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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Bill Clinton and George W Bush are both 74 years old - they should take the vaccine if they feel comfortable with it. They're in the age cohort where it is unironically dangerous, even if they're in relatively good health.

Obama is only 59, but he's a globalist shill so it makes sense for him to push it.
I'll take the exact vaccine that these guys are having...i mean from the same bottle at the same time these guys are having it...i'd be pretty confident i'd be 'safe' taking that one.

There was a politician in Australia last year that was taking a vaccination to promote it's safety...it's was really safe for her as they never bothered to take the cap of the syringe. They later tried to cover it up as saying it was a 'take' and specfically shot like that for tv...and if your gulliable enough to think that these people would not lie to you without blinking maybe you should take whatever it is they want you to take.


Joe T.

The Quebec government just "cancelled Christmas gatherings" and I broke out laughing.

They've been holding Christmas over our heads for weeks, threatening they might reconsider allowing them if things got worse. They haven't, numbers have been fairly stable, but testing numbers went up in recent days (20K -> 34K over three days) and the positive results along with them. That gave them "record cases" and they of course blamed people for not respecting the recommendations/orders which anyone living here knows is a lie.

Christmas and New Year's Eve, which they already threw out the window, are going to be extra satisfying this year knowing that they serve as a middle finger to this sorry excuse for a government and everyone that supports these ridiculous measures.



Deja vu






Meh in Canada we get little booklets. I have one myself. Its just a good way to remind yourself of what and when you took your vaccine. I would even prefer it if it was an app so I don't have to keep the booklet with me or refer back to it praying I didn't misplace it.

Now of course I don't have to show my booklet to go anywhere, so if this "card" is required to go to a restaurant or something then its stupid. All though that would be a great business for a fraudster to start forging Vaxs cards LOL. GAF anyone want to make a few bucks?


Gold Member
What is normal ICU capacity? In NYC it is like 20% on a normal day...

And why didn't they spend every waking moment from March 30th to today building more capacity?!?!

Because they were too busy having dinner parties for lobbyists in expensive restaurants without masks. But fuck you and your business.


Coronavirus: UK got vaccine first because it's 'a better country', says Gavin Williamson
The UK is getting a coronavirus vaccine first because it is a "much better country" than France, Belgium and the US, says the education secretary.

Some UK ministers claim Brexit speeded the process up - but Gavin Williamson said it was down to having superior medical experts.

On Wednesday the UK's medical regulator was the first to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for use.
The EU said it was "definitely not in the game of comparing regulators".

A source close to Mr Williamson said that his intention had been to "praise the scientific brilliance of the regulator, but he is known to be enthusiastically patriotic and that enthusiasm clearly shone through in what was a broadly light-hearted conversation with the studio host".

Gavin Williamson is universally regarded as an absolute bell end here in the U.K... by people of all political persuasions.


What is normal ICU capacity? In NYC it is like 20% on a normal day...

And why didn't they spend every waking moment from March 30th to today building more capacity?!?!
This. Hospitals can't operate with bed utilization below that 80% vicinity on average. They'll hemorrhage money and have to scale back and/or close. This is why hospitals had closures and furloughs and layoffs earlier this year when they were empty due ot COVID paranoia.



This guy is like the Canadian Newsome FFS.

Fuck off we have a Charter of Guaranteed rights. We don't need Daddy government to "keep us safe".

Lets see how this villian is doing:

COVID-19 outbreaks: 106

  • Outbreaks in long-term care facilities: 68
  • Outbreaks in schools: 2
60% + outbreaks in LTCs. Hey YOUR THE GUY that is supposed to prevent this.


Once again the deats in the eldery population. HEY YOUR THE GUY that is supposed to protect the vulnerable


80% +of cases in hospitals have any chronic condition. HEY YOUR THE GUY who is supposed to protect these people.

In Canada what happened is an epic failure of leadership in not being able to protect our sick and elderly especially in old age homes. The same homes these assholes have allowed to become decrypted death factories where people go to die within 2 years.

