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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


These are a few examples:


These are 5 rune Runewords (that means you need 5 specific runes to craft them into your uru item). There are others which require less runes, but the effects are weaker. I don't know if there are stronger ones. I have a lvl 14 enchanter atm.

You can also use 1 rune in your gear slots 2,3 and 4 to add 1 enchantment. Enchantments are small things like +5% RIF, +XP, etc.

No costs in the Test Server yet, so I don't know what those will be like, but I imagine some will be rather expensive.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
ack that ally one should be duration also, would get almost perma wolvie/magik :(


The second one is already on the Test Center. The first one... I didn't catch it, but I just skimmed through the store.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Err what gambit costume is that? Don't recognize it


Damn, it is taking so long to farm one of the Cap unique shields. I've been getting Spider-Man, Punisher, and Storm uniques in the interim but no shield.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Damn, it is taking so long to farm one of the Cap unique shields. I've been getting Spider-Man, Punisher, and Storm uniques in the interim but no shield.

How do you even farm uniques, aren't they random drops from any mob?

Edit: also apparently Black Panther and Black Widow reviews are now in March, with only Daredevil coming this month... Well, shit :(


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I was really looking forward to Black Widow review. Still interested in Dare Devil at least.

As was I, even got the thunderbolts costume for her >_> oh well. March is also a bad time because that's dark souls 2 month (although the PC version is probably April I bet) an if there is a game that will (finally?) drag me away from MH for a while it's deffinately DS2
Forget Dark Souls, March is when Reaper of Souls comes out. It'll be interesting to see what Gaz and GGG will do to counter the huge chunks of players they will inevitably lose to that game. I can definitely see raids coming in the March patch for MH.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Forget Dark Souls, March is when Reaper of Souls comes out. It'll be interesting to see what Gaz and GGG will do to counter the huge chunks of players they will inevitably lose to that game. I can definitely see raids coming in the March patch for MH.

I forgot that was even coming out soon, and I own it (friend gifted it on Xmas, not that I wouldn't buy it myself mind you). But meh, 1 new class and it's melee, that already says nothing to me, I can see myself finish it once and be done with it really, D3 didn't really grab me that much.

To be fair, neither would MH if it wasn't for the license. I rarely play games this much

Edit: actually end of feb/march has a lot of stuff I just realized, RE4 (which I never played!), South Park march 6th (please be good, please don't get delayed again) and Infamous for PS4 (I'll finally turn it on again, haven't since about a week after it launched, I'm not shitting on it, it's just...well a fact heh). Yeah Marvel is going to take a well deserved break in march I think
The next hero is Moon Knight. He will be on Test Center on Feb 24th. I had no idea who he was but the video in this thread was really great help:



In another thread someone asked what his skill trees will be like, here's a response from Gaz:

Ryolnir said:
The "themes" of his trees are Melee/Martial Arts, Gadgets, and Khonshu.

They are officially unnamed, but I have names in mind for all three.


WAIT, playing Xdef gives you uniques?? can we start doing xdefs together? i need one for colo. are they level groups??
WAIT, playing Xdef gives you uniques?? can we start doing xdefs together? i need one for colo. are they level groups??

Oops I didn't mean to imply they're guaranteed or anything. X-def is just one of the best and most efficient ways to farm them. I have so many dupe uniques and I play X-def a lot. Most of my uniques are from there.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Err Moon Knight on test serves on the 24th only means he won't come out in February since they are usually on test servers for 1 week. Early march then, basically just a technicality, but still kinda lame.

But, for me it's cool, I'll be playing something else for a bit at that time and everyone can get moon knight out of their systems and I'll play him when I come back like 1 or 2 weeks later. That's actually something that is slightly pushing me away from Nightcrawler atm, you see so many of them everywhere, I'd rather wait a bit to play him

Lord Phol

Some of those runewords are really powerful.
Might get the +6 Spirit on hit for Nightcrawler, should make his blink strike build crazy good.

Found this on reddit, datamined costumes for Gambit and Torch:


Oh that looks neat, like a stormtrooper :D.
Might have to get that one to hold me over until his As Death costume is released!


I started playing this game a few days ago and I have a few questions. I have played as Captain America and levelled him to 60, played through the game on all difficulties, bar some of Chapter 9 on Superheroic. I tend to tank/dps with him, throwing shield and Vibranium Smashing while I wail on a guy. These are my stats, bank etc for reference.


