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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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And not a shit was giving , this people killing vaccine is the real hoax. I’ll let you guys beta test for a couple of years .

let me know how it went for you all.

‘People killing vaccine’. Where do you people get your fucking information from? 😂

Back for those of us in the real world, who don’t get all their information from social media, this is excellent news. The UK has very stringent laws around the approval process for medical treatment. If NHS workers and vulnerable people can get the vaccine soon, we can start to loosen our restrictions. This will boost economy and put the U.K at the head of countries coming out of the virus.
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Unconfirmed Member
I know so many people who have had it or currently have it now. It all feels inevitable. I’m pretty fat so it’s Russian roulette.

Well there's your motivation. You have a choice. Let the fat kill you (and to be clear, it'll be the fat that killed you) or live to fight another day. Nobody else can help you, only you can do it, or not do it. The choice is yours.
‘People killing vaccine’. Where do you people get your fucking information from? 😂

Back for those of us in the real world, who don’t get all their information from social media, this is excellent news. The UK has very stringent laws around the approval process for medical treatment. If NHS workers and vulnerable people can get the vaccine soon, we can start to loosen our restrictions. This will boost economy and put the U.K at the head of countries coming out of the virus.
So stringent that in September they very stealthly released legisilation allowing them to put an unlicenced vaccine out to the public so neither they or the companies manafacturing them can be held liable for any complications from said vaccine.



So stringent that in September they very stealthly released legisilation allowing them to put an unlicenced vaccine out to the public so neither they or the companies manafacturing them can be held liable for any complications from said vaccine.

Yup , just like I said , you guys can beta test 🤣😎 good thing i have read up for almost a year now.
Still haven’t got it either and I work 3 days at the office.
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Gold Member
And not a shit was giving , this people killing vaccine is the real hoax. I’ll let you guys beta test for a couple of years .

let me know how it went for you all.

I know you are sarcastic but I personally do think the risk is worth it, with the RNA vaccine. Excelent protection, very targeted clip of RNA, can end isolation, preventing severe and long covid.

I have loads of friends who won’t take it though, unfortunately.


Unconfirmed Member
I know you are sarcastic but I personally do think the risk is worth it, with the RNA vaccine. Excelent protection, very targeted clip of RNA, can end isolation, preventing severe and long covid.

I have loads of friends who won’t take it though, unfortunately.

For me, it's not a risk I'm happy to take. I'm no anti-vaxxer, I mock them as much as the next man, however I also believe that any sensible person should have some concerns about a vaccine which has not gone through the usual rigorous testing. Consider we seem to have suspended the scientific method entirely (see the earlier post about PCR test studies) with a lack of peer review, experimental replication, etc, for me this is guesswork, and as such not something I'm keen to subject my body to.


So stringent that in September they very stealthly released legisilation allowing them to put an unlicenced vaccine out to the public so neither they or the companies manafacturing them can be held liable for any complications from said vaccine.

Oh dear. You saw that Facebook post, didn’t you?

Here‘s the truth from the Full Fact website:


“The government consultation document also states that the law “does not provide complete immunity from civil liability.”

If the product is not found to meet safety standards or is defective, then there is a liability.”


I know you are sarcastic but I personally do think the risk is worth it, with the RNA vaccine. Excelent protection, very targeted clip of RNA, can end isolation, preventing severe and long covid.

I have loads of friends who won’t take it though, unfortunately.

As long as your friends are not over, say, 60 and don't have conditions like diabetes then it shouldn't be an issue if they opt out of the vaccine.

Imagine if there was a vaccine from day one here and we only vaccinated people over the age of 60. That would have cut the number of deaths by like 90% right there.

The number of people needing hospital care etc would have also been drastically reduced.

Vaccinate the over 60s and flatten the curve. Take the pressure off health care services.

Next inform people on which other factors are a risk and encourage people with those conditions to get vaccinated next. Again, driving down the number of deaths and taking even more pressure off health care services.

