I don't realy post a lot (got banned on the other place for discussing this situationAgain, I’ll bring up the examples of New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, Finland: countries that locked down early with no hesitation. These countries have virtually no community spread now. Countries that had half assed lockdowns are still worrying about when to open up, but are at least seeing a decline in their numbers (USA, UK, Canada, Iceland). Countries that didn’t lock down (Sweden, Brazil) are not yet seeing a decline in numbers. Not sure what other proof you need. If your country had locked down the way Australia did you would likely be heading toward a full reopening in July (but with closed borders). Instead you’re looking at a never ending limbo and all the angst that comes with it.
The lockdown works. There is no question about it. Anyone that denies this is ignorant.
Sending sick people into nursing homes has nothing to do with the lockdown. Stop conflating your politics with good public health policy.
I don't realy post a lot (got banned on the other place for discussing this situation), but you are missinformed yourself if you think that you can compare death tolls between countries to assess the situation right now.
Sweden has had a decline in numbers for a very long time now. This week has had the lowest deaths so far. It is also very regional, we have vast areas that without lockdown has as good or better numbers compared to our neighbors.
Stockholm is the region sticking out with "high" numbers. But if you check excess death data you will notice that other countries severely under-report their death tolls. Now sure, if you decide to only compare against small countries like Finland, Norway and New Zealand that actualy stopped the infection very significantly there will seem like Sweden is in a very bad state. There are very few countries who managed this however and it is not assured that the long term effects are better.
The economic effects can not be evaluated yet either so I do not get why people are claiming that since Sweden will see economic effects their tactic was wrong. The quoted articles earlier about our state epidemologist claiming he changed his mind on the swedish tactic are also false by the way.
There is still not enough data to say that USA has done better than Sweden, the countries present their death statistics in vastly different ways.You're right, I misread the death rates for Sweden.
There are plenty of other comparisons for Sweden that managed to do better - Australia, and even the USA and Canada for example (although Australia clearly had the best response). Sweden clearly has the highest death rate amongst these countries. I only chose Finland and Norway because of their similar demographics and location. New Zealand, along with Australia, was meant to be a comparison for Canada.
Those were just a few examples. The list goes on- Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal,, Austria, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iceland,....tell me when to stop. The list of countries that have done better than Sweden is very large, as the standard they set is quite low.There is still not enough data to say that USA has done better than Sweden, the countries present their death statistics in vastly different ways.
And that is still a pretty low count of countries when claiming that the swedish way is a failure and lockdown is the sollution. I also remain of the opinion that the dust has to settle before conclusions can be made (especialy data for excess deaths during the period since that will eliminate some of the differences in presentation of data). The swedish health care system is not overwhelmed. Just yesterday they decided to dismantle the extra "hospital" they built in Stockholm since it was never used. There are plenty of beds available in regular hospitals. Regularly scheduled operations has also restarted everywhere.
I'm not predicting anything here, I'm saying that you cannot cast judgement just yet. You are still assuming you can compare death data and claim who is doing good and bad. This does not even take into account what the long term effects of different tactics are.Those were just a few examples. The list goes on- Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal,, Austria, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iceland,....tell me when to stop. The list of countries that have done better than Sweden is very large, as the standard they set is quite low.
I wouldnt hold out hope re: your prediction. Sweden is not testing enough people for me to believe they're capturing more deaths than other countries.
Like many have said, in two weeks, we better see a whole bunch of people with covid or we'll know this has all been a sham.
I know it's wrong, but there's a part of me that wants to see a spike in cases. Not because I want to see people sick or possibly die. No, I'd never want that, but I also need to know that we destroyed our country for SOMETHING. That we aren't being lied to because Orange man bad or Socialism good or some other nefarious reason.
To see our leaders, who a couple of weeks ago, said you would be arrested for swimming, going to the park, opening a gym, going to church now participating with groups of people WITH NO MASK, encouraging these riots is beyond infuriating. We're STILL fucking inside and now our businesses are destroyed and we have to be grateful that rioters showed us all how racist we are while setting back our recovery.
Really guys, what happens if there isn't a spike? Are they going to come up with some cockamamie explanation? What do we do? They destroyed our economy!! So yeah, please be a spike or my faith in humanity and reality is going to crater.
Be very wary of looking at European data. Many of the countries are not reporting excessive deaths - Italy being a major one.
Until everyone reports actual valid data only then can comparisons be made and we can look back on the decision making overall.
Excess deaths can be found at https://www.euromomo.eu/
Unless the governments can somehow hide thousands of deaths from their families which is pretty much impossible to do.