1. I've tried playing Cosmic MODOK and I get my ass handed to me by the regular mobs, let alone getting to a boss. Why do I suck? xD

2. I'll soon have 600 Eternity shards, I like Spider-Man in general, but I have a feeling Deadpool is a better charter in this game, or maybe I should get other heroes? Any advice?

3. In this Endgame state, what do I do? What are the goals? I don't like PVP, Midtown Madness has bad drops, I play X-Defence atm trying to get better gear.

4. Just how rare are costume drops? I'm going round with high Special% and I've not encountered one yet. I know I need to focus on bosses which increases the chances, but as per question 1, i get beat up badly xD

5. How often do sales on things you pay for with 'G' happen? I'm putting off putting any money in until there is possibly a sale on bank space or something (I would one day like to have Spidey Noir costume, thats actually why i tried this game, but I now know that will take a lot of $$$ on Mark II Fortune cards =/)

6. Any other useful tips? I only started a few days ago so I'm very new, I like the game so far, just at a bit of a loss what to do other than play X-Defence, get Cube Shards, Eternity Splinters, credits and Odin Marks (Spend them) and level other heroes.

Hope you can help me, thanks =]


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The game has 29 heroes with 12 confirmed more for a reason, I honestly think playing this like...WOW for a lack of a better term, the usual "get to max lvl and grind dungeons for gear" is madness, but hey, that's easy to say when you have a lot of heroes I guess.

As to who to buy, buy who you like, not who's best in my opinion, this game more than most that part is more important (unless you know fuck all about Marvel but then I don't think you should be playing the game, it's not exactly best in class so to say), you get a lot more out of the moves if you think "man that is exactly what he would do" instead of "man that does a lot of damage"
I'm blown away that you got to 60 and 600 splinters in a few days.

Anyway, for endgame your best bets are grinding x-def for better itemized gear and uniques, and doing legendary quests so you can grind odin marks so you can buy your legendary item. If that doesn't sound appealing, you can prestige your character and start the leveling process over again. Or pick a new character and work on synergies, etc.

Costume drops are rare to the point of practically being nonexistent.

Sales happen occasionally. The Buy 1 Get 1 Random Free sale they did a few weeks ago was pretty nice. Outside of that a few things occasionally go 50% off, or they'll occasionally do 25% across the board. Usually to coincide with holidays. Stash has never gone on sale, and probably won't for a while, if ever.

I can't really help you with the Cap specific stuff, but the official forums usually has decent build discussions.

Outside of that, yea, you've basically boiled the game down. I think your main problem so far is you boosted your way through the meat of the game that normally takes people wayyyy longer.

Finally, if you like Spider-Man more than Deadpool, go with Spider-Man. The game is way more about playing cool characters than min-maxing stuff.


Neo Member
I started playing this game a few days ago and I have a few questions. I have played as Captain America and levelled him to 60, played through the game on all difficulties, bar some of Chapter 9 on Superheroic. I tend to tank/dps with him, throwing shield and Vibranium Smashing while I wail on a guy. These are my stats, bank etc for reference.


1. I've tried playing Cosmic MODOK and I get my ass handed to me by the regular mobs, let alone getting to a boss. Why do I suck? xD

Cosmic terminals are the hardest content in the game right now. It seems normal that a new 60 - especially your first - won't immediately have the power to crush them.

If you want to improve his gear, I would suggest running Red terminals. They used to be the hardest stuff in the game and people farmed them for gear before Cosmics appeared.

2. I'll soon have 600 Eternity shards, I like Spider-Man in general, but I have a feeling Deadpool is a better charter in this game, or maybe I should get other heroes? Any advice?

I personally am still buying random heroes. But that's only because I didn't have any heroes I especially wanted to play. That said, I've had some awesome luck with the random boxes - Iron Man was my first one, for example. And I have only gotten 2 duplicates out of maybe 14 or so purchases.

But if you have a specific hero you want to play, there's nothing wrong with saving up splinters to get them. I have heard good things about Deadpool (though I haven't played him). Cable is strong. I have leveled Emma and Rocket Raccoon to 60 and they are both awesome heroes (but I'm partial to pet based heroes tbh).