The best thing about this virus and the vaccine is that we have so much data now we can easily identify who is most likely to be seriously sick and who is most likely to die. Outside of those groups the virus is not so serious and it shouldn't be an issue for those people to opt out of the vaccine.

Given that the vaccine is a bit rushed and not properly tested doesn't that make the most sense?

I mean, if people under 17 with no underlying conditions have almost no risk then why would you want to vaccinate them? They'd be rolling the dice with the vaccine pretty needlessly, no?

Give the most vulnerable the vaccine, if they want it, cut those serious cases and those deaths right down then let's get on with it.
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For me, it's not a risk I'm happy to take. I'm no anti-vaxxer, I mock them as much as the next man, however I also believe that any sensible person should have some concerns about a vaccine which has not gone through the usual rigorous testing. Consider we seem to have suspended the scientific method entirely (see the earlier post about PCR test studies) with a lack of peer review, experimental replication, etc, for me this is guesswork, and as such not something I'm keen to subject my body to.

The big test now will be a few things.

Will vaccines be mandatory?
If not mandatory will the public basically be coerced into getting vaccinated? (ie you can't work or travel unless vaccinated)
Will you be able to choose which vaccine you want?(there will eventually five available, belive?)
If you or your kids experience bad side effects that are life changing it fatal will it be possible to sue the company that developed and administered it?

It's one of the things I didn't really get with the usual anti-vaxxers. Is it illegal to avoid vaccines or what?

I suppose "my body, my choice" is about to go out the window.

We'll need to wait and see.
Its gonna be summer 2021 before we are getting round to "vaccinate everyone" territory so we'll see how this plays out now.


Gold Member
For me, it's not a risk I'm happy to take. I'm no anti-vaxxer, I mock them as much as the next man, however I also believe that any sensible person should have some concerns about a vaccine which has not gone through the usual rigorous testing. Consider we seem to have suspended the scientific method entirely (see the earlier post about PCR test studies) with a lack of peer review, experimental replication, etc, for me this is guesswork, and as such not something I'm keen to subject my body to.

I have been reading quite a bit about RNA vaccines. They seem to avoid the complications of traditional vaccines quite successfully by only introducing a very minimal amount of foreign code to your system.

The risk is that you immunise yourself against something that is needed or common your body, and thus you have auto-immune problems.

https://www.phgfoundation.org/briefing/rna-vaccines said:
Important challenges
The methods to make mRNA vaccines can be very effective. However, there are technical challenges to overcome to ensure these vaccines work appropriately:

  • Unintended effects: the mRNA strand in the vaccine may elicit an unintended immune reaction. To minimise this the mRNA vaccine sequences are designed to mimic those produced by mammalian cells.
  • Delivery: delivering the vaccine effectively to cells is challenging since free RNA in the body is quickly broken down. To help achieve delivery, the RNA strand is incorporated into a larger molecule to help stabilise it and/or packaged into particles or liposomes.
  • Storage: many RNA vaccines, like conventional vaccines, need to be frozen or refrigerated. Work is ongoing to reliably produce vaccines that can be stored outside the cold chain, since these will be much more suitable for use in countries with limited or no refrigeration facilities.

This is a challenge with traditional vaccines too, naturally, however with RNA vaccines the risk is more contained as the introduced substance is much more limited.

In the case of the covid vaccine my understanding is that the spike protein bit that the RNA codes is completely alien to the human body, so the likelihood of an autoimmune problem should be small.

This is a pretty good read:



Gold Member
In all of this hysteria over the savior vaccine we are forgetting that... this virus is. not. that. big. of. a. deal. For virtually everyone under the age of 60, it's a fever and a cough for a week at worst. As opposed to taking some mystery fluid where we literally have no idea of the side effects.

It's not ebola, it's not melting flesh off our bones, 30 year olds aren't dropping dead on the street. For the billionth time, there's just no concept of relative risk in all of this.


I know you are sarcastic but I personally do think the risk is worth it, with the RNA vaccine. Excelent protection, very targeted clip of RNA, can end isolation, preventing severe and long covid.

