people that do so.


How is lean D guy who is blamed by Dems for Trump's victory set up for a strong political future?
First off, there isn't very much consciousness amongst general voters about the fake news issue. More Dems probably blame the candidate herself, the FBI, emails of Russia than Facebook--otherwise wouldn't there be some gigantic boycott of Facebook by Dems? Facebook remains popular.

Secondly, California's open primary system, which guarantees that open seats (i.e., no incumbent running) will be Dem vs. Dem on the general ballot would seem to favor him if he makes it out of the primary--it would seem that the Dem that can attract California Republicans on the general ballot would win, and California Republicans seem to love tech executives (they nominated Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina back to back).

It is possible that he would get out of a primary due to a crowded field (similar to how Trump emerged out of a crowded GOP primary). There are already 4-5 strong potential Democratic candidates for Governor or Senator.


It is also behind the start of organized human civilization. Everything we do and how we live is governed by religion. Even if you do away with organized religion, humanity invents new things everyday. Where do you think the concept of not stealing came from? The majority of the world's charities are run by religious groups etc.

Co-operation amongst species is common, and falls under the broader umbrella of reciprocal altruism. The earliest hominids weren't equipped with technology and strong weapons so they had to work together to survive. If you weren't a co-operative member of a tribe, and were ostracised, your odds of survival and procreation reduce dramatically. Because stealing is an act that damages the group, it makes sense that it was discouraged.

We see this behaviour in a number of species today, including bonobos and other great apes, but not only apes. They don't have religion.

tl;dr: religion plagiarised the rule of not stealing


Everyone is an atheist (When they know the concepts at least) until they turn religious, and that's a lot of people that do so.
He says he was raised Jewish. Going out of a religion takes a lot and I don't think it's an easy transition for anyone. But I don't believe there is a way back. Maybe if you become agnostic, but not if you become atheist.


This is the first I've heard of an Atheist turning religious. Doesn't make much sense, but then again being filthy rich all of a sudden does weird things to peoples minds.

How it's probably because i'm muslin but i hear stories or people becoming religious all the time. It's not a weird thing and i'm pretty sure i heard i guy who became religious after either becoming atheist or disillusioned with his previous religion.
Atheist folks having real trouble being open minded and accepting that yes, people's opinion of things change and they move towards new meanings as they see different lights. Ironic.


Slightly off topic but I don't feel like there should be a rule that Christmas is off limits to athiests. I don't believe in god and I'm not religious at all, but I love the holidays and I happily say merry Christmas
I look forward to the religion free utopia where mankind has stopped fighting over stupid things. But good luck on getting rid of religion in the first place.

Must be nice to have a simplistic worldview where all of humanity's problems can be blamed on people not being smart like atheists.

Or is this sarcasm / Poes law? The idea that buddhist monks are preventing us from reaching our glorious Star Trek future does seem a bit too comical to be a real opinion...


Slightly off topic but I don't feel like there should be a rule that Christmas is off limits to athiests. I don't believe in god and I'm not religious at all, but I love the holidays and I happily say merry Christmas
Isn't Christmas basically secular in certain parts of the world, i know Muslims in general are indifferent and only see as an opportunity for a holiday but i figured people in western countries celebrate Christmas regardless.
People say all the time that religion is important but in reality its just their wishful thinking of needing to make stuff up to feel better.


Slightly off topic but I don't feel like there should be a rule that Christmas is off limits to athiests. I don't believe in god and I'm not religious at all, but I love the holidays and I happily say merry Christmas

Exactly. The holiday period is pretty common in western civilisation and middle eastern societies and has a number of festivals associated with it. It isn't just an Abrahamic tradition, it is near the solstice so it has history in astronomically focussed societies too.


Slightly off topic but I don't feel like there should be a rule that Christmas is off limits to athiests. I don't believe in god and I'm not religious at all, but I love the holidays and I happily say merry Christmas

Consumas you mean


This is the first I've heard of an Atheist turning religious. Doesn't make much sense, but then again being filthy rich all of a sudden does weird things to peoples minds.

It happens all the time. People go through shit and change.
Weird that someone would question his atheism based on him wishing people Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. By that same logic he shouldn't say both of those things if he's religious, either just Merry Christmas if he's Christian or Happy Hanukkah if he's Jewish.


Atheist folks having real trouble being open minded and accepting that yes, people's opinion of things change and they move towards new meanings as they see different lights. Ironic.

It happens all the time, especially when it is advantageous to do so.

Not saying it isn't genuine, but either way it is a smart decision.
I disagree. I think religion is behind a good amount of the world's problems and we'd be better off without it.
I'd argue being a fanatic is the danger, not religion.
Getting so invested in something whether it's Nazi-ism or a twisted religion, it has more to do with the investment that's dangerous.
Religion is just a popular thing to be a fanatic about.

