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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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You either listen to the scientists all the time or none of the time. You don't get to pick and choose what suits you and the rest of the trump cult.

That being said, scientists are still calling for masks at all times, lockdowns, and more robust testing. I think it's time we listenes to our scientists.

Also, don't call other people idiots. It's really not a good look especially after what you posted.
You literally just contradicted yourself within less than 2 sentences. On top of that i sourced my articles (from fucking BBC too) and meanwhile you are just spouting nonsense without any sources and making assumptions. Who said I never listened to the scientists? Lockdowns were understandable in the very beginning, i was never completely opposed to them at all. Its just that now we know they are largely a waste at this point and are delaying the inevitable of herd immunity.

But yes try to make me look like an ass while you just pull shit from yours.


The exceptions for which people can leave their homes, including:

  • for education
  • for work, if you cannot work from home
  • for exercise and recreation outdoors
  • for medical reasons
  • to shop for food and essentials
  • to care for others

Takeaways will be allowed to stay open but pubs, bars and restaurants will have to close.

Support bubbles will still be allowed and children will be able to move homes if their parents are separated.

Extending the furlough scheme through November.

Schools, colleges and universities will be allowed to stay open.


How’d that work out for Italy?
It worked out great, until retards came there for vacation ... while they could have thought about the fact that brings the virus back and spread it . Only what’s more retarded , countries didn’t close their borders 😎

We know have french and Spanish strains here after summer . Also reinfecting some that had it already .
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Dude. Are you seriously peddling this shit??

1.) There are no upsides to genocide and that fact that you made that analogy shows a clear lack of moral consideration.

2.) The upside of lockdown is that we can go back to normal society like japan and most asian countries have while also having less coronavirus related deaths. If you think that's less important than a financial hit then you got problems.

Japan kept bars, restaurants, parks, etc open the entire time this year.

Korea is fucked if there is no vaccine coming soon. They have put themselves in the worst possible situation for if the whole world decides to go herd immunity. People there have been protesting covid restrictions, but it isn't talked about much in the media.

Additionally, Koreans have taken mask wearing to creepy lengths that defy common sense - I see on social media Koreans walking outside in the sunny weather (a couple months ago) in a vast outdoor park with no one around them....in masks. Not a soul around yet they keep the mask on. I see fitness people lifting weights with masks on. I see friends who obviously are close to each other, in private spaces wearing masks on - and then they only take the masks off to eat at an indoor restaurant.. It makes no sense - they both know they have been in full contact with each other this entire year, are willing to eat in an enclosed indoor space together, but they wear masks outdoors in sunny summer heat when literally no one is within 50 feet of them?

Thailand's public did not take the virus that seriously. I was there. They were protesting in crowds against their government for non-COVID reasons the whole month of February and in early March. Suddenly they went into lock down mid-March. They had partial(not strict) lock down for a few months and have been back to normal ever since. I have Thai friends. I see what they post. People are clubbing in Khao San Road with no masks. And yet Thailand has only a few thousand cases and 58 deaths? Yeah because it's mostly about testing and reporting.

BTW the Thai people continue to protest in huge crowds as we speak. Where is the huge surge? Been waiting for it for months now.


The exceptions for which people can leave their homes, including:

  • for education
  • for work, if you cannot work from home
  • for exercise and recreation outdoors
  • for medical reasons
  • to shop for food and essentials
  • to care for others

Takeaways will be allowed to stay open but pubs, bars and restaurants will have to close.

Support bubbles will still be allowed and children will be able to move homes if their parents are separated.

Extending the furlough scheme through November.

Schools, colleges and universities will be allowed to stay open.
I would have also removed sports and education.. the uk will survive . Like I said these are half baked lock downs . Will only suppress, hope for vaccine, rinse repeat lock down.

maybe we West lack Financial support, to do a Wuhan .
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I was just out on my balcony smoking and at the house across from me I can hear two little kids playing in their backyard and screaming, the mother comes out and starts yelling at one of them "PUT IT ON OR YOU ARE GOING INSIDE, PUT IT ON, ITS NOT ON RIGHT", like it's just two kids playing in their fenced in backyard. People are so insane over this.


Unconfirmed Member

Text isn’t showing...

