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Marvel's Jessica Jones |OT| A.K.A. Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones *spoilers for S1*


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Luke is feeling guilty for hurting Jessica. Even though its not his fault directly (see simpson)
I enjoyed it.

It had some pretty bad lows, and some very great highs.

I think I liked Daredevil more, but I really loved Ritter in the role. And Tennant is always awesome.
Episode 12

When Kilgrave tells
that kid outside the club to 'go stand there and stare at the fence forever', would that command wear off after the 12, 16 or 24 hours that Kilgrave's influence lasts, or will it be 'forever', since it was worded explicitly. Would knocking the kid out reset the effect and return him to normal?


Episode 12

When Kilgrave tells
that kid outside the club to 'go stand there and stare at the fence forever', would that command wear off after the 12, 16 or 24 hours that Kilgrave's influence lasts, or will it be 'forever', since it was worded explicitly. Would knocking the kid out reset the effect and return him to normal?

I'd imagine all commands wear off once he died... but then there are probably commands he gives people in the event of his death and, well, Season 2 baby.


I just started this show. I was surprised at how dark this show compared to something like The Avengers. I mean I realized from the trailers that they were going for a more adult tone but still the last ten minutes of episode one are some of the more horrific moments I can recall seeing on Television.

I also loved how (Episode 2 spoiler)
You really don't really see much of Killgrave at all untill fairly late in the second episode, but you're sill aware of him, and you see all his nasty work and it truly feels like you know him by the time he appears

I'm not thrilled at the whole episode naming convention though the "AKA" seems a little too cartoony when compared with the rest of the show.


Episode 12

When Kilgrave tells
that kid outside the club to 'go stand there and stare at the fence forever', would that command wear off after the 12, 16 or 24 hours that Kilgrave's influence lasts, or will it be 'forever', since it was worded explicitly. Would knocking the kid out reset the effect and return him to normal?

he mentioned to his dad that it wouldn't last forever, so it would wear off after however strong his powers were at that stage
Is anyone else disappointed that the guy who plays Luke Cage seems to be a really bad actor? I can't imagine him carrying a series on his own. Dude just doesn't seem to have any charisma.


Subete no aware
Is anyone else disappointed that the guy who plays Luke Cage seems to be a really bad actor? I can't imagine him carrying a series on his own. Dude just doesn't seem to have any charisma.
Yeah, he's boring in the Halo thing and he's kind of boring here. But there was a podcast that said he's really charismatic on The Good Wife, so I have no idea.


Episode 10:


I'm getting really tired of how the only way they seem to know how to make the show move forward is by trying to push the envelope on how fucked up things can get. It crossed over from being somewhat scary to being downright unpleasant a long time ago, and I can't say I'm really enjoying what happens on the show much anymore. I feel like we haven't seen Luke Cage in ages, and that the only people surrounding Jessica are all kinda terrible. It's a drain to watch and there isn't really anything to lighten it up or make it feel more balanced.

After the way the episode ended, how the hell are there still 3 episodes anyway. Why drag it out any more at this point. :/


Is anyone else disappointed that the guy who plays Luke Cage seems to be a really bad actor? I can't imagine him carrying a series on his own. Dude just doesn't seem to have any charisma.

I liked him as Lemond Bishop in the Good Wife but yea, he doesn't much range beyond the cool, calm demeanor.


he mentioned to his dad that it wouldn't last forever, so it would wear off after however strong his powers were at that stage

Yeah he's solely there so you can see
When Jessica and Luke get there that his powers last longer, and hence give the chance for the viewer to figure out "Oh shit Luke" before Jessica does. Which I liked.

He always looks competely empty behind the eyes. Just charisma/personality-less, at least in this show.

He's better in this than he was in Halo: Nightfall, but that's not exactly a high bar to clear. Him doing Jessica Jones meant they got a better VA to replace him in Halo 5, though, so look on the bright side :)
I do appreciate Jessica checking
the guy who just jammed a pair of pruning shears through his brain
for a pulse.

One episode left. I guess I understand now the sentiment that this show started witha bang the first 4-5 episodes and has definitely been dragging. It honestly also feels like the writing and even some of the acting has also taken a nosedive the last few eps. They dragged so much out, and now it feels like they are trying to rush to the end.