I have loads of friends who won’t take it though, unfortunately.
I’ll be there day one when I can get it.


So I will be forced to take a vaccine to live my life? We in China now? Sounds like a form of social credit score - no vaccine, no life for you :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I've no issues with taking vaccines against some dangerous illneses. Done that already. I've never taken flu vaccine though, and there's 0 evidence covid-19 is significantly more dangerous for my age group (<30).

Everyone who wants to feel save can take it for all I care.
I’m going to take it. I’m a healthcare worker, so I’ll be able to get it in like 2-3 weeks. It’s a roll of the dice I guess, but I’ve rolled dice with WAY worse odds for far more stupid reasons in my life. If I get guillain-barre, I’ll be fucking pissed, obviously. I’m just tired of worrying about it.

I’ll let you all know how it goes.


I know you are sarcastic but I personally do think the risk is worth it, with the RNA vaccine. Excelent protection, very targeted clip of RNA, can end isolation, preventing severe and long covid.

I have loads of friends who won’t take it though, unfortunately.
I am not sarcastic.. I won’t be taking it any time soon. It’s basically made with genetic manipulation...

don’t care if I can’t go to festivals or need to wear masks like the past year , we will wait as long as we can.


Gold Member
I am not sarcastic.. I won’t be taking it any time soon. It’s basically made with genetic manipulation...

don’t care if I can’t go to festivals or need to wear masks like the past year , we will wait as long as we can.

You are our resident COVID hysterical lunatic. You are the one advocating full compliance with the Gates tyrant regime. You are the one who thinks this endless hysteria and lockdown regime is justified from the danger of COVID - so what are you waiting for? So other people can take the vaccine and give you herd immunity from this virus you feel is so dangerous? Pretty fucking weird man, not going to lie.

In any case, it doesn't matter - part of the Gates tyrant regime you've been advocating for all year is forced and mandatory vaccinations, so if you get your way, you're going to get the jab.
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So Quebec is trending on twitter because we hit an all time high in cases.

Yet the province has been in lockdown since October, it was 28 day redzone, that has lasted now 60 days. And mask mandates since July 18th.

Oh well let me guess all those Qanon Trumpers in Quebec that don't listen. Its their fault for being bad boys and girls and the god of COVID is punishing them.

Guess the solution is to double down on masks and lock downs even more. If it didn't work for the last 2 months, it will certainly work for the next 6 months!
I am not sarcastic.. I won’t be taking it any time soon. It’s basically made with genetic manipulation...

don’t care if I can’t go to festivals or need to wear masks like the past year , we will wait as long as we can.
Wow. So you really want things closed forever then I guess. Because you simultaneously are advocating for full lockdowns, which never truly end without widespread vaccine usage.


So Quebec is trending on twitter because we hit an all time high in cases.

Yet the province has been in lockdown since October, it was 28 day redzone, that has lasted now 60 days. And mask mandates since July 18th.

Oh well let me guess all those Qanon Trumpers in Quebec that don't listen. Its their fault for being bad boys and girls and the god of COVID is punishing them.

Guess the solution is to double down on masks and lock downs even more. If it didn't work for the last 2 months, it will certainly work for the next 6 months!

Aren‘t all your shops open though? And schools? Not really a lockdown. We had to have all shops shut, which seems to be a place where it spreads easily.
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Aren‘t all your shops open though? And schools?

I can only speak for Montreal, the stores I go to our open but everyone wears masks. Still a lot of closed restos etc... I don't go to bars anymore so don't know what the night life is like and haven't tried to go to a mall in years. But groceries pharmaprixs are open and most restos are take out.