Sat here waiting for this press conference for an inept overlord to make an appearance and fuck everything up once again. Now I know how He-Man feels.
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You're being very selective here, same as Business Insider, choosing to ignore that despite the mess with seniors in spring they're not exceeding the annual expectation for deaths. Every country has suffered an economic impact, including the countries with least deaths. Sweden, like New Zealand, has somewhere around 10% of its GDP associated with tourism and related industries.

If you agree with his logic then it applies to you as much as it does to him.

The lockdown argument is completely dead. Some of the countries with the strictest lock downs returned to them a second time, there is no return to normal if you follow this flawed trajectory because now lock downs have become normalized and all for what? In New Zealand, just a few dozen cases shut their largest city down.

Public health should factor in a variety of factors that go beyond biological health. The IFR for this virus is similar to the flu, according to the WHO, and the southern hemisphere saw the flu practically disappear. We're shutting everything down for something we've always dealt with, it doesn't get much more basic than that.

Logic and morality don't make great bedfellows. Facts are cold. You need to disassociate yourself from the argument and see it from all points of view.

For all I know you're other points were valid and worthy of debate but I can't take anyone seriously when they say "genocide has it's upsides" as an analogy to anything.

Try again next time and we'll gladly debate.
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Joe T.

The only thing that's "dead" is your ability to grapple with reality. The facts are clear. These facts come from all over the world.

The heavy-handed attempts by doomsayers like yourself to twist Sweden's success into failure doesn't work for exactly that reason, your inability to confront reality.

The countries that are failing aren't failing because of the virus, they're failing because of their response to this virus. Masks, 6 feet social distancing and lock downs aren't mitigating anything. Virus gonna virus. The most sensible measure, proper hygiene, is just basic common sense and hopefully not new to any adult in 2020.

When you let imbeciles who don't believe in science run the show, you get America during the pandemic.

When you listen to science and reason, you get china and japan right now.

The attacks on the US, even when the person you're addressing isn't from the US, are a clear indication that this is purely political. You have no desire to discuss the science, let alone respect it. Science is all about experimenting and learning as you go, but censorship has put a muzzle on scientists and doctors that don't follow the narrative. You have no respect for science if you support that.
The heavy-handed attempts by doomsayers like yourself to twist Sweden's success into failure doesn't work for exactly that reason, your inability to confront reality.

The countries that are failing aren't failing because of the virus, they're failing because of their response to this virus. Masks, 6 feet social distancing and lock downs aren't mitigating anything. Virus gonna virus. The most sensible measure, proper hygiene, is just basic common sense and hopefully not new to any adult in 2020.

The attacks on the US, even when the person you're addressing isn't from the US, are a clear indication that this is purely political. You have no desire to discuss the science, let alone respect it. Science is all about experimenting and learning as you go, but censorship has put a muzzle on scientists and doctors that don't follow the narrative. You have no respect for science if you support that.
You are a confused person. I didn't comment on anything related to Sweden. You have me mixed up with another poster. But who cares, it's not like your credibility can get any worse.

Not sure what you mean about the attacks on the us from someone not from the us are all about.

I am American. And criticism of one's government is about as American as it gets. Keep trying.


Gold Member
I want to share some numbers and stories. Not trying to sell anything here, make of it what you will.

Two evenings ago I could listen to a professor from the most important infectious disease hospital in my region (a region hosting about 4.35 million people) share some numbers about COVID in the same region.
91% of positives are being followed/treated at home. NINETY-ONE PERCENT.
The remaining 9% are hospitalized. Among these, 1 in 16 is in intensive care. ONE IN SIXTEEN.

The professor didn’t share the details about age and comorbidities of those hospitalized. But it’s pretty easy to imagine most of them must be old age, diabetic, obese, COPD / heart disease patients, etc.

These numbers could mean different things.
They could mean the virus has mutated and it’s less lethal.
They could mean we’ve understood a thing or two about COVID and can treat people better.
They could mean we’ve understood a thing or two about COVID and we are killing less people trying to save them with inappropriate/ineffective therapies. Hey, happens all the time. God knows how many good intentions healthcare people paved the road to hell with. You can break your back trying to help people, this don’t mean you‘re always doing the best thing.
They could mean the way the media are using raw numbers may not be in the interest of correct, unbiased information.

