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Marvel's Jessica Jones *SPOILER THREAD* |OT| Thanos is Purple, Man.


I always figured that was the point with The Purple Man. At the end of the day, for all his power, he's still petty and not too ambitious and thus more of a C-lister and not a world threatening supervillain. Just don't tell him that. D:
I was personally thinking of the Avengers EMH episode with Purple Man and what his powers could actually accomplish given the right ambition.


They really should at the very least have Killgrave at the very least made Jessica hit Patsy (which she would do gently but enough to fool him) which is something she wouldnt do to her friend. But no, her not stoppping him kissing Patsy is aparently proof enough >_>

The show is full of little things like this that would easily be "fixed"
Nah. Too much of a risk since Patsy is such a trump card over Jessica. What if she grabbed Patsy and ran?

It was convincing enough for me. That Jessica would let Killgrave take Patsy as his slave is definitely beyond what she could reasonably abide. Jessica was just betting that Killgrave wanted to own her again more than just revenge. It was a good bluff.

If he really wanted to test her though, he could have made her kill one of the civilians instead. But his desire got the better of him.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Nah. Too much of a risk since Patsy is such a trump card over Jessica. What if she grabbed Patsy and ran?

It was convincing enough for me. That Jessica would let Killgrave take Patsy as his slave is definitely beyond what she could reasonably abide. Jessica was just betting that Killgrave wanted to own her again more than just revenge. It was a good bluff.

If he really wanted to test her though, he could have made her kill one of the civilians instead. But his desire got the better of him.

Ran...where? Patsy walked right by her when he called her, if she was faking (well she was) she would have grabbed her then and ran. She was coming for him, why would she run?

I always figured that was the point with The Purple Man. At the end of the day, for all his power, he's still petty and not too ambitious and thus more of a C-lister and not a world threatening supervillain. Just don't tell him that. D:

Also his power is negated by strong enough willpower. And lets not forget that in comicland, there are omega level telepaths that make Zebediah look like childs play


Ran...where? Patsy walked right by her when he called her, if she was faking (well she was) she would have grabbed her then and ran. She was coming for him, why would she run?

Also his power is negated by strong enough willpower. And lets not forget that in comicland, there are omega level telepaths that make Zebediah look like childs play

I'm speaking from Kilgrave's point of view. If he had told Jessica to come over and kill Patsy, he'd be too close to her. If he told Patsy to walk over to Jessica and then command Jessica to kill her, she could have taken Patsy and ran, effectively removing the only real leverage he had over her. Jessica let her walk by because she was playing a long con.


Also his power is negated by strong enough willpower. And lets not forget that in comicland, there are omega level telepaths that make Zebediah look like childs play
See, this is where the show faltered. They should have had one other character fight off Kilgrave's command to show that strong enough willpower could defeat his power. Hell, I expected Luke to fight off his command at the last second. They didn't, so within the confines of the show, Jessica is the only one who could resist Kilgrave and it makes it harder to believe that willpower alone could trump his power. Really, either Patsy or Luke should have shrugged off one of his commands. But I understand why they didn't. It would make Kilgrave seem like less of a threat. But by that point in the show, he became a bit of a joke.

I'm speaking from Kilgrave's point of view. If he had told Jessica to come over and kill Patsy, he'd be too close to her. If he told Patsy to walk over to Jessica and then command Jessica to kill her, she could have taken Patsy and ran, effectively removing the only real leverage he had over her. Jessica let her walk by because she was playing a long con.
Are you forgetting all those civie hostages or the fact that he could shout out a command to Patsy before Jessica could escape?


See, this is where the show faltered. They should have had one other character fight off Kilgrave's command to show that strong enough willpower could defeat his power. Hell, I expected Luke to fight off his command at the last second. They didn't, so within the confines of the show, Jessica is the only one who could resist Kilgrave and it makes it harder to believe that willpower alone could trump his power. Really, either Patsy or Luke should have shrugged off one of his commands. But I understand why they didn't. It would make Kilgrave seem like less of a threat. But by that point in the show, he became a bit of a joke.

They kinda did with the fight between Luke and Jessica. He's clearly resisting at the end there, enough for Jessica to get the shot off.

