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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Old prediction for Cases: 16,350
Old prediction for Deaths: 337

Actual cases: 11,301
Actual deaths: 258

Still pending the update from the rest of China later today.

So, I mean, better than predicted (hopefully) but there are still a ton of "Suspected" cases and numerous reports about test kit shortages not telling the full story.

Next update should be in 2 hours. We'll see how that changes things.

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Here in London, it feels as if people are too laid back about this. Most people I've spoken to are joking about it. I mean it's airborne and spreads easily, it has a two week incubation period, and there is no vaccine or cure. That sounds quite bad.
Keep calm and carry on.


It is but it’s better to ignore .... until it hits them or people they love, then they talk differently... better prepare / water/disinfectant soup/gloves/masks/vinegar to wash clothes/glasses / flash lights / canned food ... all inexpensive better save than sorrow.

I have a 3 year old boy, if you become parent , you’ll understand it better... I was more mellow years back.
Thing is I don't even see people improving their hygiene habits in spite of this news (perhaps I'm expecting too much as Brits aren't known for being regular hand washers). I suppose you're right – people may only change their behaviour when it starts hitting closer to home. I heard a vaccine could be year away, so it looks as if things will get bad.


Thing is I don't even see people improving their hygiene habits in spite of this news (perhaps I'm expecting too much as Brits aren't known for being regular hand washers). I suppose you're right – people may only change their behaviour when it starts hitting closer to home. I heard a vaccine could be year away, so it looks as if things will get bad.

You're mistaking hand washing for teeth brushing.


Don't talk fucking bollocks mate.

I've seen it myself. A poor attitude to hand washing extends across all classes. I've seen attractive middle class women leave the toilet without washing their hands or even if they do “wash”, it's five seconds under the tap. It's disgusting.
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I've seen it myself. A poor attitude to hand washing extends across all classes. I've seen attractive middle class women leave the toilet without washing their hands or even if they do “wash”, it's five seconds under the tap. It's disgusting.
Begs the question what you are doing in the women's toilet?
I'm saying in relation to the predictions. They say there should be around 15k cases today and >340 deaths. That's not gonna happen.

My concern is the other areas (where we'll get the update later) are just getting to where Wuhan was a week or two ago, so we COULD see those ramping up significantly in the next 4-5 days. That would likely be what would be needed to get to the 47% continual increase as predicted.

Also, the THOUSANDS of "suspected" cases make it hard to argue that we're actually below the total # of cases. HOPEFULLY the reported deaths are accurate (but who knows).

Also, nothing to see here.

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It's hard not to notice when you're in the salon. You see the type of clients coming in and out.
So British people don't wash thier hands becuse you watch women come out the bathroom, who for all you know just fixed hair and makeup in there and a daily Mail link? I've spent many hours in public toilets, hourly cleaning them was part of my job at the time and the vast majority do wash thier hands. Obviously men's toilets.


Why are you watching women come out the toilet in a beauty salon?

What's your obsession creeper?

I'll back B Breakage up on this. Where I freelance the management have anti-bac dispensers outside the toilets and make a big deal out of people using them especially around winter as its a small office and people off sick has a big impact on workload, however by on large you hardly ever see the women use them at all. I'm all in on that free anti-bac. I don't get paid for being ill
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So British people don't wash thier hands becuse you watch women come out the bathroom, who for all you know just fixed hair and makeup in there and a daily Mail link? I've spent many hours in public toilets, hourly cleaning them was part of my job at the time and the vast majority do wash thier hands. Obviously men's toilets.

What is your malfunction exactly? The dude is talking about his place of work. Do you not notice the behaviour of your work colleagues and others?


What is your malfunction exactly? The dude is talking about his place of work. Do you not notice the behaviour of your work colleagues and others?

Adress the point, not attach the poster. When he's made two posts criticising British people he's gonna get clapped back on.


What is your malfunction exactly? The dude is talking about his place of work. Do you not notice the behaviour of your work colleagues and others?

