Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters


FChamp think there are 3 types of characters in the game:

Point, Support and Hybrids.

You want a Point and a Support, or you want a Point and a Hybrid or two Hybrids.


And of course the only match of the day that lags this bad LMAO!
FChamp think there are 3 types of characters in the game:

Point, Support and Hybrids.

You want a Point and a Support, or you want a Point and a Hybrid or two Hybrids.


And of course the only match of the day that lags this bad LMAO!
I wonder if it's because they both are streaming..


FChamp think there are 3 types of characters in the game:

Point, Support and Hybrids.

You want a Point and a Support, or you want a Point and a Hybrid or two Hybrids.


And of course the only match of the day that lags this bad LMAO!

I feel like "hybrid" just means "anchor".


In FChamp's case, would Dormammu be Support and Ultron Point?

I think this was his classification for the cast:

Ghost Rider: Support
Strider: Hybrid
Rocket: Support
Strange: Support
Gamora: Hybrid
Dormammu: Support
Ultron: Point
Captain Marvel: Point
Frank West: Hybrid (he's a weird character to classify because he starts off as a bad point and support, then becomes good at both)
Firebrand: Hybrid
Thanos: Hybrid
Nemesis: Hybrid
Haggar: Forgot what he said
Dante: Support
Nova: Point
Chun Li: Point
Morrigan: Point
Arthur: Support
Ryu: Irrelevant
Chris: Irrelevant
Spencer: Point
Hulk: Support (FChamp thinks he is way better as a support in this game surprisingly)
Spider Man: Point
Jedah: Hybrid
Hawkeye: Support
Zero: Hybrid
MMX: Hybrid
Thor: Point
Captain America: Hybrid? Forgot what he said here

I feel like "hybrid" just means "anchor".
There's no anchor in this game. Hybrid means someone who can do both support and point but doesn't excel at either. Gamora is a good example of a Hybrid because she isn't as good as the other points in opening up characters and she isn't as good as the other supports in setting up but she can definitely support with her guns and she can still rush down/mix up people.


I finally beat the story mode. Too long. I finished Morrigan's mission mode as well and it seemed pretty useless for the most part. It gave me a couple of combo ideas but that's really it. I'm not sure how to go about training since I still don't have internet.


As in "Heathcliff"
Working on Nemesis Mission 10.

I don't know what I did wrong? Chris kept rolled out of the combo after Gamma Crush so I couldn't connect with last two moves.

Nori Chan

I think it's awesome it has the full mission mode as soon as it's able to play. I'm still installing like 50% but I can at least learn some stuff while waiting. Good job capcom
Unlearning muscle memory so I can start coming at ya. He gon be good once i learn this.

Then there's Mr Stark. Team Homecoming will be bussin ass at a tourney near you soon! This is all before I get to shame cube shit and space stone nonsense.

Went through most of Clint's missions. He's feeling great as well. There's lots of cool shit in this game.


Iron Man's super seems to escape the regular HC scaling in the game. I heard this before way back but this is the first time seeing it in action. If this was a different character it would've capped at 6500.

I think if you are using Iron Man on the team you use his Proton Cannon tag DHC to finish off opponents.


I pretty much suck at the game, but Captain Marvel and Gamora is my waifu team. Having fun so far, time to learn some combos.


Sketchbook Picasso
I enjoyed the story mode enough. I kind of like how everything is Mid-convergence, and characters KNOW each other, but at the same time, it'd be nice to have ways to see how they met, too. If you couldn't put it into the game... getting a comic / manga maker to make a single volume to tell the tale would have worked.

I'll always enjoy any stories but NR's more (as long as, you know, I'm actually fighting in between movies) because anyone elses characters mean SO much more to me than theirs.

I'd like to see the story continue. I don't mind having a 2hr story mode, but I think the way to make stuff like this feel substantial is to make it a part of the characters introduced to the game. Being upfront with a "Story continues... in SEASON 2!" or such would give one more thing to look forward to with new characters.

I rather enjoyed Jedah, too. He has that perfect mix of Refine evil that makes you want to root for him, and believe what he's saying... until you actually think about everything. He's a great compliment to how Morrigan fits into this series. And his VA jumps from the refined to the Insane well.

