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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Covid 19 is seasonal. When I can look at a graph of various countries I was able to identify start of Autumn, End of Winter with 90% success rate.

Check out the graph of South Africa, notice the flat line.

If I'm correct you are going to see 2000 cases each day for the next 4 months.

That means end of spring/start of summer.(flat line)
The downward trend is Spring.
The start of the curve is Autumn, The peak happen in winter.
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Joe T.

To follow up on previous tweets about statistical fraud, I was doing a little digging around to get an idea of what's happening over in Belgium because their "positive cases" took off like a rocket ship: about 24,000 new positive test results yesterday. As expected, their tests per day took a drastic jump this week and they're now way beyond even US testing levels: up to 80,000 tests in a single day for a country of 11.5M.

What's striking here isn't just the high case numbers, but the high positivity rate (source: Sciensano). Note the significant increase between week 40 to 43.


Can't find the Ct value being used for the PCR tests, but when looking for it I stumbled on a claim that they're goofing around with hospitalization numbers as noted at the bottom of this Docs 4 Open Debate page: "Our country is being held hostage by the PCR test" where apparently "1280 beds just appear out of nowhere!" Good summary there explaining why these tests are being misused, too.

Seems they're facing the same censorship seen around the world, from their home page:

We are asking for an open debate here, where all experts can discuss without any form of censorship.

After the initial panic over Covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture - there is no longer any medical ground to justify any emergency policy. Current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and does more damage than it does good.

We call for an end to all measures and demand an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.


If you stopped there, you missed a lot. This continued effort to cast Sweden as a failure is absolutely laughable.

What have they done right? More deaths and their economy has suffered just like everyone else, once again more so than their Nordic neighbours.



UK lock down , 🤡 clownstrodamus.

and winter is still coming . But snow already came .
You do it together ! Obey rules, virus jumps from human 2 human.
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I'm watching a live stream of a giant halloween street party in Japan.

It's so strange watching other countries being totally back to normal. Yet here we are, locked in our houses again....... It really feels like we are just being fucked with.
That’s what you get when you don’t properly lock down 🤣 8 - 12 weeks full lock , would create a base line to control and test much better . Asia is laughing their balls off .
They know how severe MERS and SARS are but yeah ... let’s reinvent the wheel.
economy would recover more soon also .
But most countries == ‘Mcfly you got no balls’


talking of Mcfly, Got Back to the future triology in 4K Atmos ! It’s splendid !
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Unconfirmed Member
So I thought you were going to leave this thread as it was doing your head in S sinnergy - or could you just not resist trolling, celebrating deaths without thinking about context, desperately wishing for more lockdown so the poor can be fucked just a little more? You're a fucking ghoul.
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So I thought you were going to leave this thread as it was doing your head in S sinnergy - or could you just not resist trolling, celebrating deaths without thinking about context, desperately wishing for more lockdown so the poor can be fucked just a little more? You're a fucking ghoul.
Seems you are not that poor with access to internet! I don’t celebrate death .. I crusade stupidity. The stupidity is that people stil not understand that’s it’s their own behavior that creates these lock down situations..

the Dutch seem to jump the gun , it looks like we are prevailing over stupidity. Seems there are enough smart people that are following the simple rules! Giving me more freedom .

I am the masked crusader against stupidity.
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Unconfirmed Member
Seems you are not that poor with access to internet!

Nope, far from it. Pretty fucking well-off these days. But I know what it's like to be poor. I've been there, I've been fucking homeless sofa-surfing, I worked my bollocks off to get out of that, but I had some good fortune to have the right interests and skills. What's your fucking point?

Joe T.

What have they done right? More deaths and their economy has suffered just like everyone else, once again more so than their Nordic neighbours.

A word of warning, Businessinsider has pushed a great deal of propaganda since this pandemic began so you need to be more skeptical with them than you might with other outlets.


Joe T.

You don’t say ... you better hope this is Wuhan mode . With 8-12 weeks you could be back to normal.

