E3 it is then. There will be a deluge of information about Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Online Edition in about 4 weeks. Seth said again that fans will be very happy.
E3 it is then. There will be a deluge of information about Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Online Edition in about 4 weeks. Seth said again that fans will be very happy.
The biggest issue is simply that it screws up game balance by letting certain character combinations break a rule that they aren't supposed to be breaking without using X-Factor or resetting their opponent. The character balance issue is secondary- it'd still be an issue even if every character in the game could do it. It just happens to have worked out as a "rich get richer" type of situation.hitsugi said:Those that benefit from the DHC glitch are mostly solid without it. We may just see a few people switch their team orders up.
I wonder if that will happen pre or post evo.. with AE greenlit for evo, Capcom still has plenty of time to release a patch and have it be accepted as the "standard"
Karsticles said:Capcom is aware that people want the DHC glitch fixed:
'Tis only a matter of time.
For Capcom vs. SNK 2 to come out again, there would have to be renegotiation with SNK Playmore, as a contract runs for a period of time and is specified for certain platforms. If the title is going to come out again, a new contract will have to be negotiated.
Karsticles said:Capcom is aware that people want the DHC glitch fixed:
'Tis only a matter of time.
I don'tDryEyeRelief said:Tatsujinken needs a new team.
If they get a license again they need to do CVS3 with HD sprites.Professor Beef said:Make it happen, SNK!
Tiger uppercut said:
At this point, I'd rather just get CvS2 instead of 3.hitsugi said:If they get a license again they need to do CVS3 with HD sprites.
Although you could almost bet it'll be done in the style of SF4, etc. as its just more convenient for Capcom D:
biosnake20 said:God this brings back bad memories of the wolfkrone hamburglar bullshit. Just listening to flash, noel, and jwong talking about it in that vid makes me lose so much respect for them.
Heres a vid of the situation if anyone hasnt seen it before:
FUCK YES that would so hot oh my god if it was done in KOF XIII style i would jizz my pants.hitsugi said:If they get a license again they need to do CVS3 with HD sprites.
It's too fucken true and it would be ugly as shit fuck.Although you could almost bet it'll be done in the style of SF4, etc. as its just more convenient for Capcom D:
Karsticles said:Capcom is aware that people want the DHC glitch fixed:
'Tis only a matter of time.
He isn't, but he certainly isn't great, there is still a lot of things wrong with him.Mister Wilhelm said:But Iron Man isn't even a bad character at all.
JeTmAn81 said:My MvC3 TE stick is here! Now, if only PSN was up so I could try it out on real opponents. Oh well, it's training/arcade mode for me.
haunts, getting put on blast in the house stream, lol. x-factor just needs less damage and speed attached to it.haunts said:DHC glitch isnt that big of a deal, but x-factor virtually ruins this game imo. Good to hear they are considering making some tweaks.
haunts said:DHC glitch isnt that big of a deal, but x-factor virtually ruins this game imo. Good to hear they are considering making some tweaks.
Ferrio said:In terms of balance ya x factor is the bigger issue BUT you're comparing a glitch that goes against the game's design to a feature that's working exactly how they designed it.
haunts said:well I guess what I was getting at is if they patch DHC glitch or not, either way I'm not too concerned. x-factor on the other hand really, really needs to be adjusted. i think the game is awesome for casual play, but i think x-factor kills it for being a competitive game.
The one-hit kills (w/ no X-Factor) are really demoralizing for casual/online players. You start up and "boom, dead". There's supposed to be a "price" for doing it (blowing X-Factor) which doesn't exist with the glitch around.haunts said:DHC glitch isnt that big of a deal, but x-factor virtually ruins this game imo. Good to hear they are considering making some tweaks.
People have learned to, as Dormammu would say, "RUN!"Ferrio said:Tell you the truth, watching the streams, Xfactor seems to be more an issue in casual. There seems to be a lot less "Oh he should of won that" type of matches in higher level play. You still see it, but not as much I think.
Taskmaster arrows with Shuma assistKimosabae said:Anyone got any ideas for characters and specific projectile spam patterns I can put on record and practice getting around zoning? My teams get blown by zoning.