Though I think it kinda undermines the undercurrent of people struggling to come to terms with what they did under his influence, making it seem like the other people just failed because they weren't strong enough to resist or worse, didn't try hard enough. I was frankly kinda surprised they had Jessica brute force her way through it.
Finally finished it, here are some quick thoughts:

1. That one scene where she tells the guy she was holding that they jumped off the roof so he could be free from Kilgrave was so stupidly shot I honestly believed she lied to him (since he was unconscious anyways and we didn't see shit). They cheated her powers too much and it shows.

2. About 3-4 episodes too long. Not killing him for so long and for such a stupid reason got tiring.

3. Stupid unoriginal ending/death of Kilgrave. However, he's the best onscreen Marvel villain so far. They made it seem that if he had good parents he would've become a hero or at least not evil. The two episodes where Jessica was at her house with Kilgrave was a high point. It was interesting and fresh and allowed Kilgrave to be a more enjoyable/complex character (seeing him not being terrible).

4. Wow, who knew that getting over a meth addiction was so easy? Just gotta say no once and bam, he turns into a good looking dude with no lingering problems.

It didn't reach it's potential, and got really dumb sometimes, but I'm down for Season 2.
They really should at the very least have Killgrave at the very least made Jessica hit Patsy (which she would do gently but enough to fool him) which is something she wouldnt do to her friend. But no, her not stoppping him kissing Patsy is aparently proof enough >_>

The show is full of little things like this that would easily be "fixed"

Kilgrave is a very immature, impatient man who is completely use to people doing everything he says when he says it and he is souly obsessed with JJ.

It's shown at their first dinner together, he expresses how annoying/ tiresome it is to have to wait for someone to come to dinner. He tells the owner of JJ old home that he's not good at small talk and it looks like it pains him to get through a convo with out controlling that guy.

Near the end of the show controlling Jessica and seeing her face as she breaks was his soul goal so of course a man like that would waste no time having her do all the things he actually wanted (to smile and "be his"). She knew this and played at it.
Just finished it. Liked it over all, although it did have its flaws. It was nothing to glaring that stopped me from enjoying it. My first (not really serious) complaint is that I'm said Kilgrave is gone. I liked him a lot. When she lifted him up by his jaw, I through she was just going to crush his jaw in her hand so he couldn't talk any more. Then they could take him prisoner and leave him locked up forever (ie until they decide to bring his character back). But I suppose you don't want to get in to the trap of just repeating the same villains over and over, so that's fine.

But real criticisms are there, too. The fight scenes sucked. I liked some of the side plots when they began, but as time went on, I got pretty sick of Hogarth Divorce Story and Twin Sister Sad Story. I liked how they used Claire to tie it in with Daredevil. Actually having Matt/DD show up would have taken away from the solo aspect of the show. This was smarter. They can meet next season when she dumps Hogarth as a defense attorney and picks up Nelson&Murdock.

I actually thought she was about to cut Hogarth out for a second there at the end, as well. When Hogarth started outlining the defense and JJ looked right at her. She seemed upset that Hogarth's plan was "Jessica was just a victim who wasn't in control" and I thought for sure JJ was gonna say "Nah, fuck that. No more. I chose to kill him." Or, you know, something to that extent.

But anyway, I enjoyed it. Right up there with Daredevil. I'll probably need a little more distance before I rank them, though. I'm always so bad at it right after watching something. But it was good stuff.
Just finished it. Yes the show had some problems here and there but overall I enjoyed this ALOT. Netflix is killing it and I hope this streak continues. This is some of the best live action superhero related stuff out there.

When Kilgrave got his power up near the end I thought for sure he was going to turn purple for the final confrontation. A little disappointed he didnt.


Finally finished it, here are some quick thoughts:

1. That one scene where she tells the guy she was holding that they jumped off the roof so he could be free from Kilgrave was so stupidly shot I honestly believed she lied to him (since he was unconscious anyways and we didn't see shit). They cheated her powers too much and it shows.
Uhh...I'm pretty sure she did lie to him? I assumed she carried him downstairs and then just told him he jumped to fool him.


Uhh...I'm pretty sure she did lie to him? I assumed she carried him downstairs and then just told him he jumped to fool him.

