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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


this stream is awkward as shit, the interviewer has no idea what hes talking about and sounds like he read a bunch of bullpoints before this and now can barely remember any of them. he has never touched a comic book in his life, at least not a marvel one

edit: ok Gaf, this one is on you. hit 600 splinters again, so...Deadpool to use Lady Deadpool or Ghost Rider to keep with my "lets play 52 characters first"

I havent played but i heard GR is VERY fun!!


Fuck. Chase costumes are back and I want Punisher War Journal one so bad... But 12 fucking Euros for cosmetic stuff? Ehh........


Unconfirmed Member
Punisher chase is so silly. I might buy Colossus Juggs. All the other cool ones are for characters I don't own yet, like BP and Cable. I kinda dig yellow Daredevil too but lol playing DD, nope.

Found a bunch of runes and 3 urus, they seem to drop more commonly now. Haven't enchanted any uru yet, but did get +50 ranged power rating on Iron Man's slot 1 and 5 uniques. Also these things are COMPLETE murder on what little inventory space I have free, never mind my full stash.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Punisher chase is so silly. I might buy Colossus Juggs. All the other cool ones are for characters I don't own yet, like BP and Cable. I kinda dig yellow Daredevil too but lol playing DD, nope.

Found a bunch of runes and 3 urus, they seem to drop more commonly now. Haven't enchanted any uru yet, but did get +50 ranged power rating on Iron Man's slot 1 and 5 uniques. Also these things are COMPLETE murder on what little inventory space I have free, never mind my full stash.

i would get Colossus Jugg if A) I hadnt bought the Pheonix one in the sale and especially B) if Jugg hadnt been announced as a character

I only really plan on having 1 costume per hero and I dont want 2 Juggs :p

Ms Marvel chase costume looks so good, its hard to resist (see sometimes less skin is a good thing), and so does the Cable one. They are so expensive tho :(

Oh by the way, runes go on crafting stash, so if you want to get a cheaper one just for those, get the crafting one

edit: havent seen a unique in ages :(


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Short haired Ms Marvel is the best. Maximum skin a much better booty (than the default anyway).

dont like it :( I like my skin on emma, not so much on carol. /shrug

those Chase costumes... I think I would rather get 3 normal ones for the price of 2 chase ones to be honest. some are good...but not THAT good.

anyway Rocket 59, gonna call it a night. He´ll be 60 tomorow (unexpected 60, had no plans to do it until yesterday lol), I dont think he needs a review that much tbh, so I wont mind if I dont play him much when it hits. Im drifting away from only playing 52 review chars anyway. For those keeping score (why would you really lol, but still), he joins my tier 1 of preferences (tier 1 being characters I see myself playing at 60, Tier 2 characters I like and might give another chance, and Tier 3 is the LOLno tier))...I knew that already, but these past 2 days just confirmed it.

Tier 1 - Emma, Ms Marvel, Colossus, Spiderman, Rocket
Tier 2 - Hawkeye, Cyclops
Tier 3 - Squirrel Girl

Im only counting characters at 60, although Hulk at 30 I can already guarantee he will be tier 1 for me, unless they destroy him in the review. And my Scarlet at 32, from what I remember from launch, is tier 2 for now. Im surprised theres only 1 hero I really dont like so far, not bad at all.

Oh and I still havent used my 600 splinters (well 615 now), cant decide :(
Tier 3


So many types of runewords... I feel like using them just to save inventory space, but those simpler upgrades just don't seem very worth it. At least they are trade-able.
That inventory expansion can't come soon enough.


What's the point of doing red terminals instead of greens? Does the end boss somehow always give better loot? It doesn't seem like it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ghost Rider is a way more interesting character, so he gets my vote. Given what you've said you liked about characters, I would be stunned if GR doesn't become one your favs.

I havent played but i heard GR is VERY fun!!

Also, I agree that Ghost Rider is easily the best 600 splinter hero, followed by Iron Man. Somehow my GR still isn't 60 but it's only because I'm kind of focusing on Iron Man at the moment.