But I think that 91% of positives NOT being at risk of death and being manageable from home means that, no, this isn’t the Black Death.
Of course people are dying. It’s a disease, an acute one. The flu kills, too. We all know this. Every winter someone is going to die from complications of the flu. Yet “it’s just a flu”, right? Been so for decades since widespread hygiene, better nutrition, better life conditions, and antibiotics to prevent/cure complications.

Now, I know a family doctor who’s been telling me some stories.
He’s been working a lot these days, mostly on the phone because people are falling ill left and right as the cold season comes in and people get all kind of symptoms and having flu-like symptoms means COVID must be suspected, so a talk with the doctor is imperative.
He’s telling me that almost all symptomatic patients go down with a flu-like syndrome. Symptoms may be pretty intense at times, but for most people, it’s a pretty intense flu with no life-threatening manifestations.

He’s also telling me that people are fucking scared senseless, and I do mean senseless.
A guy’s daughter, a middle-school girl, tested positive, with very mild symptoms. Guy and his wife were naturally put in quarantine by the doctor, both completely asymptomatic, not even a sniffle. Well, less than 24 hours later the guy sent the doctor an email asking if they could be prescribed “anti-COVID” drugs to keep at home “just in case, and OF COURSE under strict medical counselling”. The doctor hat to explain that there’s no magic drug against COVID, and that most approved therapies have shown some utility pretty much only in severe, hospitalized cases.
So here you have a middle-aged guy about 50yo, good career, generally healthy, not even mild symptoms relatable to COVID, breaking down because his daughter had mild flu-like symptoms. Would he break down if his daughter had been diagnosed with the flu? Yet what she has is even milder than the usual flu. And her father is scared shitless because he’s been told for months that this thing, you know, kills, and he’s stranded at home with someone who has it.

Another story. Doctors gets a call from a middle-aged woman, not very well put financially and not the best fit person in the world. She says that she’s had “a flu” for like 4-5 days, and her two sons, around 20yo, had something similar as well. Doctor puts them in quarantine stat, and tells them to get tested. Symptoms, again, are pretty mild. Nothing some acetaminophen and some cough syrup can’t manage.
A couple days later the woman calls in again. She says she’s feeling better, her sons have some cough but nothing major. Thing is, she’s been informed that 8 out of 9 people who work at her office have symptoms and/or have tested positive for COVID... and now the woman is SCARED. She’d been calling her symptoms “a flu” herself just two or three days earlier. She’s saying she’s getting better. And yet... she’s afraid. NOW she is. Because this thing, you know, is the new Black Death, apparently.

Nobody is denying COVID can kill. Nobody. It can kill just as any other acute disease that can wreak havoc with your lungs and heart, especially if you have preexisting conditions.
But ignoring what fearmongering, propaganda, isolation, loss of control, loss of jobs and money, governments’ indecision and contradicting news are doing to people is just as bad as ignoring basic hygiene and prevention procedures. I don’t know, and I don’t care, if there’s some lizardman billionaire pulling the strings or if it’s just straight incompetence from people in charge. The end result is the same: the disease is mostly mild, but people believe it’s much worse than that, and they’re scared, and they’re forfeiting their rights and their living because of fear.


It doesn’t matter 10 % of 7 billion will flood health care ..

You get it ? Those 10 % of your city / town / country will end up in the hospital and hospitals get overrun ! How hard is it to understand? You saw Italy , New York , Spain , France , Wuhan ... and on top of that everyone who catches it mild is sick for max about 2 weeks ... not working , not working means no output . Better is not getting it and stop spreading .
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mango drank

Some cool graphics about infection vectors w/r/t time, masks, room ventilation, etc. I mostly skimmed it, but the lesson seems to be ... shorten gathering time, keep your windows and doors open to get air flowing through, and stop yelling, Pacino.
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The interesting thing is if this was reversed I doubt we did a lockdown.

Lets say the virus killed .01% of people over 50, but 20% of people under 20.

We probably close some schools and tell kids to stay home but thats pretty much it.

Instead we have a virus that is like nothing for people under 50, and dangerous for those over 70 but everyone has to suffer.

