It's a bet then? Two week ban, me and you?
Ontario, Canada declares State of Emergency.
So question from a PA guy. We were told to close non essential businesses and avoid large gatherings
My job involves driving from my home to another person's private residence (usually a suburban house) in a private vehicle. So does that count? Or is just public business fronts like retail that they were talking about because that's the only one they mentioned specifically
Get this shit you savages:
I am using this due to Psoriasis for years and it's better than any toilet paper.
old 4 chan crap
Viruses mutate all the time. Thats why we have to make a new vaccine for influenza every year. I'm not sure if coronaviruses are mutate faster/stronger, but somewhere I read that between China and Italy outbreak the virus had mutated already over 13 times.The part with the mutations is completely out of touch with reality. So it's just a nice attempt to fuck with people. But apart from that some of it was true anyway, so respect if it was really posted like that.
Viruses mutate all the time. Thats why we have to make a new vaccine for influenza every year. I'm not sure if coronaviruses are mutate faster/stronger, but somewhere I read that between China and Italy outbreak the virus had mutated already over 13 times.
I have a runny nose and cough. Is this just a normal cold?
Well idk about that lolI'm not talking about the 0815 basics that everyone knows about viruses. I meant the "when the virus reaches Brazilian bats it mutates and becomes much more dangerous" part. It was just too much. The guy posting this should have left that out.
In Summer lots and lots of mosqitoes will fly around transferring the virus from one human to that possible?
I have a runny nose and cough. Is this just a normal cold? could be cancer based on being caused by HIV and Ebola at the same time. You'll probably experience multiple organ failure in the next 60 minutes.
I have a runny nose and cough. Is this just a normal cold?
yes, you're fucked... no you're fine
I've been feeling sniffles and feverish all week from anxiety alone I would not take it serious, I would walk to my nearest drive-thru testing if that was a thing. Stay calm and download Animal Crossing.
we will all get through this give it 14 days.
True.It’s not trolling though. The narrative has shifted to protect the Chinese because everyone is terrified of them.
Remember when the NBA took China’s side over the HK protestors? Insane.
As someone who suffers from health anxiety I can confirm that you can worry yourself into a fever. Also, allergies can cause a fever.yes, you're fucked... no you're fine
I've been feeling sniffles and feverish all week from anxiety alone I would not take it serious, I would walk to my nearest drive-thru testing if that was a thing. Stay calm and download Animal Crossing.
we will all get through this give it 14 days.
It's never been a better time to be a gamer. Ori, AC, full Xbox reveal, two week gaming holiday. I haven't played Rocket League all week unfortunately, been busy with home office work. But I'm imagining a heaven of no queues and easy wins against all the kids off school.
As someone who suffers from health anxiety I can confirm that you can worry yourself into a fever. Also, allergies can cause a fever.
I don't know how legit is this:
So, fewer deaths than yearly pneumonia average?The UK government's chief scientific adviser is saying it will be a 'good outcome' if the UK deaths total less than 20,000.
Real Super Power 2020 style. No tests? No positives? No problem!My country (India) has found the foolproof way to stop the spread of the virus.
We just arent testing a lot of people. No tests. No positives. No Virus. USSR aint got shit on us bro.
Do they have a "little italy" there? Like here in so cal we have korea town. Is there something similar there? If so, wonder if family and stuff flew in before all the lockdowns went in to place.New York the next Italy?
I wouldn't consider any nasal steroids to likely be dangerous as the amount systemically absorbed is very low. In addition as I stated previously controlling allergies is going to be important to help decrease the amount of coughing.
Those medications should be fine as there is not much systematic absorbtion of steroid with inhalers. Albuterol should be fine as it is a beta agonist and not a steroid.
I would recommend taking your asthma medications regularly because you want your lungs as healthy as possible!
A combination of stress and allergies is the most likely cause. With all of the talk of COVID-19 it is not uncommon to think you may have it.
No concerns. Spiriva is a long acting Muscarinic Antagonist (LAMA) while advair is an inhaled steroid not much at all is systemically absorbed. Like the other person I answered you want your lungs to function as well as possible just in case you do get ill you have more reserve available.
What happened today?
As testing finally started to ramp up a little so did the total cases. We went from 3.680 total cases to 4,667 adding 987 cases in the past 24 hrs. Lots of people panicking as they see the numbers rise. We also added 19 fatalities to the numbers. Unfortunately the fatality rate remained at 1.8% but I fully expect it to start declining as more of the less severe people who carry the disease get tested. So stay calm this means currently 98.2% are surviving the infection and this will increase. However, it will likely get worse before it gets better. The total numbers will rise so focus on the mortality rate.
Why are they closing down the bars and restaurants? What are they not telling me?
Because this disease affects everyone differently it makes it very dangerous. Unlike the FLU who get sick rapidly and feel bad so they usually stay home. Many of the people under age 50 have minimal or no symptoms so they continue to spread the disease unknowingly which would not be a problem except that around 15% get seriously ill and about 5% get critically ill. So by not knowing who is infected we have to take extreme measures to reduce interactions with everyone.
We have been doing social distancing since last Thursday so why are the cases still going up?
Unfortunately, this virus has an incubation period from 2 to 10 days so it will likely take 1-2 weeks worth to start to see numbers level off and go down. The good news is the cases we are seeing now are almost certainly ones that were contracted prior to these measures taking place. Remember less than a week ago we had 15,000+ fans per night at NBA and NHL games so lots of people were potentially getting infected at the same time. Be patient and continue to practice social distancing and the numbers will decline soon.
Things you can do to help.
Many small businesses and restaurants are being hit hard financially. If a restaurant is closed then order some take out food, buy gift cards. Support your small and local business whenever you can to help keep them stay in business during these trying times.
So, fewer deaths than yearly pneumonia average?
Yeah, considering the supposed deadliness of the virus and the extreme measures taken worldwide, 20k deaths would be a great outcome.
The UK government's chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance is appearing at the House of Common's health committee.
He tells MPs that the UK should start to see rates of infection come down in two to three weeks.
He says it would be "a good outcome" if the number of coronavirus-related deaths in the UK can be kept to below 20,000.