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Marvel's Secret Wars Hype Thread - Where we argue about what "reboot" means


So if the ultimate universe dies what characters, besides Miles, do people hope will crossover to the 616 universe?

the JJJ and Aunt May of Ultimate Universe were the best. JJJ was a real, human person not a cartoonish caricature. Also, Miles by himself is kind of a waste-we would need his dad and his friends. Otherwise, he's just a fish out of water.

Jessica Drew and Ganke will probably come with Miles. Evil Reed should stick around. I can't see too many others surviving.

It sounds like an excuse to move some multiverse stuff into 616.

Evil Reed is an amazing villain.


Wow, did you think to get out of the way of the television, Tom? This is why the Comic book industry is still stuck in the past. Dudes who just looked like they woke up and rolled out of bed, putting absolutely no effort into dressing up for an event.


okay so they're going to bring miles to the 616 Marvel gets their Spidey for the cap film sony gets to keep their spidey for their film everyone's happy.
So if the ultimate universe dies what characters, besides Miles, do people hope will crossover to the 616 universe?

They're probably going to reset Peter to a teen, but if not they should make Miles the new Scarlet Spider, and give him two Inhuman friends with fire and ice powers.


So it's basically New 52 for Marvel-where they are going to merge the universes and "streamline" the histories and merge the "better" parts. I wonder how they will deal with Nick Fury-and how Miles comes to be Spider-Man if Peter never died in 616.


Wow, did you think to get out of the way of the television, Tom? This is why the Comic book industry is still stuck in the past. Dudes who just looked like they woke up and rolled out of bed, putting absolutely no effort into dressing up for an event.

I'm by no means a comic enthusiast so I have no idea who these guys are but this Tom guy is a real character.
So I'm confused is the 616/Ultimate merged world what comes out of secret world or is that the base of Battleworld? Im more interested in what the world will be like post-Secret Wars

That wouldn't make any sense if this is just a universe meshing and not a reboot.

There being vague but it sounds like its gonna be both. They keep saying the 616 universe is done.
Does anyone else wish comics were way simpler and didn't have any of this complicated continuity stuff? I tried reading blackest night cause a friend recommended it, it was pretty good and I like the introduction at the beginning that explained the situation, but then there were all these references to past events and sudden character introductions, those parts were pretty confusing. I wish there was just story lines with a set beginning and a set end like how a book works and you didn't have to go and read other story lines to fully understand and appreciate the current arc.


They're probably going to reset Peter to a teen, but if not they should make Miles the new Scarlet Spider, and give him two Inhuman friends with fire and ice powers.

Nah, Miles would just stay Spider-Man, and there'd be two of them without deaging Peter. There's already a Scarlet Spider who's a thousand times more interesting than Miles.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Wait what?

seemed to be a hub linking to all the classic versions of the stories. future imperfect, etc, all the shit being relaunched in secret wars

a easier way to read all that stuff without having to manually search I guess, unless they are adding stuff that wasnt there
Does anyone else wish comics were way simpler and didn't have any of this complicated continuity stuff? I tried reading blackest night cause a friend recommended it, it was pretty good and I like the introduction at the beginning that explained the situation, but then there were all these references to past events and sudden character introductions, those parts were pretty confusing. I wish there was just story lines with a set beginning and a set end like how a book works and you didn't have to go and read other story lines to fully understand and appreciate the current arc.
Stick with Image comics graphic novel or manga


Get Inside Her!
I don't really understand what a country that's a storyline arc even.. means. Like, "Age of Ultron" country. What.. what is that. What the hell is a "Planet Hulk" country. How can a physical place be defined by a period of time? Are these "countries" divided by some kind of temporal walls? Are characters duplicated across countries, if they were key in those events? How can time = space!??!


Does anyone else wish comics were way simpler and didn't have any of this complicated continuity stuff?

Complicated continuity stuff is why I read comics. The dumb, convoluted story telling and character motivations, and flip flops of character personalities, who's dead and who's affiliated where at any given moment is a lot of fun to me.

I don't really understand what a country that's a storyline arc even.. means. Like, "Age of Ultron" country. What.. what is that. What the hell is a "Planet Hulk" country. How can a physical place be defined by a period of time? Are these "countries" divided by some kind of temporal walls? Are characters duplicated across countries, if they were key in those events? How can time = space!??!

The Beyonder is one hell of a drug. He's been teased for coming back in New Avengers and as a major element in this, so it's likely that he has something to do with explaining this.
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