Just look at the age of most world leaders and business leaders and a whole heck of em fall into that age range where things get dicey for people.
It worked out great, until retards came there for vacation ... while they could have thought about the fact that brings the virus back and spread it . Only what’s more retarded , countries didn’t close their borders 😎

We know have french and Spanish strains here after summer . Also reinfecting some that had it already .
“It worked out great. Until it they went back out”. That’s the point genius. It’s too late. The virus is widespread. It’s not going away. Sorry to burst your bubble.

And how are those masks working over there? Not too good it looks like.
The interesting thing is if this was reversed I doubt we did a lockdown.

Lets say the virus killed .01% of people over 50, but 20% of people under 20.

We probably close some schools and tell kids to stay home but thats pretty much it.

Instead we have a virus that is like nothing for people under 50, and dangerous for those over 70 but everyone has to suffer.

Just look at the age of most world leaders and business leaders and a whole heck of em fall into that age range where things get dicey for people.
I’ve been thinking this for a while. This is boomer self preservation. The most selfish generation of all time isn’t going to change their stripes.
“It worked out great. Until it they went back out”. That’s the point genius. It’s too late. The virus is widespread. It’s not going away. Sorry to burst your bubble.

And how are those masks working over there? Not too good it looks like.

It's not that they went out. It's that they opened up tourism to other countries who did NOT go through a lockdown period.
I’ve been thinking this for a while. This is boomer self preservation. The most selfish generation of all time isn’t going to change their stripes.

So, do you advocate we cut medicare after the age 75? Do we stop sending social security checks to anyone over 75?

Most of the cost of our healthcare goes to the elderly...by your logic we should just cut our losses and..well..."survival of the fittest".

It's 2020 and this is America. We take care of our own no matter what age. No matter what religion. No matter what political party. So selfish or not, it is the right thing to do.

Joe T.

For all I know you're other points were valid and worthy of debate but I can't take anyone seriously when they say "genocide has it's upsides" as an analogy to anything.

Facts over feelings. The truth doesn't care if you're offended, there are people that profit from atrocities. Look at the big pharma companies tripping over themselves to profit from this absurd demand for PCR tests which, when coupled with highly irresponsible reporting by both media and governments, fuels the fear that leads to lock downs. The more scientifically minded among us here have conceded those tests don't necessarily detect a live/infectious virus, that point is settled.


Do people really not see how fucking pathetic and psychotic this looks?


Human race deserves to be wiped out.
It's not that they went out. It's that they opened up tourism to other countries who did NOT go through a lockdown period.
Are you sure? Or are you just making up nonsense? I think you’re just making up nonsense.

So why aren’t the masks working? Italy has had a mask mandate the whole time. Try not to just make things up this time.

So, do you advocate we cut medicare after the age 75? Do we stop sending social security checks to anyone over 75?

Most of the cost of our healthcare goes to the elderly...by your logic we should just cut our losses and..well..."survival of the fittest".

It's 2020 and this is America. We take care of our own no matter what age. No matter what religion. No matter what political party. So selfish or not, it is the right thing to do.
Is anyone saying we don’t take care of people over 75? Who are you talking to? We are talking about lockdowns of the broader population here. I’m not sure what you’re going on about.
Are you sure? Or are you just making up nonsense? I think you’re just making up nonsense.

So why aren’t the masks working? Italy has had a mask mandate the whole time. Try not to just make things up this time.

Is anyone saying we don’t take care of people over 75? Who are you talking to? We are talking about lockdowns of the broader population here. I’m not sure what you’re going on about.

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit. "The boomer generation is selfish because they are making everyone else lockdown so THEY can live"

Get outta here with that shit. We don't treat Americans like dirt.
Facts over feelings. The truth doesn't care if you're offended, there are people that profit from atrocities. Look at the big pharma companies tripping over themselves to profit from this absurd demand for PCR tests which, when coupled with highly irresponsible reporting by both media and governments, fuels the fear that leads to lock downs. The more scientifically minded among us here have conceded those tests don't necessarily detect a live/infectious virus, that point is settled.
And yet how ironic that the facts and worldwide scientific community disagree with everything you've said.

Take your genocide analogy and go somewhere else.
Do people really not see how fucking pathetic and psychotic this looks?


