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Marvel's Secret Wars Hype Thread - Where we argue about what "reboot" means

]i think it has more to do with the fact that it's an older medium[/B] and most prospective consumers (i.e. kids), have way more things to pick from when they choose how to spend their time.

comics were way more confusing back in the 8/90s when everything had a million crossovers and stories were split between multiple books, and that's when they were at peak popularity.

Pretty much this.

Comics have waned in popularity because there's a million other things younger people are more interested in, namely video games and facebook. Not to mention collecting them is quite expensive vs how much time you spend reading them. I certainly hope they don't go away, but I don't think there's much they can do to get back to 1940's levels of sales or even later than that.

Honestly I think they should steam sale it up + offer more subscription plans like Marvel Unlimited.


Getting into comics is like sex, you won't know what you are doing your first time. So just jump in and experiment, you will find what you like soon enough.


I do hope we get Miles as the one and only true Spiderman after this.

Let a retired Peter and MJ live happily ever after.


No each place is an alternate universe or what was left of them.

Some universes are further back in time or forward in time(2099, Future imperfect, classic X-Men, Old Man Logan) but each of those universes are based on event and alternate interpretations or elseworld stories(alternate reality stories).

And this ties in to the Avengers/NA arc of the multiverse dying.

There are no more alternate universes after Battleworld though. That's kinda the point. I think it's easier to explain it as Battleworld being a patch-work universe rather than something being ripped away from another universe.

Man, just thinking about this is fucking dumb, but it could make a really fun action RPG. Lol!


List of Battleworld locations:



There are no more alternate universes after Battleworld though. That's kinda the point. I think it's easier to explain it as Battleworld being a patch-work universe rather than something being ripped away from another universe.

Man, just thinking about this is fucking dumb, but it could make a really fun action RPG. Lol!

Only in Marvel Heroes.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
A lot of today's most popular media is serialized and heavily reliant on continuity, so while it may be a factor, I don't think it's hurting the medium as much as people think it is.


Does anyone else wish comics were way simpler and didn't have any of this complicated continuity stuff? I tried reading blackest night cause a friend recommended it, it was pretty good and I like the introduction at the beginning that explained the situation, but then there were all these references to past events and sudden character introductions, those parts were pretty confusing. I wish there was just story lines with a set beginning and a set end like how a book works and you didn't have to go and read other story lines to fully understand and appreciate the current arc.

That was kinda the point of the Ultimate Universe in the first place, and its what really got me into comics as it didn't have all that continuity, but if any series is around long enough that's gonna become a problem

What were the announcements regarding Unlimited?
Pretty much this.

Comics have waned in popularity because there's a million other things younger people are more interested in, namely video games and facebook. Not to mention collecting them is quite expensive vs how much time you spend reading them. I certainly hope they don't go away, but I don't think there's much they can do to get back to 1940's levels of sales or even later than that.

Honestly I think they should steam sale it up + offer more subscription plans like Marvel Unlimited.

I agree with this. The only physical comics I own is the latest Hawkeye run, and I will buy Spiderverse when it is completed and published as one big book. Maaaybe I'll buy Ms Marvel (2014), but for everything else I'm going with discounted Marvel Unlimited subs.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
From what I saw of this stream Marvel forgot that they put this out weeks ago.

I think the cover for the second issue is the only real piece of new info we got as the Ultimate stuff was heavily telegraphed already.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Does anyone else wish comics were way simpler and didn't have any of this complicated continuity stuff? I tried reading blackest night cause a friend recommended it, it was pretty good and I like the introduction at the beginning that explained the situation, but then there were all these references to past events and sudden character introductions, those parts were pretty confusing. I wish there was just story lines with a set beginning and a set end like how a book works and you didn't have to go and read other story lines to fully understand and appreciate the current arc.

nah, we've gone too far now to change anything.

go read Image comics? that sounds more up your alley.


Peter, Silk, and Miles being a family? Can't buy that diversity.

Peter, Anya, Flash, Kaine, Mania, Aracely, Silk, Miles, Miguel and Eddie all hanging out in the same shitty Spider-Apartment, being a big, dumb spider-family in slice of life hijinks and occasionally fighting crime.

Fund that shit.

What happens to all the regular monthlies in May?

We're getting a bunch of tie-ins based on the different locations and worlds, was the last thing I remember reading. Sounds like most if not all normal books are on hiatus to be relaunched after Secret Wars is done.


Peter, Anya, Flash, Kaine, Mania, Aracely, Silk, Miles, Miguel and Eddie all hanging out in the same shitty Spider-Apartment, being a big, dumb spider-family in slice of life hijinks and occasionally fighting crime.

Fund that shit.

