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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Keep in mind Worlometers is reporting reported date of death, not actual date of death. A lot of the deaths are from people who died weeks ago. So you can't even really make out a proper trend of deaths by just looking at those numbers. Thats probably one of the bigger reasons that deaths trail cases.


Here is an interesting chart.

The northeast totally blew it. Cuomo and his minions totally F'd up. The sunbelt wave was not even 1/7th of the peak of the New York area.

I guess it was great that everyone listened to Fauci who said in Feburary that the threat was minuscule and that you should worry more about the flu because its deadlier, not about going to a CHINESE restaurant (gotta love that dig by Fauci even though China was the epicenter of this what a guy). And then in March he told people to go on cruises. What a genius. He probably tells people with iron lungs to start smoking too.

The way things are going the pandemic will burn out in the sunbelt and all that will be left is California.



Compared to yesterday: 46,500 New Cases, 1,404 New Deaths

The day before (what you responded to): 39,318 New Cases, 1,172 New Deaths

It's still increasing. The sad thing is as other countries brace for a probable second wave in the winter, the US never flattened the curve and is still embroiled within the first wave. Things are looking bleak. Pray we get either competent leadership or a vaccine, or else we're going to be stuck with thing for the foreseeable future.
A one day statistic is not definitive of a trend. Look at the 7 day average. It would appear the US has stopped the flair up and deaths are starting to tend down. Need a few more days of data to confirm this is not a fluke.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Leadership won't save you. It's the public who are fucking it up. No matter how strict a leader is, it doesn't matter if nobody listens (ie: westerers).

I have to get tested today because my idiot sister decided to visit whilst still testing positive :messenger_unamused:

Yea, the public isn't being great, but a federal mandate could be made to at least wear masks and social distance indoors. It's not perfect, but it would certainly help slow the spread and work towards flattening the curve.


Keep in mind Worlometers is reporting reported date of death, not actual date of death. A lot of the deaths are from people who died weeks ago. So you can't even really make out a proper trend of deaths by just looking at those numbers. Thats probably one of the bigger reasons that deaths trail cases.


Here is an interesting chart.

The northeast totally blew it. Cuomo and his minions totally F'd up. The sunbelt wave was not even 1/7th of the peak of the New York area.

I guess it was great that everyone listened to Fauci who said in Feburary that the threat was minuscule and that you should worry more about the flu because its deadlier, not about going to a CHINESE restaurant (gotta love that dig by Fauci even though China was the epicenter of this what a guy). And then in March he told people to go on cruises. What a genius. He probably tells people with iron lungs to start smoking too.

The way things are going the pandemic will burn out in the sunbelt and all that will be left is California.

could this also mean that the strain that hit NYC was deadlier, and the virus has mutated into something weaker sometime before the July ramp up?


Yea, the public isn't being great, but a federal mandate could be made to at least wear masks and social distance indoors. It's not perfect, but it would certainly help slow the spread and work towards flattening the curve.

It is the "mandate". The guidelines call for wearing masks and to social distance. This has been going on since March 16th (mask came later once Fauci decided that regular people were now important enough to wear masks).

and why does it have to be federal? States are the ones that have guidelines too. A place like SD is doing fine with the mandates it has, while CA is doing the opposite. Let each state tailor its response to what it needs.

Not even the Democrats wanted federal mandates.

Trump proposed a lockdown and the Dems went nuts. They called it illegal and told him he didn't have the authority to do it. Cuomo compared him to Xi saying only China does lockdowns (LOL). Then he said it was an act of war and he would sue the federal government.

The Dems were doing everything in their power to prevent the stop of the spread of the virus. And then went on to kill more people than anyone else in the world.

The announcement came shortly after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned against the proposed quarantine of “hot spots,” saying it would be nothing short of a “federal declaration of war” that would pit state authorities against the federal government.