Yea her powers are pretty inconsistent in terms of strength but I don't think they've ever shown her to be capable of landing unharmed from the top off a building. I just figured she faked it too.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ill say again, I cant believe they didnt put this bit in the show. When she is being interrogated at the end it was the perfect opportunity for it. Hell she would have dumped Hogarth after all the shit she pulled. She doesnt know Matt just like she didnt in the comic. In the comic its Luke that calls him, here Claire would have called him. It was perfect, could have been shot for shot. It would be a 2 minute scene if that, theres your Daredevil cameo.


Finally finished it, here are some quick thoughts:

1. That one scene where she tells the guy she was holding that they jumped off the roof so he could be free from Kilgrave was so stupidly shot I honestly believed she lied to him (since he was unconscious anyways and we didn't see shit). They cheated her powers too much and it shows.

Not to be a dick but how could you think she actually jumped? She obviously carried him down and staged the scene
Just finished it. Liked it over all, although it did have its flaws. It was nothing to glaring that stopped me from enjoying it. My first (not really serious) complaint is that I'm said Kilgrave is gone. I liked him a lot. When she lifted him up by his jaw, I through she was just going to crush his jaw in her hand so he couldn't talk any more. Then they could take him prisoner and leave him locked up forever (ie until they decide to bring his character back). But I suppose you don't want to get in to the trap of just repeating the same villains over and over, so that's fine.

There is precident within the comics of Kilgrave having some accelerated healing factor to bring him back from the brink so he may not be totally out for the count if Marvel wants to use that to squeeze him back in.

When Kilgrave got his power up near the end I thought for sure he was going to turn purple for the final confrontation. A little disappointed he didnt.

I'm sadder that there wasn't even a jokey use of the "Purple Man" name throughout the whole thing. It was set up for it a few times too but no one said it.
There is precident within the comics of Kilgrave having some accelerated healing factor to bring him back from the brink so he may not be totally out for the count if Marvel wants to use that to squeeze him back in.

I'm sadder that there wasn't even a jokey use of the "Purple Man" name throughout the whole thing. It was set up for it a few times too but no one said it.

While I know it's always possible in comics, I kind of assumed everyone was pretty sure since her murdering him was all over the news and everyone knew and there were eye witnesses and she's being tried for it. But, I suppose, if the writers were really clever, they could find a way around all that. But at the point, might as well leave him dead.


While I know it's always possible in comics, I kind of assumed everyone was pretty sure since her murdering him was all over the news and everyone knew and there were eye witnesses and she's being tried for it. But, I suppose, if the writers were really clever, they could find a way around all that. But at the point, might as well leave him dead.

Well they didn't show his body getting obliterated and they setup IGH being this shadow organization that deals with human experiments. It's not that much of a stretch for him to come back in some form.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Well the dumb part was mostly Simpson and his coloured pills.

You realise those colored pills were super faithful to the comic version


Damned if you do, damned if you dont...


That scene with Matt doesn't work at all with S1. It'd just be pure fanservice. It'd fit better with an S2 where there's actual tension over whether the cops might arrest her, rather than as a 'oh, we're watching you Jessica... wink' cliffhanger to S1.


What is dumb about different colored pills with different effects?
Well, I would've put all that in the right mixture into one pill to ensure that he is taking it as intended. Maybe even have multiple pills, but all with the same mix so you can't just overdose with one of them.


You realise those colored pills were super faithful to the comic version

Damned if you do, damned if you dont...

My problem with the pills themselves was much more minor. I just thought it was dumb they non-descript pills other than the colour. It's like it was coloured coded for children.

But consistency with comics means little to me, unless it has long term ramifications. In the moment it was dumb without knowing about Nuke. Knowing it now isn't much better.

And I just thought Simpsons unhinged side story came off as bad acting most of the time.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
That scene with Matt doesn't work at all with S1

How does it not work? Claire would know she got arrested and has a lawyer friend (who happens to be a superhero), Matt can get the details about what happened from Trish for example (how did Hogarth even know those details, from Jessica I assume), rest of the scene plays exactly like it did with Hogarth

Well, I would've put all that in the right mixture into one pill to ensure that he is taking it as intended. Maybe even have multiple pills, but all with the same mix so you can't just overdose with one of them.