I binged through this show for 3 days. Seemed pretty good sometimes, but after finishing it, it's just a lot of wasted potential. The stupid writing is the most horrible thing about it. I am kind of pissed now....

Wow, so you came up with headphones strategy in the LAST episode? And kill him in the last episode? Well great, you could have ended this a lot earlier. Also Jessica could have evaded a lot of situations with her jumping. So much is just so contrived about this show... And who the hell cared about the Daredevil nurses's cameo? (I love the actress, but well, who gives a shit)

Oh and how do they want to do a new season?

Jessica was the least interesting thing about the show seriously...


It's a drain to watch and there isn't really anything to lighten it up or make it feel more balanced.

I checked out about 3/4 through episode seven. I don't like Jessica, I don't like her friends, Kilgrave has been the only interesting character so far. Then this episode is just people doing dumb shit, oh and here's Jessica bossing people around again just assuming they will obey. I'm kinda desperate for stuff to watch at the moment but I'm so over this show. It's just depressing and abrasive when its not actively annoying.


Finished it last night. Overall, I liked it with some heavy reservations.

-David Tennant. Fucking slays as Kilgrave, and absolutely the best MCU villain to date. Sensational performance that's equal parts charming and sinister, and even when the dialogue suffers, he knocks it the hell out of the park.

-Mike Colter as Luke Cage. Even though we didn't get to see much of him, I actually really liked him in a way I wasn't expecting. Looking forward to his solo series now when I really didn't care as much before.

-A few strong standout episodes, especially episode 8, which plays with your expectations really well and delivers probably the best ending of the show.

-Jessica is written as an idiot. And I don't mean in the fuck-up, failure-of-personality kind of way, but in the "the writers are giving her the worst fucking plans and having her make the dumbest decisions all the time" way.

-Simpson. Ridiculous character, awful actor. His
"transformation" into Nuke
made no sense and came out of nowhere, and frankly nothing about his character made any sense. Did the writers suddenly forget that he's supposed to be a cop? How is he getting away with all of these
day trip excursions for staking out Kilgrave with spec ops?
Why does Trish gravitate to him at all?
Their sex scenes were really cringe worthy
I basically everything he said and did, and how he said and did them :lol

-Meandering plotting. It didn't bother me too much, but the show I think peaks too early with revealing Kilgrave and then settles into this pattern of
they catch Kilgrave, he escapes, they catch Kilgrave, he escapes
that ends up feeling monotonous. Like I said, it wasn't too big an issue for me because
the Kilgrave interrogations and escapes were some of the best scenes
but it does get repetitive. As someone else suggested, I think it would've been better to lead off with a couple episodes of Jessica just doing regular case work before introducing the Kilgrave/Hope subplot.

-Even more meandering subplots. They all ended up playing some part in the end, but overall a lot of them felt like trivial wastes of time, the worst offender being Malcolm and the group.

-Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones. I was really stoked for her casting when she was first announced, so I'm kind of disappointed with the end result. There are some moments when she really nails it, but a lot of the time she makes these weird acting choices that sound she's in a screentest. I blame a lot of this on the direction and the writing more than Ritter herself, because she does do good work, but for the most part her performance left me kind of cold. They also tried way too hard to sell this "I'm an apathetic asshole who drinks too much" characterization, it borders on parody at times.

-The fights. The best part of Daredevil is...not the best part of this series. There are a couple good ones, particularly the bar fight toward the beginning of the show, but most are sloppy and awkwardly put together. The biggest offender, as I've mentioned before, is that the show is really inconsistent about Jessica's strength, and has her getting her ass kicked in scenarios where you'd think there should really be no trouble at all.


Episode 10:


I'm getting really tired of how the only way they seem to know how to make the show move forward is by trying to push the envelope on how fucked up things can get. It crossed over from being somewhat scary to being downright unpleasant a long time ago, and I can't say I'm really enjoying what happens on the show much anymore. I feel like we haven't seen Luke Cage in ages, and that the only people surrounding Jessica are all kinda terrible. It's a drain to watch and there isn't really anything to lighten it up or make it feel more balanced.

