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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*


I already had this discussion in the Daredevil thread, so I know the score. It's just dumb to me that if some bald mafia guy sets off some explosions in NYC, none of the Avengers would even think about investigating it. I don't know why I should care what happens to Hell's Kitchen if the world that the Marvel Universe is set in is constantly in peril.

I think it is great, that the Avengers wouldn't interfere with what happened in Hell's Kitchen, after all, this was a mafia-type guy, and the Avengers have more important matters to attend. Or maybe the Avengers do have someone (Maria Hill maybe), who checks out what would be worth using their resources on.

This is what I don't like about The Flash and I love that show. When he goes to turn off a random fire in a building in Coast City, while the fire department could have done it.

There are still tons of police officers and fire-fighters in the world.

This, basically.

I already think it's absurd that the Avengers don't know that Coulson is alive. I don't need more to add to that. lol
This one, I give you.


I already had this discussion in the Daredevil thread, so I know the score. It's just dumb to me that if some bald mafia guy sets off some explosions in NYC, none of the Avengers would even think about investigating it. I don't know why I should care what happens to Hell's Kitchen if the world that the Marvel Universe is set in is constantly in peril.

So it's easier for me to just treat this as a standalone Jessica Jones adventure that doesn't have any of the MCU garbage to weigh it down.

The Avengers handle the BIG stuff. That's always been the way they operate, at least as far as the MCU has shown us.

It isn't like they are an organization that's always together all the time. They all have their own seperate lives, but are called to come together for the big threats that need them.

There are still tons of police officers and fire-fighters in the world.
The web is getting big and complex

They have to prioritize what details of continuity to address

I dont envy the task they are trying to perform. I mean. You could locigally pick apart anything if you focus on the details

I get it though. I want them to be smart and detail oriented when attempting to connect all the tissues

Thats the challenge of doing shared universe.


I am pretty eagerly awaiting this.

I wasn't as high on daredevil as some were, mainly because kingpin didn't really seem to be a compelling villain. Also I didn't really care for Foggy.

This looks great though and the atmosphere looks really well crafted.


Subete no aware
I think it is great, that the Avengers wouldn't interfere with what happened in Hell's Kitchen, after all, this was a mafia-type guy, and the Avengers have more important matters to attend. Or maybe the Avengers do have someone (Maria Hill maybe), who checks out what would be worth using their resources on.

This is what I don't like about The Flash and I love that show. When he goes to turn off a random fire in a building in Coast City, while the fire department could have done it.

This one, I give you.
The Avengers handle the BIG stuff. That's always been the way they operate, at least as far as the MCU has shown us.

It isn't like they are an organization that's always together all the time. They all have their own seperate lives, but are called to come together for the big threats that need them.

There are still tons of police officers and fire-fighters in the world.

I look at it this way though. If someone blew up a building in NYC, in real life the FBI would show up. Hell, when the Boston bomber guys hit the marathon, it's not like the Federal government decided to just let Boston PD handle the situation on their own and said that it was "too small" for them. Maybe Stark doesn't need show up in his robot suit (although that would be the easiest because of the CG), but you'd think someone from one of the five secret organizations around the world would take a few minutes to make an appearance when they hear about some blind ninja guy flipping around beating people up. Hell, this whole season of AoS is about tracking down inhumans, and they have no reason not to suspect that Murdoch isn't an inhuman.

I mean, the reality is that they can't afford the movie guys as it is, so that's really why they don't show up. But as they keep adding more and more to the universe, I just find it harder and harder to believe that all of these things are happening independently of each other.
I look at it this way though. If someone blew up a building in NYC, in real life the FBI would show up. Hell, when the Boston bomber guys hit the marathon, it's not like the Federal government decided to just let Boston PD handle the situation on their own and said that it was "too small" for them. Maybe Stark doesn't need show up in his robot suit (although that would be the easiest because of the CG), but you'd think someone from one of the five secret organizations around the world would take a few minutes to make an appearance when they hear about some blind ninja guy flipping around beating people up. Hell, this whole season of AoS is about tracking down inhumans, and they have no reason not to suspect that Murdoch isn't an inhuman.

