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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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hope it slows down because this is getting weird if every country starts to have over 100 per day

OTHER PLACESCasesDeathsNotesLinks
Diamond Princess691336 serious, 1 recoveredSource
South Korea83377 serious, 17 recoveredSource
Japan146*17 serious, 23 recoveredSource
Singapore8905 critical, 49 recoveredSource
Hong Kong7424 critical, 2 serious, 5 recoveredSource
Italy155425 seriousSource
Thailand3502 serious, 15 recoveredSource
United States3505 recoveredSource
Taiwan2812 recoveredSource
Malaysia22017 recoveredSource
Australia22011 recoveredSource
Germany16014 recoveredSource
Vietnam16014 recoveredSource
UAE1302 serious, 3 recoveredSource
France12110 recoveredSource
Macau1005 recoveredSource
United Kingdom1308 recoveredSource
Canada1003 recoveredSource
Philippines312 recoveredSource
India303 recoveredSource
Russia202 recoveredSource
Spain202 recoveredSource
Nepal101 recoveredSource
Cambodia101 recoveredSource
Sri Lanka101 recoveredSource
Finland101 recoveredSource
Belgium101 recoveredSource
Egypt101 recoveredSource
TOTAL2,2923282 serious/critical
I hope the mortality rate in Iran is not what happens once healthcare is overwhelmed.


So, reporting from Veneto, italy; living roughly less than 30 minutes from a town in north east italy that have been closed off (so same county/province but not very close). Here it has become a bit mad. The small shops have been emptied, people bought as much as they can in the previous days. My parents tried to go to a minimarket, they needed some stuff (mostly soaps, shampoos and things like that) and didn't want to go to the big shopping mall, they told me most stuff and shelves were mostly empty. Some shops have put a sign on their front entrance with a notice that masks have sold out. And also some people who had the chance have been leaving Veneto in a rush, going to family and relatives in the South.

The children's playground in front of my street has been completely empty for two days now, even though there was quite a good weather and it's usually full of people in regular days. The staff that cleaned my building (I live in a flat) this morning came completely dressed with full masks and gloves (like those you see in pandemic/epidemic movies).
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So, reporting from Veneto, italy; living roughly 30 minutes by car, from two towns in north east italy that have been closed off (so same county/province but pretty far from). Here it is madness. The small shops have been emptied, people bought as much as they can in the previous days. Some shops have put a sign on their front entrance with a notice that masks have sold out. Some people who had the chance have been leaving Veneto in a rush, going to family and relatives in the South.

The children's playground in front of my street has been completely empty for two days now, even though there was quite a good weather and it's usually full of people in regular days. The staff that cleaned my building (I live in a flat) this morning came completely dressed with full masks and gloves (like those you see in movies).

Good to hear that people are acting rationally and not panicking at all.


With how China and the world reacted to this, do you think we can survive a zombie virus?

Just imagine before China says anything there will be already 1000 of Zombies.

And after that they will just try to bomb everything away.

I just dont hope its like Walking Dead. You die (doesnt matter how) and you come back as a zombie lol
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Zombie virus seems much easier to handle because you can see it coming and doesn't transmit over the air. Containing it is much more achievable.
Zombie virus doesn't even make sense practically. How are new zombies made? By bites? So zombies only gently bite you so that you are still a good carrier zombie when you turn or do they viciously attack you so by the time you transition you are just a heap of meat not being able to infect anybody? It's just too stupid to work.


Also, I just heard that a parapharmacy near my home (probably the last one in our small town that still has masks available since the others have put the sign that they have all been sold off) is selling masks for 6 euro EACH, but they are finishing very quickly according to the store attendant.
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Jeah just imagine half of them already infected but they dont know it.

So the virus could easily be already in south italy.
Yes, instead of staying in town and keep the rest save ... it’s not that hard.

But that’s on the government for not educating people for the past 1,5 months ... all governments worldwide btw.

People you could be affected without symptoms please stay in your house/town. Call 911 or your doctor for advise if you suspect you are infected.

And if they did that 1,5 months ago!

not hard..
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Also, I just heard that a parapharmacy near my home (probably the last one in our small town that still has them available since the others have put the sign that they have all been sold off) is selling masks for 6 euro EACH, but they are finishing very quickly according to the store attendant.

I've been wondering, how hard is it to make your own mask ? Probably not an industry-level one with all sanitary certifications, but for most people you just want something that would let you breathe through while blocking water particles, right ? Maybe even any kind of cloth coupled with a water-repellent spray would do.


With how China and the world reacted to this, do you think we can survive a zombie virus?
A zombie virus would have a hard time spreading in China, because they'd simply shoot the infected on sight without asking questions. The western world would probably be a different case, because many people would whine that the infected are still people. ;)

Also as it's already been pointed out it's much tougher to stop something "invisible" from spreading, especially with such a long incubation period.
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I've been wondering, how hard is it to make your own mask ? Probably not an industry-level one with all sanitary certifications, but for most people you just want something that would let you breathe through while blocking water particles, right ? Maybe even any kind of cloth coupled with a water-repellent spray would do.

Don't. Masks are overrated and expecting security from them will only make you sloppy enough to get infected in other ways. Regulary perform hygiene, pay attention to your hands and don't engange in too much physical contact or crowded areas., Best you can do.
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With how China and the world reacted to this, do you think we can survive a zombie virus?
- depends on the incubation period and how long before we see the first case.
- is it transmitted by bites or like a typical flu virus?
- there is a whole other level of dangers and societal collapse that could occur that is a lot more deadly than the virus itself


Don't. Masks are overrated and expecting security from them will only make you sloppy enough to get infected in other ways. Regulary perform hygiene, pay attention to your hands and don't engange in too much physical contact or crowded areas., Best you can do.