Here is our deaths, the last 2 weeks 36 were 80 + and then >10 between 50-80

0-4 years0-0-
5-9 years0-0-
10-19 years0-0-
20-29 years0-< 5n.p.
30-39 years0-< 5n.p.
40-49 years0-16* 5.8
50-59 years< 5n.p.7127.7
60-69 years< 5n.p.238110.0
70-79 years5n.p.623431.1
80 years and more36* 35.82,6732,657.3
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I can only speak for Montreal, the stores I go to our open but everyone wears masks. Still a lot of closed restos etc... I don't go to bars anymore so don't know what the night life is like and haven't tried to go to a mall in years. But groceries pharmaprixs are open and most restos are take out.

Yeah, not really a lockdown then. Our rates only went down when they shut the shops and everything else.


Gold Member
Here in NY, things are actually more open than in say CA. malls are open, although they're basically empty. Gyms aren't that busy and I think most yoga-type places are closed, probably for good. It's probably not unlike Sweden, albeit with the dumb masks, where people are voluntarily choosing to self-isolate and stay home, which is fine. But even with that, bogus case counts are increasing so....
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Not sure how true this is, but if it is it points to how bogus these "numbers" are and how comparing anywhere to anywhere is just a fools errand.

If Turkey wasn't counting asypmotmatic cases of course they will look like they are doing amazing.

The general public doesn't know what CT values, what is counted as a case, who is using antibodies vs PCR test etc...

Personally I don't think asypmotomatic cases should be counted/reported on. If you don't even get sick from this why should anyone care?



Not sure how true this is, but if it is it points to how bogus these "numbers" are and how comparing anywhere to anywhere is just a fools errand.

If Turkey wasn't counting asypmotmatic cases of course they will look like they are doing amazing.

The general public doesn't know what CT values, what is counted as a case, who is using antibodies vs PCR test etc...

Personally I don't think asypmotomatic cases should be counted/reported on. If you don't even get sick from this why should anyone care?

I thought that was a graph of Michigan's votes at 3am on Election night.



Joe T.

Yeah, not really a lockdown then. Our rates only went down when they shut the shops and everything else.

When/where? I'll use France to make this case because it makes things simple - their cases have come down significantly over the last couple of weeks. You know what else has come down significantly in France the last couple of weeks?


It's all tied to those ridiculous tests. ALL of it. They're a tool to create fear, not being used to properly detect infections.
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Not sure how true this is, but if it is it points to how bogus these "numbers" are and how comparing anywhere to anywhere is just a fools errand.

If Turkey wasn't counting asypmotmatic cases of course they will look like they are doing amazing.

The general public doesn't know what CT values, what is counted as a case, who is using antibodies vs PCR test etc...

Personally I don't think asypmotomatic cases should be counted/reported on. If you don't even get sick from this why should anyone care?

It's all part of their plan to create more draconian anti-democratic laws and policies based on fear and paranoia.


I’m going to take it. I’m a healthcare worker, so I’ll be able to get it in like 2-3 weeks. It’s a roll of the dice I guess, but I’ve rolled dice with WAY worse odds for far more stupid reasons in my life. If I get guillain-barre, I’ll be fucking pissed, obviously. I’m just tired of worrying about it.

I’ll let you all know how it goes.

Fuck yeah man, let us know when your dick rots off!

I'm getting this thing as soon as possible so I can be done with this shit and start thinking about taking a real vacation. Even though I had C19, I'm going to get it anyway.


I'm hopeful that between the folks who have already had it, and folks that are willing to get a vaccine, the media will cool on the pandemic as a whole. That should hopefully lower useless panic and meaningless testing, which will in turn ratchet the whole thing down overall and get us back on track to normalcy.

Here's a fun anecdote for you guys. I have a lady in my neighborhood who walks her dog a few times a day, and we chat on occasion. She walks with a mask on basically all the time, and is by her own admission being overly cautious. On our last chat I brought up that I was nearly certain that I had already been sick with it, and so I asked her if she had gotten it. Bear in mind that I know she travels to China about 6 times a year for work. This was her response to me:

"I don't think I've had it"

"Were you sick at all between October - December of last year?"

"I had a pretty nasty bug where I felt like I had razor blades in my lungs for about 3 days."