What teams are you using?Kimosabae said:Anyone got any ideas for characters and specific projectile spam patterns I can put on record and practice getting around zoning? My teams get blown by zoning.
Ferrio said:In terms of balance ya x factor is the bigger issue BUT you're comparing a glitch that goes against the game's design to a feature that's working exactly how they designed it.
Kimosabae said:Q, how are people dealing with Mystic Assist? Shit seems stupid, lol.
Normally those staple mechanics are accessible by all characters in the game, though. (Wavedashing in Melee, FADC Ultra in SFIV). The DHC glitch is really a balance issue in this game, not a staple mechanic.Lost Fragment said:Removing something just because it doesn't work as designed is kind of silly when so many staple mechanics of fighting games originated as glitches.
That said, I'm not gonna be too upset if they remove the DHC glitch.
kirblar said:Normally those staple mechanics are accessible by all characters in the game, though. (Wavedashing in Melee, FADC Ultra in SFIV). The DHC glitch is really a balance issue in this game, not a staple mechanic.
She Hulk's ability to air-tag cancel on the ground is one such mechanic where they shouldn't touch it, primarily because it leaves the She-Hulk player open to a counter from the opponent.
Lost Fragment said:FADC ultra isn't a glitch, heh.
But yeah I agree sorta. Though even if everyone could DHC glitch I'd still think it should be removed.
Ferrio said:Also usually glitches aren't specifically bypassing mechanics built in. Hell it even bypasses a mechanic that's pretty much standard in fighting games (damage scaling).
It'd be like if certain characters had a glitch to make it so your opponent couldn't tech throws.
God's Beard said:DHC Glitch I love you. I hope X-factor gets stronger next iteration.
lol.. I don't know how genuine this disappointment is but while I think SF4, mvc3, etc. look great, I miss the 2d art. For me, it's disappointing to see Capcom abandon something that they were so good at.Solune said:FUCK YES that would so hot oh my god if it was done in KOF XIII style i would jizz my pants.
It's too fucken true and it would be ugly as shit fuck.
The reason they use it early is because they can kill two characters with it. Killing 1 character with it early is usually a waste (but it depends on the character.) Wouldn't be surprised to see Wolverine's level 1 X-Factor boost toned down tad in the future.Grecco said:Xfactor is virtually a non issue at this point. Especially with more people using it early now. Look at the whole Wolverine Xfactor lvl 1 to kill dudes.
God's Beard said:I still say Sentinel should be 20% bigger, have 1.5 million health and infinite refly, but take two character slots. Then on the capcom side, bring in Rathalos as a giant with Kirby Double Jumps and an air dash.
God's Beard said:I still say Sentinel should be 20% bigger, have 1.5 million health and infinite refly, but take two character slots. Then on the capcom side, bring in Rathalos as a giant with Kirby pentuple Jumps and an air dash.
And I think the giants should be the opposite of Phoenix. They come in extremely strong, but when you knock off half their health, they get worse. Sentinel starts shorting out and gets weaker, Rathalos loses his tail.Lost Fragment said:This actually sounds pretty awesome.
But keep regular Sentinel and have the huge sentinel be Master Mold or something.
I usually see people put Storm second since she tends to burn meter... does she build meter well enough on her own to put her first?kirblar said:I want to try and run Storm/Amaterasu/Dormammu. Gives access to the DHC trick, fun interaction with team supers (Storm OTG into Hailstorm/Flame/Shuffle is great) and a good anchor character.
enzo_gt said:I am the absolute fucking worst at this game. I just lost like 1000 games in a row and got ranked down.
To Fighter.
Absolutely, THE worst. Mike Ross ain't got shit on me.
Also, matchmaking system stop pairing me with people 6th and over, thanks.
Masamuna said:Gonna try that new 700k meterless mag juice tomorrow, although I still need to get the rhythm of the ghetto rom + hyper grave loop down.
Edit: Got it to work using hyper grav m. Hopefully the full combo will still work with this little adjustment.