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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Airbus Jr

Wow, this is news to me, can you link to an article showing that covid kills young people at the same rate as old people?

Reading comprehension is important here

I never said covid kills young people at the same rate as old people

I said young people are not immune to covid 19


If youre still thinking this thing only kills old people then sorry youre abit late with the news

96% are deaths over 90.

98% deaths were in LTCs, either old people living there or workers. Since 96% of total deaths are over 60 most of the LTC deaths are old people living there.

There are 11512 deaths in Canada.

Only 385 are under the age of 60.

Maybe its different in other places, thats the reality in Canada.

Where I live >25 people under 50 have died. 16 people 40-49. City of 2 million people.

And this doesn't even take into account if they had comorbities, which I don't have data but I am sure it follows the rest of the world where 90-99% of the deaths have underlying conditions.

So again 98% of the deaths are seniors in LTCs or workers there, with most being seniors not workers. 96% of deaths are people over 60. this is the data collected by our own government. Is the Canadian government lying about this data and hiding 1000's of deaths of young people?

And no the lockdowns didn't save any lives because all these old people died during these lockdowns. Maybe where you live things are different, but thats the reality up in Canada.

Airbus Jr

96% are deaths over 90.

98% deaths were in LTCs, either old people living there or workers. Since 96% of total deaths are over 60 most of the LTC deaths are old people living there.

There are 11512 deaths in Canada.

Only 385 are under the age of 60.

Maybe its different in other places, thats the reality in Canada.

Where I live >25 people under 50 have died. 16 people 40-49. City of 2 million people.

And this doesn't even take into account if they had comorbities, which I don't have data but I am sure it follows the rest of the world where 90-99% of the deaths have underlying conditions.

So again 98% of the deaths are seniors in LTCs or workers there, with most being seniors not workers. 96% of deaths are people over 60. this is the data collected by our own government. Is the Canadian government lying about this data and hiding 1000's of deaths of young people?

And no the lockdowns didn't save any lives because all these old people died during these lockdowns. Maybe where you live things are different, but thats the reality up in Canada.

Your canadian statistics means nothing to us

Canada is like country with just a...38 m people ? In such a huge areas?

Such statistic is irrelevant to a densely populated country
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Reading comprehension is important here

I never said covid kills young people at the same rate as old people

I said young people are not immune to covid 19
your statement was:

If youre still thinking this thing only kills old people then sorry youre abit late with the news

and my question is, why do you think that young people should be even remotely worried about covid.
Unless they're in direct contact with those people at risk the whole exercise is pointless.
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Your canadian statistics means nothing to me

Canada is like country with a...38 m people ? In such a huge areas?

Such statistic is irrelevant to a densely populated country

Yes we all live in igloos here. LOL

Go to Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto. Even places like Calagary or Edmonton.

Now yes it is only 38 mill people with a few major cities. And for sure a place like Nunavut or PEI will have a much easier time due to geography. But Canada isn't some backwards stickville buddy.

But I was giving you perspective on what me and Joe T see every day. This is the reality we live in. Maybe you aren't as lucky to live in the same type of country.

So when thats the data you have, but your government is acting like its the black plague maybe you can understand why people are sketpical.

I don't know which country you are from, maybe you all live in something like MEGACITY with 100 people per 2 bedroom apartment so 10's of thousands of young healthy people are dying?

Airbus Jr

your statement was:

If youre still thinking this thing only kills old people then sorry youre abit late with the news

and my question is, why do you think that young people should be even remotely worried about covid.
Unless they're in direct contact with those people at risk the whole exercise is pointless.
Youre trying to spread another agenda that young people are immune to covid? Am i correct?


Youre trying to spread another agenda that young people are immune to covid? Am i correct?

Who said anything about immune?

77% of cases in Canada are under 60, and only 3.3% deaths are from that age group. They aren't immune its just not a fatal disease.

Even in the US 75% of deaths are over 60. Unfortunately I think the USA is just an unhealthy and fat country and its causing more deaths in the 45-65 age range than Canada.

Its like accusing someone of saying that people are immune to the flu because most flu season deaths the world doesn't care about and stop the entire world over.


I remember when I said "Wow the flu is more deadly than I thought. I didn't even know it killed that many people every year" - and my brother got upset.

That's how sensitive the covid bedwetters are.


Plus Member

This is a very difficult topic bc one, most the of research was done when children were NOT ATTENDING SCHOOLS.

However, despite that, there is a lot of credible research suggesting that it is safe to reopen schools and they aren't super spreader spaces.