"Do you think that might have been it?"

".........I don't know, but I don't think so." :)
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Joe T.

I'm hopeful that between the folks who have already had it, and folks that are willing to get a vaccine, the media will cool on the pandemic as a whole. That should hopefully lower useless panic and meaningless testing, which will in turn ratchet the whole thing down overall and get us back on track to normalcy.

You're a lot more optimistic than I am. Canada's "health experts" and those in the US have been quite forthcoming with how this will play out and they've made it clear it won't end in 2021, they see the measures being used into 2022.

It's why I'm so interested in Rocco Galati's case against the three layers of government in Ontario, Canada and CBC as well as Reiner Fuellmich's case in Germany where he singles out some bad actors like Christian Drosten. Someone needs to be held accountable for this madness and give pause to those wanting to repeat this in the future. He's also trying to stay the phase III vaccine trials because their results are based off those bogus PCR tests (details in the .pdf linked on his official home page).

No amount of hard data that picks away at the mainstream narrative can break through the walls many have put up, it's why I see this a lot like the Russian collusion story where even after Trump and his team were found to be innocent of the charge the true believers kept on believing he was guilty and that the investigation was above board. The propaganda is working to keep us divided.


I am not sarcastic.. I won’t be taking it any time soon. It’s basically made with genetic manipulation...

don’t care if I can’t go to festivals or need to wear masks like the past year , we will wait as long as we can.

LOL whatever dude. :)

Just you wait till COVID 20 comes along and China says "lockdowns won't work this time get vaccinated!"
You'll be at the front of the line begging them to inject you while we are like "dude that vaccine is probably gonna make you go blind or something".

So we're all gonna be strutting a around all vaccinated and attending festivals and licking each others bum holes next summer and you're gonna be sitting at home missing the lockdowns and licking laminated, sanitized, images of Winnie the Pooh. :)



I'll never get this kind of statement.

I go to the supermarket once or twice a week. Every week. Have done since the beginning of this.
(Actually before all this I used to get all my groceries delivered but felt like a dickhead using up a delivery slot that some old dear could be using.)

So maybe twice a week I am rolling the dice with this thing in a way that is still obeying orders. Minimum.
Yet, I'm not dangerous to anyone? How's that?

Plus are all the other folks in the supermarket not dangerous to me?
Fuck knows how many of them have been coughing into the air or touching all the stuff on the shelves.

This is where it becomes so tiresome to see this all being politicized.

"We don't want you to enjoy Thanksgiving!"
Well, I did, so...
"Reeeeeeeee! You are dangerous!"
Motherfucker, I was pushing a shopping trolley around for 30 minutes yesterday and picking up loads of different items.
Then I left the building that had about 50 to 100 other people in there and took all that shit home and... washed my hands.
How the hell is that LESS dangerous than driving over to my parents house and meeting them for a couple of hours?

It's the absolute pettiness of it all. "You didn't do what you were told! Reeeeeeeee!"
What is the deal with these control freaks?

Look, if the virus is as contagious and as deadly as they say then unfortunately life now comes with an extra element of risk.
That fucking sucks but sometimes you just have to accept the risk and face the consequences if it all goes wrong.

Visiting family at Thanksgiving was a risk. For sure. Many will be just fine. Some will suffer the consequences.
It is what it is.

Retail workers, healthcare workers are taking that risk every day.
Are we screeching at them because they need to go home after a long shift? YOU ARE DANGEROUS TO OTHERS NOW!
Hell no.

Just seems like there is a certain type of personality who really really loves this new system where you get to berate others because they broke the rules.
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I'll never get this kind of statement.

I go to the supermarket once or twice a week. Every week. Have done since the beginning of this.
(Actually before all this I used to get all my groceries delivered but felt like a dickhead using up a delivery slot that some old dear could be using.)

So maybe twice a week I am rolling the dice with this thing in a way that is still obeying orders. Minimum.
Yet, I'm not dangerous to anyone? How's that?