But instead of taking responsibility and fixing the problem, they turn around and blame the citizens and shit on our Charter of rights and freedoms that is GURANTEED.

Every single PM needs to be thrown in jail when this shit is done. I am sick of them passing the buck onto the populus blaming Canadians. Almost all metrics show that we have actually done a good job. Its our leadership that has done jack fuck except exert unchecked power and shitting on Canadians as we suffer through this.
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Joe T.


If we were facing [Spanish Flu-like numbers], and people thought that's what we were facing, it needed serious measures to try and deal with it and that's what was put in place. The measures that were put in place were aimed at dealing with a pandemic of that magnitude. And it was quite justified, I think, from the medical side it allowed us to deploy the resources we had to deal with anybody who needed care and we weren't overrun. To their great credit the hospitals and the community did a fantastic job.

But then after the peak was over the strategy didn't change even though the story changed dramatically. And the dramatic changes between the 17-18 and the recent [pandemic] need to be explained for people to be de-frightened, de-terrorized, which I think they are.

Stats he brought up:
- Children up to age 14: More likely to be killed by lightening.
- People under 60: Same risk as a road accident while driving 20km in a car.

They touched on censorship and social side of it a bit, one of his concerns mirroring my own: "The mystery to me is why there hasn't been more civil unrest. I don't understand that."

To that end, this week in Staten Island, New York:




Some of these folks are completely out of touch with reality.

Within a month you'll be dealing with millions of lost or misplaced cards.
You'll have folks that never got a card.
Folks that dont have their wallet so don't carry the card on them at all times.

It's kind of classic "I live like this so I assume everyone lives like this" thinking.

Though if you look at the actual card it's even more laughable.
Yeah, I used to get something like that from the dentist when I was a kid. Date and time of next appointment. Forget it and nobody gives a shit cos they entered your details into their computer anyway.

The daftest thing about an outlet like CNN pushing this though is who do they think will be squeezed the hardest with something like a "vaccination card"?
Your well off, nuclear family, white Americans are going to be carrying their card at all times gaining access to all the things and back to normal.
How do we reckon people on the poorer end of the spectrum will be doing? Forgot your card? Can't come into the store to buy food!

It's like when you see the videos of some nicely dressed guy abusing some woman cos she isn't wearing a mask.
LOL. Do you think he's doing that with the shifty looking, scruffy, white trash lads swaggering into the shop looking to buy some smokes?
It's laughable.
Some of these folks are completely out of touch with reality.

Within a month you'll be dealing with millions of lost or misplaced cards.
You'll have folks that never got a card.
Folks that dont have their wallet so don't carry the card on them at all times.

It's kind of classic "I live like this so I assume everyone lives like this" thinking.

Though if you look at the actual card it's even more laughable.
Yeah, I used to get something like that from the dentist when I was a kid. Date and time of next appointment. Forget it and nobody gives a shit cos they entered your details into their computer anyway.

The daftest thing about an outlet like CNN pushing this though is who do they think will be squeezed the hardest with something like a "vaccination card"?
Your well off, nuclear family, white Americans are going to be carrying their card at all times gaining access to all the things and back to normal.
How do we reckon people on the poorer end of the spectrum will be doing? Forgot your card? Can't come into the store to buy food!

It's like when you see the videos of some nicely dressed guy abusing some woman cos she isn't wearing a mask.
LOL. Do you think he's doing that with the shifty looking, scruffy, white trash lads swaggering into the shop looking to buy some smokes?
It's laughable.
None of this is even about "show me your card," though. The CNN story says this is the card you'll get to remind you when to get your next shot. It's included with the vaccine kit. I don't think there is any suggestion that you're going to be required to flash your card to go places. Like I said in my previous post, why would that be the case when state and local governments around the country have basically been impotent at enforcing masks or stay at home orders?



Straight to HBOmax
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Some of these folks are completely out of touch with reality.