No joke, you sound like a member of the PRC's digital propaganda army when you're advocating for Wuhan-like lock downs. New Zealand came close to copying that, they now have quarantine camps. I far prefer Sweden's approach, they protected civil liberties and public health simultaneously. China's incapable of that. Sweden still has the whole testing problem, but nobody's perfect.
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No joke, you sound like a member of the PRC's digital propaganda army when you're advocating for Wuhan-like lock downs. New Zealand came close to copying that, they now have quarantine camps. I far prefer Sweden's approach, they protected civil liberties and public health simultaneously. China's incapable of that. Sweden still has the whole testing problem, but nobody's be perfect.
Not any different from you guys advocating it’s all bullocks 🤣 the truth is somewhere in the middle . But I do think full lock down has its up sides . Upsides as demonstrated in Asia. Sweden model is practically impossible to maintain in high density populations. Like most countries have accept Scandinavia, that’s why comparing doesn’t work . Dont you think they looked at the Swedes ? They don’t lock down for fun .. and pay all those unemployment. You guys think it’s all conspiracy and polical motives at play.

a real lock down is a hard reset for the virus , making it much more manageable.
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Joe T.

Genocide has upsides ? You really went there ? WTF.

That's the logic you're using, that lock downs are useful because they have upsides, and I'm showing you the sinister nature of that line of thinking. These lock downs are far more damaging than the virus itself, they're counterproductive to the protection of public health. In fact, if you introduced the testing being done in areas like the US, UK or France to New Zealand and China you'd easily find enough cases for people like you to justify locking down both countries.
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Anyone remember when Boris said he followed Scientific advisors. The same advisors who requested (Demanded?) a circuit breaker lockdown about 6 weeks ago... and here we are, 6 weeks later with a 1 month (at least) lockdown on the run up to Xmas.

What a shit show.


That's the logic you're using, that lock downs are useful because they have upsides, and I'm showing you the sinister nature of that line of thinking. These lock downs are far more damaging than the virus itself, they're counterproductive to the protection of public health. In fact, if you introduced the testing being done in areas like the US, UK or France to New Zealand and China you'd easily find enough cases for people like you to justify locking down both countries.
Except they are not . This virus would create total chaos when let lose . Magnitude much more damaging than lock downs .
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Joe T.

Everyone needs to understand that this second round of lock downs was inevitable. We went along with all the lies they fed us in spring and summer, the masks being the biggest indicator because they symbolized our adherence to junk science. We did this, only we can undo it.

Except they are not . This virus would create total chaos when let lose . Magnitude much more damaging than lock downs .

Sweden's "total chaos":


Sign me up for some of that chaos, baby!

Joe T.

I thought the herd immunity strategy in Sweden wasn't working? Haven't been keeping up with the latest info.

They're seeing the same rise in positive test results as every other country in the northern hemisphere, but not the rise in deaths that's been associated with it elsewhere. Their tests per day saw a decent increase in late August, but relatively speaking it's still very low compared to much of the rest of the world and hopefully it stays that way. The way we go about testing for this virus and then reporting the results couldn't be more wrong.
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Biden said it best, you can shut down the virus without shutting down the economy.
You are legitimately an idiot at this point if you think you can stop corona from spreading anymore. Even scientists agree its too late, so its not like they are on your side: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/health-54442386
They explicitly say that herd immunity is the only way to guarantee the virus dying down.
Remember though, Trump was the one who wanted to stop the spread early in the year by banning travel to other countries and he even wanted to quarantine New york! But guess what? Cuomo (and the left) flipped his shit at trump and called it "Anti-American" and a "Declaration of War". But yea its trumps fault right???

Jesus i know you guys always love to bring up trump out of nowhere but can you at least sound like you know what the fuck you are talking about?


A word of warning, Businessinsider has pushed a great deal of propaganda since this pandemic began so you need to be more skeptical with them than you might with other outlets.


They are reporting official gdp figures from each country so it’s reliable info and it shows that Sweden has not escaped economic hardship.

This monthly deaths per million graph is just showing historical trends but then it stops March 2020, just before the pandemic kicks off. What is that trying to prove?

This site has pooled deaths for
countries around Europe and you can see that Sweden had a spike in overall deaths, just like everyone else. However Norway seems to be fine.
That's the logic you're using, that lock downs are useful because they have upsides, and I'm showing you the sinister nature of that line of thinking. These lock downs are far more damaging than the virus itself, they're counterproductive to the protection of public health. In fact, if you introduced the testing being done in areas like the US, UK or France to New Zealand and China you'd easily find enough cases for people like you to justify locking down both countries.

Dude. Are you seriously peddling this shit??

1.) There are no upsides to genocide and that fact that you made that analogy shows a clear lack of moral consideration.

