Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters


We really didn't have team names in Marvel 3 either.

Like we had Zero May Cry and that's it. MorriDoom isn't even a team name to begin with, we just called it "ChrisG's team". Team Scrubs was Wolverine/Doom/Vergil and Team Norcal was Magneto/Doom/Vergil.

There were just a ton of teams that many players used in the game's life span. It wasn't Marvel 2 where there were fewer select teams that were played so they had names. A lot of the teams were specific to the player.


Does this game work with family sharing? Been getting weird license-in-use notifications. Friend is currently playing, so I know I can't play now, but even other games were having Buy option instead of play. Can I not play any shared games when they are playing some other game? Only just set up family sharing recently so haven't really encountered this before. I know some games don't work with sharing period - does denuvo affect that?


Man, everyone can do big damage solo in this game. Well, at least the ones I've touched so far.

Midscreen Thanos combo I found

Corner version is 6638 damage and adds a ground bounce. I might be able to add more damage because his qcf+p, which does ridiuclous damage for a punch, can be combo'd off of in the corner but the follow-ups are limited. I'll have to test it out


Day 1 is over. I managed to come up with a 7.1k midscreen combo and 7.5k corner combo with Morrigan. I haven't even bothered with stones or tag attacks yet. That shit is too overwhelming right now.

With just 1 bar or 3? Been trying to learn her today, still unsure what BnB to settle on.
I've been playing Nova/Frank West so far. Nova's super still does a shit ton of hits for Frank to get an easy level 5 for one bar and Nova feels the most like Magneto of all the characters.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Put a couple hours in so far and I'm loving Chun-li, now I just need to decide who to place with her. Worked with Gamora a little bit and her timing is so goddamn weird. Doing even the basic combo when you have to do c. HK is wonky af.


Junior Member
What are the chances of Dr. Doom being DLC?
Not great, but not impossible. Ryce mentioned that F4 characters were “a done deal” for DLC, but the F4 characters have recently been removed from Marvel Heroes (sans Doom, who’s too integrated into the game).

Read the linked post concerning the Fox ban in the OP for more info.


We really didn't have team names in Marvel 3 either.

Like we had Zero May Cry and that's it. MorriDoom isn't even a team name to begin with, we just called it "ChrisG's team". Team Scrubs was Wolverine/Doom/Vergil and Team Norcal was Magneto/Doom/Vergil.

There were just a ton of teams that many players used in the game's life span. It wasn't Marvel 2 where there were fewer select teams that were played so they had names. A lot of the teams were specific to the player.

i'm hard at work trying to create team scrub 2.0, thank you very much.


Initial impressions after a few hours of storymode and a bit of mission mode

PC Settings are very limited, which is made even more apparent by the fact that there's no V-sync option, which is what causes the stuttering. So I had to turn that off via the freaking ini file lol

The game is hit or miss in certain aspects. The story campaign has some parts that are pretty damn bad, but other moments that are really quite good.

Same with the characters models, some are honestly great, like Ultron, Nova and Nemesis. But most of the human models that aren't covered in armor, like Hagar, Hawkeye, and Chris just look really bad up close.

Gameplay is great though. It's my first MvC game, and it's surprisingly fun, but also way harder than I thought it'd be, even stuff like wave dashing is too much for me lol.

Stages are another highlight of the game, coming from SF5, these stages are just so much better.


I suppose I should hit the lab today, try and get something... not terrible for a couple of characters. I'd like something that's better than the Auto-Combo, but not too difficult to do.

So anyone got something easy for X to do? The mission mode thing with a charged buster to slide into Rising Fire x2 was nice and all, but a real opponent isn't going to let X stand there and charge.

Also, for a buddy, I think it needs to be Morrigan, Thor, or go crazy and try Dante. Anyone got something easy for any of them to do? Easy is more important than optimal right now.


Finished storymode. The writing and the VO phoned it in like whoa in certain points, but overall It was still pretty neat. Felt like a guest event in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Also didn't realize Ashley Burch is the new Chun-Li. The strike is over I guess.

Gotta hit the lab a bit harder, I was having a lot of trouble pulling off the trials. Got to 9 on X and 5 on Morrigan before my brain just started actively fighting my fingers, and I know it's kind of a waste because those things are just bad habit creators.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So I can't find any online matches on ps4 at all.

Is this normal?

youre so scrubby that the game wont even subject the community to your shit Drayco :(

no thats not normal :(


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
looking at that dahbomb post about fchamp's categorization of the chars

Hulk and Ghost Rider are both supports? Im already playing this game wrong ;_;

im semi-joking, play whatever I know

Max is getting matches on PC hella fast


Sketchbook Picasso
Actual play wise, I'm really enjoying Haggar and Jedah as a team I'd never though I'd put together. The new "superhop" makes mobility feel more robust for those who can't air-dash. And Haggars big-body fat-attack-box normals stay out forever and catch everyone unaware for now.