Video learning rather than in-person learning is more likely to hurt poorer and minority students. I'm more in the column to reopening schools now.
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Gold Member

CDC confirms the thing I have been saying since day one, there are vastly more infected than the official case counts.

the positive case counts the media is spreading all over the media is like throwing a small net into a big lake - the numbers are fake and without context and a function of testing not the spread of the virus.

Will this change anything absolutely not.


Gold Member
This is a very difficult topic bc one, most the of research was done when children were NOT ATTENDING SCHOOLS.

However, despite that, there is a lot of credible research suggesting that it is safe to reopen schools and they aren't super spreader spaces.


Video learning rather than in-person learning is more likely to hurt poorer and minority students. I'm more in the column to reopening schools now.

how about shutting down the country’s biggest school system with absolutely no plan in place for reopening?

It is incredible, this country just threw its hands up and decided not to teach kids this year (and subject them to terrible mental health pressures, isolation, separate them from their friends, etc) because the flu was going around.


Plus Member
how about shutting down the country’s biggest school system with absolutely no plan in place for reopening?

It is incredible, this country just threw its hands up and decided not to teach kids this year (and subject them to terrible mental health pressures, isolation, separate them from their friends, etc) because the flu was going around.

I think this was two fold.

Firstly, Trump's lassiez faire approach to school reopening. I didn't see anything (maybe I missed it) on his task force coordinating efforts with school unions on reopening.

Secondly, democrats made this a political issue, as an F U to Trump, local mayors and governors should have coordinated with school districts for a reopening. For a party barking about science, they really didn't follow it here.

I think reopening with proper measures was going to be difficult and costly, something many districts were unprepared for. Especially given that many are already under enormous financial constraints.
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Gold Member
I think this was two fold.

Firstly, Trump's lassiez faire approach to school reopening. I didn't see anything (maybe I missed it) on his task force coordinating efforts with school unions on reopening.

Secondly, democrats made this a political issue, as an F U to Trump, local mayors and governors should have coordinated with school districts for a reopening. For a party barking about science, they really didn't follow it here.

I think reopening with proper measures was going to be difficult and costly, something many districts were unprepared for. Especially given that many are already under enormous financial constraints.
The federal government has literally nothing to do with local teacher unions. The teachers unions are actually villains in this story, especially in NYC, using reopening as a way to extract concessions.

the point here is that the school system was reopened, it was going ok, then this dim bulb caved to union pressure and closed them again without a plan, thus starting the whole cycle anew.
My kid goes to kindergarten 5 days a week. I think he would like it better without the masks and distancing type stuff, but he’s doing great. I feel terrible for parents who are trying to teach their small children via zoom.

And so much of this is driven by union bullshit. The teachers unions don’t want to “work with” anybody. Teacher’s unions are and have always been an embarrassment. There are few professions who pat themselves on the back harder than teachers.
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Plus Member
The federal government has literally nothing to do with local teacher unions. The teachers unions are actually villains in this story, especially in NYC, using reopening as a way to extract concessions.

the point here is that the school system was reopened, it was going ok, then this dim bulb caved to union pressure and closed them again without a plan, thus starting the whole cycle anew.

I'm not talking about the national teaching union. Talk to the NEA, and communication to a local level, and devise a plan or use the federal plan.

Joe T.


That's a must-read. Some key points:

  • "From mid-March to mid-September, U.S. total deaths have reached 1.7 million, of which 200,000, or 12% of total deaths,"
About 2.9 million deaths expected this year in the US before the pandemic appeared (USA Today deaths per year for the doubters).
  • "Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19."
  • "In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same."
  • "This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years. Interestingly, as depicted in the table below, the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19. This suggests, according to Briand, that the COVID-19 death toll is misleading. Briand believes that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may instead be recategorized as being due to COVID-19."
  • “All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary,” Briand concluded.
  • "When asked whether the public should be informed about this exaggeration in death numbers, Dharmasena stated that people have a right to know the truth. However, COVID-19 should still continuously be treated as a deadly disease to safeguard the vulnerable population."


"Doctors are still searching for answers to why a portion of people who were diagnosed with COVID-19 are still suffering symptoms months later. Anderson Cooper reports." (60 Minutes, 11/24/20)

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So if lockdowns work why are there so many deaths in nursing homes?

These people are in permanent lockdown they dont go anywhere. How did the VA in IL have an outbreak recently that killed 27 people?

These oldies are in lockdon everyday
So if lockdowns work why are there so many deaths in nursing homes?

These people are in permanent lockdown they dont go anywhere. How did the VA in IL have an outbreak recently that killed 27 people?