2.) The upside of lockdown is that we can go back to normal society like japan and most asian countries have while also having less coronavirus related deaths. If you think that's less important than a financial hit then you got problems.
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You are legitimately an idiot at this point if you think you can stop corona from spreading anymore. Even scientists agree its too late, so its not like they are on your side: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/health-54442386
They explicitly say that herd immunity is the only way to guarantee the virus dying down.
Remember though, Trump was the one who wanted to stop the spread early in the year by banning travel to other countries and he even wanted to quarantine New york! But guess what? Cuomo (and the left) flipped his shit at trump and called it "Anti-American" and a "Declaration of War". But yea its trumps fault right???

Jesus i know you guys always love to bring up trump out of nowhere but can you at least sound like you know what the fuck you are talking about?

You either listen to the scientists all the time or none of the time. You don't get to pick and choose what suits you and the rest of the trump cult.

That being said, scientists are still calling for masks at all times, lockdowns, and more robust testing. I think it's time we listenes to our scientists.

Also, don't call other people idiots. It's really not a good look especially after what you posted.


You either listen to the scientists all the time or none of the time. You don't get to pick and choose what suits you and the rest of the trump cult.

That being said, scientists are still calling for masks at all times, lockdowns, and more robust testing. I think it's time we listenes to our scientists.

Also, don't call other people idiots. It's really not a good look especially after what you posted.

What about the WHO that basically said lockdowns should only be a last resort to regroup

I guess they are Trump cultist too?

What about the Great Barrington declaration or their science doesn't count?

Yes lets listen to these scientist who tell us not to do lockdowns. Lets listen to the scientist and experts in Sweden. Lets listen to all the scientist and doctors that have been censored by social and main stream media.

Joe T.

They are reporting official gdp figures from each country so it’s reliable info and it shows that Sweden has not escaped economic hardship.

This monthly deaths per million graph is just showing historical trends but then it stops March 2020, just before the pandemic kicks off. What is that trying to prove?

This site has pooled deaths for
countries around Europe and you can see that Sweden had a spike in overall deaths, just like everyone else. However Norway seems to be fine.

You're being very selective here, same as Business Insider, choosing to ignore that despite the mess with seniors in spring they're not exceeding the annual expectation for deaths. Every country has suffered an economic impact, including the countries with least deaths. Sweden, like New Zealand, has somewhere around 10% of its GDP associated with tourism and related industries.

Dude. Are you seriously peddling this shit??

1.) There are no upsides to genocide and that fact that you made that analogy shows a clear lack of moral consideration.

2.) The upside of lockdown is that we can go back to normal society like japan and most asian countries have while also having less coronavirus related deaths. If you think that's less important than a financial hit then you got problems.

If you agree with his logic then it applies to you as much as it does to him.

The lockdown argument is completely dead. Some of the countries with the strictest lock downs returned to them a second time, there is no return to normal if you follow this flawed trajectory because now lock downs have become normalized and all for what? In New Zealand, just a few dozen cases shut their largest city down.

Public health should factor in a variety of factors that go beyond biological health. The IFR for this virus is similar to the flu, according to the WHO, and the southern hemisphere saw the flu practically disappear. We're shutting everything down for something we've always dealt with, it doesn't get much more basic than that.

Logic and morality don't make great bedfellows. Facts are cold. You need to disassociate yourself from the argument and see it from all points of view.


None had complete Wuhan lock downs .. try again . Everything was half baked , that’s why we are in and out of lock downs, geniuses.
For crowded countries it’s the only option , sadly . It’s that or a complete wrecking of your country . The lock down in China was strict ...

This could all have not been needed if we did that model in March ... we would had it under control in may .... look at us now. Still the same shit 8 months later .. with literally the same posts over and over .
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You either listen to the scientists all the time or none of the time. You don't get to pick and choose what suits you and the rest of the trump cult.

That being said, scientists are still calling for masks at all times, lockdowns, and more robust testing. I think it's time we listenes to our scientists.

Also, don't call other people idiots. It's really not a good look especially after what you posted.
"You either listen to the scientists all of the time or none of the time" is a completely nonsensical statement. Actual science is not about consensus or appeal to authority, it's about questioning everything for validity.

The "scientists" don't agree with each other. The thing is, scientists who are against masks, lockdowns, and robust testing are being suppressed by governments and media for telling an inconvenient story. You call people who are actually paying attention a cult, while exhibiting straight up cult like behavior.
None had complete Wuhan lock downs .. try again . Everything was half baked , that’s why we are in and out of lock downs, geniuses.
You are right, no other country is brutal and authoritarian enough to weld people inside their homes. The rest of the world should totally follow China, because clowns like you are scared you might be .00001% more likely to die if they don't.


