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Marvel's Secret Wars Hype Thread - Where we argue about what "reboot" means


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
He came back from this, was there any doubt?


is sentry still fucking off in space? he needs to come back to earth as a hippy


Whie I'm not terribly confident that it's not having the effect I think it might, I definitely agree with a lot of those points.

I guess I'm leaning on the idea because of people like Faraci saying as much and the additional things like cancelling FF and the twins losing Magneto as their father, but we'll see where it all goes.

A good way to look at this is not to see it from the perspective of MCU having influence on the direction of the comics, but rather that it is smart business to leverage what is popular. If the exposure from the movies can help something Marvel is already releasing to sell even better, there's no way they won't want to take advantage of that. But at the same time, if they're already doing something different, they're not going to bend over backwards just to accommodate what movie audiences are more familiar with. That makes the most sense to me based on the reality of what's happening.

In terms of stuff being made in the comics specifically because of MCU, I'll say that the new Ant-Man book is a much better example than GotG or Inhumans. That seems like a clear attempt for synergy, with them using the Scott Lang Ant-Man and designs which are closer to the film. But I don't think anyone really expects it to run for long, and there isn't even that much buzz about it. On the other hand, the big event this year is Secret Wars (which this thread is about!) and it uses a ton of shit which is not only owned by other studios, but stuff totally incompatible with the MCU and would be alien to the movie going audience.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Last time I saw Sentry he was ripping his face off on some emo shit

I wanted to post it but I'm on my phone again. I LOVE posting that.

"to prove that not only am I indestructible but also crazy as fuck, imma just rip my face off right here"

yeah, then he went to space to deal with the corpse of the celestial. hes shown up since? i wonder what the inversion would have done to him.


You got High Evoutionary and Cthon involved in the twin's origins. There is a lot of sketchiness there, is it a suspect time to explore it? Sure, but it is not like they are pulling shit from their ass. And not like it will change anything between Marvel and Fox.
yeah, then he went to space to deal with the corpse of the celestial. hes shown up since? i wonder what the inversion would have done to him.

Can you give a brotha a trigger warning before you start talking about axis and inversions and...oh god it's happening again why marvel why
yeah, then he went to space to deal with the corpse of the celestial. hes shown up since? i wonder what the inversion would have done to him.

I don't think it would affect him I mean, he's one of the Apoc Twins horsemen...he's basically undead.

Shit the only reason he even moved the celestial's body is because Wasp convinced him by playing to his "you can be a hero/savior to make up for your crimes" complex.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Can you give a brotha a trigger warning before you start talking about axis and inversions and...oh god it's happening again why marvel why

well you know what you have to do. you have to read that nonsense all over again.

I don't think it would affect him I mean, he's one of the Apoc Twins horsemen...he's basically undead.

Shit the only reason he even moved the celestial's body is because Wasp convinced him by playing to his "you can be a hero/savior to make up for your crimes" complex.

he still retains a part of who he was before. as did all the others sans banshee.
"We are finally undoing ONE MORE DAY"

I would actually read Spiderman again. Such a terrible terrible terrible travesty of a story. I personally think the whole mainline universe is fake since that stupid universe changing decision happened.


Sentry was created to be a stand alone story with a single creative idea that divorces it from the baggage of interacting with the larger Marvel universe. Then he became part of the larger Marvel universe, and we get shit like what happened in Siege. Zzzzzzz.
he still retains a part of who he was before. as did all the others sans banshee.

Yeah, but I honestly don't think that's enough to really to invert. I mean maintaining a part of who he was, he always saw himself as a hero. If the inversion affected him, he wouldn't see himself as that and would go full on void without needing void. And definitely wouldn't have moved the celestial's body for UA, especially because Wasp asked nicely....he would have killed her. Then moved on to fighting the rest of UA squad solo.
I guess I'm leaning on the idea because of people like Faraci saying as much and the additional things like cancelling FF and the twins losing Magneto as their father, but we'll see where it all goes.