I mean, the reality is that they can't afford the movie guys as it is, so that's really why they don't show up. But as they keep adding more and more to the universe, I just find it harder and harder to believe that all of these things are happening independently of each other.

Well now you are getting into the tough part

The necessity of separation from a production limitation standpoint. Hell I was amazed at the few movie cameos they managed to do with AoS...

That said yeah... their hands are tied in so many ways. It IS a shared universe but they cant go 100% in thanks to being spread around so much

If it would up to me I would consolidate the umbrella to just Netflix and Film. Would be easier to address the details and get actor crossover.


Well now you are getting into the tough part

The necessity of separation from a production limitation standpoint. Hell I was amazed at the few movie cameos they managed to do with AoS...

That said yeah... their hands are tied in so many ways. It IS a shared universe but they cant go 100% in thanks to being spread around so much

If it would up to me I would consolidate the umbrella to just Netflix and Film. Would be easier to address the details and get actor crossover.

Even if they could go 100% like in the comics, the comics don't have everyone responding to situations that it seems like would be compelled to do so either. It's just a quirk of these kinds of shared universes. You have to chalk it up to the fact that these guys are embroiled in missions and adventures pretty much all the time. Why didn't the Avengers respond to the bombings in Hell's Kitchen? Maybe they were in Europe engaging Hydra that whole time. Maybe they were...ah, temporary off-planet/out of dimension? Whatever, they were busy. A wizard did it.


Alias didn't make the thread title. :p

I personally hated Daredevil because why should anyone care about a blind guy in a red suit dicking around in NYC when a) Aliens are taking over the Galaxy b) a crazy AI robot almost destroyed the world c) Hydra d) Inhumans.

I'm treating this show as a completely separate entity. It's the only way I can take this show seriously.
There are refugees from Syria fleeing a president who is using chemical weapons on his own, our climate is getting warmer and warmer with superstorms happening with more regularity, there's a group of terrorists who just put a bomb on a Russian plane full of tourists but you're on a video game website complaining about a tv show. How can I take you seriously?

One of the more interesting things about Daredevil is how, despite the fact that there is crazier and wide-ranging things happening in the world, that people are still ultimately concerned with their relatively petty concerns, just like the real world.


There are refugees from Syria fleeing a president who is using chemical weapons on his own, our climate is getting warmer and warmer with superstorms happening with more regularity, there's a group of terrorists who just put a bomb on a Russian plane full of tourists but you're on a video game website complaining about a tv show. How can I take you seriously?

One of the more interesting things about Daredevil is how, despite the fact that there is crazier and wide-ranging things happening in the world, that people are still ultimately concerned with their relatively petty concerns, just like the real world.

Alias didn't make the thread title. :p

I personally hated Daredevil because why should anyone care about a blind guy in a red suit dicking around in NYC when a) Aliens are taking over the Galaxy b) a crazy AI robot almost destroyed the world c) Hydra d) Inhumans.

I'm treating this show as a completely separate entity. It's the only way I can take this show seriously.
My answer for your question is that I don't care about the aliens taking over the galaxy or the crazy robot, since I did not like Guardians of the Galaxy or Ultron.

And I LOVE the dark and gritty aesthetic. So Daredevil was totally in my alley
The fact that people Still cannot get the fact that the MCU is a world where everything is connected 7 years in is fucking baffling to me.

For example

Avengers= US DoD/State department
Agents of shield= FBI
NetflixCU= Local Police department.

All of the above exists in our world where everything connects but the mostly don't cross over. its not so hard.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
There are refugees from Syria fleeing a president who is using chemical weapons on his own, our climate is getting warmer and warmer with superstorms happening with more regularity, there's a group of terrorists who just put a bomb on a Russian plane full of tourists but you're on a video game website complaining about a tv show. How can I take you seriously?

One of the more interesting things about Daredevil is how, despite the fact that there is crazier and wide-ranging things happening in the world, that people are still ultimately concerned with their relatively petty concerns, just like the real world.



Subete no aware
If it would up to me I would consolidate the umbrella to just Netflix and Film. Would be easier to address the details and get actor crossover.
This is why I'm just treating Jessica Jones as a solo adventure. It's how I read Alias back when I still cared about comic books (it was the only Marvel book I read), so I'm fine if they just ignore all the BS that comes with being a part of the MCU. It just becomes too much of a burden.