Where can I sell my kidney to fund this?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Peter, Anya, Flash, Kaine, Mania, Aracely, Silk, Miles, Miguel and Eddie all hanging out in the same shitty Spider-Apartment, being a big, dumb spider-family in slice of life hijinks and occasionally fighting crime.

Fund that shit.

only if eddie somehow gets his anti venom suit back. he can fuck off if otherwise


So what was the announcement?

They talked up Secret Wars, they talked up Secret Wars some more, and then they confirmed that they will be launching tons of one-shots and limited series during Secret Wars, and they will also be launching new on-going series during and after Secret Wars. Many of these will be announced within the next two weeks. They announced that Secret Wars #0 will be the Free Comic Book Day freebie, and that it'll include the Avengers Attack on Titan thing they did for Japan. They revealed Alex Ross' cover for Secret Wars #2 and announced that #2 will be the monster sized issue rather than #1, and it'll be the one where they really introduce all the parts of Battleworld.

I think that's about it. Oh yeah, and Secret Wars is really important and fans should be really, really excited about it. They kept reminding everyone of that. :p

Sou Da

Peter, Anya, Flash, Kaine, Mania, Aracely, Silk, Miles, Miguel and Eddie all hanging out in the same shitty Spider-Apartment, being a big, dumb spider-family in slice of life hijinks and occasionally fighting crime.

Fund that shit.

Written by Slott, concept squandered in 3 issues.


Junior Member
So they're gonna combine Earth 616 with the Ultimate universe. Will the continuity from each universe remain?


They talked up Secret Wars, they talked up Secret Wars some more, and then they confirmed that they will be launching tons of one-shots and limited series during Secret Wars, and they will also be launching new on-going series during and after Secret Wars. Many of these will be announced within the next two weeks. They announced that Secret Wars #0 will be the Free Comic Book Day freebie, and that it'll include the Avengers Attack on Titan thing they did for Japan. They revealed Alex Ross' cover for Secret Wars #2 and announced that #2 will be the monster sized issue rather than #1, and it'll be the one where they really introduce all the parts of Battleworld.

I think that's about it. Oh yeah, and Secret Wars is really important and fans should be really, really excited about it. They kept reminding everyone of that. :p

quoting this to make sure others see this post. glad to have read it and now im interested


only if eddie somehow gets his anti venom suit back. he can fuck off if otherwise

Toxin Eddie being the angry, weird uncle who's only there to occasionally remind Flash that he might have to kill him eventually would be cool.

Anti-Venom Eddie being the crazy, religious uncle who's constantly trying to tell the others about their lord and savior Jesus Christ and inviting random drug addicted folks and prostitutes into their already shitty, cramped apartment to cure them would be even better.

Fund. This. Shit. Marvel.

What no Alpha?

I keep forgetting he exists- wasn't he depowered?

So they're gonna combine Earth 616 with the Ultimate universe. Will the continuity from each universe remain?

That's certainly what it sounds like, yes. They're creating a new universe, but doing so by combining several others in Battleworld and the fallout of the Incursion events- not a true, full on reboot.


They talked up Secret Wars, they talked up Secret Wars some more, and then they confirmed that they will be launching tons of one-shots and limited series during Secret Wars, and they will also be launching new on-going series during and after Secret Wars. Many of these will be announced within the next two weeks. They announced that Secret Wars #0 will be the Free Comic Book Day freebie, and that it'll include the Avengers Attack on Titan thing they did for Japan. They revealed Alex Ross' cover for Secret Wars #2 and announced that #2 will be the monster sized issue rather than #1, and it'll be the one where they really introduce all the parts of Battleworld.

I think that's about it. Oh yeah, and Secret Wars is really important and fans should be really, really excited about it. They kept reminding everyone of that. :p

Oh boy!


So they're gonna combine Earth 616 with the Ultimate universe. Will the continuity from each universe remain?

616 and Ultimate Universe will combine to form Manhattan in Battleworld. As for continuity you'll have to wait for the story to play out.

So far all we know is that "nothing will ever be the same again" in either universe.

Oh and for the new page, Duckroll with the work:

They talked up Secret Wars, they talked up Secret Wars some more, and then they confirmed that they will be launching tons of one-shots and limited series during Secret Wars, and they will also be launching new on-going series during and after Secret Wars. Many of these will be announced within the next two weeks. They announced that Secret Wars #0 will be the Free Comic Book Day freebie, and that it'll include the Avengers Attack on Titan thing they did for Japan. They revealed Alex Ross' cover for Secret Wars #2 and announced that #2 will be the monster sized issue rather than #1, and it'll be the one where they really introduce all the parts of Battleworld.

I think that's about it. Oh yeah, and Secret Wars is really important and fans should be really, really excited about it. They kept reminding everyone of that. :p


Do we know about the state of the 2099 world? Is it going to be a generic 2099 setting, or will it be One Nation Under Doom?
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