Plus are all the other folks in the supermarket not dangerous to me?
Fuck knows how many of them have been coughing into the air or touching all the stuff on the shelves.

This is where it becomes so tiresome to see this all being politicized.

"We don't want you to enjoy Thanksgiving!"
Well, I did, so...
"Reeeeeeeee! You are dangerous!"
Motherfucker, I was pushing a shopping trolley around for 30 minutes yesterday and picking up loads of different items.
Then I left the building that had about 50 to 100 other people in there and took all that shit home and... washed my hands.
How the hell is that LESS dangerous than driving over to my parents house and meeting them for a couple of hours?

It's the absolute pettiness of it all. "You didn't do what you were told! Reeeeeeeee!"
What is the deal with these control freaks?

Look, if the virus is as contagious and as deadly as they say then unfortunately life now comes with an extra element of risk.
That fucking sucks but sometimes you just have to accept the risk and face the consequences if it all goes wrong.

Visiting family at Thanksgiving was a risk. For sure. Many will be just fine. Some will suffer the consequences.
It is what it is.

Retail workers, healthcare workers are taking that risk every day.
Are we screeching at them because they need to go home after a long shift? YOU ARE DANGEROUS TO OTHERS NOW!
Hell no.

Just seems like there is a certain type of personality who really really loves this new system where you get to berate others because they broke the rules.
You must realize there is a difference in going to a store, with a mask on, and sitting around people very closely with no masks, ingesting food and drink that may have been prepared at a different house by a different person right? I feel like a broken record but you have to sacrifice your normal wants during a pandemic my man. Do you think I didn’t want to have a fun thanksgiving with friends and family?



I just wish I could understand the mentality there.
What goes on in their head at these moments.

Dining out is super dangerous. It's dangerous. Dangerous. I'm telling the people how dangerous it is to dine out. OK. Then I'm going out for dinner.

I'm imagining like you have some guy comes to your office to give a speech on Diversity and Inclusion.
Then on his way out the door he personally hurls a racial or homophobic slur at each employ and goes off to a Klan rally.

It's baffling. Legitimately.

On an individual level how is it even possible to be that stupid?
Wouldn't you at least be worried about getting caught?

Or do they just not think about it?


You must realize there is a difference in going to a store, with a mask on, and sitting around people very closely with no masks, ingesting food and drink that may have been prepared at a different house by a different person right? I feel like a broken record but you have to sacrifice your normal wants during a pandemic my man. Do you think I didn’t want to have a fun thanksgiving with friends and family?

Sure. There's a difference. I ain't going to the store one time though am I?

I go to my wife's folks house with my wife. Her brother and his wife are there too. Six people.
We have dinner and we go home. Nobody had symptoms. Everyone washes hands frequently.

I go to the store, different stores, maybe 100 of times during the past 9 months. Encountering who knows how many people.
Some without masks. Some with. Some kind of half wearing the masks.
I have no idea how careful or sensible these folk are being.
I breath the air. I touch stuff that 100s of others have touched. Did they wash their hands? I dunno.

I'm not sacrificing shit. We talk about the risks and we make a plan and we decide to take responsibility for our own actions.

The problem here is that small family gatherings have been politicized and going to a supermarket hasn't.

Same as certain protests. There was none of this "if you attended one of these protests you are dangerous now". FFS doctors were out applauding the protestors. You had a dinner with family... oh now that is just... HOW COULD YOU!

If people can go out and protest in their thousands night after night and nobody is going to lecture them about that then there's no way I am going to accept this kind of preaching when I decide to do my own thing.

I didn't have a fun thanksgiving with friends and family. We had a peaceful protest. So I guess we're all good. :)
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Sure. There's a difference. I ain't going to the store one time though am I?

I go to my wife's folks house with my wife. Her brother and his wife are there too. Six people.
We have dinner and we go home. Nobody had symptoms. Everyone washes hands frequently.