3. In this Endgame state, what do I do? What are the goals? I don't like PVP, Midtown Madness has bad drops, I play X-Defence atm trying to get better gear.

Your endgame is whatever you want to do. If you want to get better gear for Cap, run terminals, XDef, MM. If that sounds boring, get another hero and fiddle with him.

I see you don't have a legendary yet - they cost 300 Odin Marks. So maybe you want to get a Legendary for Cap? Once you get one, you'll have to level it, which involves killing stuff.

Or, if you really really like Cap, you could prestige him - that involves getting an item from the Cube Shard vendor which resets him to level 1, so you can level him to 60 again (you can do this... maybe 5 more times?). Why do this? Because each time you do it, you get a costume, a pet (I think) and best of all.... your name color changes in chat! Yeah, it's awesome! :D

But seriously, some people just like prestiging their favorite heroes, because that's how much they like playing them.

You can also work on leveling your crafters by donating unwanted drops to them - leveling the main crafter to 20 unlocks lots of recipes you can use to craft stuff.

4. Just how rare are costume drops? I'm going round with high Special% and I've not encountered one yet. I know I need to focus on bosses which increases the chances, but as per question 1, i get beat up badly xD

Super rare. So rare that I wouldn't ever count on getting one. So when it does happen, you're happy.

Your crafter will have a recipe to craft a costume at level 20 I think. But it takes 3 costumes as input, and gives you a randome one back. So that's a way to turn unwanted costumes into (potentially) better ones.

5. How often do sales on things you pay for with 'G' happen? I'm putting off putting any money in until there is possibly a sale on bank space or something (I would one day like to have Spidey Noir costume, thats actually why i tried this game, but I now know that will take a lot of $$$ on Mark II Fortune cards =/)

They definitely have sales during special events - a recent one was a "buy one get one free" sale on heroes and costumes. And there was a big sale last Christmas. So I'd say sale events happen frequently, though the good deals vary.

6. Any other useful tips? I only started a few days ago so I'm very new, I like the game so far, just at a bit of a loss what to do other than play X-Defence, get Cube Shards, Eternity Splinters, credits and Odin Marks (Spend them) and level other heroes.

Hope you can help me, thanks =]

As above, I say do what you want. Lots of people hit 60 on a hero and immediately start over with a new guy. If there is a hero that appeals, save up splinters to get them. If not, get a random box. If that doesn't sound fun, run terminals or XDef or MM for drops. Just because you hit 60 doesn't mean you can't run around smashing stuff for fun!


Thanks very much for the replies =]
There are different ways to play for different people I guess. I've not played Wow, the closet to this game I have played is like Runescape as far as an online MMORPG and Borderlands on the loot drop side.

I definitely enjoy the game and the Marvelness, but I wanna be strong, the coolness is a bonus. Like I wanna have Spider-Man, but Deadpool will be funnier to play as, I am torn.

I thought I was being a bit slow TBH xD I got lost a lot but I'm generally quite efficient at figuring out how to maximize time vs output. I did XP boost a bit near the end as I was 50 or so and had done the story 3 times, I just wanted to be 60, so 50% xp boost and doing Legendary missions one after the other.

I Think I'm gonna XDef for a bit. Prestiging kinda seems like a waste but I might do it after I've played as a couple of other heroes.

Bah, I'll keep trying for a Costume drop, it will have to happen eventually!

I'll wait for a nice sale then, maybe a Valentines one or Summer.

I think I'll get Spider-Man then save for Deadpool.

Hmm well I'll give playing through and try some other heroes, thanks for all the advice/knowledge =]

I shall give red terminals a go and see how I do, I've done a fair few on Legendary Quests so I'm relatively confident.

I'll probably go for random once I have Spider-Man and Deadpool.

Getting a Legendary is on my to do list, need quite a few more Odin marks yet though.

Thanks very much for answering all my questions, I've got a good idea what to do going forward now =]


Oops I didn't mean to imply they're guaranteed or anything. X-def is just one of the best and most efficient ways to farm them. I have so many dupe uniques and I play X-def a lot. Most of my uniques are from there.

i know it isnt guaranteed ill get the one i want, but do you mean to say that at a certain point its almost guaranteed to get one??


i know it isnt guaranteed ill get the one i want, but do you mean to say that at a certain point its almost guaranteed to get one??