I wasn't considering it for myself actually (no trace of contagion in my area), more like a way for anxious people to find a workaround, even if it's more of a "magic feather" thing. Which wouldn't/shouldn't prevent them from also following basic hygiene rules.
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8 people dead now in Korea.

Kids schools are all suspended for at least a week.

Insane lines to buy precious face masks.

Starting to smell a wee bit apocalyptic ,,,,,

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
A zombie virus would have a hard time spreading in China, because they'd simply shoot the infected on sight without asking questions. The western world would probably be a different case, because many people would whine that the infected are still people. ;)

Also as it's already been pointed out it's much tougher to stop something "invisible" from spreading, especially with such a long incubation period.

The Walking Dead tells a different story about the western world.


I've been wondering, how hard is it to make your own mask ? Probably not an industry-level one with all sanitary certifications, but for most people you just want something that would let you breathe through while blocking water particles, right ? Maybe even any kind of cloth coupled with a water-repellent spray would do.
I mean, you could. If you went all in, you could even put say a metal wire or something in it to try to secure it better to your face. It probably wouldn't be all that worse than the cheap ones you buy at a store. You'd have to make sure to clean it well and take proper care of it of course.
In reality though it ain't going to protect you all that much. Plenty of doctors catching the illness after all. People just like to feel safe, and see masks for sale that advertise they block 99.9% of viruses and shit.
It's probably best for people who are sick, to stop as much virus getting out in the air when they cough as possible.
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Why would the WHO, the World Health Organization, not have a process to declare a pandemic? How would they determine whether to declare one or not then? Shit makes no sense.


Just stick one of these on your face like this guy. Same thing.



Neo Member
Also, I just heard that a parapharmacy near my home (probably the last one in our small town that still has masks available since the others have put the sign that they have all been sold off) is selling masks for 6 euro EACH, but they are finishing very quickly according to the store attendant.

I work for a big hospital in europe and we bought the last remaining masks from our supplier for over €12/pc (regular price was €0,96/pc couple weeks ago). It's crazy



Reads like a horror story . . .

But what scares her most is the lack of control -- first, the entire city was sealed off, and then residents were limited to exiting their compound once every three days.

Now even that has been taken away.
WHO should not be funded, China used them like puppet mouth pieces

OTHER PLACESCasesDeathsNotesLinks
Diamond Princess691336 serious, 1 recoveredSource
South Korea83386 serious, 22 recoveredSource
Japan146*17 serious, 23 recoveredSource
Singapore9007 critical, 49 recoveredSource
Hong Kong7924 critical, 2 serious, 12 recoveredSource
Italy222524 serious, 1 recoveredSource
Thailand3502 serious, 15 recoveredSource
United States3505 recoveredSource
Taiwan3012 recoveredSource
Malaysia22017 recoveredSource
Australia22011 recoveredSource
Germany16014 recoveredSource
Vietnam16014 recoveredSource
UAE1302 serious, 3 recoveredSource
France12110 recoveredSource
Macau1005 recoveredSource
United Kingdom1308 recoveredSource
Canada1003 recoveredSource
Philippines312 recoveredSource
India303 recoveredSource
Russia202 recoveredSource
Spain202 recoveredSource
Nepal101 recoveredSource
Cambodia101 recoveredSource
Sri Lanka101 recoveredSource
Finland101 recoveredSource
Belgium101 recoveredSource
Egypt101 recoveredSource
TOTAL2,3683483 serious/critical

Reads like a horror story . . .

But what scares her most is the lack of control -- first, the entire city was sealed off, and then residents were limited to exiting their compound once every three days.

Now even that has been taken away.

IDK why theyre not using drones for food delivery or something.
I mean, you could. If you went all in, you could even put say a metal wire or something in it to try to secure it better to your face. It probably wouldn't be all that worse than the cheap ones you buy at a store. You'd have to make sure to clean it well and take proper care of it of course.
In reality though it ain't going to protect you all that much. Plenty of doctors catching the illness after all. People just like to feel safe, and see masks for sale that advertise they block 99.9% of viruses and shit.
It's probably best for people who are sick, to stop as much virus getting out in the air when they cough as possible.

These filters, n95, p100 etc are all electrostatically charged. They do this because the particles are still small enough to permeate the filter material, the masks need to allow air to pass through so breathing resistance isnt too high. So the electrostatic charge "grabs" the particles as it flows through. That is also why the manufacturer says to discard them if they get wet. Using some McGuyver'd filter probably won't help much you're right.


So, the town council near where I live just published a new post on their official facebook page. Apparently they are reporting two new confirmed cases of people with coronavirus, in the town just bordering the one where I live. One person has been hospitalized and the other has been quarantined inside his house. This town is just a few minutes by car (and less than 10 km) from where I live. Welp... just a matter of time before it gets in my town too. I'm locking myself in until this madness ends (luckily I'm a freelancer and work remotely), not that local shops have anything anymore for sale (unless someone dares to go in the big shopping mall nearby).

"Fun fact": I saw a few hours ago, my neighbour coming home with a cart and several bags (and I mean a LOT of bags) full of stuff just coming back from the supermarket. Apparently they made "one last run" to the mall to stock up.
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