Man, you need to stop with this shit.
The only way to stop this virus is to prevent it from getting to people. Not by a vaccine in a year or two, not by herd immunity, not by Donald Trumps elixir of the week.
Two weeks. Two weeks was the difference between Australia's COVID outbreak and Canada's outbreak. Australia locked down two weeks before Canada. Until that time, their outbreaks were identical. Australia sealed off the borders and went into a lockdown early. Since then, Australia has basically 0 community transmission and has been opening up gradually for over a month, with a plan to be completely out of lockdown by July. Canada dithered for two weeks and now has ongoing community transmission, with most of the country still under lockdown, and no time table to when they will re open..
Canada locked down before St Patricks day. The USA didnt. BC locked down before March break, Quebec didnt (March break is earlier in Quebec and Ontario). Canadas outbreak is about half as deadly as the USAs, and BCs outbreak is about 1/10th as deadly as Quebecs. Getting people to stay home works. Keep in mind that in Canada, virtually no one is getting any treatment for COVID19, whereas in the USA people are getting the entire kitchen sink thrown at them.
The protests are worrisome. Things might get bad. We dont really know how this virus behaves in a large outdoor crowd, but we will find out in 10 days. If we get through these next few weeks without a large spike, it means the virus likely isn't very contagious in an outdoor environement. We can probably use that information to open up parks and beaches. But it'll have no implications at all for indoor gatherings, where we know the virus is highly contagious.