Human race deserves to be wiped out.

So let me get this straight....you are criticizing california for what you believe are archaic guidelines for Thanksgiving and calling it psychotic...but then you advocated wiping out all of humanity.

Yea. Some of you can't stay logical for more than 10 words.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit. "The boomer generation is selfish because they are making everyone else lockdown so THEY can live"

Get outta here with that shit. We don't treat Americans like dirt.
No. They are asking everyone else to lock down instead of locking down themselves. You seem to think lockdowns are all or nothing. People under 50 do not need to lock down. We are treating everyone like dirt when we force them into poverty and destitution.

Joe T.

And yet how ironic that the facts and worldwide scientific community disagree with everything you've said.

Sad to see you say that, it would have taken you mere seconds to pull up plenty of examples proving that statement false.

The current testing method is very flawed, there is no shortage of scientists and doctors that have said as much.
No. They are asking everyone else to lock down instead of locking down themselves. You seem to think lockdowns are all or nothing. People under 50 do not need to lock down. We are treating everyone like dirt when we force them into poverty and destitution.

Well I can agree with you there. Either we all lock down including them or it won't work.


I’ve been thinking this for a while. This is boomer self preservation. The most selfish generation of all time isn’t going to change their stripes.

Where I live offical numbers have less about 20 people under the age of 50 died.

0-4 years0-0-
5-9 years0-0-
10-19 years0-0-
20-29 years0-< 5n.p.
30-39 years0-< 5n.p.
40-49 years< 5n.p.16* 5.8
50-59 years< 5n.p.7027.3
60-69 years< 5n.p.230106.3
70-79 years5n.p.604418.0
80 years and more10* 9.92,6002,584.7
Total20* 1.03,527170.7

We are in a code 4 red zone, and just extended our "lockdown" for another month after having a 28 day lockdown.

Destroyed business and ruined a year of schooling for children over this.

And no it wasn't the lockdown that saved these people because the other 3500 people died basically during the lockdowns.
Sad to see you say that, it would have taken you mere seconds to pull up plenty of examples proving that statement false.

The current testing method is very flawed, there is no shortage of scientists and doctors that have said as much.

I already told you, I was more than willing to converse with you until you pulled out that hideous distasteful genocide analogy.

The journals you quoted are the top in the world. And since you quoted them, allow me to remind you that those same two journals who have never made political statements both came out and said that the current administrations refusal to listen to scientists is disastrous for America and went as far as saying you should not vote for Trump.

I don't care who you vote for, but let's not pretend that the current administration is listening to the brightest.

Well I can agree with you there. Either we all lock down including them or it won't work.
It won’t work either way. Too much of society has to keep working.

People need to food, so that entire industry can’t lock down.

Healthcare can’t lock down.

The energy sector can’t lockdown.

Emergency services can’t lock down.

Transportation can’t lock down.

Home repair and maintenance can’t lockdown.

There are many more parts of society that need to continue function. So total lockdown is and has always been a fantasy. For that reason, lock down is always a moving target you can’t never hit. Every time you reopen, the virus will re-emerge.


Gold Member
You either listen to the scientists all the time or none of the time. You don't get to pick and choose what suits you and the rest of the trump cult.

That being said, scientists are still calling for masks at all times, lockdowns, and more robust testing. I think it's time we listenes to our scientists.

Also, don't call other people idiots. It's really not a good look especially after what you posted.

LOL no, some scientists are calling for all this nonsense, some are not.

For example, the WHO have explicitly said that they are against more lockdowns.

You cannot say "listen to scientists" and then only include the scientists who agree with you, but that is what the entire western world, aided by big tech censorship, has done.
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Gold Member
Dude. Are you seriously peddling this shit??

1.) There are no upsides to genocide and that fact that you made that analogy shows a clear lack of moral consideration.

2.) The upside of lockdown is that we can go back to normal society like japan and most asian countries have while also having less coronavirus related deaths. If you think that's less important than a financial hit then you got problems.

You talk about "robust testing" but bring up Japan? Japan has done less than 3 million tests TOTAL, in a country of 125 million people. We are testing more people than that as an absolute in 3 days, and adjusted for population in about a week and a half. And it's not because the virus is eliminated, I promise you that. They've just decided not to be scared babies over the flu, that's all. Something we absolutely refuse to do because it is advancing an agenda for some people.

