Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters

It's the opposite dude! Whenever I see Thanos or X I know I'm in for an easy win.

If a scrub plays a scrub killer, do they kill themselves?
Man, I didn't think I'd still have muscle memory with the UMvC3 cast since I am not a Marvel player by any means, but relearning Dante, Zero, and Chun has been kinda rough.

Didn't get to play much last night but completed Zero's trials and got to like trail 9 in Chun and Dante's. Def most interested in those 3 characters. Just not sure if any combination of them would work well... Didn't even get time to mess with stones.

Game is far uglier in person, looks worse than KOFXIV imo. Music is also super terrible. But the game is ridiculously fun, which is ultimately the thing that matters most. 6 button layouts without the two far right buttons being standard attacks really messes with my brain though.


Man, tried searching for match 5 times with no luck. Guess the game is basically just doa huh?

This is really what concerns me about MvC:I.
Since it was released, I don't think I've seen a single mention of the game on the PS4 and XOne Reddit communities (r/PS4 and r/XboxOne).

Did it release too soon after Destiny 2?
Did SFV'S botched release turn people away?
Did all the pre-launch negativity concerning simplified controls and Chun-Li's face keep people's wallets firmly in their pockets?
It's not a looker but I still think it looks better than KoFXIV.

I mainly say KOFXIV looks better because the shading they added to the game at least helped make it look a little more stylistic and smooth it over. Also a lot of the older MvC3 character models stagnant idle poses just looks really odd in this game. I just wish there was a more consistent style to the game. It just looks kinda bland. Jedah, Gamora, and X look good, but I can't really say the same about most of the old characters, even after their face lifts.

It's subjective though, so I think graphically it is objectively better for sure. But the lack of a "style" kinda takes away from it for me. It's all been said though. Either way the game is still a blast. Not anymore casual friendly than UMvC3 I feel, I'm not an amazing fighting game player, but even I'm struggling to get some of these tag combos down.


Classic Dante was in DmC though

This is nothing official. But in the training mode I definitely felt some.
But was odd is that I didn't notice it in the story mode. Might've just been the game acting up though.

So what you're saying 10 more years of blaming Playstation when pros lose. Gottcha.
Apparently X1 users are having problems finding games online

I was trying to set up a lobby to play with friends last night any any time we would send out an invite to play, each of us would get a "Could not send invite" error. I didn't try ranked or casual, but it was very irritating not being able to screw around with my friends and just left me playing training/mission/arcade mode all night.


This is really what concerns me about MvC:I.
Since it was released, I don't think I've seen a single mention of the game on the PS4 and XOne Reddit communities (r/PS4 and r/XboxOne).

Did it release too soon after Destiny 2?
Did SFV'S botched release turn people away?
Did all the pre-launch negativity concerning simplified controls and Chun-Li's face keep people's wallets firmly in their pockets?
It's mostly the latter two reasons, I don't think Destiny 2 had much of an impact.

Damn this game not looking so good sales wise.


Global rankings on pc end at like 2300. There's no one on pc

Hoping the number are better on PS4 and Xbox One.
Looks like the game did indeed hit some sort of wall though. Whether it be from the earlier memes/presentation or the release date (maybe a bit of both) who knows.
Though there can still be a bit more players than that since you can play online without being ranked....I think.


IMO I think this'll be a case where the lower budget might help out. Since they should hopefully be able to cover dev costs and then start making profit off the DLC. Hoping it's like SFV. Where we'll get another one. It might just be awhile though.
We still have some DLC incoming to help get some profits. But I don't know about the long term viability of the franchise.

Too bad Capcom launched the game with no dlc ready to sell kinda boneheaded. I had 50 dollars for costumes but instead, I bought Spiderman Homecoming and some seasons of Futurama.


How long is the Story taking people?

IGN said 3-4 hours, which is.. like double the 1 and a half to two hour quote we got from Capcom themselves. I heard 2 and a half hours too.
Took me like 2 hours, didn't skip any cutscenes. I also didn't lose any fights to include the final boss. So 2 and a half is probably right.


It's mostly the latter two reasons, I don't think Destiny 2 had much of an impact.

Damn this game not looking so good sales wise.

Terrified of this as I like the game a lot, but damn....their advertising was horrid and DBZ took a lot of the wind out of their sales.
If this bombs saleswise is that the end for the MvC franchise?
Maybe but I would actually rather have Capcom Vs Capcom or bring back Capcom vs SNK again. Don't get me wrong I love the Marvel side of characters I just feel there is more potential of getting awesome characters in a Capcom fighting game in comparison.


Too bad Capcom launched the game with no dlc ready to sell kinda boneheaded. I had 50 dollars for costumes but instead, I bought Spiderman Homecoming and some seasons of Futurama.

People would flip out if Capcom has DLC for sale exactly at launch, even with selling a character pass. It's less bad for optics.


Maybe but I would actually rather have Capcom Vs Capcom or bring back Capcom vs SNK again. Don't get me wrong I love the Marvel side of characters I just feel there is more potential of getting awesome characters in a Capcom fighting game in comparison.

If MvC has to die so I can get CvC. So be it.
Maybe but I would actually rather have Capcom Vs Capcom or bring back Capcom vs SNK again. Don't get me wrong I love the Marvel side of characters I just feel there is more potential of getting awesome characters in a Capcom fighting game in comparison.

Speaking of Capcom vs. Capcom, it would be cool if they resurrected Capcom All-Stars.


Ok so quick update on pc matchmaking, I went into practice mode and set it to just find me casual/rank matches in all regions, and I got a casual and ranked match pretty fast.

But yeah, we'll see if that's the norm soon enough
If this game flops on release, they could salvage a bunch of it through longtail sales. It's effectively not much to fix besides presentation and the like - the base game is fine and this isn't a situation like SFV where the netcode and content is butt.

The esports push will help as well, but they better have a CPT like thing for next year with a bunch of events on the way to continue to capitalize.

Edit: Oh, and DLC characters will help game sales and rentetion. I know people are like "wtf is with all this Marvel in this Season", but that shit is mad recognizable to have in your game with how big the MCU is.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ok so quick update on pc matchmaking, I went into practice mode and set it to just find me casual/rank matches in all regions, and I got a casual and ranked match pretty fast.

But yeah, we'll see if that's the norm soon enough

thik the matchmaking is borked. Just tried to get a ranked or begginers match, and found nothing after a few tries.

tried a casual match, and got one instantly. I mean, it could be everyone is just on csual mtches, but that seems like too much of a coincidence.


I really want to play X, but I just don't know if he's gonna be my dude. The idea of canceling specials into other specials, with the second special getting strong because of it, may be a little too much for me to handle.


IMO I think this'll be a case where the lower budget might help out. Since they should hopefully be able to cover dev costs and then start making profit off the DLC. Hoping it's like SFV. Where we'll get another one. It might just be awhile though.

I'm curious as to how much the Marvel license cost for this game. If it was hugely expensive I don't know how much wiggle room Capcom has regarding profits.


On PC: confirmed last night that the connections coast-to-coast are unplayable, or at least they are between my group of friends. The connection from CA to NJ is actually worse than Marvel 3, might even be the worst fighting game connection netcode-wise I've EVER played.

For context I can play guys in NJ perfectly fine in USF4, Tekken, GGXrd. SFV is sometimes playable, MvCI is unplayable. I think I'm going to look for a refund because those are the people I play fighting games with 90% of the time. I don't want to keep it just for fighting randoms. Oh well.
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