I think Marvel has some probably valid concerns about generating new material in the comics that they won't own the film rights too. In that sense I can them not having interest in propping up FF despite low sales or putting high profile creators on the book to boost sales. However if they had the film rights then I suspect that they would fight a helluva harder to avoid cancellation of the series that started it all for t hem.

As far as the twins, I think that Marvel may have hopes of having a series featuring one or both as stars in the near future and the new "origin" may ensure that any new characters or stories featured in the book won't fall under the umbrella that that gives Fox the rights. Whereas a "Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver" series otherwise might be considered the equivalent of Cable, Deadpool, etc and give Fox the rights to new stories and characters found within.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Yeah, but I honestly don't think that's enough to really to invert. I mean maintaining a part of who he was, he always saw himself as a hero. If the inversion affected him, he wouldn't see himself as that and would go full on void without needing void. And definitely wouldn't have moved the celestial's body for UA, especially because Wasp asked nicely....he would have killed her. Then moved on to fighting the rest of UA squad solo.

i assume the void would be the primary persona, but i wonder if he would on the edge at all times of going over like bob is going void


Can I be honest with you guys about something? With regarads to this "Announcement to End All Announcements," I share Obelix's sentiments about this nonsense.



The original Secret Wars was great. I assume this announcement will just be a list of some of the characters involved right?
i assume the void would be the primary persona, but i wonder if he would on the edge at all times of going over like bob is going void

The whole inversion thing was dumb. Loki's run makes fun of it. They ask in panel "If the bad in you is now good...does the good in you become bad?" And they pretty much ignroe it for the rest of the issue and subsequent ones lol.

Though it was funny to see Loki become the God of Thunder.
The original Secret Wars was great. I assume this announcement will just be a list of some of the characters involved right?

They already did that when the series was announced in October- you can see a lot of the characters based on the art they released.

They are going to have to solicit comics for May pretty soon so if Marvel is going to pull an Age of Apocalypse and replace most of their line with new minis throughout the event then they will probably announced those plans next week.


Marvel to buy DC!

Merge universes as they collide!

Let's face it, that's the only true announcement to end all announcements.

Funny enough Marvel almost once did get a shot to do all the DC comics.


I'm still not sure if this will be a reboot. Maybe it will be, but there's a chance that it won't be.

There is literally 0% chance of it being a reboot. Marvel doesn't do reboots, there is no indication of such, and a new Secret Wars is something Hickman and Marvel has been planning for years now. The only people who talk about "reboot" are those who don't read comics.
I might be completely wrong but I'm not expecting a reboot. At least not a 616 one.
OTOH, they might at least restart the Ultimate line. That was initially meant as a simple jumping point for moviegoers but over 15 years, it has taken a life of its own.
Nevertheless, with Secret Wars being the climax to all the incursion stuff, it's hard to imagine its repercussions wouldn't be multiversal.

"We are finally undoing ONE MORE DAY"

I don't care much about OMD at this point, I'd rather they undid Sins Past...

Mary Jane revealed to have also slept with Norman Osborn
... there you have it!


I might be completely wrong but I'm not expecting a reboot. At least not a 616 one.
OTOH, they might at least restart the Ultimate line. That was initially meant as a simple jumping point for moviegoers but over 15 years, it has taken a life of its own.
Nevertheless, with Secret Wars being the climax to all the incursion stuff, it's hard to imagine its repercussions wouldn't be multiversal.

It's probably a way for Hickman to wrap up all his stuff before jumping off. Huge reshuffling, cut off all the loose ends, etc. He already said he wants to take a break from Marvel after this. It'll probably also be a good time to wipe the slate clean again so to speak, like how Siege basically undid all the Civil War and Dark Reign stuff to return stuff back to the status quo - no more registration act, SHIELD is back, Osborn's out, etc.


