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Marvel Studios’ Thunderbolts* | Teaser Trailer | Only In Theaters May 2025


Bucky was an american GI, I'd say he represents the Cap America values quite well. Plus we can see him wrestle with his WS conditioning. And he is super powered. And he has a robot arm to that gives him additional capabilities over just the shield. I think it is a more interesting choice for a limited range of films than Sam, IMHO.

The Avengers, as shown in the films, have ZERO leadership, they either have goals that align or they just do their own thing. About all you see from Cap is some tactical battlefield leadership predicated mostly on random mumbo jumbo. How any of these heroes get their combat experience is just a handwaved thing for the most part.

Now if they start having the Avengers practice and train, some has to advocate on their behalf, and there is a venue for representation of the Avengers on the world stage (i.e. Cap is at the UN explaining why they won't interfere in the Ukraine but they WILL help stop a collapsing dam in Zimbabwe) but I don't think the films are interested in exploring that aspect of superherodom (and really, The Boys has kinda sucked the wind out of ALL superheroes operating at that level).

Anyway, the main limiter for this film, for me, is the lack of charismatic actors I WANT to go see. So it rests on the strength of the characters and the ghost chick is probably the one I care about the most other than Bucky, which ain't great for a team film.

You’re missing the point. Steve was the one who chose who the next Cap. Sam has connections to most of the heroes, and has mostly got his head on straight. Bucky doesn’t know anyone so he would have to earn anyone’s trust and respect, but more importantly he still had a ton of psychological issues and work to do before he could even think of such a task.

If Steve, knowing that, had still chosen Bucky, he would have been a shit friend. Being Cap is an honor but also a burden. Steve chose Sam because he knows Sam can handle that burden, but Bucky had enough on his plate as it is. That’s why Bucky was so angry initially that Sam turned down the mantle at first afterwards, but because he was it as disrespectful of the mantle, but because he saw it as disrespectful of Steve’s choice.

And regardless, source material. At the end of the day, these are adaptations and should generally follow and respect the source material with changes only being what is genuinely necessary. Personal preferences shouldn’t factor in that much. I know tons of non-comic readers who are clueless to how awesome Cyclops is in the comics, and lord knows I would be beyond pissed if the MCU were to make Wolverine the leader just to cater to the uninformed. Cyclops is a great character and just because past films failed to utilize him well doesn’t mean we should make changes purely to satisfy people’s initial impressions who don’t know the comics.


Gold Member
Usually I'm a bit negative but it could work. No way will they give each character enough time and I've not seen the TV with that not Captain America guy but it's more interesting to me than whatever Eternals was supposed to be.


Gold Member
Excited Wake Up GIF by Originals


It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece. Very, very few marvel movies are.

It just has to be a fun ride and the plot has to make a decent amount of sense.

Too many people are looking at every single Marvel movie like stockholders looking at stock values.
You're not wrong, but all of Phase 4 was full of crap. Fans want a diet of P1-3, not crap. If the quality doesn't go up soon, the fans will move on, as some already have.

The mockery of this motley crew of JV benchwarmers is a cry out to do better.
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You're not wrong, but all of Phase 4 was full of crap. Fans want a diet of P1-3, not crap. If the quality doesn't go up soon, the fans will move on, as some already have.

The mockery of this motley crew of JV benchwarmers is a cry out to do better.
The insistence on both parties(fans and Marvel themselves) wanting to constantly involve maximum A-list marvel characters and A-list celebrities is part of what is currently eroding Marvel from the inside. As I've stated before again and again, what separates a good marvel movie from the bad one is never the type of characters or stars (if that were the case Iron Man and GotG would have instantly flopped), instead it's the writing.

Say it with me everyone:

The writing.

The writing.

The writing.


I'm not paying $30 to see a mediocre movie. If they want my money, make a good film.
Then skip or watch on Hulu later (like I will).

Little Mac

Gold Member
I can’t count how many renditions of Pixies “Where is my mind?” I’ve seen in trailers this past month.


The insistence on both parties(fans and Marvel themselves) wanting to constantly involve maximum A-list marvel characters and A-list celebrities is part of what is currently eroding Marvel from the inside. As I've stated before again and again, what separates a good marvel movie from the bad one is never the type of characters or stars (if that were the case Iron Man and GotG would have instantly flopped), instead it's the writing.

Say it with me everyone:

The writing.

The writing.

The writing.