“It wouldn’t just be New York, New Jersey, Connecticut. Next week it would be Louisiana with New Orleans, and the week after that it would be Detroit, Michigan, and it would run all across the nation. I don’t think the president is looking to start a lot of wars with a lot of states just about now for a lot of reasons,” Cuomo said in an interview with CNN.

“I don’t know how that could be legally enforceable and, from a medical point of view, I don’t know what you would be accomplishing,” Cuomo added. “I don’t even like the sound of it, not even understanding what it is.”

“We’re thinking about certain things. Some people would like to see New York quarantined because it’s a hotspot. We might not have to do it, but there’s a possibility that sometime today we’ll do a quarantine, short-term, two weeks on New York. Probably New Jersey, certain parts of Connecticut. I’d rather not do it, but maybe we need it.”

Michael Ulrich, a public health law professor at Boston University, said the federal government would “have to be able to justify that some group is a credible threat to others, and that’s an easier thing to do on an individual level.” He added that it would be “a really hard thing to prove.”

Rep. Justin Amash (I-MI), a former Republican who has been a fervent critic of Trump, questioned his power to implement such an order. “Under which authority?” Amash wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

I hope you will wake up one day and realize what actually happend with this virus. Why the North East had 7 times the amount of deaths per million than the Sunbelt, the MidWest and West of the US. Keep blaming Trump for things he did while giving a pass to the people that actually screwed everything up.

Imagine if Trump would of been able to quarantine the North East on March 27th what effect would that of had on the virus? But I bet you were one of the people cheering on Cuomo while he said no to lockdowns and stopping the spread of the virus because the president doesn't have the authority. How many lives cost because of Cuomo and his anti-quarantine stance and EO to send people into old age homes?


could this also mean that the strain that hit NYC was deadlier, and the virus has mutated into something weaker sometime before the July ramp up?

Nah, I just think NY fucked up completly. They send their elderly into homes, reporting now 11K deaths in these LTCs. And even though they pretended their lockdowns were saving lives it did the opposite and they let the virus run wild. Remember back then the US was doing like 50K test a day, today they are doing 1 Million. If you are doing so few tests you and only testing people who are in the hospital with 5 symptoms you are going to miss a shit ton of infected.

NorthEast really screwed up, didn't flatten the curve at all, and then made disastrous decisions like refusing Trumps quarantine in March and the EO to kill the elderly.


Wrong about what? Youve posted one article that mentions the excess mortality was a little lower than COVID deaths. Even if we were to assume that only the excess mortality represents COVID-19 deaths and that other countries don’t have to deal with any confounding variables, both of which are certainly not true, that still only reduces the death toll in Sweden by 15% at best. That’s still an order of magnitude greater than any of your Nordic neighbours.

And yes, there was excess mortality. Or at least there was in the article that you posted.

Are you daft? No, 15% of reported deaths can be directly connected with Covid.

That means, Sweden is on par with the neighbours.

Do I really need to quote your own posts? And like i told you, wait, for the proper stats. You just spread untrue garbage.

Stop fearmongering when you obviously dont understand how statistics work mate.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I hope this study is flawed or doesn't quite pan out how they think, because if accurate it could mean serious consequences as more areas push to try to reopen schools long before this is under control:

Kids with no COVID-19 symptoms more contagious than sick adults, study finds

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital found that among 192 children, 49 tested positive for COVID-19 with significantly higher levels of the virus than adults who were hospitalized in intensive care units.
The new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics suggests children may play a serious role in the spread of the virus, leading many experts to question if sending kids back to school is safe to do.
"All it takes is a couple of teachers to get sick or, God forbid, going to the hospital. And then that is spread throughout the school system. It'll be lights out, the whole thing falls apart...."
Scientists also discovered only half of the children who tested positive for the disease had a fever.


Shh, let him. Posting articles from "aftonbladet" ( A Tabloid ) to then go on and Quote people like a 14 year old to tell them "how" wrong they where, while simultaniously reading the statistics wrong.

You just need to look at this Graph (official statistics ) to understand it, lol.