Junior Member
There is literally 0% chance of it being a reboot. Marvel doesn't do reboots, there is no indication of such, and a new Secret Wars is something Hickman and Marvel has been planning for years now. The only people who talk about "reboot" are those who don't read comics.
That was my thought process. Marvel tends to do relaunches of comics instead of reboots.


Junior Member
Marvel doesn't need to reboot. If they ever want to try new things in the future they just make another universe.
Or just introduce a new comic in their current continuity. Not every new thing they try is a hit, but at least they try without the need for a reboot. That I respect.



This is your response now but if Marvel does make mutants inHumans I suggest you prepare yourself for this gif being used against you as you become an old man yelling at clouds and the kids growing up with inHumans wondering why are complaining 15 years from now.



Junior Member
This is your response now but if Marvel does make mutants inHumans I suggest you prepare yourself for this gif being used against you as you become an old man yelling at clouds and the kids growing up with inHumans wondering why are complaining 15 years from now.

I honestly think Marvel would rid Earth 616 of mutants before they rebrand them as Inhumans. They wouldn't gain much from the rebranding as the rights would remain the same for the movies.
The trick with the Sentry is you need to either keep him offscreen until you need the big guns, or you need to give him a limiter.

Crazy Superman will never not be fun though. People would talk Bob out of fights all the times.
i dont think you do. nor marvel. limiting the comics for the movies is bad for both parties

But it's already happening! Look what there doing with scarlet witch, quicksilver, the inhumans, bringing back Howard the duck and making him look more like the new MCU version, changing the guardians tobe more like movie versions especially star lord, etc.
This is your response now but if Marvel does make mutants inHumans I suggest you prepare yourself for this gif being used against you as you become an old man yelling at clouds and the kids growing up with inHumans wondering why are complaining 15 years from now.


Making mutants Inhumans would do nothing of note. So...why would they?

Or just introduce a new comic in their current continuity. Not every new thing they try is a hit, but at least they try without the need for a reboot. That I respect.



I'm hyped for Secret Wars to start but I need to catch up on Avengers before then.

Do it, Marvel. Reboot time.
If they were going to do a reboot I don't think they would announce it this early. I can't remember how long DC waited to announce the New 52 though so I could be wrong.
Fool me once Marvel...
Secret Wars is going to be big for Marvel so this could really be something
The original Secret Wars was great. I assume this announcement will just be a list of some of the characters involved right?
Like the original, this is more than just comics so it could be more.
There is literally 0% chance of it being a reboot. Marvel doesn't do reboots, there is no indication of such, and a new Secret Wars is something Hickman and Marvel has been planning for years now. The only people who talk about "reboot" are those who don't read comics.

I don't see a DC level reboot happening, but they could use this event to clean or tweak some things.

Making mutants Inhumans would do nothing of note. So...why would they?

Making the mutants inhumans would be extremely confusing in universe and piss a bunch of people off for no good reason.
But it's already happening! Look what there doing with scarlet witch, quicksilver, the inhumans, bringing back Howard the duck and making him look more like the new MCU version, changing the guardians tobe more like movie versions especially star lord, etc.

Quicksilver and Wanda originally weren't magneto's kids. The Inhumans have always been part of the marvel universe during larger events. They're not new and this isn't Marvel's first time pushing them, you need to go back decades and the scroll through the timeline and you'll see this. Besides, Marvel was talking about pushing InHumans again long before the thing on Agents or before GOTG had even begun production.

Quill doesn't even wear his MCU outfit anymore, he's back to alternating between this
(which rocket also wears)
and this

Gamora looks nothing like MCU Gamora, and basically wears the same outfit as Peter. Which is


Junior Member
Shitty Bendis GotG Costumes Snip (though I can somewhat tolerate Gamora's)
I've seen some of the recent GotG comics on the stands, & Star-Lord has dropped those shitty costumes like a bad habit.

Gamora flip-flops between her white armor & her movie costume as of recently.