My answer for your question is that I don't care about the aliens taking over the galaxy or the crazy robot, since I did not like Guardians of the Galaxy or Ultron.

And I LOVE the dark and gritty aesthetic. So Daredevil was totally in my alley
Daredevil was when I realized that the MCU as a vague promise of franchise continuity didn't matter to me, so it's like a catalyst of all the problems that I just had with everything that was going on.

(And this is before the why is Coulson still dead, why doesn't Captain America help Stark in Iron Man 3, etc, etc, etc, movie concerns).

There are refugees from Syria fleeing a president who is using chemical weapons on his own, our climate is getting warmer and warmer with superstorms happening with more regularity, there's a group of terrorists who just put a bomb on a Russian plane full of tourists but you're on a video game website complaining about a tv show. How can I take you seriously?

One of the more interesting things about Daredevil is how, despite the fact that there is crazier and wide-ranging things happening in the world, that people are still ultimately concerned with their relatively petty concerns, just like the real world.
I assume you're not being serious, but let's take this metaphor to the next logical extreme:

Guess what, if you're Obama, you give a speech about gun violence in America, #blacklivesmatter, and Russian intervention in Syria. You can pay attention to many things at once!


I assume you're not being serious, but let's take this metaphor to the next logical extreme:

Guess what, if you're Obama, you give a speech about gun violence in America, #blacklivesmatter, and Russian intervention in Syria. You can pay attention to many things at once!
Yes you can. Now, what does that have to do with what I said? The point was, your complaint makes no sense when you consider all the stuff going on in the world that the majority of people don't care about.

Back to the fictional world, Hell's Kitchen is a single neighborhood in a world full of hundreds of thousands of neigborhoods and the world won't stop and focus on what's happening there when there are all kinds of things happening elsewhere. Why should the Avengers care about a factory explosion in Hell's Kitchen when they're off fighting aliens and rogue AI? The whole point of The Avengers is to handle the world-destroying threats, not police individual neighborhoods. As for why Shield wouldn't be looking for Daredevil, aside from the fact that he's around before the fish oil Inhuman stuff, he doesn't become known beyond the criminal world until the last few episodes of the first season and there's nothing that indicates that he's anything more than just a regular guy fighting with some criminals.
Yes you can. Now, what does that have to do with what I said? The point was, your complaint makes no sense when you consider all the stuff going on in the world that the majority of people don't care about.

Back to the fictional world, Hell's Kitchen is a single neighborhood in a world full of hundreds of thousands of neigborhoods and the world won't stop and focus on what's happening there when there are all kinds of things happening elsewhere. Why should the Avengers care about a factory explosion in Hell's Kitchen when they're off fighting aliens and rogue AI? The whole point of The Avengers is to handle the world-destroying threats, not police individual neighborhoods. As for why Shield wouldn't be looking for Daredevil, aside from the fact that he's around before the fish oil Inhuman stuff, he doesn't become known beyond the criminal world until the last few episodes of the first season and there's nothing that indicates that he's anything more than just a regular guy fighting with some criminals.



Subete no aware
Yes you can. Now, what does that have to do with what I said? The point was, your complaint makes no sense when you consider all the stuff going on in the world that the majority of people don't care about.

Back to the fictional world, Hell's Kitchen is a single neighborhood in a world full of hundreds of thousands of neigborhoods and the world won't stop and focus on what's happening there when there are all kinds of things happening elsewhere. Why should the Avengers care about a factory explosion in Hell's Kitchen when they're off fighting aliens and rogue AI? The whole point of The Avengers is to handle the world-destroying threats, not police individual neighborhoods. As for why Shield wouldn't be looking for Daredevil, aside from the fact that he's around before the fish oil Inhuman stuff, he doesn't become known beyond the criminal world until the last few episodes of the first season and there's nothing that indicates that he's anything more than just a regular guy fighting with some criminals.

The is that you're trying to rationalize my subjective emotional response to Daredevil and why I'm more than happy to treat Jessica Jones as a Marvel "one shot" than as some greater part of the chase for the infinity gauntlet or whatever the hell they are up to in the movies.