Because thats how pills work, you mix them up into 1 super pill? :)
If this season was essentially a serial killer/stalker story, next season will be a grand conspiracy tale.

Well the dumb part was mostly Simpson and his coloured pills.

I thought that was great actually. I liked Simpson a lot. Liked his transformation from victim to ally to villain.


Because thats how pills work, you mix them up into 1 super pill? :)
They were made to work together and intended to be taken in a certain mixture. 1 red, 2 white, 1 blue. They were not three entirely independent pills.
My problem with the pills themselves was much more minor. I just thought it was dumb they non-descript pills other than the colour. It's like it was coloured coded for children.
Pills can be very colourful, for children or not and since they work together and could be potentially dangerous if you're taking the wrong combination it makes sense to colour code them so you're not accidental taking the wrong ones.


Well, I would've put all that in the right mixture into one pill to ensure that he is taking it as intended. Maybe even have multiple pills, but all with the same mix so you can't just overdose with one of them.

But it makes more fun when you have a mentally insane supervillain who can pumped to the limit with the drug that makes him totally aggresiv.


Honestly, I cant understand how this is a problem.

My problem with the pills themselves was much more minor. I just thought it was dumb they non-descript pills other than the colour. It's like it was coloured coded for children.

Thats not unusual with real pills. They are meant to be easily recognizable.


But it makes more fun when you have a mentally insane supervillain who can pumped to the limit with the drug that makes him totally aggresiv.


Honestly, I cant understand how this is a problem.
It's not a serious critique, I love comic books and can accept such things without a hitch. I just thought, that I would make a pill that involve all substances rather than trust that the recipient takes the wrong ones. At the very least I would monitor him more, especially while taking the pills to control the effects.


How does it not work? Claire would know she got arrested and has a lawyer friend (who happens to be a superhero), Matt can get the details about what happened from Trish for example (how did Hogarth even know those details, from Jessica I assume), rest of the scene plays exactly like it did with Hogarth

Number of reasons.

1) Jessica barely trusts people she doesn't know, and we want to throw Matthew into the mix? Having him there would be the same mini-arc that Claire/Jessica had (stranger I have to trust who's part of the greater Marvel continuity) and make Rosario's appearance less important.
2) Hogarth exists in universe as a lawyer Jessica kinda trusts, paying off their S1 storyline.
3) The last time Claire saw Matthew, she walked away from him. Having her say she can call Matthew up to deal with superhero shit makes sense, having her go 'hey Matthew, defend this person' doesn't. Especially as they'd have their reunion take place off-screen, when it should be saved for DD S2.
4) The scene is better served for S2, when you take away mind control et al. Create some actual tension of whether Jessica may go down for the crime. Then have Matthew come in as a cliffhanger, and save the day in the next episode.

I mean sure, you could have done the scene anyway, but Ritter earned a finale where she didn't have Cox turning up at the last minute and everyone being all 'YAY, Daredevil.' It'd take away from how fantastic she was by throwing in fanservice solely aimed at making people cheer for a completely different character.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Without spoilers for ep. 11-13....does this get better?

I just finished ep10 and I'm getting stupid vibes like I got 3/4 of the way through Daredevil. She's seriously gotten...at least 7 more people killed because she wanted to "save Hope". Fucking stupid. She should have just snapped his neck when they drugged him.

Thanks. Didn't know White Tiger got a shout out.

I really like how characters I barely know about like Hellcat and Nuke were treated. Hellcat seems like someone without powers but wants to do good and Trish really showed that. I forgot Nuke was in this so when Simpson was revealed with the pills I thought it was really cool.

I kinda imagine Punisher will be a bit like Simpson in Daredevil S2. Wanting to do good but getting in the way. At the very least I'd bet there's a scene were Murdok needs to take someone in alive but Punisher is trying to kill them. Maybe that's all of Season 2!


Without spoilers for ep. 11-13....does this get better?

I just finished ep10 and I'm getting stupid vibes like I got 3/4 of the way through Daredevil. She's seriously gotten...at least 7 more people killed because she wanted to "save Hope". Fucking stupid. She should have just snapped his neck when they drugged him.

it gets a lot dumber real fast
Without spoilers for ep. 11-13....does this get better?