If religion never existed in the form we know today, I would guarantee people would still be fanatics about some twisted thing instead. Nazi-ism for example, might be just as prevalant should there have never been religion.
Must be nice to have a simplistic worldview where all of humanity's problems can be blamed on people not being smart like atheists.

Or is this sarcasm / Poes law? The idea that buddhist monks are preventing us from reaching our glorious Star Trek future does seem a bit too comical to be a real opinion...

Yes, if it wasn't clear, that is sarcasm.
South Park has an episode trilogy on this called "Go God Go", that pretty much nails everything.
I'd argue being a fanatic is the danger, not religion.
Getting so invested in something whether it's Nazi-ism or a twisted religion, it has more to do with the investment that's dangerous.
Religion is just a popular thing to be a fanatic about.

If religion never existed in the form we know today, I would guarantee people would still be fanatics about some twisted thing instead. Nazi-ism for example, might be just as prevalant should there have never been religion.

Uhhhh, Communism is the much better thing to point to than Nazism in this discussion.

Nazism's worst trait (The violent Antisemitism) follows pretty clearly from "The Jews and Their Lies" (from Martin Luther) and the New Testament lie that Jewish people killed Christ.


I'd argue being a fanatic is the danger, not religion.
Getting so invested in something whether it's Nazi-ism or a twisted religion, it has more to do with the investment that's dangerous.
Religion is just a popular thing to be a fanatic about.

If religion never existed in the form we know today, I would guarantee people would still be fanatics about some twisted thing instead. Nazi-ism for example, might be just as prevalant should there have never been religion.

Religion encourages fanatical behavior, and I don't know how you could rationalize the sex abuse atrocity within the Catholic Church that got swept under the expensive rug with fanaticism. That seems to me to be the byproduct of, surprise, an antiquated naive doctrine that slanders the human body and the sexual process as "dirty" and "sinful". This also of course has the further knock on effect of demonizing women.

Here is a fine example: Ancient Greece and Rome, before the times of Christianity, sexuality was arguably more liberal than it is today. People having sex in public baths and in front of one another, with antiquities themed around sexual themes like giant penises. They had paintings on their walls of people fucking for everyone to see and nobody cared, it was a normal part of life. You don't even have to look up an unheard of macro society to find it. Just look up Pompeii. Yes, that Pompeii.

On the flipside, you have the Middle East, where even something that happens in secrecy (read: privacy) like adultery can have you stoned to death. Another surprise, it's very likely to be a woman. Claim to be the son of god and develop a massive (threatening) following? Get nailed to a cross and kick off 2000 years of hatred, bloodshed and ruin.

It's all about perspective, and mine is that the Middle East is a particular hot spot for a very specific reason. You have 3 different doctrines fighting over the one piece of sand. Jerusalem has been destroyed twice and besieged 23 times throughout its history. Does that sound normal to you? Or extraordinary? Because it seems very much like the latter to me.
The Middle East is mostly a proxy war between Iran/Russia and Saudi Arabia/America but the main religion division in the Middle East is Sunni vs. Shia, not Muslim vs. Christian.


“Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah from Priscilla, Max, Beast and me,” he wrote, naming his wife, daughter and dog. Then a commenter asked him: Aren’t you an atheist?

I celebrate Christmas (or Jul (Yule) as it's called in Sweden) but not for religious purposes, it's for the purpose of good food and meeting family.


This is the first I've heard of an Atheist turning religious. Doesn't make much sense, but then again being filthy rich all of a sudden does weird things to peoples minds.

it It happens all the time. I know you're very proud of yourself for Having It All Figured Out, but you're demonstrating a very limited understanding of the world by saying this.
People can change their religious views hence how they can adopt a new religion later in their lives. But I can also see how this can benefit Mark considering the current political climate. Regardless if he is sincere or not, it's not a big deal IMO


Atheist folks having real trouble being open minded and accepting that yes, people's opinion of things change and they move towards new meanings as they see different lights. Ironic.

the thing is, I'm sure most atheist think of themselves as rational-thinking people that believe in knowledge, science and our ability to explain everything with natural causes above anything else. They are not going to be very open-minded about spiritual or mystical matters, but generally keep it to themselves


Agnostic master race.

Agnosticism and atheism aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, they don't even exist on the same philosophical/epistemological spectrum.

One is position of knowledge and the other is a position of belief. They work together nicely for me.

"I have no knowledge or evidence to prove the existence/non-existence of god and cannot intellectually/philosophically come to a definitive conclusion" = my agnosticism.

"Based on the fact I have no knowledge or evidence of the existence of god, I am unable to create or sustain a personal belief in god" = my atheism.


Business man says pragmatic thing.

What where you expecting when getting called out on a gotcha during the holidays?
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