Ghost Rider it is then I guess

What's the point of doing red terminals instead of greens? Does the end boss somehow always give better loot? It doesn't seem like it.

extra cube shards? :/

I found my next project...holy shit Nightcrawler is awesome, they nailed his powers incredibly well...why didnt anyone say he was awesome?!

everyone said when he came out I know :p (apart from the bugs)

edit: soooooooooooo I was doing x-defense (got 2 uru items, one of them lvl 50 in a lvl 14-19 xdefense lol?) and I died and then couldnt mvoe at all, or use any powers except shadowmeld. I guess this is the bug? how in the blue hell is this not already fixed? I cant believe thats still in the game lol. I actually lost a splinter (or more, who knows what the icon was pointing to) because of it too.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't really care for NC at all, sadly. I just think he's kinda boring. Blink Strike all day, or Flash and Grab but that one feels a bit too slow for my tastes. He's sitting at 23 and I think I'll wait for another bonus exp weekend to level him to 50 for his synergy.

Also, I agree that Ghost Rider is easily the best 600 splinter hero, followed by Iron Man. Somehow my GR still isn't 60 but it's only because I'm kind of focusing on Iron Man at the moment.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
hmm after the initial wow factor, NC is slightly bumming me out. not him per se, the bugs. The camera spazzes out all over the place with a lot of his moves, his teleport seems too fast (if such a thing is possible) for the camera to keep up and the freeze bug that I mentioned earlier will piss me off imensely every time it happens (if I lost a unique because of it like I lost a splinter I would rage).

I might just play him to 30 this afternoon which is fast anyway to see all the teleport tree spells that I care about (ironically, for all my talk of wanting to play 52 review characters, he is basically a non-review for me, as I can have his full spec at lvl 30 since I only care about the teleport spells) and then leave him at heroic difficulty until they fix some of the bugs hopefully.

edit: bought Cable chase costume cause its too badass to pass (and ill enjoy it for the full 60 levels too when I play him), tossed his default in the blender along with punisher default (I want the classic when I play him one day) and Human Torch light brigade (Like Jean, the dude is always on fire, dont care about his costumes) and got... Cable X-Force Legendary costume SIGH. welp that goes in the blender eventually :/ running out of defaults to toss :(
X-Defense is a goldmine. So gold that I'm wondering if they'll nerf it a bit to make it more in line with terminals. It's much better than terminals in its current state and has been for months, but it's getting a lot more attention recently so hopefully they don't nerf anything.


X-Defense is a goldmine. So gold that I'm wondering if they'll nerf it a bit to make it more in line with terminals. It's much better than terminals in its current state and has been for months, but it's getting a lot more attention recently so hopefully they don't nerf anything.

i must have horrible luck, because Xdef has brought me close to nothing. maybe today will be a lil different.


Unconfirmed Member
X-Defense is a goldmine. So gold that I'm wondering if they'll nerf it a bit to make it more in line with terminals. It's much better than terminals in its current state and has been for months, but it's getting a lot more attention recently so hopefully they don't nerf anything.

They already nerfed the droprate with this patch in comparison to the previous build, which is unfortunate because I didn't know it was especially good before. I've done several runs but it hasn't been anything too out of the ordinary. Runes seem to drop there more than elsewhere though.


What's the point of doing red terminals instead of greens? Does the end boss somehow always give better loot? It doesn't seem like it.

Just rush them for the shards. The better loot is negligible. You'd probably just notice it if you keep tabs of all your drops over a couple dozen runs, and it will end up being you got a few more purples than in greens, and that's it.

For real loot do cosmics or X-Def. I don't like the latter, so I just do early cosmics with my weaker 60s and Mandarin, AIM & Sinister with Iron Man. Doom and Kurse are too much of a hassle for me.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
finished normal on NC and got to 30. his signature is...weird. With no buff indicators its impossible to time the buff before using it again 4 more times before it goes on CD, so I end up just almost spamming it

Overall, hes cool but it was deffinately a case of premature excitement with him. He will most likely end up in Cyclops/Hawkeye tier for me, cool but nothing I would use a lot at 60. I doubt the next 30 levels will change that, especially since his teleportation tree caps at 30. Doesnt help that I died a bunch of normal Loki (although that fight shouldnt be a indication of anything, its fucking stupid). Think Ill leave him at 30 for now until they fix the camera bugs and whatnot.