Junior Member
Spiderman reboot by marvel?
This is a Marvel Comics announcement, not a Marvel Studios announcement. Plus we probably won't hear the results of the Marvel-Sony talks until February at the earliest (though I am hopeful).
It's probably a way for Hickman to wrap up all his stuff before jumping off. Huge reshuffling, cut off all the loose ends, etc. He already said he wants to take a break from Marvel after this. It'll probably also be a good time to wipe the slate clean again so to speak, like how Siege basically undid all the Civil War and Dark Reign stuff to return stuff back to the status quo - no more registration act, SHIELD is back, Osborn's out, etc.
Yeah, that's pretty much why I can't really see a reboot happening. Every now and then, they reset their status quo to whatever they feel is the base state of the MCU and inbetween, writers/editors can do whatever they want. As someone who cares more about good stories than continuity, I'm perfectly fine with that approach.
The perfect example is how Hickman has been telling for years now a hell of a story with huge multiversal stakes. As a reader, I totally suspend my disbelief and buy how huge these stakes are. Yet, on a rational level, I perfectly know that 5 years from now, there will be Avengers, there will be a Spider-Man and there probably will be X-Men. This doesn't affect my enjoyment of Hickman's story.

If the point of a reboot would be to make things simpler and more approachable, I'd say that new series, status quo changes or the Ultimate line amply accomplish that.


Junior Member
Yeah, that's pretty much why I can't really see a reboot happening. Every now and then, they reset their status quo to whatever they feel is the base state of the MCU and inbetween, writers/editors can do whatever they want. As someone who cares more about good stories than continuity, I'm perfectly fine with that approach.
The perfect example is how Hickman has been telling for years now a hell of a story with huge multiversal stakes. As a reader, I totally suspend my disbelief and buy how huge these stakes are. Yet, on a rational level, I perfectly know that 5 years from now, there will be Avengers, there will be a Spider-Man and there probably will be X-Men. This doesn't affect my enjoyment of Hickman's story.

If point of a reboot would be to make things simpler and more approachable, I'd say that new series, status quo changes or the Ultimate line amply accomplish that.
Exactly, Marvel does occasional relaunches like Marvel NOW that have all the shake-ups that come with the usual reboot from anyone else but Marvel maintains the current continuity. No need to resort to an actual reboot when their current method works just fine.
Also, sorry for the double post but regarding the movies / comics sync, Bendis explained it fairly well in an interview last year:
With that enormous success of the Marvel movies, has there been a new pressure to make the comics sync up with the films? For example, you relaunched Guardians of the Galaxy as a comic just a year or so before the movie debuted. Is there a philosophy of, “These comics have to tie in to the movie somehow”?
No, actually, and that's why I like it. If you're seeing the movie, you don't wanna come read the comic book and have the same experience. You want someone to go, “If you like the movie, you should see what they're doing in the comic!” You want it to be the advanced course, or the next step. I've now done a bunch of franchises as they've been put through as movies, and I never got anything but that same note. Hopefully, it's intriguing enough to moviegoers that they get sucked into the weekly comic-buying habits that you and I have, and which has ruined our lives. [Laughs.]

Also, I think Marvel likes that the Winter Soldier was created in a forward-thinking manner inside the books, and then it was there for them when they were thinking, "What's the most kick-ass thing we could do with Captain America in the movies?" And it was obviously Winter Soldier! The writers don't do that stuff with the thought of, "I want this to be in a movie." But there's certainly an editorial idea now that they can pluck good ideas from the comics for the movie franchises.

(Yeah, this is also my go to interview when diversity issues are mentioned)
Also, sorry for the double post but regarding the movies / comics sync, Bendis explained it fairly well in an interview last year:

(Yeah, this is also my go to interview when diversity issues are mentioned)

This is the same Bendis who said an Avengers movie would never happen and talked shit about DC when they made the decision to go same-day digital and insisted Marvel would never "fuck store owners over like that". Don't believe his lies.
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