Sssh, tell him nobody will look at the tail on that graph.. :p

Fear monger nr 2 that dont understand statistics.
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Well I hope I don't jinx it but where I live the virus has been over for like 2 months now. Winter time we should be fine maybe a small spike but not really expecting anything huge.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Are you daft? No, 15% of reported deaths can be directly connected with Covid.

That means, Sweden is on par with the neighbours.

Do I really need to quote your own posts? And like i told you, wait, for the proper stats. You just spread untrue garbage.

Stop fearmongering when you obviously dont understand how statistics work mate.
You posted an article that said excess death in Sweden was about 4800 higher in 2020. You somehow interpreted that to be mean that there was no excess death in 2020. The 15 percent refers to the difference between the excess death and tabulated COVID-19 deaths, not the number of COVID-19 deaths. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension.
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You posted an article that said excess death in Sweden was about 4800 higher in 2020. You somehow interpreted that to be mean that there was no excess death in 2020. The 15 percent refers to the difference between the excess death and tabulated COVID-19 deaths, not the number of COVID-19 deaths. Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension.

Well, you can start :) 15% total of the 4800 can be directly connected to covid.

The rest cant.

Meanwhile, the population grew 5%. Something you really like to totally ignore.

like what?

You know what, welcome to my ignore list, population 1 alarmist.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
The height and steepness of New York's curve on these graphs is just mind boggling. WTF happened there?


Gold Member
Yea, the public isn't being great, but a federal mandate could be made to at least wear masks and social distance indoors. It's not perfect, but it would certainly help slow the spread and work towards flattening the curve.
No it won’t do anything of the sort but why do you think the federal does or should have the authority to mandate 330 million people wear a cloth on their face and avoid human contact? Because they do not.


Gold Member

Look at Texas, Florida, and CA. They all started getting spikes at the same time, 2 weeks after protestsThey all approached it a little differently. CA went full tyrant mode immediately. Texas half-assed it but eventually implemented restrictions. Florida quarter-assed it and to my knowledge still doesn’t have a statewide mask mandate.

Yet. The trajectory in terms of case counts, hospitalizations, and deaths is the same for all three. They peaked at the same time and started declining at a similar rate.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Well, you can start :) 15% total of the 4800 can be directly connected to covid.

The rest cant.

Meanwhile, the population grew 5%. Something you really like to totally ignore.

You know what, welcome to my ignore list, population 1 alarmist.
That’s not what the article you posted said, but I guess it’s easier to ignore me than to go read it again. If your argument is that only 700 of those excess deaths (which you initially claimed didn’t even exist) are attributable to COVID, despite government numbers showing 5000 COVID deaths in that time period then you need to prove it. Nothing you’ve posted thus far supports your contention - all you posted was an article you badly misunderstood and that even argues against your own points.

Swedens population actually only grew 0.7%, but it seems you’re more interested in pulling numbers out of your ass than having a real discussion.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It looks like Brazil's government is determined to keep pace with the US's......


We're sliding into September and still on an upwards projection for deaths. I'll never see my office again at this rate (not that I mind, I rather like working from home now - meetings with a Polo shirt up top, nothing but boxers and socks below the waist).
It looks like Brazil's government is determined to keep pace with the US's......


We're sliding into September and still on an upwards projection for deaths. I'll never see my office again at this rate (not that I mind, I rather like working from home now - meetings with a Polo shirt up top, nothing but boxers and socks below the waist).

How would a graph for CUMULATIVE deaths go downwards?


My view of Sweden is a bunch of healthy in shape tall gods. Am i off base?

I think the 2 biggest problems with corona is dumb politicians sending old people to die and fatty overweights fat mcfatties.

Unfortunately the US has a lot of both of these.

If you live in a country without lots of selfish fatties and dont kill your old people then you can probably survive just fine.


Gold Member

The problem with US is the sick people not coronavirus. Obesity , Diabetis, Etc...sugar consume per capita surely is so much more in the US than most european countries.