None had complete Wuhan lock downs .. try again . Everything was half baked , that’s why we are in and out of lock downs, geniuses.
For crowded countries it’s the only option , sadly . It’s that or a complete wrecking of your country .

South Africa did. Their army, with shoot to kill orders, were used to enforce it.
"You either listen to the scientists all of the time or none of the time" is a completely nonsensical statement. Actual science is not about consensus or appeal to authority, it's about questioning everything for validity.

The "scientists" don't agree with each other. The thing is, scientists who are against masks, lockdowns, and robust testing are being suppressed by governments and media for telling an inconvenient story. You call people who are actually paying attention a cult, while exhibiting straight up cult like behavior.

Those "scientists" are a very small minority, have no evidence to back their theories up and are themselves part of the cult of people who want to politicize this virus.

Wear a god damn mask, it's not that hard.


You are right, no other country is brutal and authoritarian enough to weld people inside their homes. The rest of the world should totally follow China, because clowns like you are scared you might be .00001% more likely to die if they don't.
I am not scared ... I want this shit to be over ...

but you guys seem to love lock downs , they are handed out left and right 🤣

I told you guys , if you don’t follow the simple rules this is what happens, people spread it.
And most cases are asymptotic, so the fly under the radar until it explodes and the virus spreads exponentially.
And this is when shit really hits the fan. And you need to pull the hand break , some kind of half assed lock down.

rinse / repeat .

the pattern couldn’t be more simple .
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You're being very selective here, same as Business Insider, choosing to ignore that despite the mess with seniors in spring they're not exceeding the annual expectation for deaths. Every country has suffered an economic impact, including the countries with least deaths. Sweden, like New Zealand, has somewhere around 10% of its GDP associated with tourism and related industries.

If you agree with his logic then it applies to you as much as it does to him.

The lockdown argument is completely dead. Some of the countries with the strictest lock downs returned to them a second time, there is no return to normal if you follow this flawed trajectory because now lock downs have become normalized and all for what? In New Zealand, just a few dozen cases shut their largest city down.

Public health should factor in a variety of factors that go beyond biological health. The IFR for this virus is similar to the flu, according to the WHO, and the southern hemisphere saw the flu practically disappear. We're shutting everything down for something we've always dealt with, it doesn't get much more basic than that.

Logic and morality don't make great bedfellows. Facts are cold. You need to disassociate yourself from the argument and see it from all points of view.

The only thing that's "dead" is your ability to grapple with reality. The facts are clear. These facts come from all over the world.

When you let imbeciles who don't believe in science run the show, you get America during the pandemic.

When you listen to science and reason, you get china and japan right now.
You are right, no other country is brutal and authoritarian enough to weld people inside their homes. The rest of the world should totally follow China, because clowns like you are scared you might be .00001% more likely to die if they don't.

Yeah, sorry that you feel that extreme measures are needed to combat a ONCE IN A CENTURY GLOBAL PANDEMIC. Boo hoo, cry me a river.
I am not scared ... I want this shit to be over ...

but you guys seem to love lock downs , they are handed out left and right 🤣

I told you guys , if you don’t follow the simple rules this is what happens, people spread it.
And most cases are asymptotic, so the fly under the radar until it explodes and the virus spreads exponentially.
And this is when shit really hits the fan.

the pattern couldn’t be more simple .
They don't get it. These guys want to peel off the band-aid slowly and let this thing drag on for ages. Grow some balls and let's have a proper china style lockdown and get this shit over with.
I sit corrected, there are other countries willing to go that far into insanity to stop a virus that's at worst a few times more deadly than the flu.
Insanity in my opinion is being too much of a snowflake to want to weather a proper lock down that could bring our society back to normal.

Insanity is letting our economy just continue to take a long beating.

Insanity is having one half assed lockdown after another half assed lockdown.


They don't get it. These guys want to peel off the band-aid slowly and let this thing drag on for ages. Grow some balls and let's have a proper china style lockdown and get this shit over with.
Yup , after that , you have a base line to properly test and trace . Sadly that won’t happen and all hope is on a vaccine that might not do the job.

instead we wreck our economies for months .. years .. who knows .
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