Oh and I bought Ghost Rider as per your recomendation :p

edit: first of all, LOL at Burn the Treads, that has to be one of the best "spells" ever in a rpg, and second of all, jesus at the dmg it does, I assume its just early on and it scales badly because this is ridiculous, I killed Goblin in the prologue in 3 hits o_O
Ghost Rider is a way more interesting character, so he gets my vote. Given what you've said you liked about characters, I would be stunned if GR doesn't become one your favs.

I think GR is one of the least interesting and most tedious characters to play. The only character I regret buying with Gs.


Just rush them for the shards. The better loot is negligible. You'd probably just notice it if you keep tabs of all your drops over a couple dozen runs, and it will end up being you got a few more purples than in greens, and that's it.

Ok thanks for the info details! That's kind of what I suspected, but wasn't sure of confirmation.


edit: first of all, LOL at Burn the Treads, that has to be one of the best "spells" ever in a rpg, and second of all, jesus at the dmg it does, I assume its just early on and it scales badly because this is ridiculous, I killed Goblin in the prologue in 3 hits o_O

Burn the Treads does good damage all the way to 60. At least in my experiences.


Unconfirmed Member
If all you're doing is Inferno > Whirling Chains, I can see that. It gets pretty boring. But you don't have to play that way.
The only thing I don't like about Ghost Rider is all his spells are the same color, all are fire and orange/black so they kind of mesh together. Yeah that's how the character should be but I'd like some variety in their looks. Granted, my GR is only up to like level 15 so lol idk.


Ms Marvel chase costume looks so good, its hard to resist (see sometimes less skin is a good thing), and so does the Cable one. They are so expensive tho :(

It looks pretty good, but the face looks small and round and I don't like it. Captain Marvel is all I need tho, even with the silly mask they refuse to get rid off. God, I love that costume.

They (stealthily) really murdered cosmic terminals it seems. I'm getting nothing out of them now. Bummer.

At least they answered my question during yesterday's stream so I got a prize. Yay!
They (stealthily) really murdered cosmic terminals it seems. I'm getting nothing out of them now. Bummer.

Yeah, game is really just x-def or go home right now. Hope they scale back the cosmic chest nerf at least some.

At least they answered my question during yesterday's stream so I got a prize. Yay!

Nice, you get a hero pack?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It looks pretty good, but the face looks small and round and I don't like it. Captain Marvel is all I need tho, even with the silly mask they refuse to get rid off. God, I love that costume.

They (stealthily) really murdered cosmic terminals it seems. I'm getting nothing out of them now. Bummer.

At least they answered my question during yesterday's stream so I got a prize. Yay!

I just did a bunch of xdefense and cosmics with a friend tonight on emma/ms marvel and got fuck all except a few runes :(

and Im leaning towards getting ms marvel classic costume now, its growing on me
I like skin on Carol, she shows it off well!


Gotta love that booty outfit.

On another note, Im going to have to be absolutely ruthless in clearing out my stash.
I have a lot of good items and artifacts that I really wanted to keep, but now with the runes in the game, Im not going to have anywhere to store them.
Gotta level up that new crafter too :mad:


On another note, Im going to have to be absolutely ruthless in clearing out my stash.
I have a lot of good items and artifacts that I really wanted to keep, but now with the runes in the game, Im not going to have anywhere to store them.
Gotta level up that new crafter too :mad:

Just get one extra crafting tab. Runes stack.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ghost Rider is really growing on me after a rough start. I love the long chain passive, and I love the health and heal passive that does double heal if you stand in hellfire. Think I got my spec figured out, with max points in the long chain basic, healing passive, hellfire, the one where he throws the bike and does a ton of dmg, penance stare and the death from above move, which I hope looks good, Frost says its the best in the game so we`ll see :p I also got 2 uniques on him, which is cool because I`ve been having a bit of a draught on uniques.