So no matter lockdown or not lockdown more people will die in the US per every 100000 persons than Sweden because is a sick society....the same happened in Mexico.

U.S. is the country with more obesity in the world , Mexico second.


The problem with US is the sick people not coronavirus. Obesity , Diabetis, Etc...sugar consume per capita surely is so much more in the US than most european countries.

So no matter lockdown or not lockdown more people will die in the US per every 100000 persons than Sweden because is a sick society....the same happened in Mexico.

U.S. is the country with more obesity in the world, Mexico second.

I agree. The problem is that the outcome does not change regardless of locking down or remaining open.

Even then, the consequences of locking down have other effects that cannot be avoided.

The question world leaders need to be asking right now is the following, "Which consequences do we want, death by C-19 or through psychological distress?"
How long Nostradamus?

My guess, WAY too long with this president.

Because it's a cumulative graph it would most likely require literally 0 deaths for multiple days to ever flatten. With the way deaths for covid are counted in the US that won't happen. I like that you're blaming the President when he's done absolutely everything the health professionals have advised him to do and his opponent in the coming election is someone who claimed blocking travel to China was racist, this wasn't as bad as SARS and that you should go to a Chinese restaurant out of solidarity.


Seeing people realize only now that the psychological damage from lock down, unemployment, social isolation, etc is doing more damage than the virus itself -is frustrating AF.

I was saying this from day one in March - it was the first thing that came to mind. The whole strategy for flattening the curve looked like the perfect recipe for: "How do we make everyone as miserable as possible in a way that human flaws will become amplified in the worst way possible?"

No wonder the mainstream media hated that comic book villain movie that focused on the importance of mental healthcare......
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
COVID-19 deaths of six countries yesterday
Canada: 10
France: 23
Germany: 4
Japan: 11
Spain: 25
UK: 2

Total population of the countries above: 426 million

COVID-19 deaths in the United States yesterday
Population of United States: 328 million

Trump today, working hard on that nationwide testing, contact tracing, and isolation strategy:


Seeing people realize only now that the psychological damage from lock down, unemployment, social isolation, etc is doing more damage than the virus itself -is frustrating AF.
The more effective lockdowns are, the less they appear to be necessary. A "perfect" situation where no one dies at all, makes it seem as if the whole activity was for nothing.

So in that sense, in every "successful" lockdown, the actual economic damage will exceed the damage caused by the virus.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
COVID-19 deaths of six countries yesterday
Canada: 10
France: 23
Germany: 4
Japan: 11
Spain: 25
UK: 2

Total population of the countries above: 426 million

COVID-19 deaths in the United States yesterday
Population of United States: 328 million

Trump today, working hard on that nationwide testing, contact tracing, and isolation strategy:

I get what you're doing here, but Japan restricted its people's freedoms even less than what we saw in the U.S. There was a complete and total lack of leadership in that country and the government has been criticized the entire time, but for one reason or another COVID-19 is just not blowing up there.
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I get what you're doing here, but Japan restricted its people's freedoms even less than what we saw in the U.S. There was a complete and total lack of leadership in that country and the government has been criticized the entire time, but for one reason or another COVID-19 is just not blowing up there.

I have a Japanese friend living in Tokyo.

According to him, his life didn't change much. Restaurants, bars, parks remained open. Though bars closed earlier than usual (10pm). And even then, the people in Japan are having COVID fatigue.

And I also recall during April and May when it was uncertain - Japan was heavily criticized, with Western news sources praising South Korea but being harsh on Japan's response (low testing especially).

Thailand had a partial lock down that the Thai people hated. Their reported death toll is 58 people. I was there in February - I know what I saw....and I recall hearing no one talk about coronavirus, and the airport being the first time I saw people wearing masks (on my way out of the country).

Then I saw western news sources credit Thailand's stats with "Social distancing deeply embedded in Thai culture"...what a bunch of BS.
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