I've implied, if not outright said, that it's my own personal problem with Daredevil and I'm trying to avoid having the same problem with Jessica Jones - particularly because she's the only Marvel character I remotely care about (mostly because I was a huge Bendis fan back when comics weren't cool).

(The specific problem I have with Daredevil is that once the crime begins to scale up where the middle of your series features explosions in the middle of NYC, it begins to encroach into whatever arbitrary limitation people seem to place on what crimes members of the Avengers are allowed to look at).


I honestly don't understand how anyone who has been into comics can ever have the whole "but why doesn't HEROX help?" criticism of the MCU.

I can't recall ever reading through Spider-Man thinking about how stupid it is that the Fantastic 4 aren't helping him with Gobby (seriously, Mr. Fantastic wouldn't have killed Gwen Stacy...and Goblin holding a cable-car full of kids? Of COURSE every hero in NY would have been there!). When heroes showed up in each other's comics, they were cool moments...and bigger cross-over events were even better.

Now, everyone just bitches about how Iron Man isn't showing up to help take down King Pin, or how SHIELD should have been there to rescue the President.
Yes you can. Now, what does that have to do with what I said? The point was, your complaint makes no sense when you consider all the stuff going on in the world that the majority of people don't care about.

Back to the fictional world, Hell's Kitchen is a single neighborhood in a world full of hundreds of thousands of neigborhoods and the world won't stop and focus on what's happening there when there are all kinds of things happening elsewhere. Why should the Avengers care about a factory explosion in Hell's Kitchen when they're off fighting aliens and rogue AI? The whole point of The Avengers is to handle the world-destroying threats, not police individual neighborhoods. As for why Shield wouldn't be looking for Daredevil, aside from the fact that he's around before the fish oil Inhuman stuff, he doesn't become known beyond the criminal world until the last few episodes of the first season and there's nothing that indicates that he's anything more than just a regular guy fighting with some criminals.

In the context of the Marvel movie universe, what are the Avengers actually doing? They fought some aliens in the first movie, targeted Hydra and fought Ultron in the second movie, but what have they done in between that?
In the context of the Marvel movie universe, what are the Avengers actually doing? They fought some aliens in the first movie, targeted Hydra and fought Ultron in the second movie, but what have they done in between that?

As a group, very little. The movies make it a point that the Avengers coming together is no small occurrence. But we know from the solo films that they are all dealing with their own shit.

But as an example, during the major events of Daredevil it's pretty unlikely that they were all just sitting around in NYC waiting for shit to go down. Avengers Tower wasnt even operational at that point.

I honestly don't understand how anyone who has been into comics can ever have the whole "but why doesn't HEROX help?" criticism of the MCU.

I can't recall ever reading through Spider-Man thinking about how stupid it is that the Fantastic 4 aren't helping him with Gobby (seriously, Mr. Fantastic wouldn't have killed Gwen Stacy...and Goblin holding a cable-car full of kids? Of COURSE every hero in NY would have been there!). When heroes showed up in each other's comics, they were cool moments...and bigger cross-over events were even better.

Now, everyone just bitches about how Iron Man isn't showing up to help take down King Pin, or how SHIELD should have been there to rescue the President.

It's such a stupid complaint. It's lazy as fuck writing and undermines the protagonist of the story and his/her supporting cast. Why would I want an Iron Man movie to end with Captain America just showing up to save the day, or vice versa?

In solo movies/books crossovers should only happen when it makes sense narratively...involve this other character in the story in a significant way. They can't just show up to win a fight and leave. I'd rather just have more focus on secondary characters like Sif, War Machine or Bucky Barnes.


My Apartment, or the 120 Screenings of Salo
In the context of the Marvel movie universe, what are the Avengers actually doing? They fought some aliens in the first movie, targeted Hydra and fought Ultron in the second movie, but what have they done in between that?

Eat shwarma.
In terms of overall level of superhero/superhuman/alien/etc. activity, the MCU has fairly clearly been established to be a long way from 616, even with recent events on Agents of SHIELD (which will likely get minimal, if any, acknowledgement in the films or Netflix shows, because that's how Marvel rolls).