I personally play Cosmic Mandarin. There's a pretty decent chance to get a unique from either Mandarin or the cosmic chests. Using one of those rarity boosts helps as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Toppot: with 1 hero, I highly recommend buying random boxes. A lot of characters in the game are more fun than you might think, and you're almost guaranteed to get heroes you don't have with your odds. You might even get a 600 splinter one. It's how I got Spider-Man.

Also you should put affixes on your costume at the crafter, easy and relatively cheap way to boost your stats. If you haven't been doing so, donate ALL your unwanted crap to the crafter. If you want to level him quickly, I'd just go to Midtown, get a full inventory, run back to the crafter at the entrance and donate everything. Artifacts are worth the most exp.
i know it isnt guaranteed ill get the one i want, but do you mean to say that at a certain point its almost guaranteed to get one??
Simply put, you have better odds of getting uniques from X-defense than any other part of the game. It's the most time-efficient way to farm them due to how many bosses and huge packs you get with just 10 seconds between waves. Constant farming that takes no effort is why (no needing to traverse around a map or terminal to get to the boss, it's right there after 10 secs).


Toppot: with 1 hero, I highly recommend buying random boxes. A lot of characters in the game are more fun than you might think, and you're almost guaranteed to get heroes you don't have with your odds. You might even get a 600 splinter one. It's how I got Spider-Man.

Also you should put affixes on your costume at the crafter, easy and relatively cheap way to boost your stats. If you haven't been doing so, donate ALL your unwanted crap to the crafter. If you want to level him quickly, I'd just go to Midtown, get a full inventory, run back to the crafter at the entrance and donate everything. Artifacts are worth the most exp.

I have just bought Spider-Man xD But I think I will random box it next time, or save up for Deadpool then random box.

I will look into affixes thanks, I have been giving everything to crafter and its level 14 I think. Slow going but artefacts as you said do help a lot, along with Lunar Lantern/Dragons and Australian Flags before.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
second unique for spidey in ages...its a dupe >_> at least its 60 and the old one was 38


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Can someone give me a quick run-down, or point me somewhere, that would explain to a new player how to level a fresh char to 60 in a short period of time? I'm thinking about giving this game another shot but I really don't know anything about it's current state.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Can someone give me a quick run-down, or point me somewhere, that would explain to a new player how to level a fresh char to 60 in a short period of time? I'm thinking about giving this game another shot but I really don't know anything about it's current state.

the fastest way is to do legendary quests after lvl 20, but can I ask why you want to get to lvl 60 fast? there is no end game per se

edit: Spidey lvl 60 o/ after a rough spot I ended up really enjoying him... I think Ill put him in my Emma/Colossus/Ms Marvel tier (Hulk is there too but hes only 30, unless they destroy leaps in the review)


Can someone give me a quick run-down, or point me somewhere, that would explain to a new player how to level a fresh char to 60 in a short period of time? I'm thinking about giving this game another shot but I really don't know anything about it's current state.

If you don't care about the story mode and just want to rush to 60 for the first time:

I guess you'll have to do the normal mode prologue on the first time since you don't have the way point to the standard avengers tower. Rush to the bank, and don't forget to rescue people inside for easy quick xp. Complete rest of prologue.

Either grind on trash mobs in story mode or midtown (don't bother with midtown bosses yet) until 15. 15-20 is pretty flexible. Personally, I like to do x-def until 20 because it feels kind of slow otherwise to solo.

And after you reach 20, legendary quests are the best, because it's like doing the same amount of work for twice or thrice the XP. 20-30 will be pretty quick so it doesn't matter much what LQs you choose to do. If you get an LQ for Chapter 7 in story mode, I recommend doing the end of Chapter 7 (sinister) and going back to Xavier to get a 2 hour +50% xp boost item. XP boosts apply to those huge xp orbs as well, so save those boosts for when you're about to finish an LQ for a huge boost.

Once you hit 40's, you might want to start rerolling quests. If you can find/make a full party in midtown and have credits to burn, that still feels the fastest, but if you can't find a full party, I'd recommend focusing on terminal LQs instead.

While doing terminal LQs, get cube shards, cash them in for fortune cards at the cube shard vendor and hope to get more XP boosts. You can also do the end of chapter 7 in heroic mode and superheroic for 2 more of those +50% boosts.
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