I just finished ep10 and I'm getting stupid vibes like I got 3/4 of the way through Daredevil. She's seriously gotten...at least 7 more people killed because she wanted to "save Hope". Fucking stupid. She should have just snapped his neck when they drugged him.

Flawed characters make flawed decisions.


Simpson is a crazy special ops dude but instead of bringing a gun with him and icing Kilgrave instead choses to sneak in and place a bomb. Instead of killing him while he sleeps choses to fuck with the person who at the time wants him alive.


As an aside, you gotta hand it to the Jessica Jones writers to realize that "Battle of New York" sounds hokey as hell, something that the Agents of Shield writers didn't realize when they named the event.

It sounds like stupid fan wiki stuff, honestly. I didn't realize that Harry Potter people named everything "First Battle/Second Battle of Hogwarts" et al, and it just sounds dumb to me. People in the real world don't refer to things that way.

I don't think "the incident" is much better, though.
It sounds like stupid fan wiki stuff, honestly. I didn't realize that Harry Potter people named everything "First Battle/Second Battle of Hogwarts" et al, and it just sounds dumb to me. People in the real world don't refer to things that way.

I don't think "the incident" is much better, though.
Going by World War 1 and World War 2, not too far off the mark.
Finished it last night. Excellent character show, but flawed fight scenes after loving the ones in Daredevil so much. Some of the dialogue was a bit hokey too. Loved Tennant as Kilgrave, and tbh I'm glad they didn't do any name dropping, just had him wearing a lot of purple, and comments on that being his favorite colour.

To the poster who was a bit disappointed he didn't turn purple at the end - I think that would have been too on the nose? And wouldn't really fit in the tone of the show. On the other hand, when he yells at Jessica to stop in the final fight scene, you can see a load of extra veins on his face and forehead enlarge and go purple. Thought that was a nice nod to the character.

Really enjoyed it and can't wait for S2, but think I need a bit more distance and maybe a rewatch to know if I preferred DD or JJ. First impressions say DD but I did all of JJ in a day, which may not have been the best idea for it.

Props to marvel and netflix for creating the best on-screen marvel villians in both shows though, for very different reasons.


I just want to say that I loved Killgrave's disappointed and exasperated exclamation in the final confrontation:

"Awww, it's Patsy!"
To all the people saying that Claire should have brought Matt to defend Jessica...does Claire even know Daredevil = lawyer Matt? I don't recall Claire learning about Matt's job, just that he was Daredevil


To all the people saying that Claire should have brought Matt to defend Jessica...does Claire even know Daredevil = lawyer Matt? I don't recall Claire learning about Matt's job, just that he was Daredevil

Eh, she offered to call Matt to bring him as Daredevil in the game.

Does it actually matter if its faithful to the comics? Shit didn't work in this show that's all that matters.

Why didnt it work?


Eh, she offered to call Matt to bring him as Daredevil in the game.

Why didnt it work?

I just didn't find the whole Simpson thing particularly interesting and I know it'll get some future use but for the purposes of this show it felt like the setup for a shitty fight with no resolution. Besides that I just don't like Nuke.
Finished it. I think it was maybe 2-3 episodes too long and could have used the trimming to cut down the filler. But for me the biggest lost opportunity was not having a Daredevil cameo. Didnt even have to have them fight together or shit. Just have them interact a bit. The Rosario Dawson bit was alright but that only made it feel more underwhelming.


So did they ever give a reason why they couldn't use Simpson's testimony as a cop instead of the detective?

Is it because he was on leave? Because that'd be a pretty dumb reason.


Without spoilers for ep. 11-13....does this get better?

I just finished ep10 and I'm getting stupid vibes like I got 3/4 of the way through Daredevil. She's seriously gotten...at least 7 more people killed because she wanted to "save Hope". Fucking stupid. She should have just snapped his neck when they drugged him.

If you don't like it after watching the majority of the episodes, why keep going?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I just want to say that I loved Killgrave's disappointed and exasperated exclamation in the final confrontation:

"Awww, it's Patsy!"

Tennant has always been good at this kind of thing. His take on Killgrave is basically Barty Crouch Jr (from Harry Potter) mixed with The Doctor when he's angry.

It's great.
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