It's not an NYC where superheroes are regularly patrolling the streets, that's for sure.


In the context of the Marvel movie universe, what are the Avengers actually doing? They fought some aliens in the first movie, targeted Hydra and fought Ultron in the second movie, but what have they done in between that?
There are individiual movies that fill in those gaps for you.
It really does suck, doesn't it? Does absolutely fuck all to communicate any aspect of the premise, the tone, or anything about the two characters who appear on it.

It's odd, since the the pre-trailer promo clips, posters, etc. were all pretty much spot-on.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
In the context of the Marvel movie universe, what are the Avengers actually doing? They fought some aliens in the first movie, targeted Hydra and fought Ultron in the second movie, but what have they done in between that?

Thor went back to Asgard securing stones n shit

Hulk is on a world tour with a mic in his hands...

Cap n Widow are managing and training Avengers members(more on that in Civil War)

Ironman? (more on that in Civil War)

so there


It really does suck, doesn't it? Does absolutely fuck all to communicate any aspect of the premise, the tone, or anything about the two characters who appear on it.

It's odd, since the the pre-trailer promo clips, posters, etc. were all pretty much spot-on.

I mean, it implies what tennant's character does but only kinda if you already know who he is

regardless I just really dislike it from a design standpoint. amateur hour


Thor went back to Asgard securing stones n shit

Hulk is on a world tour with a mic in his hands...

Cap n Widow are managing and training Avengers members(more on that in Civil War)

Ironman? (more on that in Civil War)

so there

But that's AFTER Age of Ultron. He asked between Avengers and Age of Ultron to be fair.

Though, if he wants to know, he should just go watch the solo movies.


But that's AFTER Age of Ultron. He asked between Avengers and Age of Ultron to be fair.

Though, if he wants to know, he should just go watch the solo movies.

Tony was dealing with PTSD
Thor was back in Asgard fixing the fuck-ups of Loki
Cap was saving the world and un-masking HYDRA


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Funny how this discussion is happening in the thread of a show about the character who wants to have the least possible to do with that sort of thing.

Not trying to police the thread, just finding it genuinely amusing.


This is what I don't like about The Flash and I love that show. When he goes to turn off a random fire in a building in Coast City, while the fire department could have done it.
For me, that is the advantages of all those TV shows. They can show these superheroes making the city better, even if it is simply stopping a robbery. I always look at THe Dark Knight trilogy for that. The city isn't safer at all after Batman leaves, they had regular mobsters and ended up with supervillains while the small criminals are still out there.
Funny how this discussion is happening in the thread of a show about the character who wants to have the least possible to do with that sort of thing.

Not trying to police the thread, just finding it genuinely amusing.

Im curious what MCU ties will be revealed from her days as Jewel

She must have worked with a few familiar faces. Where does her Jewel stint fall in the timeline?!?!
I honestly don't understand how anyone who has been into comics can ever have the whole "but why doesn't HEROX help?" criticism of the MCU.

I can't recall ever reading through Spider-Man thinking about how stupid it is that the Fantastic 4 aren't helping him with Gobby (seriously, Mr. Fantastic wouldn't have killed Gwen Stacy...and Goblin holding a cable-car full of kids? Of COURSE every hero in NY would have been there!). When heroes showed up in each other's comics, they were cool moments...and bigger cross-over events were even better.

Now, everyone just bitches about how Iron Man isn't showing up to help take down King Pin, or how SHIELD should have been there to rescue the President.
I think it's an absolutely fair criticism that I ask myself in almost every movie. Wish they'd do a better job at explaining why because it's always immersion breaking.

The most egregious example is Thor: The Dark World. The universe was ending!! I think Thor could have used an extra pair of hands!


I think it's an absolutely fair criticism that I ask myself in almost every movie. Wish they'd do a better job at explaining why because it's always immersion breaking.

The most egregious example is Thor: The Dark World. The universe was ending!! I think Thor could have used an extra pair of hands!
The universe was ending for all of 10 minutes.


is jessica jones supposed to be such a boring piece of shit? if so cool, but man what a drag the promos already are.
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