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Marvel’s Agent Carter S2 |OT| S.H.I.E.L.D. L.A. - Tuesdays 9/8c


Mrs. Jarvis is the best.

I also always love the professional friendship between Peggy and Jarvis.
"Miss Carter." "Mr. Jarvis." Always.
It's a lot campier than the first season, which I think is the right direction to go in. The best part for me was seeing Howard's James Bond car for pervs.


Bitches love smiley faces
Liked both episodes, but I really hope they don't
wait until the last episode to get Madame Masque her mask.


It's a lot campier than the first season, which I think is the right direction to go in. The best part for me was seeing Howard's James Bond car for pervs.

Yeah. Is great they lightened the mood of this season while keeping the overall tone of campiness and the excellent retro feel.


PVRing the first few weeks. Will check in then and get the GAF update. If it isn't as dull as season 1 was then I'll give it a watch. Not that the first season was bad, it's just that it was so boring I had to fight to stay awake through it.
Awesome first two episodes. Nice that they are at least putting the seeds of Shield by mentioning the dissolution of the SSR. I hope Austin gains some powers through that ordeal.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Yeah, I'm glad this season has mor eof a fun spirit than the previous season. Might help some of the "first season was boring" criticisms.


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought for sure she was gonna stab him with that busted comb.

"I think you're going to be a great senator....IN HELL!" *stab*

Isn't that the girl from Into the Badlands?

Ah yes, that's where I've seen her.

Will check in then and get the GAF update. If it isn't as dull as season 1 was then I'll give it a watch. Not that the first season was bad, it's just that it was so boring I had to fight to stay awake through it.

I thought these two episodes were far more entertaining than anything in the first season.


So glad this show is back. I'm really excited to see the development of Peggy's new foe, though I'm hoping Dottie comes back in a bigger way. Jarvis is still top-notch and it was great to finally see his wife. Also hoping Wilkes isn't dead, either.

Eagerly awaiting the next episode.
I am genuinely concerned for Jason's well being because i know at any moment's notice he could get clapped easily.

Hope he's not really dead.


Great start to the season and it already feels like a big improvement over the previous season. The chemistry between Peggy and Jarvis continues to be great as ever and Ana Jarvis has made for a great fun new addition to the show.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
dope premiere! can't wait to see where they go with this... love that they're going all in on racism too


Only caught the first episode so far. Pretty good start. Some of the cheese is a little too on the nose, but I like the new characters. I don't think it does a great job of capturing 40s LA though. Sets mostly feel the same as season one with lazy attempts to make it seem "LA".
haha, that was a great opening


So I'm probably due for a rewatch but just how close did Carter and Sousa get before Sousa ended up transferring to LA? Because it seems a pretty far cry from the Sousa we knew last year to get involved with another woman so much that he bought her an engagement ring, all while keeping Carter completely in the dark about it. It doesn't seem like a realistic turn for this character.


Damn, that was a first good episode. I have yet to watch the second but the first one was stellar. Here are a couple takeaway impressions

- Peggy and her interactions with other characters, both male and female, are written with an exceptional sense of attention. She's definitely moved past having to prove herself to her peers and has garnered a well due amount of respect. The agents talking her up behind the glass in the interrogation room was a great way of showing that, but the scene works simultaneously to show how much she's seen as an exception for females, not unlike a circus attraction. She hasn't beaten sexism in society and it's unrealistic to think that she ever will but she's comfortable now in the sexist world in which she operates. Men gawk at her constantly, and she shows enough awareness of that fact to manipulate men when it serves her interest but otherwise doesn't care about the attention. All of it might seem too on the nose until you actually think about the time she lives in when women were both literally and symbolically objectified without much concern on an every day basis. She's constantly underestimated and uses that to her advantage every chance she gets. At the same time, her ego is never overbearing. She's not arrogant, she's confident. Those lines often get blurred with characters such as this but not here.

- The look of this show has improved tremendously. I wonder if it's a product of outdoor scenes being easier to pull off in the LA setting. The way the episode was shot, framed, and edited felt very much like a pulp crime drama with just enough modern flair. The lighting is used well to give everything a hot, but dry, atmosphere that really sells the vintage southern California aesthetic. Though certain parts still fall victim to looking like a soundstage, it's a notable step up from season 1.

- The episode was also really well paced with just enough twists timed to maintain my interest. I can totally buy people being bought off like it's no big deal back during the burgeoning golden age of Hollywood. The way the scientist (can't remember his name) kept hitting on Peggy was convincing enough such that the reveal at the end, just as I started to trust him, had a great sense of punch

- Stark having a heavy hand in building old Hollywood is inspired

- I find the tech limitations of the era incredibly compelling. The lack of cell phones, recording devices, and forensic sciences do a great job of reminding you what it was like living in an age where anonymity was a real possibility. People could conceivably get away with murder and crime so much more easily back then.

- It's been said but warrants repeating, Jarvis and Peggy have great on screen chemistry. Mrs. Jarvis is also adorable. I hope to see more of her.

All in all, it feels like they learned a ton from season 1. Welcome back, Peggy.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I don't think this show is coming back for a season 3, guys


When you tie or do worse than most of Fox's shows on the same night, you know you're screwed.
I don't think this show is coming back for a season 3, guys


When you tie or do worse than most of Fox's shows on the same night, you know you're screwed.

Wow, The Flash actually did not-red numbers. When did that start happening?

And aren't the +DVR numbers more important now anyway?
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