After the way the episode ended, how the hell are there still 3 episodes anyway. Why drag it out any more at this point. :/

The last 3 episodes are at least an improvement over 9 and 10.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
As someone that fizzled out entirely on Daredevil after 1.5 episodes and never had a desire to return to it, I am greatly enjoying Jessica Jones having watched its first two.

Casting has been great so far and it skirts a difficult line between being approachable to mass audiences while maintaining the rigid malaise and challenge of matching the comic tone. The nitpicky issues aren't really worth stressing as I am quite engaged so far.


I feel like marvel shows starting strongly and ending badly may be a thing going forward... The same was true of daredevil.

I think it's just a streaming show issue we'll be seeing plenty of from now on as TV watching habits change. Reviewers are praising these shows based on the initial pack of episodes, and it's far easier for them to run off the rails later.


it's a netflix issue too. all their shows run too long. if they were smart they'd cut luke cage and daredevil season 2 down to 10 eps.
I'd rather they just did 13 good episodes :p

It's not like there isn't enough material to have a few really good standalone episodes. JJ badly needed some to break up the tedium of the latter half


I'd rather they just did 13 good episodes :p

Is not like there isn't enough material to have a few really good standalone episodes. JJ badly needed some to break up the tedium of the latter half

Fully agreed. Throw in some standalones to keep from stretching the main plot too thin. As long as the standalones are good, nobody will mind.


Fully agreed. Throw in some standalones to keep from stretching the main plot too thin. As long as the standalones are good, nobody will mind.

Malcolm could've used a good stand-alone with Jessica instead of him being saddled with the support group the whole latter half.


it's a netflix issue too. all their shows run too long. if they were smart they'd cut luke cage and daredevil season 2 down to 10 eps.

imo I think the pacing issue is more that Netflix episodes are always like 10 minutes too long, than there being too many episodes per season.

Marvel is also contractually obligated to deliver 13 episodes per show, so there's also that.


imo I think the pacing issue is more that Netflix episodes are always like 10 minutes too long, than there being too many episodes per season.

Marvel is also contractually obligated to deliver 13 episodes per show, so there's also that.

The 'it'd be better with less episodes' things makes me laugh. People say 22 ep seasons are too long and 13 would be better. When they get 13, it's still to many. Give them 10 eps, and they'd say they could do it in 6.


The 'it'd be better with less episodes' things makes me laugh. People say 22 ep seasons are too long and 13 would be better. When they get 13, it's still to many. Give them 10 eps, and they'd say they could do it in 6.
You're talking out of your ass. If a show seems too long, it's probably too long. These things are situational. We don't have the 6 episode version of Jessica Jones to compare this to. It stands on its own. What you are saying has no basis in reality.

The content sagged in places, which is what happens when the writers do not deliver compelling scenes. Cutting those low points would result in a shorter, but more taut season. It's not the length itself that is the problem, but that there are several plot points which are not engaging.


The 'it'd be better with less episodes' things makes me laugh. People say 22 ep seasons are too long and 13 would be better. When they get 13, it's still to many. Give them 10 eps, and they'd say they could do it in 6.
I find Flash awesome at 22 and yet I think Jessica Jones is too long. There are shows where you crave for more episodes, there are shows that drag to the end. That doesn't mean that the one dragging is actually longer.
The 'it'd be better with less episodes' things makes me laugh. People say 22 ep seasons are too long and 13 would be better. When they get 13, it's still to many. Give them 10 eps, and they'd say they could do it in 6.

It's almost like it can vary from case to case depending on the quality of a show we've all actually watched. 13 great episodes would be great. This show feels like a good number of the episodes are filler where they are stretching the plot way too thin.


You're talking out of your ass. If a show seems too long, it's probably too long. These things are situational. We don't have the 6 episode version of Jessica Jones to compare this to. It stands on its own. What you are saying has no basis in reality.

The content sagged in places, which is what happens when the writers do not deliver compelling scenes. Cutting those low points would result in a shorter, but more taut season. It's not the length itself that is the problem, but that there are several plot points which are not engaging.

It's almost like it can vary from case to case depending on the quality of a show we've all actually watched. 13 great episodes would be great. This show feels like a good number of the episodes are filler where they are stretching the plot way too thin.

I'm not going to defend the plot per se, but I will say that Jessica Jones is a show that values theme over plot. If you're not into watching those themes play out, it can feel like nothing is happening and the show is spinning it's wheels. Personally, I really dug the approach and it allowed them to actually deep dive on a lot of subject matter that others shows don't touch on often.

