Afro Republican
Disney Plus’s new series Marvel’s Hero Project is used to show different youths that aim to make a difference. One such youth is Rebekah, a transgender 12 year old that intends to make a difference. As she put it, “I can change the world,” Rebekah stated in an episode of Marvel’s Hero Project when talking about the Mighty Rebekah comic, among other things.
It turns out that Rebekah and her family have participated in different programs like the Garden State Equality organization to help promote transgender people. They work together to give speeches and convince or persuade others that transgender individuals aren’t bad people like others make them out to be.
In fact, Rebekah even appeared in front of the New Jersey legislature in order to lobby for Assembly Bill 1335, a legislation which would mandate LGBTQ history curriculum in the school education systems.
As it turned out, she made an impact. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy responded and signed the bill. The LGBTQ lessons will begin next year.“I’ve never seen myself in the history they’re teaching,” Rebekah brought up to legislators. She referenced various iconic LGBTQ figures as examples of people that could be taught about in such curriculums.
In a new interview, Rebekah opened up a bit more about herself. For example, here’s what she said regarding being considered a Marvel superhero:
“It’s really surprising and cool. But I also think that it’s really important to have a transgender kid in one of these companies because representation is really helpful for kids who are going through their transition to know that they are not alone and that there are people fighting for them.”

Another poor confused boy screwed over by their mother for woke points. Another "role-model" to "help" other transgender kids by getting them into the 50+% suicide bracket. Another time when Marvel tries to use its popularity to push pointless political agendas.
I know the North East is basically California but being 2 steps behind, but really, what history are you going to teach? It's not about history, they are going to teach propaganda, gender studies, and likely have a transition center in the nurses office to deal with kids "suffering" without parental consent most likely, oh wait that's already a thing. I guarantee like many other states or cities that the "history" education is a faux and there will be zero "history" education they just use that to get in past the objections in the city or state governments to pass bills.
What Hero is here? Why is this one a Hero and the other 30848305845409u5094u95u94u95u945u9 are not? Is this confused abused child somehow more special than the others? What does any of this accomplish?
Also his voice sounds like it's trying to go through puberty, but it seems that the mom isn't interested in that. It's hilarious because when HE gets older that voice is going to drop and I bet you the mother will be blamed for not paying attention, and the older child will dislike HIS voice so much that he becomes depressed and, well you get the picture. Actually the voice thing is actually a common problem for depression and suicide for trans kids when they get older, you'd think the woke mom would have done some woke studying if she wants to continue to abuse her child for agenda and personal gains.
Also the kid speaks like a robot but the moms going to sit there and lie saying they are a "natural" lol, ok. Beep Boop.
Moms been messing with the kid since they were 8, that seems to be a very common age for when moms decide to mess with boys gender. I guess that's the age where if you manipulate them just right their brains will be permanently scrambled into adulthood. Look at all this wonderful progress and inclusiveness that is happening guys. Won't you also screw up your kids? Even if you say no the state will do it anyway so it's ok, the state owns your children now. It's better for you to just do it yourself so the state doesn't have to waste time doing it for you, give your children their untested shots and chemical treatments with defects. Yum Yum.