And how exactly is his sample size big enough to say a whole country of people don't wash their hands?

It's bullshit.


And how exactly is his sample size big enough to say a whole country of people don't wash their hands?

It's bullshit.

Adress the point, not attach the poster. When he's made two posts criticising British people he's gonna get clapped back on.

Like it not he linked to an article based on a report. How about you address that first. Also, you realise the reason people washed their hands when you were scrubbing urinals is because you being there made them self-conscious.
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So British people don't wash thier hands becuse you watch women come out the bathroom, who for all you know just fixed hair and makeup in there and a daily Mail link? I've spent many hours in public toilets, hourly cleaning them was part of my job at the time and the vast majority do wash thier hands. Obviously men's toilets.
I don't “watch” women come out of the bathroom. I directed to them a single cubicle toilet. There's nothing in there except one toilet. The taps were located on the main floor. So when they came out, they could wash their hands and I could see if and how they did this.
I noticed that many didn't or if they did it was a very brief rinse under the water. Very few actually built up a proper lather with soap and rubbed their hands together for 15 to 30 seconds. These were women from all sorts of backgrounds and income levels.
Just take the time to look at the way people wash their hands in everyday settings. Many do not have a good attitude to hygiene. There is lazy attitude to regular and proper hand washing in this country. I used to think it was a class thing, but it definitely isn't. But if you think I'm talking nonsense then that's ok. For some reason, it seems you're more interested in pushing the “you're a pervert” angle.


Like it not he linked to an article based on a report.

Daily mail reporting + a quoted sample size of 2000 + 8 year old survey = bullshit.

It doesn't take a genius to work that out and it's sad that it even needs pointing out considering the fact that it's the Daily Mail.


Daily mail reporting + a quoted sample size of 2000 + 8 year old survey = bullshit.

It doesn't take a genius to work that out and it's sad that it even needs pointing out considering the fact that it's the Daily Mail.

The Mail didn't carry out the survey, they just reported on it. Survey versus your disbelief? I'll take the Former. 🤔
I'm not saying it's karma, but..

People that have been given a green light and left hospital after contracting virus have surpassed numbers of those who have perished for the first time;

Death rate is still hovering around 1-2% of infected which is the only thing that matters.
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People that have been given a green light and left hospital after contracting virus have surpassed numbers of those who have perished for the first time;

Death rate is still hovering around 1-2% of infected which is the only thing that matters.

Whataboutsim and Chinese propoganda in one post? You're spoiling us this morning Chairman.


The Mail didn't carry out the survey, they just reported on it. Survey versus your disbelief? I'll take the Former. 🤔

I never said the Mail carried out the survey, try again. The issue I take is with their sensationalist style of reporting:

Millions of Britons neglect a string of basic personal hygiene tasks - because they are too busy or too lazy, a survey found today.

huh? OK, let's read on... :

2,000 adults polled in the Dettol HABIT (Hygiene, Attitudes, Behaviour, Insight & Traits) study

Oh nevermind, just 2000 people were surveyed and they've extrapolated that data to somehow be applicable to "millions". With such a degree of extrapolation, maybe our Breakage wrote the article?

Taking the nature of their reporting you'd actually be wise to take everything written in the article with a massive grain of salt, especially considering they fail to provide a link to the raw data.

But you go ahead, believe the Daily Mail :messenger_ok:





Guys guys this is a thread to keep up with all the info regarding our impending doom not discuss the finer qualities of british hygiene.

Sorry, I can't hear you over the hum of the coronavirus on my fingertips having just returned from the bathroom.


It can be tormenting at times and my hands don't appreciate it, but this is one of those extremely rare times I'm sort of happy to be a really bad germophobe.
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Unconfirmed Member
Whataboutsim and Chinese propoganda in one post? You're spoiling us this morning Chairman.
For every one of those disgusting videos that show animal cruelty from China (that are used for food not that it makes it better) there exists the European equivalent of teens/kids that do it for the lulz.
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