In a perfect world, of course you 100% nail both plot and theme all the time, but I still give the show props for going for it and think that every single episode justifies it's existence.
The 'it'd be better with less episodes' things makes me laugh. People say 22 ep seasons are too long and 13 would be better. When they get 13, it's still to many. Give them 10 eps, and they'd say they could do it in 6.
You're so far off from what people are actually saying. You misunderstand the argument entirely. Crunched's post nails it.



-Meandering plotting. It didn't bother me too much, but the show I think peaks too early with revealing Kilgrave and then settles into this pattern of
they catch Kilgrave, he escapes, they catch Kilgrave, he escapes
that ends up feeling monotonous. Like I said, it wasn't too big an issue for me because
the Kilgrave interrogations and escapes were some of the best scenes
but it does get repetitive. As someone else suggested, I think it would've been better to lead off with a couple episodes of Jessica just doing regular case work before introducing the Kilgrave/Hope subplot.

This is where the show bothered me the most. It would've been much better if they revealed him much later in the show. Each time they where about to
end Kilgrave I knew they wouldn't because there were more episodes left.
The show was absolutely guilty of some plate spinning with Kilgrave, they should have probably made a few more "caper of the week" episodes where we see Jessica Jones doing actual PI work. I'm surprised that we only really got one of those. Daredevil also only had one "big bad", but there was a whole stable of sub-villains to break up the monotony.

Decent show, but I hope they return to more of an action focus with Luke Cage.
The show was absolutely guilty of some plate spinning with Kilgrave, they should have probably made a few more "caper of the week" episodes where we see Jessica Jones doing actual PI work. I'm surprised that we only really got one of those. Daredevil also only had one "big bad", but there was a whole stable of sub-villains to break up the monotony.

Decent show, but I hope they return to more of an action focus with Luke Cage.

Agreed feels like they had 10 episodes of material and stretched it to 13

Enjoyed the series overall but I think daredevil was better.

Tenant was amazing as kill grave


Episode 11

While this might be sorta better than episode 10, I still didn't feel it much. Simpson's storyline is really bad, and the way it is played out feels all over the place. Some parts seem like they work, but many parts feel completely random like they're made up just to force his character to go in a certain direction. Just dumb.
Doesn't help that the actor isn't very convincing in the role after the heel turn. He worked as a police officer with personality issues detailing with the guilt of being Kilgrave'd, but the Nuke stuff is way more miss than hit. He doesn't have the bulk, he doesn't have the right sort of psychotic look, etc. He's not convincing at all as a special ops dude who had combat enhancements done to him.

Episode 12

This episode was way better just because Luke Cage was in most of it. Jessica, Cage, and Kilgrave are probably the main elements of the show which feel like they consistently work, both thematically and narratively. The supporting characters just get more and more unbearable. Even Trish went from a character where I felt her friendship with Jessica helped the show a lot early on, to a character who just hangs around for random dramatic beats and is otherwise useless. It's pointless for them to try and shoehorn development for annoying characters like Trish's mother and that crazy neighbor girl too, since it just feels like a waste of screen time. No one is going to give a fuck about those characters.


I disagree about Trish, she's pretty vital to the show and for Jessica's character. The whole bit with her mom though is clearly more for setting up a second season.


I disagree about Trish, she's pretty vital to the show and for Jessica's character. The whole bit with her mom though is clearly more for setting up a second season.

She's vital, but the show really doesn't use her very well in the latter parts of the season. Doesn't help that she's linked to the Simpson plot which is just looooooooooool. :/


She's vital, but the show really doesn't use her very well in the latter parts of the season. Doesn't help that she's linked to the Simpson plot which is just looooooooooool. :/

True. Maybe I'm just thinking too much about episode 13 which is a pretty good episode for her character's relationship with Jess.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Liking this show a lot 4 episodes in. Sucks to hear that it seemingly turns to shit by the end(or at least episode 10? Trying to avoid spoilers while skimming overall thoughts).

I quit Daredevil mid-episode 2 out of boredom and lack of engagement, but am willing to give it another shot, assuming I feel as strongly about JJ by the end as I do now.
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