The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
They're also releasing Half Life 3 as a bonus character.
I would cosmic prestige Gordon Freeman in a heartbeat.
They're also releasing Half Life 3 as a bonus character.
But how hidden are those missiles?
MvC3 getting more attention here than in the FGC
MvC3 getting more attention here than in the FGC
“Weaving” certain channeled powers (rapidly turning them on and off to improve dps) is in the process of being fixed when it still occurs in the game. Hero kits that still used this technique also reviewed at same time.
Captain America
Meteor Kick - Double damage affix will now correctly stack additively with execute instead of multiplicatively. (this is a bug fix and effectively a small nerf)
Star Spangled Strike (Sig) - Damage reduced ~10% (initial tuning did not correctly account for the damage bonus it provided)
Damage Negation effect now starts at 10% when at full health and increases to 50% health when low on life.
Head Shot - Reduce+50% damage bonus to +25%, which will now stack additively with execute instead of multiplicatively (had a similar bug to Captain America)
Scarlet Witch
Legion - Changed maximum ranks to 5. Cost flattened to rank 5 cost.
Ravenous Binding - Healing reduced (still has highest amount of passive heal available)
Infect - Changed percentage missing health regen to flat health regen. (This is the biggest nerf on the list and it should have been set up this way to begin with, similar to the changes to costume cores last year).
Writhing Tendrils - Fixed the bug which could allow the DoT to stack twice against mobs that resisted the CC effect.
That Doom power tree looks crazy interesting. 3 sigs? Nice. Plenty of chance for flash haha..
Can't wait to give him a try.
dr dooms synergy are 5% signature powr damage at 25 and another 5% at 50
his signatures do not share cooldowns but some can only be used under certain speciliastions.
his teleport and flight powers cost nothing and whilst channeled restore spirit
dr dooms synergy are 5% signature powr damage at 25 and another 5% at 50
his signatures do not share cooldowns but some can only be used under certain speciliastions.
his teleport and flight powers cost nothing and whilst channeled restore spirit
oh fuck Dr Doom ultimate is a fucking troll
4 doombots spawn and doom teleports into his throne and they hold him up and walk him around and missiles and shit just fly around.
fucking hilarious
not tried it but people on forum are saying they are basically same but deal alot more damage
...that is not what we wanted ffs >_>
And by we I mean me and -deadpool- and like one other person in the world :/
i wanted the same and at one point brevik said they would make team ups unable to die while summoned guess that went against the wall
Well go pester them about that then not about stupid Howard the Duck!
couldnt give a fuck about some stupid duck
The changes to teamup gear is nice too. Every communicator has %dmg for the teamup, for example, and hostile unit analyzers have the 10 credit/item find that rank 2 passive used to have.
Also, Doom's summon tree is pretty interesting. Most of the abilities are only summons in theme, mechanically they function like normal ground AoE powers. I think that's probably the right choice, although having everything summon tagged mind of muddles things.
Also the tooltip values on the summon sig are horrendously bad lol. Regular doombots do 18k a hit, signature summons do 700.
Also, Doom's summon tree is pretty interesting. Most of the abilities are only summons in theme, mechanically they function like normal ground AoE powers. I think that's probably the right choice, although having everything summon tagged mind of muddles things.
Also the tooltip values on the summon sig are horrendously bad lol. Regular doombots do 18k a hit, signature summons do 700.
Wait, so they aren't actual summons? I'm not on the TC here, but that would be the opposite of what I'm hoping for. I want a damn summoner!
The cinderbot and the aerobot are the psuedo-summons, they pretty much plop down and just spam their aoe. The rest seem to be legit summons.
The Doombots seem pretty good, too. I could see them being used by non-summon builds.
This is something we will be monitoring closely during the TC phase and looking for feedback on.
Some things to think about -
You don't have access to the cosmic gear yet, which will have a lot of reworked affixes(I am not sure if those have made it to TC on white > purple rarity).
Gearing has a very important role in 2.0 as it is now your primary way to customize your team up. Making sure you put gear on your team up with beneficial stats for the role you want them to play is key. (i.e. you most likely wont want to gear an always out Team-Up than you would an away specced one.
Wait, like they are permanent? How many can you have out? From what you wrote earlier, I gather than even the pseudo-summons benefit from summoning damage gear?
What (meaningful) freebies did we get last year for the anniversary? Punisher costume and a stash tab right?
Dec i feel bad for you moon knight
the tc forums arent taking kindly to the change tho
just asked amthua in chat who is next for uniques review said ms marvel, coloussous and 2 others which wernt named