I go to the store, different stores, maybe 100 of times during the past 9 months. Encountering who knows how many people.
Some without masks. Some with. Some kind of half wearing the masks.
I have no idea how careful or sensible these folk are being.
I breath the air. I touch stuff that 100s of others have touched. Did they wash their hands? I dunno.

I'm not sacrificing shit. We talk about the risks and we make a plan and we decide to take responsibility for our own actions.

The problem here is that small family gatherings have been politicized and going to a supermarket hasn't.

Same as certain protests. There was none of this "if you attended one of these protests you are dangerous now". FFS doctors were out applauding the protestors. You had a dinner with family... oh now that is just... HOW COULD YOU!

If people can go out and protest in their thousands night after night and nobody is going to lecture them about that then there's no way I am going to accept this kind of preaching when I decide to do my own thing.

I didn't have a fun thanksgiving with friends and family. We had a peaceful protest. So I guess we're all good. :)
At the store are you putting stuff into your mouth? Are you sitting close by people for hours? Cmon man this is some real mental gymnastics to justify your own unsafe behavior. Go get tested if you’re being legitimate about what you did on thanksgiving, asymptomatic Carriers are a thing.


At the store are you putting stuff into your mouth? Are you sitting close by people for hours? Cmon man this is some real mental gymnastics to justify your own unsafe behavior. Go get tested if you’re being legitimate about what you did on thanksgiving, asymptomatic Carriers are a thing.

Hahahaha. The only thing being tested here is my patience.

You've offered no rebuttal whatsoever.

I go to the supermarket and I not only encounter many, many people. I am also going into a building that has housed probably 100s if not 1000s of people that day. Touching handles and card machines and items I am buying. Who knows how many and who knows what has been done to them in the minutes, hours or days before I lifted them off the shelves. I do this at least once a week. Every week. It's all good though. No risk.

I told you. We had a peaceful protest. It was great. A really delicious and enjoyable peaceful protest.
It was a really satisfying and heartening and morale boosting peaceful protest.

Think I might even have a peaceful BLM protest at my buddies house over the weekend.

Birthdays, Luaus and Marriages, isn't it?

Joe T.

At the store are you putting stuff into your mouth? Are you sitting close by people for hours? Cmon man this is some real mental gymnastics to justify your own unsafe behavior. Go get tested if you’re being legitimate about what you did on thanksgiving, asymptomatic Carriers are a thing.

You mean with the 30+ cycle PCR tests reported as binary positive/negative results that aren't telling you whether you're infectious or not?

Wouldn't it be swell if we were tested all day, every day and the results sent directly to the government so they could ensure we weren't infecting anyone else?

That was sarcasm, in case it wasn't obvious, but that's essentially the path we're on with these vaccine passports/digital IDs now being entertained. Funny thing about those vaccines is that they aren't going to prevent infections, not with the ridiculously low criteria for success in place, but lowering the PCR Ct value is all it will take to fool people into believing that's the case.

Focus on the testing data and this pandemic evaporates overnight.


Hahahaha. The only thing being tested here is my patience.

You've offered no rebuttal whatsoever.

I go to the supermarket and I not only encounter many, many people. I am also going into a building that has housed probably 100s if not 1000s of people that day. Touching handles and card machines and items I am buying. Who knows how many and who knows what has been done to them in the minutes, hours or days before I lifted them off the shelves. I do this at least once a week. Every week. It's all good though. No risk.

I told you. We had a peaceful protest. It was great. A really delicious and enjoyable peaceful protest.
It was a really satisfying and heartening and morale boosting peaceful protest.

Think I might even have a peaceful BLM protest at my buddies house over the weekend.

Birthdays, Luaus and Marriages, isn't it?
Do you Walk through the store putting your hands in your mouth? Think about this a little harder man because this is childish.



I don't eat with my bare hands. What's the point here?

You think I'm ripping off bits of Turkey and stuffing it into my face with my hands?
We've got cutlery for important dinners protests.
Do you think the virus is defeated by silverware? That it doesn’t live on food?
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