These oldies are in lockdon everyday

I would encourage everyone to research Germ theory(the modern medical profession take on how Viruses spread) v Terrain theory (which has it's roots in medicine dating back thousands of years). Even with a basic understanding of the 2 it's certainly raises lots of questions about the validity of what's being presented to us.


So if lockdowns work why are there so many deaths in nursing homes?

These people are in permanent lockdown they dont go anywhere. How did the VA in IL have an outbreak recently that killed 27 people?

These oldies are in lockdon everyday
Well the obvious answer is that the staff brings it to them. Just like during any other flu season.


Which just proves the futility of lockdowns.

If they can't even protect people who are living in perpetual lockdown what chance is there in the general public?
Well there isn't obviously. You can't really prevent a spread of disease totally in today's world. Too many people, too easy transportation. In this world the best we can do is live healthy, eat healthy and practice basic hygiene. If you do these 3 things you will eliminate vast majority of diseases in circulation, but you can always thank plague cities like New York or San Francisco and their rodent infested, shit stained streets for bringing back medieval diseases every once in a while.
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Gold Member
"Doctors are still searching for answers to why a portion of people who were diagnosed with COVID-19 are still suffering symptoms months later. Anderson Cooper reports." (60 Minutes, 11/24/20)

It's called hypochondria caused by the stress of 24/7 isolation and fear mongering, next.

So if lockdowns work why are there so many deaths in nursing homes?

These people are in permanent lockdown they dont go anywhere. How did the VA in IL have an outbreak recently that killed 27 people?

These oldies are in lockdon everyday

In the height of the NYC lockdown, which was probably the strictest and most comprehensive in the US, something like 80% of new cases were coming from people who were locked down - e.g. not "essential workers."
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Gold Member
That's a must-read. Some key points:

  • "From mid-March to mid-September, U.S. total deaths have reached 1.7 million, of which 200,000, or 12% of total deaths,"
About 2.9 million deaths expected this year in the US before the pandemic appeared (USA Today deaths per year for the doubters).
  • "Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19."
  • "In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same."
  • "This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years. Interestingly, as depicted in the table below, the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19. This suggests, according to Briand, that the COVID-19 death toll is misleading. Briand believes that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may instead be recategorized as being due to COVID-19."
  • “All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary,” Briand concluded.
  • "When asked whether the public should be informed about this exaggeration in death numbers, Dharmasena stated that people have a right to know the truth. However, COVID-19 should still continuously be treated as a deadly disease to safeguard the vulnerable population."

If true, this may also validate the theory that COVID was killing people at the end of the line anyway. It might have created a "surplus" of excess deaths in April but then we get a "deficit" now.

The "excess deaths" analysis right at the beginning was always hysterical nonsense like everything else from the media.
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Gold Member

Joe T.

If true, this may also validate the theory that COVID was killing people at the end of the line anyway. It might have created a "surplus" of excess deaths in April but then we get a "deficit" now.

The "excess deaths" analysis right at the beginning was always hysterical nonsense like everything else from the media.

The "fact checkers" had their way with it already:

Just when I think the censorship and deception can't get any worse...
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Lil’ Gobbie
We will be ok. I’m not going to whine about people seeing their families because it might make my job harder. I hope people don’t get sick. I just don’t think whining about people getting together with family is a good idea.

I tired of these "Thank the healthcare workers" stuff on TV.

I agree that health care workers do usually have the luxury to tap out when the burden is too big. It's everyone that will suffer.

If the dam breaks there will be a lot of money to be made.
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I tired of these "Thank the healthcare workers" stuff on TV.
I do agree. I mean, it is tough if you’re working with these patients. But it’s the job. It’s why we are supposed to be professionals. I always hate when people want to get congratulated for doing the job they are paid to do.
I agree that health care workers do usually have the luxury to tap out when the burden is too big. It's everyone that will suffer.

If the dam breaks there will be a lot of money to be made.
There’s already money to be made. I’m getting offered ridiculous amounts of money to pick up extra time. It’s insane.


The "fact checkers" had their way with it already:

Just when I think the censorship and deception can't get any worse...

Yep, saw that, just came here to report that The Ministry of Truth seems to have gotten to them, but you beat me to it.

They just outright deleted it, without specifically refuting a single aspect of the content. We're headed down a dark path as a society.


Yep, saw that, just came here to report that The Ministry of Truth seems to have gotten to them, but you beat me to it.

They just outright deleted it, without specifically refuting a single aspect of the content. We're headed down a dark path as a society.

Its ironic because China censored info about the deadliness of the virus while in the west they censor anything that doesnt go along with the its the black plague narrative.
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