Again, I’ll bring up the examples of New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, Finland: countries that locked down early with no hesitation. These countries have virtually no community spread now. Countries that had half assed lockdowns are still worrying about when to open up, but are at least seeing a decline in their numbers (USA, UK, Canada, Iceland). Countries that didn’t lock down (Sweden, Brazil) are not yet seeing a decline in numbers. Not sure what other proof you need. If your country had locked down the way Australia did you would likely be heading toward a full reopening in July (but with closed borders). Instead you’re looking at a never ending limbo and all the angst that comes with it.
The lockdown works. There is no question about it. Anyone that denies this is ignorant.
Sending sick people into nursing homes has nothing to do with the lockdown. Stop conflating your politics with good public health policy.
Had a heckin wedding today. 20 people, all masks, no kisses.
Still was worth it = have a wife now
Had a heckin wedding today. 20 people, all masks, no kisses.
Still was worth it = have a wife now
have heckin proof right here.... of just marriagePics of you consummating the marriage or it didn't happen.
have heckin proof right here.... of just marriage
Gov. Gavin Newsom has been moving the state through a methodical four-step process for reopening. Most of the new businesses are part of “Phase 3.” Nail salons will not be included in the list.
Had a heckin wedding today. 20 people, all masks, no kisses.
Still was worth it = have a wife now
This is my government.
Look at him wear that mask like the dog muzzle it is. All while standing in direct proximity in a group of people.
have heckin proof right here.... of just marriage
It's interesting about the Excess Deaths figure as the average over 5 years gives a rough estimate on how many deaths there should be, but given that people locked down and didn't die from Car Accidents, Trees falling on them etc, the average will also be lower for this year, which makes it hard to see how many excess deaths there are.
Of course, you also have higher suicides, domestic abuse as well as other issues with Mental Health to see that the average will also be slightly higher if it is set against the non-deaths of Road/Obstecle Accidents. A more accurate answer will be seen in 3 to 4 years when the averages start to trend like 2015/2019 again.
I know that the UK's "Death" Toll is more than 40,000 as they have mentioned additional deaths separately, so the last "excess" deaths I saw for the UK was at 55,000 from a week or two ago. It could be 60,000 now but they have mentioned that the deaths are lowering overall now (both in Hospitals and in Care Homes).
However, I also know that a lot of people are now being turned away from Hospitals even when they look like they are going to get worse (I was told a family friend has gotten very ill in 4 weeks but the Hospitals won't accept them unless they are at Death's Door, which I suspect is to try and "Keep" the numbers down to become favourable with Europe), so I am sadly starting to become suspicious of even some of the practices the NHS are doing.
This is on top of people who are suspect of having heart attacks and cancer feeling that they may get COVID inside the Hospitals and are taking their life at risk by staying at home. Sadly, people sometimes DO get Pneumonia at Hospitals which makes admission a gamble in itself (as well as the MRSA scandel).
For the UK at least, I can sadly see the deaths rising to at least quadruple to what the suspected figures are because of the many issues highlighted, that may not be directly related to COVID, but the actions the Government and Hospitals have taken that will sadly lead to more deaths. (Less Admissions of other life threatening Issues, Mental Health problems leading to suicides (general and job losses), Domestic Abuse Deaths, Hospital Infections that could be more deadlier than COVID and people being turned away as they don't look that serious but end up being really serious).
I wish we never got to 20,000 deaths to be honest but I sadly think that we will have 200,000 deaths both relating to COVID and the non-direct actions of COVID from the Lockdown and the actions of our Government have done. I suspect it will be the same in many countries as well. (the number from by the end of 2021 btw)
Honk Honk
This is crazy. Looks as if the rules don't apply to BLM here in London. It shows you the cowardice of the British authorities:
Thousands of Black Lives Matter protesters pack into Parliament Square and Anthony Joshua leads march in Watford - despite Priti Patel urging activists across UK to stay away and avoid dangers of crowds
Black Lives Matter protesters pack into Parliament Square
The protests in Parliament Square, London, today mark the second weekend of demonstrations sparked by the death of unarmed black man George Floyd in the US last week.www.dailymail.co.uk
I guess BLM is more important than containing the spread of a supposedly deadly virus.
It's unbelievable. What's even worse is I've yet to hear any strong words of condemnation from those in power. It's as if they are afraid to speak out against BLM.These gatherings will only make more people disregard the rules about social distancing.I would say “Darwin award” but this stupidity will inconvenience me as London will need to stay shut longer because of these muppets. Well, actually I don’t care as I am fucking off for 4 months in a week and a half.
Germans also forgot about Corona and are marching againThis is really scary, like Nazi Germany scary.
A scene from Vancouver, Canada today.
Remember the government was fine with closing down businesses but not this.
Give it two weeks, and these people will start dropping like flies.
Wow. Un F'n Believable.
Retard world folks. No longer clown world, we are light years past that now.
It should be a wake up call to the Conservatives about whose country this is anymore.
Because even the Prime Minister is using the protests for his own political gains, how are we suppose to compete against that without being called "racist"?