Keep in mind Worlometers is reporting reported date of death, not actual date of death. A lot of the deaths are from people who died weeks ago. So you can't even really make out a proper trend of deaths by just looking at those numbers. Thats probably one of the bigger reasons that deaths trail cases.
Here is an interesting chart.
The northeast totally blew it. Cuomo and his minions totally F'd up. The sunbelt wave was not even 1/7th of the peak of the New York area.
I guess it was great that everyone listened to Fauci who said in Feburary that the threat was minuscule and that you should worry more about the flu because its deadlier, not about going to a CHINESE restaurant (gotta love that dig by Fauci even though China was the epicenter of this what a guy). And then in March he told people to go on cruises. What a genius. He probably tells people with iron lungs to start smoking too.
The way things are going the pandemic will burn out in the sunbelt and all that will be left is California.

Here is an interesting chart.
The northeast totally blew it. Cuomo and his minions totally F'd up. The sunbelt wave was not even 1/7th of the peak of the New York area.
I guess it was great that everyone listened to Fauci who said in Feburary that the threat was minuscule and that you should worry more about the flu because its deadlier, not about going to a CHINESE restaurant (gotta love that dig by Fauci even though China was the epicenter of this what a guy). And then in March he told people to go on cruises. What a genius. He probably tells people with iron lungs to start smoking too.
The way things are going the pandemic will burn out in the sunbelt and all that will be left is California.