Within a month you'll be dealing with millions of lost or misplaced cards.
You'll have folks that never got a card.
Folks that dont have their wallet so don't carry the card on them at all times.

It's kind of classic "I live like this so I assume everyone lives like this" thinking.

Though if you look at the actual card it's even more laughable.
Yeah, I used to get something like that from the dentist when I was a kid. Date and time of next appointment. Forget it and nobody gives a shit cos they entered your details into their computer anyway.

The daftest thing about an outlet like CNN pushing this though is who do they think will be squeezed the hardest with something like a "vaccination card"?
Your well off, nuclear family, white Americans are going to be carrying their card at all times gaining access to all the things and back to normal.
How do we reckon people on the poorer end of the spectrum will be doing? Forgot your card? Can't come into the store to buy food!

It's like when you see the videos of some nicely dressed guy abusing some woman cos she isn't wearing a mask.
LOL. Do you think he's doing that with the shifty looking, scruffy, white trash lads swaggering into the shop looking to buy some smokes?
It's laughable.
These kids are being "pushed" by the people behind Operation Warp Speed, not CNN.

Joe T.

None of this is even about "show me your card," though. The CNN story says this is the card you'll get to remind you when to get your next shot. It's included with the vaccine kit. I don't think there is any suggestion that you're going to be required to flash your card to go places. Like I said in my previous post, why would that be the case when state and local governments around the country have basically been impotent at enforcing masks or stay at home orders?

Governments have, businesses are an entirely different story. Airlines have already spoken about vaccine passports. Ticketmaster floated the idea, too. The writing's on the wall.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening

Joe T.

Do you think businesses should be able to enforce masks or vaccine cards if they want?

I am firmly against that, but they already enforce masks in many places under fear of being fined/closed. The masses are brainwashed and don't realize it. The 24/7 propaganda has been heavy-handed and has worked wonders at deceiving us. It's why I stress that everyone focus on the hyper-sensitive PCR tests being misused to detect infectious cases with binary results, the more you learn about them the more you'll realize this truly is a massive fraud.

Joe T.

Uhh.. businesses should have the right to refuse business to anyone.

From their perspective, a choice between enforcing junk science or sacrifice customers/themselves isn't much of a choice. Is it really their decision when they've been coerced into doing it?


I'll take the exact vaccine that these guys are having...i mean from the same bottle at the same time these guys are having it...i'd be pretty confident i'd be 'safe' taking that one.

There was a politician in Australia last year that was taking a vaccination to promote it's safety...it's was really safe for her as they never bothered to take the cap of the syringe. They later tried to cover it up as saying it was a 'take' and specfically shot like that for tv...and if your gulliable enough to think that these people would not lie to you without blinking maybe you should take whatever it is they want you to take.

Why spread fud?
Look at the video at the end of the news article. The news footage spliced the 2 videos together.

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Editing my double post to say I feel dumber reading this page. Get your act together Americans.
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Interesting conversation here discussing covid response, and then other things.

And an article they mentioned, might have been brought up already but I didn't see it.


And an article they mentioned, might have been brought up already but I didn't see it.
Well that‘s because more people have died in the US in a single day than during the entire pandemic in Japan.

It‘s what happens when there is smart leadership and people who comply with the rules.
As many people died from being hit by meteorites as from covid the last 60 days in New Zealand. Why is the M$M downplaying the meteorite menace ?
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Why spread fud?
Look at the video at the end of the news article. The news footage spliced the 2 videos together.

Here is the full unedited 2 shot clip....if you think she had it in the first shot with the cap off...the woman has it at her arm for less than a second and doesn't push on the plunger. It wouldn't look so suspicious but the politician put it on her own facebook (now removed) as her having the jab. The footage would say otherwise.


Why spread fud?
Look at the video at the end of the news article. The news footage spliced the 2 videos together.