Taiwan and Korea are doing the exact same thing, as we discussed. The "robust testing" is the problem.
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Joe T.

I already told you, I was more than willing to converse with you until you pulled out that hideous distasteful genocide analogy.

Repeatedly trying to misrepresent what I said out of context and then fixating on that as an escape doesn't exactly inspire much confidence. You're also very politically-driven which sometimes comes with blinders, but if you want to remain focused on the US response I'm more than willing to engage. Maybe start by highlighting which state you think had the best response and which had the worst so I have some idea of where you're coming from?

There are other pandemic-related threads in the politics forum if you simply want to make this about Trump.


So let me get this straight....you are criticizing california for what you believe are archaic guidelines for Thanksgiving and calling it psychotic...but then you advocated wiping out all of humanity.

Yea. Some of you can't stay logical for more than 10 words.

Yeah cuz I mean that literally, totally.

Sounds like you do believe everything you read on the internet. No wonder you drink the COVID Kool-Aid.

They're not archaic, it's just fucking idiotic. Telling people not to sing, shout, or "chant"?

Are you fucking blind to how goddamn anal and controlling that sounds?

Telling people not to sing and shout is fucking RETARDED, I'm amazed by anybody who can't see it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yup , after that , you have a base line to properly test and trace . Sadly that won’t happen and all hope is on a vaccine that might not do the job.

instead we wreck our economies for months .. years .. who knows .

Lockdowns are only possible in countries that had functioning economies and lots of prosperity. It's like we're all hell bent on becoming third world countries where most people are working to buy that day's meal so that lockdowns are no longer even possible.
Yeah cuz I mean that literally, totally.

Sounds like you do believe everything you read on the internet. No wonder you drink the COVID Kool-Aid.

They're not archaic, it's just fucking idiotic. Telling people not to sing, shout, or "chant"?

Are you fucking blind to how goddamn anal and controlling that sounds?

Telling people not to sing and shout is fucking RETARDED, I'm amazed by anybody who can't see it.

From a purely physiologic standpoint, shouting yelling singing causing more forceful air transfer and thus a greater distance of virus spread. Do what you want but that to me sounds perfectly logical.
LOL no, some scientists are calling for all this nonsense, some are not.

For example, the WHO have explicitly said that they are against more lockdowns.

You cannot say "listen to scientists" and then only include the scientists who agree with you, but that is what the entire western world, aided by big tech censorship, has done.
The majority of scientists do agree with my viewpoint...so..I'm not sure I'm really the one handpicking scientists.
It won’t work either way. Too much of society has to keep working.

People need to food, so that entire industry can’t lock down.

Healthcare can’t lock down.

The energy sector can’t lockdown.

Emergency services can’t lock down.

Transportation can’t lock down.

Home repair and maintenance can’t lockdown.

There are many more parts of society that need to continue function. So total lockdown is and has always been a fantasy. For that reason, lock down is always a moving target you can’t never hit. Every time you reopen, the virus will re-emerge.
I mean I didn't say it was easy. That's why china's barbaric lockdown worked...it was pretty extreme.

Yeah I agree there are certain services that must remain functional. It's just not an easy situation we're all dealing with here.


Gold Member
The majority of scientists do agree with my viewpoint...so..I'm not sure I'm really the one handpicking scientists.

Since when is science about majority votes, lmao. I thought it was about observance of objective reality, my bad.

And again, it's easy to think that's the "majority viewpoint" when it's the only one allowed.
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Repeatedly trying to misrepresent what I said out of context and then fixating on that as an escape doesn't exactly inspire much confidence. You're also very politically-driven which sometimes comes with blinders, but if you want to remain focused on the US response I'm more than willing to engage. Maybe start by highlighting which state you think had the best response and which had the worst so I have some idea of where you're coming from?

There are other pandemic-related threads in the politics forum if you simply want to make this about Trump.
And you keep ignoring my multiple statements about how I really don't care who you vote for OR who wins.

I just want whoever it is to listen to the mjaorit6 of our medical professionals.
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