Starting to have a few lvl 30 characters now, my OCD is starting to bother me now :(


Unconfirmed Member
Ghost Rider is really growing on me after a rough start. I love the long chain passive, and I love the health and heal passive that does double heal if you stand in hellfire. Think I got my spec figured out, with max points in the long chain basic, healing passive, hellfire, the one where he throws the bike and does a ton of dmg, penance stare and the death from above move, which I hope looks good, Frost says its the best in the game so we`ll see :p I also got 2 uniques on him, which is cool because I`ve been having a bit of a draught on uniques.

Starting to have a few lvl 30 characters now, my OCD is starting to bother me now :(

Idol of Khonshu goes well with that build, Chain Lash is tagged both range/melee so every hit after the first has the effect. Also every tick of Inferno reapplies Khonshu iirc, so it's up pretty much all the time.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Idol of Khonshu goes well with that build, Chain Lash is tagged both range/melee so every hit after the first has the effect. Also every tick of Inferno reapplies Khonshu iirc, so it's up pretty much all the time.

which one is that again?

also, holy crap a costume drop o_O Ghost Rider Fantastic Four (on Ghosr Rider too heh), it goes in the blender but im just glad a costume finally dropped
Argh. So jealous of the costume drop. If I ever get one, I'll take a screenshot and commemorate the occasion, by posting it here. They are so damn rare!
I had a good night tonight with Ms Marvel though. I got 2 good Uniques for her (boots and gloves). I was very happy with this as the last 3 (?) Unique drops for Ms Marvel were her crappy Flight Suit.
What made him tedious for you?

Because he lacks AoE potential compared to many heroes. And in a time when X-Defense is the only game in town, quite frankly, there's little reason to play anything other than Scarlet Witch. She's so far ahead of other heroes that its not even funny. I just shake my head watching other heroes in X-Def as they pathetically pick away with basic attacks that deal 1/4 of the damage of Chaos Warp and only deal it to 1 or 2 targets at a time.

She just ruins playing every other hero.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Because he lacks AoE potential compared to many heroes. And in a time when X-Defense is the only game in town, quite frankly, there's little reason to play anything other than Scarlet Witch. She's so far ahead of other heroes that its not even funny. I just shake my head watching other heroes in X-Def as they pathetically pick away with basic attacks that deal 1/4 of the damage of Chaos Warp and only deal it to 1 or 2 targets at a time.

She just ruins playing every other hero.



Because he lacks AoE potential compared to many heroes. And in a time when X-Defense is the only game in town, quite frankly, there's little reason to play anything other than Scarlet Witch. She's so far ahead of other heroes that its not even funny. I just shake my head watching other heroes in X-Def as they pathetically pick away with basic attacks that deal 1/4 of the damage of Chaos Warp and only deal it to 1 or 2 targets at a time.

She just ruins playing every other hero.

There are some serious issues with AOE damage for sure on certain characters. I enjoy playing Captain America but even maxed out I can sit there vibranium bashing away etc. and watch health on a mob slowly drop then suddenly the health drops from like 90% to 10 in like 2 ticks of someone's aoe.

If AOE is going to be that ridiculously overpowered my single target attacks need to be overpowered to where I can eat trash mobs for breakfast without even thinking. Why should it take me 2 minutes to kill a blue mob in Xdef when they can aoe it down in like 5 seconds.


well i used a rif potion and got 3 cosmics and 1 unique in MM today. also now im getting runes. yest and fri i barely got any, but today i got 3/4ish. IMO as long as youre having fun, dont worry bout gear. Now do u guys think, from a programers point of view, that it would be possible to have 3 stories, one for each mode??


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
third unique for GR woot woot. Starting to love him now, please be good Hell From Above, please be good (more like please LOOK good to be honest lol)

edit: oh shit! Hell From Above is awesome :D got it from some lvl 42 gloves, soooo good. Yup, GR is tier 1 for sure now, I love him :p
Because he lacks AoE potential compared to many heroes.

I think you're underestimating his AoE. Between inferno, chain snare, whirling chains (which scales with attack speed unlike any of SW's AoE), and chains ablaze (which has near 100% uptime) he does excellent damage. And that's not even including the damage boost he gets for being at lower health and infernal contract.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I have some cosmic items with 10% chance on hit to get some buffs that last 10 seconds, there is no cooldown listed in the description, is there an internal CD?
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