Also, I haven't seen it mentioned, but Ironman's sweep has fantastic range, and he has an easy time converting it into solid, damaging combos. I'll miss the old "Disco Ball" repulsor blast as a classic, but the new Repulsor Rekka is SO much better.

That would probably end up upsetting people and make them feel like the story mode is incomplete. The game would probably get trashed even harder than it is now.

The way it's set up it would feel like a nice surprise if we got another chapter or two. Instead of "finally complete after x months"

The "It's only complete if I have it all Day one!" thing is pretty silly. Think of it less like a single movie or story, and more like a Telltale adventure, a comic series, or episodes on TV. Each part can stand alone, and have it's own beginning and end, but they'd work towards a greater narrative as well.

SFV already has character stories. It's be the same thing, except telling a new, complete story at each seasons end.

Is the character select screen laggy for anyone else in ps4 while scrolling through characters?

Yup, especially in Local VS. I've experienced this in KI on XB1 and such before, so it's not completely jarring... but the Character Select definitely acts like it has a hard time accepting multiple inputs swiftly.
I'm sure it's just me being bad, but I'm finding doing some of these combos much more difficult. Probably just need the muscle memory of 4 attack buttons instead of 3 and no dedicated launch button.

Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong on Nova's 9th mission mode combo.

It's gonna be awhile.


Where da discords at? I wanna learn Strange/Spidey. Might bite the bullet and get the game today. Champ's stream making me wanna play


How come start+touchpad doesn't restart training mode like in UMVC3? is there another button combination I gotta press or is there no quick restart for training mode.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
How come start+touchpad doesn't restart training mode like in UMVC3? is there another button combination I gotta press or is there no quick restart for training mode.

Y in the menu

so start -> Y

err... that would be triangle I guess for PS4 :)


I didn't really play UMvC3 too much since I could only play online and the online sucked (Watched all the time though throughout the years). The netcode seems legit for MvC∞ though so I'm in there. Anyhow, just wanna let you guys know that I think the standard stick layout is what you should be using. I was considering switching stone and tag,

LP HP Stone

but I reconsidered because to do combos it's more natural to press the Tag up top instead of the Stone.

Just wanted to let everyone know in case anyone (like myself) was considering that switch. The reason I was considering it was because I thought I'd press Stone more often, but since I hadn't played a Marvel game in so long I didn't think about tagging constantly for combos. My bad. Please think about it hard and through before changing your standard layout on stick (if you were considering it) like I did.

This is what you want:

LK HK Stone


IT'S MAHVEL BABY!!!!!!!!!!!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Max is already Rank 12 on PC, omeone was saying Champ couldnt get out of Rank 14 on PS4 after 30 wins? :eek:


How come start+touchpad doesn't restart training mode like in UMVC3? is there another button combination I gotta press or is there no quick restart for training mode.
Look for the option in the training mode menu, you can change restart to touchpad

Max is already Rank 12 on PC, omeone was saying Champ couldnt get out of Rank 14 on PS4 after 30 wins? :eek:
Champ is rank 9


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Look for the option in the training mode menu, you can change restart to touchpad

Champ is rank 9

ah ok, thought so.

how is everyone's experience with the netcode in general on your respective systems? I only played about 9 or 10 matches yesterday but it was shockingly good like most already said. Holding up for you guys?
I have two questions:
What platform is the most active online, PS4 or PC?

What is the connection like for UK players playing people from US?

I have a solid wired connection, but fighting games are usually iffy if I try to play with players outside of the UK/Western Europe.
Console will always be most active for fighting games. For now anyway.

Man, can't wait for work to be done so I can hop back on it. Didn't think I'd feel this way about the game after only a couple hours. Just 9 hours to go...

How are the loading times for online? Superior to SFV or same?


I have two questions:
What platform is the most active online, PS4 or PC?

What is the connection like for UK players playing people from US?

I have a solid wired connection, but fighting games are usually iffy if I try to play with players outside of the UK/Western Europe.

I could see PC being more popular in europe since we tend to be quite pc focused compared to the US.

It'll definitely be more popular on consoles in the US though


fuck this last boss :mad:
If it's for the story,
use Dante. Down, Down LK+HK. Devil Trigger! Makes Dante more awesome (to use the technical term) and gives him health regeneration.

I'm awful at the game, but a combination of Devil Trigger and autocombos with Dante carried the day.


Just watched all of the story mode cutscenes; that shit was entertaining as fuck. Way, way better than SFV's cinematics, probably because it was pre-rendered rather than real time.

Concur with the notion earlier in the thread that it was hilarious that Ryu was a team-player here, rather than his usual aloof, detached self we see in every other representation.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Story Mode -> Training is the plan today. I would like to get a lobby going with gaffers, if only to test some cross-atlantic netcode :)
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