This type of thing really needs to be avoided by media outlets. They should know how many anti-vax loons are out there, and should be a lot more careful about how they present their stories, to avoid giving them any fuel to their idiotic conspiracies. It's common practice to repeat filming a segment like this, and splice footage together for a story, but for christ's sakes, on a topic like this, they need to be a lot clearer about what they're doing. smh.


Mate, most of the folks you’re trying to convince probably don’t believe those figures. That’s the big problem here.

Whether they belive or not is irrelevant.

The figures themselves are not telling the full story. If we can't dive into the data and have an actual discussion about who exactly is dying and why then what's the point?

I find it interesting that we aren't saying "who exactly is dying and how can we take direct action to protect them specifically" but rather are using the raw number of deaths as leverage to "convince" others.

After all, that's what you are doing here right? Not asking how the hell we managed to have so many nursing home and hospital deaths when we were actively keeping the public away from those places. Nah we're using the deaths to "win" an argument on the Internet.

"LOL 3,000 dead LOL"

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3000 dead people per day. Not a big deal.
Roughly 155 thousand people die daily. Most COVID deaths come from people who are going to be on the dead list soon anyway.

It is a bizarre reaction to treat 3000 deaths as so important that we can implement things that will actually increase the deaths for the rest. Nobody has ever given me a good reason why one of our responses to COVID was to stop Cancer screening, when Cancer causes 25000 deaths per day.

EDIT: Sorry, I got confused between US only numbers and worldwide numbers. I'll leave the numbers as-is so you can point and laugh, but the question still stands, even today Cancer kills more than COVID, so why would we decide to stop cancer screening?
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This type of thing really needs to be avoided by media outlets. They should know how many anti-vax loons are out there, and should be a lot more careful about how they present their stories, to avoid giving them any fuel to their idiotic conspiracies. It's common practice to repeat filming a segment like this, and splice footage together for a story, but for christ's sakes, on a topic like this, they need to be a lot clearer about what they're doing. smh.

The problem is that they just don't care. It's a win win for them. Get eyes on this story and then get eyes in the stories condemning anti-vaxxers.

They don't care.

Its mind blowing to me that we have 24 hour news media and all these months later I see people who don't understand that the mask is supposed to cover your mouth AND nose and you have folks who STILL think the mask protects the user from getting infected (when it actually just limits how much the user can spread any potential infection).

People are woefully misinformed and the establishments that are meant to do the informing act like a bunch or arrogant wankers who don't need to answer to us mere plebs.

Its like politicians telling the public that dining out is dangerous and must be banned then stepping down off the podium and going out for a nice meal with family.

They just don't give a damn about how that looks or what it implies. How dare you even question them.

There is no appetite for actually informing the public and having reasoned debate and discussion. Well, there is appetite for "debate" but it centers around seeing people get "owned" rather than actually getting a deeper understanding.

If we accept that anti-vaxxers do not trust government and mainstream media and large corporations are we really going to argue that there is no reason to distrust those organisations?

We've fucked ourselves because we allowed trust to be eroded and we pushed this "my body, my choice" narrative without nuance and now we turn round and say "look at these idiots how don't trust multi billion dollar corporations and who think they should have a say in what does or does not get injected into their bodies".

What's that? The footage shows her not actually getting the injection? Who cares!? Roll it anyway! We'll just smear anyone who notices as a nut job anyway. Who wouldn't trust us?



These protesters are rolling the dice with the virus and this kind of mass gathering is a big risk when it comes to potentially spreading it around.

The police response is completely out of order there. Shocking really and overall a bit worrying.

There has to be a middle way here.

I don't see it getting any better, unfortunately. Maybe the arrival of the vaccine will allow things to simmer down.

Wouldnt you be pissed though if the government is like "sorry you need to shut your business down because we say so" and they don't offer full compensation? Sorry your job is gone, please accept this pitiful government hand out and shut the fuck up.

I'm glad The Great Reset is fake lads because I'd be genuinely worried about how far our governments would go to make sure the policies laid out there are implemented against the wishes of the public.
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