It's definitely the Darkstalkers and Megaman stuff I enjoyed most from the story. Tony and Racoon were nice, too. I've heard some say they didn't like Thanos here, and... why? He seemed properly self absorbed and self important, his relationship with Death was recognized and handled fine, and I don't find his voice bad either. Probably helps there's no modern voice of him in a Cartoon or such that I've watched recently...

Coming off of watching that Ironman & Incredibly Hulk movie that's on Netflix from like... 2011 or something, this was like high art in comparison. Eech, that thing felt horrible to me, even with the talented actors.


I'm really bad at this game lol buts it's fun tho

I pretty much suck at the game, but Captain Marvel and Gamora is my waifu team. Having fun so far, time to learn some combos.

Lol. I'm about to just turn auto combos back on and call it a day. This shit is brutal for a new player. Especially since it seems to really be a stickler for every single directional input in a 1/4 circle rather than interpreting. Felt like SF games even as recent as Ultra IV were way more lenient than this. Maybe I'm just too old lol.


Very pleased with this game's netcode. A notable step up from SFV and probably the best Capcom has ever put out that wasn't from an Iron Galaxy port.
Anyone who preorderd the game from bestbuy get the costumes?

yes, it was emailed to me immediately after I picked it up. I pre-ordered through Best Buy's website for in-store pickup. Title of the email was "Redeem your Playstation digital product" and it didn't even notate that it was for MvCI in the email body at all, just straight up the code flanked by the typical Best Buy website formatting (links to the website, copyright info, some basic return policy/warranty policy style stuff). Super basic ass email.


Lol. I'm about to just turn auto combos back on and call it a day. This shit is brutal for a new player. Especially since it seems to really be a stickler for every single directional input in a 1/4 circle rather than interpreting. Felt like SF games even as recent as Ultra IV were way more lenient than this. Maybe I'm just too old lol.

I played a lot of marvel 1 and 2 back in the day and some mavel 3 but the switching really fucking up my brain and some of the combo stuff is really different. Just have to get use to it also I hate the down down moves I wish they gave use a choice


Day 1 is over. I managed to come up with a 7.1k midscreen combo and 7.5k corner combo with Morrigan. I haven't even bothered with stones or tag attacks yet. That shit is too overwhelming right now.


I'd like to see the story continue. I don't mind having a 2hr story mode, but I think the way to make stuff like this feel substantial is to make it a part of the characters introduced to the game. Being upfront with a "Story continues... in SEASON 2!" or such would give one more thing to look forward to with new characters.


That would probably end up upsetting people and make them feel like the story mode is incomplete. The game would probably get trashed even harder than it is now.

The way it's set up it would feel like a nice surprise if we got another chapter or two. Instead of "finally complete after x months"


yes, it was emailed to me immediately after I picked it up. I pre-ordered through Best Buy's website for in-store pickup. Title of the email was "Redeem your Playstation digital product" and it didn't even notate that it was for MvCI in the email body at all, just straight up the code flanked by the typical Best Buy website formatting (links to the website, copyright info, some basic return policy/warranty policy style stuff). Super basic ass email.

I haven't received anything other than confirmation of delivery email..


The story ends where it should and teases more to come. I don't think it's incomplete, the main story arc finished anyway.

I don't think there will be any riots over a season 2 story mode especially if it doesn't cost extra money.


I played a lot of marvel 1 and 2 back in the day and some mavel 3 but the switching really fucking up my brain and some of the combo stuff is really different. Just have to get use to it also I hate the down down moves I wish they gave use a choice

Yeah man, I can't get those out reliably at all. Even just trying to remember these combos with an active switch and balancing the timing with aerials or down down movements is super rough. I don't think I could even get past Spidey's mission 3? web swing to HK -> HP -> launch -> the web grab forward-half circle back HP move. Getting that out while the guy is still falling is insane. Lol.


Took me 20 minutes to undo muscle memory with Frank but now I need to figure out how to do certain things with him since most of his UMVC3 tech didnt carry over. Game is fun as hell though. I'm having a great time!


Team names need to be earned.

They will come. As people play tournaments and all that. But I think it's silly to have team names already.
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