Then skip or watch on Hulu later (like I will).
One thing I enjoy doing when I'm traveling is watching B-tier MCU movies on FX via hotel TV. It's a perfect place for it and I easily fall asleep.
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Biggest Trails Stan
Anyway, looks pretty good. Though I would have cut out Ghost and Taskmaster, the former was just kind of forgettable and the latter had zero characterization. Maybe this film will fix that, but I dunno, I’d rather have more focus on Bucky and especially Yelena and Alexei. I guess they don’t want the team to be too small, but even if he was never on the team in the comics Moon Knight would have been a cooler addition.

Kind of baffled Sentry is in this. I barely know the character (read one volume of New Avengers, but like almost anything Bendis wrote that wasn’t Ultimate Spider-man, it didn’t click with me), but he’s basically Superman level, so if he powers up he unbalances the team completely, and if he’s not powered up, why is he here? I know Red Hulk is in the film as well, but I assumed he wouldn’t be a major antagonist as it would be redundant to have two films in a row where Red Hulk is a major threat.

I like what I saw of the trailer. But like every other movie that's coming to theaters first, I'll just wait til it hits VOD/Streaming

I think the movie should have went the Hard R Route when it comes to action. Not complaining but everything I seen just is PG13 action. Which I'm fine with but I was hoping Thunderbolts would be different. But anyways the movie looks good to me and hoping that Hyperion is a good villain
I make a joke about someone not being able to date an adult woman with a nose piercing, and you’re bringing up some dumbass kid who did something she shouldn’t be doing at her age?

I dated a nosepiercing before. She never spoke a word. I would bang her until she rusted. Best steelfriend i ever had.

Except that one time she cut my dick and i had to get a tetanus shot.


do you only watch Citizen Kane or equivalent movies all the time?
Yes, of course, my chinese cartoons are peak kino.

Everyone has to draw their own line somewhere. Some draw it at sports, reality tv or daytime soaps for example. I don't appreciate any of these either, but I kinda get them on some level. Capeshit - ie, grown men dressed in these awfully silly costumes while wabbling their hands in front of a green screen, with like 3 of these coming out each year - is just where I draw mine. That's why I compared it to Kamen Rider, it just honestly seems that silly to me and I find it difficult to comprehend how other people can look at a poster like the one OP posted and not burst out in laughter about how ridiculous it looks.

Of course that's just my opinion, it's not like I'm lurking around in every Marvel thread and trying to stop people from having fun. I just made that one simple comment once this thread popped up and moved along, and will do so again, unless you want to continue on this :)

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
It kinda feels like the same old stuff again. Right down to the treatment of the music. I can imagine if you hadn't seen a couple of decades of this it'd look pretty good though.

old danny glover GIF


The biggest surprise waa that it's coming to theatres. I thought it was a series for D+ based on what I saw.

There must still be an audience, but I don't know anyone that's in it.


I only recognized Bucky, Florence and her dad from Black Widow (which was all in all very poor and forgettable movie -- I didn't even notice Taskmaster from that is in this one).

And Ghost, but that's because I recently was checking Ant Man 2 and realized that I either had never watch it or I did but it was so forgettable that I did not remember a single thing about it other than the post-credits scene. Probably the forgettable thing here too.

What's the asterisk for in the movie title?
Looks pretty fun to me. Seems like there are lots of callbacks to Winter Soldier.

Plus I like most of the cast; Sebastian Stan, Florence Pugh, David Harbour, Wyatt Russell.

I'm slightly optimistic about this one. Marvel needs to continue their win streak after Deadpool & Wolverine.


Gold Member

Girlboss+dodgy moral relativism+lots of cg in place of originality+shitty remix of good old song.

Yep. That's a Disney movie alright.

There are seven members of the Thunderbolts. Four are white guys.

Bucky - White guy
US Agent - White guy
Red Guardian - White guy
Sentry - White guy

There are more white dudes on the team than women.

Hell most of the trailer was Bucky being a badass again.

I’m led to believe that the * is for a late planned title change

Something about being a type of avengers team

The script started out as Dark Avengers. They operate out of Avengers Tower, so probably that.
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Sure, some of the Marvel fare of late has been a bit boring but so has a lot of discourse around it. Even at their best these movies have always been a shut your brain off power fantasy of seeing these characters come to life with this being no different. Only downside is, as mentioned, it's the JV team. We'll see how it turns out. At least hopefully we'll see more of 'winter soldier bad-ass' Bucky instead of 'take a back seat clipped nuts' Bucky.


These are not my Thunderbolts (the OG team from the comic, or at least something similar to them), so....don't expect me to pay for this.
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Gold Member
I don't know why I thought it was a series. I was interested in thunderbolts at first. But when i saw coming to theathres.... I was so out.
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